Why do swelling appear under the eyes, how can you get rid of them?

What are the most effective remedies for puffiness under the eyes and on the face? The answer to this question depends on what causes these phenomena. Let's say that in the morning a person got up with a swollen face and puffiness under the eyes, because the day before he had too much alcohol and overindulged himself in spicy and salty foods. In this case, you need to remove excess fluid from the body and prevent such situations from happening again.

It also happens that swelling under the eyes is a consequence of poorly washed off cosmetics or the result of a woman’s eye cream or eyelash growth product not being suitable for her. Then you need to eliminate the cause itself, and soon everything will return to normal. But it also happens that swelling is caused by more serious problems - allergies (or, as one of its manifestations, conjunctivitis), taking certain medications (antidepressants, medications for hypertension, some hormonal drugs). A more serious approach will be required here.

What causes swelling under the eyes?

Swelling under the eyes can occur for pathological reasons (allergies, inflammation in nearby organs, eye diseases and others), harmless (drinking plenty of water) and physiological (age, pregnancy, menstruation, etc.).

Why is this area prone to swelling?

Doctors believe that the anatomical and physiological structure of the eyes is a provoking factor for the formation of edema around them:

  • subcutaneous fat is absent;
  • the presence of many blood vessels close to the surface of the dermis (blood flow itself causes swelling);
  • the eyelids are constantly under pressure from adipose tissue, which is located around the periorbital area;
  • the eyes are in constant “work” - blinking, closing/opening;
  • in this area there is practically no connective tissue, collagen and elastin fibers.

And even if swelling has begun to develop in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, forehead and cheekbones, the fluid will shift to the periocular part of the face. This is explained by the skin fitting too tightly to the bones of the skull in the first case and the presence of free space in the second.

Pathological causes

If swelling around the eyes appears constantly (or often), then you should think about a medical examination, because this condition is the primary symptom for many diseases. For example, puffiness under the eyes can appear when:

  • Allergic reaction . If the irritant is immediately excluded, then the swelling will disappear in just a few hours. The constant presence of an irritant leads to increased swelling and the appearance of additional symptoms - redness of the eyes, their inadequate reaction to light, excessive lacrimation, itching and burning.
  • Pathologies of the organs of vision . Any disturbance in the functionality of the eyes leads to their swelling. The cause may be oncological tumors, blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), eversion of the eyelid, ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid).
  • Inflammation in nearby organs . For example, swelling can be caused by sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinuses), sinusitis, and so on. If unilateral inflammation develops, then swelling will be observed only in one eye.
  • Kidney diseases. We are talking about the most severe types of renal failure to completely curable ones - for example, pyelonephritis. Such pathologies are characterized by swelling under the eyes, which form in the morning; during the day, the liquid begins to “wander” throughout the body and lead to swelling of the legs, arms, and lower back.
  • Liver diseases . They occur without symptoms for a long time, so swelling under the eyes, coupled with slight yellowing of the skin, frequent and unpleasant belching, bitterness in the mouth and periodic pain in the iliac region (right hypochondrium, anatomical location of the liver) serve as a reason for a medical examination.
  • Intervertebral disc herniation. If it has formed in the cervical region, then there will be severe unilateral swelling under the eye. Additional signs of the disease are periodic headaches, pain in the cervical spine, and loss of coordination.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Not only the eyes swell, but also the upper/lower limbs. Additionally, shortness of breath even with minor physical exertion, rapid heartbeat at rest, general weakness, surges in blood pressure, and a feeling of pressure in the chest area begin to bother you.
  • Lack of vitamin B5 . Swelling under the eyes is complemented by pain in the muscles of the lower extremities, depression, even depression, sleep disturbances, and severe headaches.

We recommend reading about how to get rid of puffiness under the eyes. From the article you will learn about the causes of swelling, cosmetic and folk methods of getting rid of swelling, bags and bruises under the eyes. And here is more information about how to remove bags under the eyes.

Swelling in the morning

The appearance of swelling under the eyes in the morning can be caused by:

  • drinking a large amount of liquid at night - the kidneys simply cannot cope with the task of removing liquid from the body, it begins to independently distribute itself to the tissues;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages – they retain fluid in the tissues;
  • the presence in the evening menu of smoked, pickled, salted foods, dishes prepared with spices - the liquid is not removed, but accumulates in the tissues.

Salty foods
Morning swelling can also be caused by insufficient water consumption during the day - the body begins to make reserves. But this does not appear immediately, but after several weeks of living in a limited drinking regime.

Other reasons

The formation of swelling under the eyes can be caused by:

  • severe crying, hysteria, coupled with nervous feelings - blood rushes to the indicated area and makes the tissues swollen;
  • sleeping without a pillow or with your head down - lymphatic fluid and blood simply begin to be unevenly distributed in the vessels and accumulate in one place;
  • insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues around the eyes, which can result from prolonged work at the computer or strenuous driving;
  • tobacco smoke, prolonged stay in a production area with wood dust, vapors - these are all irritating factors.

What else can cause swelling:

  • use of inappropriate care and/or decorative cosmetics;
  • period;
  • late stages of pregnancy;
  • aging of the skin and all tissues (age-related changes on the face).

Causes of edema

The skin of the eyelids and around the eyes is the most delicate and sensitive.
Because of this, swelling primarily appears on it. Care products designed for this area can quickly eliminate imperfections, reduce swelling and remove bruises. Women usually use gels and ointments purchased at the pharmacy. The appearance of edema is associated with disturbances in water and electrolyte metabolism in the human body. They can usually be seen on the face. They appear especially brightly under the eyes.

In this area, the skin is especially thin, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is loose, and there are no sebaceous glands. This is where water usually stagnates, causing bags to form.

Edema is a clear manifestation of excess fluid accumulation in organs or extracellular tissue spaces of the body. They appear on the face when the body already has approximately 3 liters of excess water.

There are a number of reasons that cause facial swelling:

  • heart ailments;
  • age-related changes;
  • drink plenty of fluids in the evening and immediately before going to bed;
  • viral diseases;
  • non-compliance with the work and rest schedule;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • tears;
  • allergic reaction;
  • surgical interventions on the eyes or face;
  • nose diseases;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • mechanical damage;
  • stagnation of blood and lymph;
  • hereditary factor;
  • overstrain of the visual organs or severe fatigue;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • excessive consumption of salt or spicy foods.

Diagnosis of pathologies

Even if there is constant swelling without other signs of any disease, it is worth undergoing a medical examination - many pathologies occur hidden. Mandatory diagnostic measures:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • blood test for biochemistry;
  • computed tomography of the head (in extreme cases, x-ray);
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, pelvic organs.

All other methods of clarifying the diagnosis are used only after a preliminary diagnosis has been made.

How to remove puffiness under the eyes and bags quickly

If you need to remove puffiness under the eyes quickly (for example, in the morning before going out in public), then you should use the following recommendations:

  • cut peeled raw potatoes into thin slices (cool them first) and apply the slices to your closed eyes for 20 minutes - the most effective method of solving the problem of sleepless nights, when in the morning there are “bags” under the eyes;
  • moisten a cotton pad in cold milk, apply to the eyes and areas of severe swelling for 30 minutes - it perfectly helps restore appearance after drinking plenty of liquid the day before, including alcoholic beverages;
  • cut fresh cucumber into thin strips and apply them to your eyes for 15 minutes - it will relieve both swelling and redness.

You can relieve severe swelling in the morning with the help of metal spoons - they are placed in the freezer for 1-2 minutes and then applied to problem areas with the convex side. Hold the spoons until they warm up, then change them to well-cooled ones. 15 minutes of this “compress” and the blood vessels will narrow, swelling will become less pronounced.

Watch this video on how to remove puffiness under the eyes using potatoes and cucumber:

Treatment of puffiness under the eyes

Most often, treatment for swelling under the eyes begins with the use of diuretics. If there is a problem due to the eyes, the doctor will select drops. Additionally, gels that act on blood vessels, as well as vitamins, are prescribed. It is important to consult a doctor and undergo an examination, and not self-medicate.


We are talking about diuretics, which should be taken only after consultation with a doctor. The most effective solutions to the problem under consideration will be:

  • Furosemide;
  • Veroshpiron;
  • Trifas;
  • Uregit.

Take 1-3 tablets per day, the more precise dosage is determined by the doctor and depends on the causes of edema and its severity. Diuretics (as diuretic tablets are called in medicine) have one powerful side effect - they, along with fluid, flush calcium from the body. Therefore, such drugs are used only in combination with a vitamin-mineral complex.


Eye drops can be antibacterial, hormonal, anti-inflammatory . You can use on your own only those drugs that are intended to eliminate swelling that occurs due to an allergic reaction or excessive fatigue or insomnia. In this case, the following will help:

  • Allergodil;
  • Visine;
  • Okumetil;
  • Cromohexal.

Drop the drug 1-2 drops into each eye 1-3 times a day. If such therapy does not produce positive results within 3 days, then you need to seek qualified medical help - perhaps the cause of swelling lies in hidden pathologies.


This is an analogue of a cream that acts on blood vessels and reduces them

The most effective are:

  • Microcircular;
  • Vita Activa;
  • Eldan.

The gels are applied 2 times a day for at least 10 days, but the first positive results will be noticeable already on the 2-3rd day of treatment. In addition to getting rid of puffiness, gels provide slight tightening of the skin, moisturizing it, and changing the color of the epidermis in the area around the eyes.

If vascular disease is detected during diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe gels Troxevasin, Curiosin, Relief, Lyoton.


Vitamins are not used as an independent remedy against puffiness under the eyes, but in combination with other drugs they will speed up the desired result. The optimal choice would be complexes that contain vitamin B5, potassium, calcium, and vitamin A. If you have any pathologies regarding the intake of certain vitamins, you should consult your doctor.


If the swelling is not of pathological origin, then in 2-3 days you can get rid of it with the help of nutritional correction. The diet involves eliminating or reducing the amount of salted, smoked, and pickled foods consumed. It is also necessary to observe the drinking regime - drink 1.5 liters of water per day, but do not drink before a night's rest and refuse sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Watch this video about superfoods for swelling:


In most cases, there is no need to use diuretics for swollen eyes.

The fact is that the development of such a symptom is more pronounced in the morning, and during the day the manifestations decrease. It is important to clarify the cause of their appearance, since in addition to errors in the diet, this can also be a manifestation of severe pathology. In the future, treatment should be prescribed directly for the disease, one of the symptoms of which is the development of edema.

In some cases, especially with traumatic and postoperative development of edema, the use of diuretics for swelling under the eyes is extremely necessary due to pronounced symptoms. In this case, the palpebral fissure may become sharply narrowed, swelling may spread to the adjacent tissue, which in severe cases leads to exophthalmos or displacement of the eyeball to the side. In these cases, the use of diuretics is very appropriate. The use of diuretics is due to their ability to remove excess fluid from the body through urine.

How to get rid of puffiness around the eyes in the salon

If the problem is persistent, then you can get rid of swelling around the eyes using salon procedures - cryolifting and mesotherapy, laser, peeling and even a weak electric discharge.

Cryolifting and mesotherapy

Cryolifting is a procedure during which the area around the eyes is exposed to cold, for a short time, in a targeted manner. This is a shock to the skin, which activates metabolic processes at the cellular level and ensures the rapid removal of excess fluid from them. The method has virtually no contraindications and helps even with edema due to pathologies.

Mesotherapy is the injection of vitamin complexes and “cocktails” with amino acids under the skin. The procedure is painful, has contraindications, is performed on an outpatient basis, but requires specific preparation. To obtain the desired result, you need to complete a course of 8 sessions (minimum) with a break of 7 days.



A cosmetic procedure with deep cleansing of the epidermis helps to get rid of already dead particles of the upper layer of the dermis and ensures the penetration of nutrients into the deeper layers. Since the skin around the eyes is thin and sensitive, peeling is carried out with mild preparations and no more than once every 10-14 days.

The procedure solves the problem only visually; after 1-2 months it will need to be repeated.


The beam is applied directly to the problem area; neighboring tissues are not damaged. The laser is able to activate regeneration processes in the dermis, which causes the renewal of cellular composition and the removal of excess fluid.

Laser procedures have quite a few contraindications, are carried out in a course of 2-5 sessions, and produce results that last for several years.

Laser eyelid rejuvenation

Weak current discharge

The skin is exposed to shock therapy. A weak current discharge ensures the acceleration of metabolic, regenerative, and rejuvenating processes. By improving blood circulation and lymph flow directly in the area around the eyes, fluid is quickly removed from the dermal cells.

Salon procedures should be used in combination with cosmetics - creams, gels.

Watch this video about laser eye rejuvenation:

Causes of swelling of the eyelids above the eyes

Most often, such signs are not inflammation. But they can be caused by some chronic diseases or individual characteristics of the body.

However, sometimes parents notice swelling in the eye area in their young children. The reasons can be many serious reasons, such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, high intracranial pressure, etc. Sometimes there are simpler reasons: allergies to the sun, subcutaneous mites, excessive use of the computer, tablet, TV.

Monitor your child's health very carefully. Health problems started in childhood can lead to huge problems in the future.

How to help yourself at home

At home, you can get rid of edema, even of pathological origin, but all measures will give a short-term effect.


It is performed twice a day - morning and evening. They act on the skin with the pads of the fingers, tapping movements work the periocular area in two directions - from the inner corner of the eye to the temple and from the outer corner to the bridge of the nose. This way the lymph outflow pathways will be worked out, which automatically ensures the removal of excess fluid.

In the evening, you need to use a skin care cream around the eyes; it is also applied with fingertips, patting movements and in the indicated directions. At the end of the procedure, you need to apply point pressure along the edge of the eye orbit and between the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye.

The duration of the procedure is 3 minutes.


They have a short-term effect, helping to get rid of swelling “now and immediately.” The pads can be smoothing or draining. The former are used to achieve an immediate effect, the latter for full-fledged therapy.

Professional patches can replace lotions - gauze napkins soaked in a decoction of medicinal plants (chamomile flowers, calendula, sage, mint).

Rules for skin care around the eyelids

Women should take proper care of their face:

  • It is necessary to remove decorative cosmetics from the eyes using special lotions and cosmetic milk;
  • do not use soap to wash your face - it dries the skin, making it too thin and overly sensitive;
  • moisturizing creams around the eyes should be used only those intended for this part of the face;
  • care products are not applied in a thick layer and are not rubbed into the skin;
  • If you are allergic to cosmetics, then washing should be done with folk remedies - decoctions of chamomile, string, sage and mint.

Watch this video about Facebook building for puffiness and bags under the eyes:

Rules for using zinc anti-wrinkle ointment

If you want to try this drug to get rid of wrinkles and rejuvenate your skin, follow these recommendations:

  1. Apply the product only to clean skin without makeup or dirt.
  2. Since the product contains petroleum jelly, which is quite harsh on the skin, it should be used at night and not in the morning before applying makeup. Otherwise, you are guaranteed clogged pores.
  3. If you have dry skin, mix Vaseline ointment with half and half moisturizer before use. This will help avoid drying and peeling.
  4. If you don’t have large problem areas on your face, apply the product pointwise, only to those places that need care - individual wrinkles, pimples, age spots.
  5. Do not use zinc ointment on the areas under the eyes. The skin in these places is very thin and delicate, and the drug can easily dry it out. As a result, even more wrinkles will appear in these places.

Masks for puffiness under the eyes

A long-term but effective method of combating puffiness under the eyes is masks prepared from parsley, strawberries, buckwheat, applied to the problematic part of the face for 20 minutes and used 1-2 times a week.

Best decongestants

The following are considered especially effective with anti-edematous action:

  • From parsley. The greens of the plant (middle bunch) need to be crushed into pulp and it is advisable to do this not with metal objects. Then the mass is mixed with sour cream (if the skin is dry) or egg white (if the skin is oily). Proportions 1:1.
  • From strawberries . The berries are mashed into puree, low-fat cottage cheese and a few drops of olive oil are added to them. The mask not only relieves swelling, but also saturates the skin with nutrients, which improves skin color.
  • From buckwheat . It is ground in a coffee grinder to a powder, combined with warm water in such a proportion that the “output” is a thick, creamy mass.

If buckwheat “cakes” are used, then after washing off the mask, the skin around the eyes should be treated with moisturizer.

How to use Enterosgel

This drug perfectly removes waste, toxins and excess fluid from the body. A mask with Enterosgel will help against swelling if it is also taken orally. The drug is used in the form of a paste, which you need to eat 1 tablespoon 2 times a day every other day. And the anti-edema mask is made as follows:

  • 1 tablespoon of Enterosgel is mixed with a decoction of chamomile flowers (1 teaspoon of plant material per 100 ml of water, boil in a water bath for 20 minutes);

  • the resulting mass is applied to problem areas and remains there for 2 hours;
  • then everything is washed off with warm water without soap;
  • the skin is lubricated with moisturizing cream.

The mask is used 2-3 times a week for a month.

Which one will help instantly?

Instant help with swelling is lotions made from fresh potatoes or cucumbers. You need to peel the selected vegetable, grate it on a coarse grater and squeeze it lightly. The mass is folded into gauze and applied in this form to the eyes for 20-30 minutes.

Vegetables dry out the skin very much, so after such masks you need to treat the area around the eyes with a moisturizer.

Folk remedies can provoke an allergic reaction, so before using them you need to conduct an allergy test.


Diuretic drugs can be either in tablet forms or in the form of solutions for intramuscular or intravenous administration.

Injectable drugs begin to act within a few minutes after administration, which allows them to be used as emergency therapy.

The most popular diuretics are the tablet drug furosemide and its injectable analogue Lasix. To enhance the effect, furosemide is administered on an empty stomach. Its action develops quickly and lasts for several hours, giving a very pronounced effect. One of the disadvantages of this drug is its ability to remove potassium ions from the body. To avoid such side effects, when taking furosemide for a long time, it is recommended to combine it with potassium-containing drugs.

In recent years, the drug Trifas has become widespread as a diuretic for swelling of the eyes. Unlike furosemide, it does not remove potassium from the body, which allows it to be used safely in patients with cardiovascular pathology. Its presence also in injection forms allows it to be used in acute situations.

Tea for puffiness under the eyes

The first remedy for puffiness under the eyes is tea, you can use black and green, in bags or in the form of regular tea leaves. If you use bags, you need:

  • pour hot water over them, hold for 1 minute;
  • remove the bags from the water, squeeze lightly;
  • apply to closed eyes for 15 minutes.

When brewing loose leaf tea, against swelling, use gauze pads or cotton pads soaked in the resulting concentrated drink. You need to keep such lotions on your eyes for at least 20 minutes, if you use green tea, then 30 minutes.

Herbs for puffy eyes and other herbal remedies

For puffiness under the eyes, you can use herbs that have diuretic, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, for example parsley root, sage, as well as other plant components - pine buds, lingonberry leaves.

Diuretics to relieve swelling

Diuretic herbs and other plants are taken in the form of decoctions and infusions:

  • Parsley root . Pour 4 tablespoons of plant material into 150 ml of hot water and leave for 20-30 minutes in a sealed container. Take the infusion 1 tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals, the general course is 15 days.
  • From pine buds . 1 teaspoon of this component is poured with hot water in an amount of 250 ml, infused for 60 minutes. This volume is enough to take throughout the day, dividing it into 3-4 servings. The course of treatment is 21 days.
  • From lingonberry leaves . 2 tablespoons of dried raw materials are poured into 300 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes in a water bath. Then infuse in a sealed container for another half hour and drink the resulting volume throughout the day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

How to use on face

The most effective mask that relieves swelling on the face and is prepared on the basis

herbs - sage. The plant material is poured with hot water (2 tablespoons per 300 ml) and placed in a water bath.

The product needs to be heated for 20 minutes, without bringing to a boil. Then the infusion is cooled, filtered and used for lotions.

Cotton pads or gauze wipes soaked in sage infusion are applied to the eyes for 20 minutes. This procedure should be carried out 2 times a day - morning and evening for 1 month.

A good addition to sage would be peppermint leaves and rose hips. If these components are added, then you need to take 400 ml of water for 2 tablespoons of the vegetable mixture.

Oil for puffy eyes

You can also use essential oils for puffiness under the eyes, the most effective of which are considered:

  • verbena;
  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • geraniums;
  • neroli;
  • juniper;
  • parsley;
  • cypress

If you need to prepare a mixture of such components, then take 10 ml of olive or almond oil as a base and add essential oils of rosemary, geranium and verbena (2 drops of each). A mixture of essential oils of fennel, dill, juniper and cypress (1 drop of each) and 5 ml of base (olive, peach cosmetic oils) also has an anti-edematous effect.

Juniper essential oil is contraindicated for kidney disease, and any others cannot be used to eliminate edema due to rosacea.

Swelling of the legs: why do the legs swell?

The most common concern people have is swelling of the legs

– these
can be explained by many types of diseases.
They occur in diseases of the kidneys and liver; heart failure, but most often they are associated with venous insufficiency. Typically, swelling of the legs
occurs when working while standing or walking for a long time in heels, but can also occur during sedentary work.

And now three in

When you think about your own connection, you should care about our ancestors and herbalists about their properties. There are many types of basil, all edible, and basil is one of the most sacred and powerfully protective herbs of many traditions. According to one legend, she grew up at the grave of Christ after his resurrection. It is deposited on graves and is considered the herb of burial and the herb of immortality. Triggers melancholy and sadness, relieves suffering, helps with breaks, abandonment, forgiveness. It is also recognized as a symbol of love, hushing up arguments among lovers, uplifting the mood, and clearing the mind.

Prevention measures

You can predict the appearance of swelling under the eyes in almost every case, and if you take preventive measures, you can avoid their occurrence. What experts recommend:

  • change your usual diet, giving up salty, pickled, smoked foods;
  • regulate your drinking regime;
  • during sleep, position your head higher in relation to the rest of your body;
  • do not lie/sleep face down;
  • use sunscreens in summer and moisturizers year-round to care for the skin around the eyes;
  • eliminate the presence of allergens in a person’s life.

We recommend reading about how to choose eye treatments. From the article you will learn about popular salon procedures around the eyes for bruises, wrinkles, bags and dark circles. And here is more information about who is recommended for mesotherapy around the eyes.

You can get rid of puffiness under the eyes only through comprehensive measures. When you turn to a doctor for help, you should not give up folk remedies and salon procedures - most often they give the best results.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to quickly get rid of puffiness under the eyes:

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