Why the skin on the chin peels - the most common reasons


Potential causes of it appearing on the chin include:


Skin tends to be dry in winter when temperatures and humidity levels change. Although it matters even more when you live in areas with frequently changing climates.

Warm dry indoor air

Heating systems, wood stoves, and fireplaces reduce humidity and dry out the skin.

Hot bath and shower

Taking a long bath or shower can dry out your skin. To counter this, it is useful to visit the pool.

Dry soaps and other skin cleansers

Numerous famous popular soaps, shower gels and shampoos take away moisture from the skin because they are designed to remove oil.

Skin diseases

Dry skin is observed in diseases such as psoriasis, eczema (atopic dermatitis).


What to do to prevent peeling

The skin needs proper cosmetic care. Avoid using alkaline cleansers. Buy foams and gels designed to cleanse sensitive epidermis.

  1. Make moisturizing and softening masks regularly.
  2. Once a week, remove dead skin cells with soft scrubs.
  3. Use hypoallergenic cosmetics.
  4. Lubricate the dermis with nourishing cream every day.
  5. When going outside, protect your face from ultraviolet radiation, wind and cold.

To prevent flaking, stay hydrated. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid throughout the day, dividing it into even portions.


The signs and symptoms of dry skin on your chin or face depend on your age, where you live, your health, and how much time you spend outdoors.

Possible associated symptoms of dry skin on the chin include:

  • A feeling of tightness, especially after showering, bathing, or swimming
  • Rough skin
  • Itching
  • Slight flaking, peeling
  • Cracks or thin depressions in the face
  • Grey, ash color
  • Redness
  • Deep bleeding cracks

Parasitic infections

Often the cause of red spots on the chin in children is the action of parasitic infections that cause skin problems. As practice shows, most often this manifestation is due to active parasitic activity under the skin.

In order to establish this reason, it is necessary to take tests of the child’s blood, urine and feces. Based on the results obtained, the pediatrician prescribes medications based on the patient’s age, as well as the characteristics of his body. Often these are:

  • "Nemozol";
  • "Vermox";
  • "Pyrantel".

The dosage of the drug should also be selected by a doctor.

If the red spots on a child’s chin are caused by the activity of worms in his body, the doctor prescribes enterosorbents from a group that have minimal toxic effects on the body.

Dry skin on the chin and around the nose

Some conditions, such as perioral dermatitis, psoriasis or eczema, can cause flaky and dry skin around the nose or at the corners of the mouth, including the chin.

Sometimes you may also suffer from dry and flaky skin on your nose that spreads towards your chin. If this condition continues to progress, it is very important to visit a dermatologist.

Here are some of the causes of dry and flaky skin on your chin and around your nose:

  • Skin conditions such as perioral dermatitis and contact dermatitis
  • Not having enough iron or biotin in your diet can cause dry, flaky skin.
  • Hard soap and minerals in water
  • Weather changes

Prickly heat

A common cause of red spots under the chin in a child is heat rash, the formation of which is usually associated with the inability of the child’s body to work like an adult’s. Also, prickly heat often occurs as a result of overheating of the baby’s body.

As practice shows, the manifestation of prickly heat occurs on hot days, when there is a discrepancy between the balance of moisture and temperature.

What should parents do if red spots appear on their child’s chin as a result of prickly heat? In this situation, you need to pay special attention to the baby’s hygiene, for which you should:

  • maintain normal temperature conditions in the room;
  • regularly and efficiently bathe the baby, and at the end of the procedure, thoroughly blot his skin with a high-quality moisture-absorbing towel (by the way, some sources note that the bathing procedure in this case is best carried out in water diluted with herbal decoctions);
  • provide the baby with the maximum duration of air baths;
  • give a large amount of well-purified water for drinking, which contains useful components;
  • thoroughly humidify the air.

It is worth noting that in case of overheating, a child may experience not only skin problems, but also a violation of thermoregulation, which negatively affects the general condition of his body.

Dry skin on the chin and around the mouth

The following are the main causes of dry skin around the mouth, which often extends towards the chin:

Perioral dermatitis

This is an inflammation of the skin that is accompanied by redness, dryness and flaking of the skin around the mouth. There are hypotheses that overuse of cortisone creams, fluoridated toothpaste, or many ointments may be responsible.

Perioral dermatitis

Contact dermatitis

It occurs when something comes into direct contact with the skin and causes irritation. Some substances, such as aromatic oils, mint, menthol (and its derivatives), citrus fruits and antiseptic solutions can cause damage and dryness of the skin. They are often present in products such as toothpaste, mouthwash, lipsticks, and lip ointments.

Allergic contact dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis

It is more common in people with smooth skin, and is associated with overproduction of sebum, which allows yeast to actively multiply. For some people, this fungus can cause dry, flaky skin. Since there are many sebaceous glands on the sides of the nose, this can cause the problem to manifest itself in this area. But seborrheic dermatitis can also actively manifest itself in the area where the beard grows, especially for men. This is often accompanied by dandruff.

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Atmospheric changes, lip licking and certain medications

Dryness due to saliva
Changes in climate, such as exceptionally cold temperatures and dry air, can lead to dry skin.

Licking your lips and drooling (while you're resting; it happens to everyone from time to time) are among the reasons, as enzymes in saliva can break down the fats in the skin around the mouth and chin that keep it moisturized, as well as irritate it .

Additionally, there are medications (both topical and oral) that can cause dry skin. For example, certain medications to treat skin inflammation such as tretinoin and anti-infective agents including antibiotics.


Yana, 27 years old: - I heard that massage helps to cope with peeling on the chin. This is true?

Expert's comment: - Indeed, facial massage can exfoliate dead skin. It is best used in combination with other procedures.

Rita, 30 years old: — My husband’s chin often peels and irritation appears on his face. With what it can be connected?

Expert's comment: - If a man's chin is peeling, the cause may be an allergy to shaving product. Therefore, it is better to replace it; read the article on how to choose the right cosmetics for men.

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Thanks for the interesting information. Everything is clear and intelligibly written. Excellent site, most importantly educational.

which mask is effective against peeling skin around the lips and chin at home

Good evening, Alena. If your skin is peeling, this may be the result of a lack of vitamins, try taking a vitamin complex and try to take more fresh fruits and berries. Review your skin care products, maybe some of them are not suitable for you. At home, you can pre-clean your skin or use a scrub. You can apply a nourishing mask to clean skin (in your case it is a mask for dry skin).

what kind of mask can you use at home?

Good evening, Alena. First, if the skin is peeling, you should cleanse your facial skin; for these purposes, you can use facial gommage, or clean your face at home. Then you can apply a nourishing or moisturizing summer mask to cleansed skin.

In any case, if the peeling of the skin on the face becomes severe, do not panic - you should immediately look for the cause, if necessary, consult a doctor, and only then begin care or treatment.

Good day, you are absolutely right. Self-medication in any case can only do harm.

Dry skin, including on the chin, is usually associated with external factors and partly with certain skin diseases. To eliminate the problem, proper care and avoidance of factors that may cause it are usually sufficient.

Peeling skin on the nose and chin

Peeling around the nose usually occurs due to severe dry skin or as a result of skin diseases, incl. those mentioned above. Other conditions such as sunburn, allergic reactions, certain medications such as retinoids, infections, etc. can cause the skin to peel around the nose, mouth and chin.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis)


As practice shows, the most common cause of red spots on a child’s chin is allergies. As a rule, the reason for this is poor nutrition of the mother feeding her baby with breast milk, as well as an incorrectly selected formula or poor quality of the product.

Some doctors note that sometimes children are born with red spots on the lower part of the face - this is a consequence of the mother consuming prohibited foods during pregnancy.

It is worth noting that the child’s body is especially susceptible to allergies, which is due to its immaturity. It is worth noting that, in addition to the chin, such spots can appear on other parts of the body.

As practice shows, an allergic reaction rarely manifests itself only in the form of spots. As a rule, the presence of these is accompanied by nausea, loose stools, redness of the mucous membranes, cough, bronchospasms, excessive moodiness and general malaise. If these symptoms are present, parents should show the baby to the doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe the most appropriate medication or topical drug.


Dry skin on the chin is often not a serious problem when it is not accompanied by inflammation, and is simply caused by improper skin care or low environmental humidity. But sometimes eczema or local allergic reactions can be the cause. In this case, it is worth visiting a dermatologist.

Treatment includes lifestyle changes, skin care, and avoidance of irritants.

What to do?

  1. Change your cleansers, ointments, cosmetics and other skin products to see if your skin has a reaction to synthetic or other ingredients. Dry skin that is itchy and flaky may simply be hypersensitive to them.
  2. Wash your skin with warm water and a mild cleanser. The University of Iowa clarifies that hot water can remove oils from the skin, increasing dryness. Use detergent only when necessary, patting it on and avoiding vigorous rubbing.
  3. Apply moisturizer to dry areas of skin at least three times a day, and continuously as needed. Oil-based lotions are much more effective at treating severely dry skin, but they can clog pores and cause acne.
  4. Cleanse your skin with a fine-grain scrub every few days to remove dead, flaky skin cells and allow the beneficial elements to penetrate deeper. If you experience tingling, redness, or irritation, pling less often or try alternative methods.
  5. Treat dry skin on the chin caused by dermatitis with hydrocortisone ointment and other products prescribed by a dermatologist. You'll want to avoid anything that can cause dryness and irritation, such as applying makeup to affected tissue, using scented cleansers, and eating greasy foods, which are known to cause skin flare-ups.
  6. Dermatitis can occur as a reaction to drug treatment for various diseases, including taking anti-infective drugs. Therefore, tell your doctor if you experience these side effects.
  7. Use a humidifier in your home during the winter when the heating is on. This can be especially valuable if dry skin gets worse this time of year.
  8. Apply sunscreen to prevent dryness caused by the sun. According to the recommendations of dermatologists at the American College of Osteopathy, a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or stronger is appropriate.

Ways to eliminate peeling in the chin area

If the chin is peeling, you can perform cosmetic procedures: biorevitalization, mesotherapy or fruit peeling

When the skin begins to peel off, it looks quite unsightly.

This phenomenon rarely goes away on its own, so you need to seek help from a cosmetologist.

Today, in the arsenal of beauty salons there are procedures that will help those who have flaky skin on the chin.

1. Peeling with fruit acids – gentle polishing of the skin is performed using an individually selected complex of acids. 2. Mesotherapy - injections of hyaluronic acid are introduced into the upper layers of the skin of the chin, which can eliminate peeling. 3. Biorevitalization - using injections, drugs containing the necessary complex of biologically active substances are injected under the skin to smooth it.

Any procedure is selected only after a complete examination of the skin by a qualified dermatologist.

Drug treatment for peeling

"Bepanten" is a very effective drug in the presence of peeling, suitable for use on dry, irritated and sensitive facial skin.

A good remedy to help with flaky skin is a cream with hydrocortisone (substance content no more than 0.5%). The cream is applied to the chin once a day, the procedure lasts 1-2 weeks.

If the peeling on the chin is severe and cannot be eliminated with moisturizers, you can use medications containing dexapanthenol. This application is very effective in the presence of facial skin diseases associated with a decrease in the protective and regenerative abilities of the skin.

For example, when using Panthenol, which is recommended for burns, it is better to choose the drug in the form of a spray. You need to spray it on the chin area 3-4 times a day. 10 minutes after application, remove the residue with a napkin. Panthenol cream will also have a positive effect if the chin is peeling.

A fairly effective drug for peeling is Bepanten cream. Suitable for use on dry, irritated and sensitive facial skin. You can treat your face in the winter season to prevent peeling.

Traditional medicine recipes against peeling

Oatmeal scrub is an excellent remedy for removing peeling on the chin

If peeling is caused by external factors, then time-tested recipes from traditional medicine will help improve the condition.

First, you should cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum to get the maximum effect from the procedure. Cleansing occurs using a scrub. You should not use scrubs containing abrasive substances, because... this will only worsen the situation and injure the skin. It would be ideal to use gommages and scrubs made independently at home. How to use the scrub correctly, read the article,

Oatmeal scrub 2 tbsp. Pour boiling water over the flakes and leave for 20 minutes, then add the white of 1 egg to the resulting mass, mix well. Apply the resulting composition to the face with massage movements, leave for 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Berry scrub Grind a handful of blackberries in a mortar, spread the mixture over the face with massage movements for several minutes, then wash with water.

Also, for facial peeling at home, you can use coffee grounds, pieces of apple, cucumber or watermelon, which should be used to wipe your face strictly along the massage lines. A piece of bread soaked in milk is also suitable as a cleansing agent. The resulting paste should be applied to the face for 20 minutes, then rinsed off with cold water.

To remove flaky, dead cells, you can perform the following procedure: mix honey in water and massage the previously cleansed facial skin, wetting your fingers in the resulting composition during the procedure. Then the face should be rinsed with warm water, blotted and applied with a cream suitable for your skin type.

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