Spots on the skin are local formations with a change in color that do not protrude above the surface
The condition of facial skin is a reflection of the functioning of internal organs and systems. In case of any violations on
Oh, these oriental women! How beautiful their skin is, well-groomed and without blemishes! A
Composition, release form Zalain is produced in the form of cream and suppositories. Active ingredient of the drug
If small white pimples appear on the face, the reasons may be hidden in the disruption of various
Papilloma is a collective name for benign formations that appear on the surface of the skin and
Any changes located in the facial area bring anxiety to a person. Even pimples cause anxiety, not
Pityriasis rosea is a skin pathology, the causes of which are not fully understood. Counts,
Skin is a natural barrier that protects the internal environment of the body from foreign, external ones. If a person
In what case and how to properly squeeze out acne in salons The majority of the population suffers from