Neurodermatitis is a neurological disorder that is accompanied by chronic itching and scratching. Skin lesions occur
STD Skin rashes are a sign of syphilis infection. Syphilis is a severe infectious disease of an inflammatory nature,
Melanoma is a malignant tumor into which moles, common warts, and birthmarks can transform.
The face of each individual woman needs an individual approach, this is due to the fact that in the world
11994 09-10-2020 Author: Mysekret Team 1 Pharmacy face creams are inexpensive, but
They are classified depending on the pathogen, location and degree of damage to the skin. According to WHO statistics,
When choosing cosmetics in a store today, it’s quite easy to get really confused - so wide
Many people wonder whether it is possible to treat a wen without surgery? Doctors in one
Rosacea (or, as they are also called, rosacea) is a facial skin disease that occurs in
A hand burn is a type of injury that is often encountered in medical practice. Something so bad happens