How to remove a callus on a finger from a pen, ways to get rid of it

Almost everyone is familiar with the phenomenon of calluses left by long-term use of a ballpoint pen. This formation is quite unpleasant, sometimes it can cause significant discomfort, which manifests itself in the form of severe swelling of the finger and its redness, and also has pain when pressing on this place. It also poses a problem because many people find it impossible to give up regular use of writing instruments, even for a few days, and therefore it’s worth knowing how to remove calluses on your fingers from a pen and prevent them from forming in the future.


Calluses are areas of hyperkeratosis that arise from constant mechanical irritation (friction, pressure) on the skin. In essence, they are a local mechanism of protection against negative external influences. Mostly, those who have to write daily, often and for a long time, experience calluses on their fingers. But other factors also have an influence:

  • Writing technique.
  • Handle quality.
  • Skin Features.

Most often, a lump forms on the middle finger in the area of ​​the joint of the terminal phalanx, which experiences the greatest pressure. However, calluses are caused not only by pens, but also by other instruments that are held in a similar way. It is also necessary to remember that areas of hyperkeratosis are more actively formed with a lack of vitamins in the diet (especially retinol and tocopherol).

Preventive actions

The appearance of a callus from a pen on the middle finger brings a lot of trouble. All possible measures should be taken to prevent such a problem. To do this, you need to take into account some rules and carry out preventive measures. Mandatory measures:

  1. Avoiding friction between handle and skin. To do this, you need to cover the contact area with a plaster or some kind of adhesive piece of fabric.
  2. It is best for doctors to wear gloves when doing written work. This will prevent your finger from rubbing and reduce the likelihood of calluses.
  3. After prolonged use of the pen, it is necessary to lubricate the brush with moisturizer. This will protect the skin from getting rough and forming a bump on the finger. Various spa treatments will have a similar effect.
  4. Before long-term work, you should treat your hands with a special cream. It forms a protective film that will reduce friction and reduce the risk of callus formation.
  5. If possible, handwriting should be replaced by typing.
  6. While writing, you need to regularly change the position of the pen relative to your middle finger. This will distribute the load more evenly across all areas of the skin and prevent excessive friction.
  7. The pen must be held so that its contact falls on the pad of the middle finger. This will reduce pressure on the skin and reduce friction.
  8. When choosing writing instruments, you should give preference to those that have a rubber pad. It is much softer than the surface of the rod, so the impact on the skin will be minimal.
  9. While doing written work, you can put a special silicone attachment on your finger. It will prevent the handle from contacting the skin and protect your finger from calluses.

A callus on the finger is considered a minor problem that can be easily dealt with at home. To do this, you need to choose the right medicine and strictly follow the instructions for its use.

If everything is done correctly, you can get rid of the growth and avoid serious complications.

Causes and removal of calluses on the foot at home


To prevent calluses from appearing, it is better to take preventive measures in advance. The risk of developing a cosmetic defect can be reduced by reducing the mechanical impact on the finger. Simple recommendations will help you do this:

  • Choose a comfortable handle (with a rubber layer).
  • Change your writing technique (without resting on the knuckle of your middle finger).
  • Type text in printed form (when possible).
  • Apply a regular adhesive plaster to the skin.
  • Place a special silicone cap on your finger.

Hygiene and preventive products, for example, a Compeed pencil or Avon Foot Works, will also help prevent calluses. After applying such products, a thin film forms on the skin, protecting it from excessive friction. General recommendations include optimizing nutrition so that the diet contains a sufficient amount of vitamins A and E, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

It is always easier to prevent any problem than to try to fix it later. By following just a few simple rules, you can minimize the likelihood of a callus appearing on your finger.

How to remove a callus from a pen?

If a callus does appear, you can get rid of it. This problem should not be put off for a long time, since an advanced case can even cause a curvature of the finger. So, how to treat the emerging growth?

Regular pumice

When the situation is not very complicated, the simplest and most traditional method is suitable - steaming and removing dead cells with pumice. When performing the procedure, you should not get carried away, otherwise the delicate skin on your hands can be seriously damaged.


Aloe has serious medicinal properties, which are successfully used in both folk and professional medicine. To cure a callus, you need to regularly apply a plant leaf cut lengthwise to it. This should be done after steaming, securing the sheet itself with a bandage or plaster. The procedure is repeated until the result becomes obvious.

Correction methods

If a callus from a pen has nevertheless become an unpleasant companion, then you will have to turn to more effective methods. Correction of the defect is indicated for everyone, but most often it is girls who pay close attention to issues of appearance that need it.


Ready-made products that can be purchased at the pharmacy will help you get rid of the seal on your finger. Among the popular and effective products, the following should be noted:

  • Stopmosol ointment (with lactic acid).
  • Mozolka cream (with salicylic acid, mint and tea tree extracts).
  • Nemozol paste (with glycolic and salicylic acids, sulfur).
  • Antimozolin ointment (with urea and lactic acid).
  • Salipod patch (with rosin, salicylic acid, sulfur).

Such products have a keratolytic effect, removing horny masses and softening dense areas. However, they cannot be used in the presence of open injuries (abrasions, cracks, wounds). As a systemic correction, especially in the spring, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes.

Mechanical removal

You can get rid of a callus on the middle finger or little finger by mechanical removal (scraping with a pumice stone). Immediately before such a procedure, be sure to steam the skin in a soap and soda bath (including with the addition of sea salt). After holding your fingers in the warm solution for 15–20 minutes and wiping the skin, you can begin to carefully remove the horny masses.

At the end of the procedure, the skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream with plant extracts (chamomile, calendula). It is enough to carry out 5 such sessions to completely get rid of calluses on your fingers. And in the future, by taking baths twice a week, you can prevent their occurrence.

Classic methods of removing calluses are the most effective, and therefore have become widespread.

Types of calluses on the finger

Doctors divide all existing calluses into 3 main groups. Each of them has individual characteristics and external differences. This classification is necessary in order to choose the most effective remedy and quickly overcome the problem. The main types of calluses are as follows:

  1. Water. It is a round bubble filled with a colorless liquid. This callus appears due to delamination of the skin, which is formed as a result of prolonged friction. This variety is considered the most unpleasant, since a small touch will be enough to feel severe pain. Doctors prohibit piercing the dropsy on their own and releasing the liquid, since such an intervention can lead to bacteria entering the wound. Because of them, inflammation can begin, which will lead to more serious consequences.
  2. Dry. This callus has the appearance of a keratinized area of ​​skin and is formed as a result of prolonged exposure to the most delicate areas of the skin. It practically does not hurt and does not give a person any unpleasant sensations. Despite this, it should be removed quickly, as a slight delay may cause it to fester.
  3. Rod. This is the most rare type of callus. It is a roughened area of ​​skin in which there is a small depression for the rod. It is quite difficult to get rid of such a defect on your own, so it is best to seek help from a medical institution.

Treatment options

One of the most unpleasant and painful consequences of long-term writing is a bump on the finger from the pen.

You can get rid of it using several effective methods. All of them are used in certain cases and help to quickly achieve the desired result.


Pharmaceutical companies have developed a large number of medications that help quickly remove calluses. They can come in the form of a cream, gel, ointment or patch. The highest quality products:

  1. Compeed patch. This is a universal remedy that is suitable for any type of calluses. It has not only a healing, but also a restorative effect. As a result of its use, the problem will quickly be eliminated, and the skin will return to its healthy appearance. The patch must be glued to the callus and left for several hours. Within a few days, positive changes will be visible.
  2. Nemozol. This medicine is available in the form of a cream, which must be regularly applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. It contains only components of natural origin, so the likelihood of an allergic reaction is almost zero. The cost of such a cream is relatively small.
  3. ProtoSKN Callus Softener. This effective gel is made only from high-quality ingredients. It allows you to remove both new formations and old calluses. The product should be applied to the sore spot 2 times a day for 3 days. After this time, the calluses should be eliminated.
  4. Salicylic ointment. This medicine has a large number of contraindications, so it must be used with extreme caution. Despite this, the product effectively fights against calluses and completely removes them in a few days.

Plants and herbs

You can remove a bump on your finger from a pen using various gifts of nature. Such methods are considered not only the safest, but also beneficial for the skin of the hands. Best Natural Medicines:

  1. Celandine This useful plant not only has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, but can also get rid of calluses on the middle finger. To do this, take the stem of the plant and tear it in half. This action will provoke the release of healing juice, which is used to lubricate the growth. This procedure is performed daily for 4 days.
  2. Garlic. To prepare the medicine, take several cloves and grate them on a fine grater. The resulting mass is applied to the sore spot, secured with a bandage and left overnight. In the morning it is removed and the skin is washed with water. The same steps are repeated at least 3 more times.
  3. Lemon. Before using this product, you need to steam the affected area and dry thoroughly with a towel. After this, you should separate the peel from the citrus fruit and apply it to the callus. The compress fixed on the finger should be worn for several hours. To achieve a positive result, 3 such procedures will be enough.
  4. Aloe. It will not only help remove the bump on the finger, but also soften the skin. The leaf of the plant is cut in half and the inside is applied to the callus. Then it is fixed with a plaster and left for 6 hours. After this time, the dried plant is replaced with a new one. This treatment can continue for 3 days.
  5. Potato. The juice of this root vegetable has medicinal properties, so it is often used in traditional medicine recipes. You can get it by passing potatoes through a meat grinder or grating them. A piece of cotton wool is moistened in the resulting healing liquid and applied to the bump on the finger for a quarter of an hour. After the specified time, the medicine is removed, and the finger is lubricated with any moisturizer. The procedure is repeated every day for 5 days.
  6. Calendula. To prepare a remedy for calluses, only the flowers of this plant are used. They are crushed with a knife and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. The calendula is secured with a bandage and left overnight. All the same actions are repeated every day, and the desired result is achieved after three days.

Folk remedies

You can treat various types of calluses with the help of medicines made based on recipes from traditional healers. They are no less effective than plants or medications, and allow you to quickly restore your skin to a healthy appearance:

  1. Propolis. This beekeeping product has a number of healing properties, so it can be safely used to treat calluses from the pen. To do this, a warm solution is prepared from the substance. A piece of plaster is moistened in it and applied to the growth. After 6 hours, the medicine is washed off, and similar actions are repeated over the next 4 days.
  2. Essential oil. This folk remedy is very effective in treating calluses, but has an unpleasant odor. If it is not a hindrance for a person, then the substance should be applied to the growth at least 3 times a day. The duration of such therapy is three days.
  3. Pumice. This product can easily remove calluses of any type and size. Before starting treatment, you should steam your palm well. To do this, you need to hold it for several minutes in warm, but not too hot water. Once this procedure is completed, you can take the pumice stone and remove the growth with gentle movements. After this, the treatment site should be disinfected using any antiseptic.

Treatment of calluses and bumps from the pen

There are two ways to treat a callus on your finger from a pen : medication and traditional methods.

Drug treatment

Dry calluses

  • The affected area of ​​skin is sprinkled with talcum powder, then a moisturizer is applied . Doctors recommend not to neglect salt baths for your hands.
  • Dry calluses from the handle should be protected with adhesive tape to prevent friction. There are special patches (“Salipod”) that need to be applied to the growth. They have a softening effect. It is advisable to apply the patch at night so that it does not cause discomfort when writing.
  • To soften calluses, a special callus liquid is used. It is suitable for growths that appear on the hands. It is used once a day. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the callus on the finger. It dries quickly and forms a film. The ointment must be used until the growth completely disappears.

Another article on the topic: What are the types of calluses on the fingers and impressive ways to get rid of them

Watery calluses

  • Hand calluses require other treatment methods. Such formations on the skin of the fingers should be treated with special ointments for calluses. After applying the product, the affected area should be bandaged.
  • The blister, characteristic of a water callus, should be regularly lubricated with iodine to dry it.

If a callus on your finger from a pen has just begun to appear, and you don’t want to solve it using pharmacy methods, read below how to get rid of it using home remedies.

Folk recipes

Traditional methods of treating hand calluses are also popular. To prevent this disease, herbal-based recipes are most often used.

  • Celandine . This natural remedy has antiseptic and antimicrobial effects, making it a good remedy for combating calluses and other diseases such as ringworm and warts. To get rid of calluses, you will need fresh plant juice. It must be applied to the growth for four days. Before using this product, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction.
  • Super celandine. This remedy is available at any time of the year; it can be bought at any pharmacy . First you need to steam the skin on your finger and pat it dry with a towel. Then you need to carefully apply 1 drop of celandine using a dispenser onto the callus of your middle finger . In order not to injure healthy skin beyond the boundaries of the callus, it must be lubricated with a rich cream. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a day.
  • Garlic. You need to prepare a mixture of garlic (grid or use a mixer) and apply a compress overnight. It is recommended to take a bath first to soften the growth. This “mask” should be done for 3 or 4 days.
  • Propolis effectively fights various ailments and, in particular, calluses. To do this, you need to moisten the patch with a warm propolis solution and fix it. After applying the compress five times, the callus can be removed.
  • Lemon. You need to first make a hand bath, then wipe the affected area of ​​skin with a towel. Separate a small piece of lemon peel and place it on your finger. Secure the compress with a bandage. It is recommended to perform the procedure once a day.




Useful video

Recommendations on how to choose the right ballpoint pen:

A callus on the finger from a pen is a temporary defect that can be gotten rid of with a little effort. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to see a doctor. You should follow basic preventive measures or use home recipes that will put your hands in order.

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Natalia Simonova

Therapist, surgeon at the Federal State Budgetary Institution Central Clinical Hospital with the Polyclinic of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Graduated from the Pirogov Moscow State Medical University

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