Tablets prescribed against cellulite

Cellulite tablets

At first glance, it may seem that diet pills and anti-orange peel pills are one and the same. But these are completely different drugs. The task of the former is to reduce appetite, and the latter is to break down fat cells from cellulite plaques. In addition, they should remove waste and toxins well, speed up metabolic processes and help the skin in problem areas become smooth and elastic.

For a lasting and visible effect, complex treatment is necessary. It should act in three directions: reduce excessive appetite, break down fats and cleanse the body.

The list of drug treatments for cellulite includes:

  1. Dietary supplements with fat-burning components Turboslim Day enhanced formula, Evalar Pineapple extract Reduxin Light. They contain extracts from plants, vitamins and enzymes that actively utilize fat cells from problem areas. Course of maintenance therapy: 4 weeks.
  2. Dietary supplements that reduce appetite in powders for preparing the drink: Turboslim Coffee active weight loss, Tropicana Slim green coffee. Course of maintenance therapy: 1 glass of drink in the morning for 2 months.
  3. Dietary supplements for complex cleansing Garcina forte, Turboslim tea. They act as moderate laxatives and diuretics, prevent the absorption of fats, and remove excess fluid and waste from the body.
  4. Cellustrech in tablets (INNEOV) is a complex anti-cellulite preparation for improving microcirculation and stabilizing metabolic processes. Course of maintenance therapy: from 4 to 8 weeks.
  5. Cell-U-Loss tablets (Herbalife) - an antioxidant product that removes excess fluid, salts and toxins from the body. Course of admission: from 4 weeks to 2 months.

Any of the drugs should be used strictly according to the instructions and several nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Apply to the skin or take orally only as directed by a physician.
  2. Purchase exclusively through the pharmacy chain.
  3. Adhere to the indicated dosage.

And, most importantly, if two to three weeks after the start of the anti-cellulite program the results are not visible, it is advisable to abandon it.

Description of drugs

Drug treatment of cellulite can be carried out using medications that affect the process of food digestion and absorption. The principle of action of the tablets differs depending on the active ingredients. They have different effects on metabolic processes and also have different effects on the elasticity of the dermis in problem areas. Regardless of the composition of the drugs, it is important to consider that they will not give results without adjusting your lifestyle and diet. In addition, to successfully combat cellulite, it is worth using massage and wraps. Anti-cellulite drugs sold in pharmacies have undergone clinical studies and have the necessary certificates. They confirm the safety of the products and the high degree of purification of the ingredients that are present in the medications.


The key to success in the anti-cellulite fight is the restoration of normal blood circulation in the dermal tissues. Increasing blood flow from the arteries and accelerating the outflow of lymph restores normal metabolic processes. An integrated treatment approach involves correction of water, fat, hormonal metabolism, as well as the movement of electrolytes.

Hardware and medications help increase blood circulation in the epithelium. Thanks to this, the appearance of the skin improves, the circumference of the hips decreases, the skin acquires a natural healthy shade, and the pain syndrome goes away.

What is needed in a particular case - a homeopathic or medical preparation - depends on the severity of the disease. Experts distinguish four stages of pathology development.

Important! You should not fight cellulite with harsh means. This can lead to complications. By entrusting manipulations such as cupping, vacuum or other hardware massage to a non-specialist, you risk stretching the weakened connective tissue of the epithelium, which can lead to impaired lymphostasis and the development of reticular varicose veins

By entrusting manipulations such as cupping, vacuum or other hardware massage to a non-specialist, you risk stretching the weakened connective tissue of the epithelium, which can lead to impaired lymphostasis and the development of reticular varicose veins.

Safety regulations

Despite all its naturalness, nutricosmetics remain primarily a biologically active supplement, and not a drug with clinical trials and identification of side effects.

You should use beauty pills only after mandatory consultation with a specialist. Follow the instructions and do not exceed the recommended dose. Consider contraindications: most dietary supplements against cellulite are contraindicated in case of disorders of the cardiovascular or nervous system, allergies, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Many dietary supplements have pitfalls, which manufacturers are tactfully silent about. Taking diuretics can disrupt the water balance in the body and turn you into a wrinkled old lady with dry hair, face and lips. Appetite suppressant supplements only work when taken. As soon as you stop drinking them, your body will instantly catch up. Moreover, the effect of such supplements is reminiscent of energy drinks, and their abuse can have disastrous consequences in the body.


Medicines for cellulite can be divided into several categories, depending on their effect on the body.

Pills to reduce appetite

Such means must be used with extreme caution. Their action is aimed at reducing body weight

If cellulite is accompanied by excessive weight, they need to be taken. If the body mass index is within the normal range, taking such medications is strictly prohibited. They can provoke anorexia and dangerous damage to the digestive tract and nervous system.

Often these tablets contain caffeine. It puts a lot of stress on the heart. In addition, such medications have a pronounced invigorating effect, which can cause insomnia.

Tablets from this group can have a centralized or peripheral effect. In the first case, the drugs affect certain areas of the brain, which allows you to block hunger and control appetite. Peripheral agents act on the intestines and help reduce fat absorption.

The disadvantage of this category of drugs is the presence of subitramine. This substance has serious side effects. These medications can only be purchased with a prescription. In some countries they are completely prohibited. Representatives of this group include reduxin, goldline, etc.


Some girls take diuretics from time to time, as they cope with congestion and remove harmful elements that are involved in the appearance of lipodystrophy.
Therefore, diuretic tablets cannot be called useless in the development of cellulite. However, doctors say that the effectiveness of such drugs is minimal. This is due to the short-term effect of such funds. Cellulite therapy takes a long period of time. If you stop taking diuretics, your thighs and buttocks will become orange peel again.

Another disadvantage of this therapy is the excessive load on the excretory systems. As a result, the kidneys, bladder, and liver suffer. Representatives of this category include furosemide, mannitol, etc.

Fat burning drugs

These tablets are the most effective in treating cellulite. They contain certain components that have a targeted effect on fat capsules. This leads to their destruction and removal from the body with lymph flow.

The only drawback of this therapy is the dishonesty of the manufacturers. Such remedies may include exotic extracts, which are the cause of serious debate among doctors.

Review of effective drugs

Anti-cellulite tablets should be prescribed by a doctor. The choice of a specific medicine is made depending on the stage of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the body. Today you can find many effective products in pharmacies.


This medicine contains chloride sulfate and calcium carbonate.
It also contains natural extracts - pine bark and green tea. With the help of these tablets you can achieve the following results: Restore the structure of the subcutaneous layer;

  • Cope with excess fat;
  • Eliminate the causes of cellulite;
  • Achieve antioxidant effects;
  • Stimulate microcirculation;
  • Strengthen blood vessels;

Restore the production of connective tissue, which helps increase the elasticity and firmness of the epithelium.

Doctors recommend using 1 capsule of the product 2 times a day. This should be done while eating. It is recommended to use the composition to combat cellulite for 3 months.


The drug contains quite a few components. These include caffeine, green tea, L-arginine alpha-ketoglucorate. The medicine includes eleutherococcus, field alfalfa, dandelion. This is not a complete list of useful components that can eliminate cellulite.

Using these tablets you can get the following results:

  • Prevent capillary dilation, cope with rosacea and activate blood circulation;
  • Normalize water balance;
  • Achieve fat burning process - achieved thanks to the thermogenic effect;
  • Cope with the symptoms of cellulite;

Achieve detoxification of the body.

Key limitations include low blood pressure, sleep problems, and mental instability.

To combat cellulite, it is recommended to take 3 capsules twice a day. It is recommended to do this in the morning and afternoon. It is not recommended to take the medicine in the evening. It is recommended to be treated in this way for 8 weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages

The specific pros and cons of using the drug depend on the group of the drug, the duration of its use and effectiveness. The main advantages of anti-cellulite tablets include the following:

  • Quick solution to the problem - tablets will help you cope with cellulite only if you correct your diet,
  • Improving metabolism in the subcutaneous layers,
  • Improved appearance,
  • Strengthening the immune system and replenishing the supply of nutrients in the body.

The disadvantages of such drugs for cellulite include:

  • Aggressive effect of ingredients on metabolism, heart and vascular functions, digestive system,
  • The emergence of addiction
  • Short-term effect.

The use of anti-cellulite tablets allows you to achieve good results. However, this is only possible with correct nutrition and adequate physical activity. In addition, it is worth considering that a specific remedy should be selected by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body.

Mesothreads for the body

Mesothreads are an excellent alternative to drastic methods of correcting shapes for those who are afraid of full-fledged plastic surgery. They can restore the lost volume of your body and give you a youthful appearance. In this case, absorbable threads made of polydioxanone and hyaluronic acid are used, creating a visually invisible frame. Thanks to this, the skin of the body is tightened without surgical intervention. Since the body's production of collagen is stimulated, the achieved effect lasts for 20 months. Moreover, the procedure itself only takes half an hour.

Using special thin long needles, the drug is injected in microscopic doses into the problem area of ​​the body.

Subcutaneous injections are made to a depth of 0.5–5 mm depending on the following parameters:

  1. Extent of the problem.
  2. The area of ​​the body where the defect is present.
  3. The desire to obtain a certain result.

The composition of mesopreparations may include the following substances:

  • multivitamin complexes;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • vascular drugs;
  • eutrophics.

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Definition of “cellulite”

Cellulite refers to an inflammatory disease affecting the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In everyday life, this term refers to a cosmetic flaw, which is expressed in tubercles of fat deposits under the skin, giving the surface of the skin a relief structure, violating its aesthetics, harming female attractiveness. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called gynoid lipodystrophy. However, everyone is used to calling it cellulite or “orange peel.” With a disturbed metabolism and the resulting swelling, the skin actually becomes similar to citrus peel.

Estrogens play a significant role in the occurrence of this pathology. Small amounts of female hormones can also be found in the male body. In healthy women, the concentration of estrogen is several times higher than in the male body. For this reason, the so-called “orange peel” often bothers women and is classified as a women’s problem. It is also inherent in them due to the peculiarities of the structure of fatty tissue.

Gynoid lipodystrophy begins with an uneven distribution of stored fat in cells called adipocytes. All people have them, even slender girls. Therefore, it is impossible to say that cellulite is a flaw caused by excess weight.

With impaired metabolism, uneven growth of adipocytes with the formation of excess fat is observed. This pathology also affects fibroblasts. Fibroblasts synthesize collagen fibers that delimit areas in connective tissues. Gynoid lipodystrophy is characterized by compression of overgrown fat lobules by collagen bridges, which results in compacted capsules visible on the surface of the skin in the form of small bumps.

This is not all the consequences of pathology. Because of it, there is a violation of blood supply and lymphatic drainage in the tissues. This causes swelling. As gynoid lipodystrophy progresses, nerve endings are pinched. For this reason, a pain syndrome occurs that is located in problem areas of the body.

According to statistics, eighty percent of women who have reached the age of forty have cellulite. It occurs in women with excess weight problems, as well as in those whose weight is within normal limits.

Stages of gynoid lipodystrophy

The degree of manifestation of cellulite depends on what stage it is in:

  • The first (edema). Pathological changes are practically invisible. They are observed only when pressing with fingers on the skin. This looks like a slight sagging of the skin.
  • The second is when seals appear. An “orange peel” appearance is clearly visible on the skin without squeezing it. There is a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin.
  • The third, called liposclerosis. Manifestations of pathology are pronounced. The skin has an uneven structure with bumps, dimples and nodules present. Sensitivity is impaired, the skin does not react to changes in temperature.
  • The fourth, inductive stage. The problem develops into pathology. Its signs became as noticeable as possible (knots with potholes, bluish appearance of the skin, painful sensations).

Self-determination of the presence of cellulite

Women prone to this problem are concerned not only about its external, non-aesthetic symptoms, but also about the frequent appearance of bruises, a feeling of chilliness in the legs, and heaviness in the lower extremities. Sometimes this is all accompanied by joint pain. These are the consequences of impaired blood flow and lymph circulation.

To determine whether you have cellulite yourself, you need to gather the skin in the thigh area into a fold with your fingers. If during this manipulation the skin remains elastic and does not lose its smoothness, then there is no problem. If the skin on the fold looks like a citrus peel, there are bumps with dimples, this means that the problem exists and needs to be dealt with.

When does cellulite become a medical problem?

Typically, the first signs of cellulite in women are detected during periods of serious hormonal changes - during puberty, pregnancy or after childbirth. In obese girls it can appear even in childhood. The main female hormone estrogen prevents lipolysis - the breakdown of adipose tissue. Cosmetologists and doctors distinguish four stages of cellulite formation.

Table: four stages of cellulite

StageSignsWhat happens in the subcutaneous fat layer?
First (pre-cellulite)There are no visible signs, bruising from light blows and slight swelling may appear.
  • capillary blood circulation slows down,
  • the outflow of lymph and venous blood worsens
Initial“orange peel” is visible only when muscles are tense or on a tight fold
  • toxins accumulate due to poor lymph drainage,
  • tissues swell
  • there is a deficiency of oxygen
  • cellulite is noticeable in standing and lying positions,
  • nodules and depressions can be felt,
  • spider veins appear
  • tissues are painful when pressed
  • microcirculation deteriorates,
  • the elastic walls of fat cells become coarser,
  • fat cells begin to adhere to each other
  • clusters of adherent fat cells increase in size,
  • depressions are visible on the skin,
  • hard areas can be felt
  • lymphostasis and venous congestion cause even greater oxygen starvation of cells,
  • the skin becomes cold to the touch,
  • nerve endings are pinched
  • Possible atrophy of muscle tissue

Doctors consider the first two stages to be the norm. Subcutaneous fat is necessary for a woman to reproduce. The third and fourth stages of cellulite are more common in older women and indicate unfavorable processes occurring in the body.

Advanced cellulite is treated with special medications under the supervision of a doctor. Cosmetology methods, gymnastics and a special diet enhance the effect of medications. Depending on the cause of cellulite, treatment is controlled by a therapist, nutritionist, phlebologist or endocrinologist.

Drug groups and mechanism of action

The products produce an effect in several directions:

  1. Effect on appetite. Some pills can block the central nervous system and areas responsible for hunger and satiety. The drugs are dangerous if taken uncontrolled and require examination before use.
  2. Cleansing the body. Medicines have a diuretic and laxative effect. They should be taken in short courses, as there is a high risk of losing nutrients.
  3. Breakdown of fat, acceleration of metabolic processes and stimulation of blood circulation.

Medicines that help get rid of cellulite have different mechanisms of action.

Controlling estrogen production

Unwanted deposits are formed under the influence of estrogen, which activates collagenase, which is responsible for the growth of adipose tissue. The effects of the hormone can be prevented by bioflavonoids - phytoestrogens. They are found in some types of plants and even out the level of estrogen in the blood, reducing the growth of adipose tissue. One such remedy is Genistein. It does not affect the natural processes in the female body and controls estrogen.

Deactivation of collagenase

Antioxidants will help break the bond between collagen molecules and reduce the formation of cellulite. They restore youth and elasticity to the skin by interacting with elastin and proteins and forming a strong connection that prevents the production of collagenase. The main sources of the enzyme are apples, wheat, tea and grape seeds.

Formation of new collagen

In addition to products that block and normalize the action of female hormones, there is a substance that promotes collagen production - ascorbic acid. It creates a strong plexus of protein fibers, which is difficult to destroy and replace with adipose tissue.

Fat burning drugs

L-carnitine gets rid of the “orange peel” by restoring the natural processes of converting fat into energy. Combine the supplement with diet and physical activity. It is recommended to consume at least 500 g of medication per day.


Drug treatment of obesity helps speed up the process of fighting the “orange peel.” The products can be used at home.

Anti-cellulite medications can be divided into three main groups according to their mechanism of action:

  1. Tablets to reduce appetite. Their action is aimed at maintaining normal serotonin levels. The products are relatively safe and, as a rule, contain natural herbal ingredients.
  2. Preparations for bowel cleansing. These medications have diuretic and laxative effects. They must be taken strictly according to indications, since they can cause serious problems with the functioning of internal organs.
  3. Medicines for burning fat. Remove excess fluid, stimulate metabolism of substances. The drugs accelerate the breakdown of fats during physical activity. Therefore, for more effective action, you need to lead an active lifestyle and play sports.

Review of anti-cellulite drugs for oral administration

Release formActive componentsEffect on the bodyContraindications
INNEOV CellustrechPowder, capsulesExtracts of pine bark, green tea, marine glucosamine, calcium.Strengthening blood vessels, reducing the volume of fat deposits, restoring the synthesis of connective tissue of the skin, increasing firmness and elasticity of the skin, improving microcirculation.Pregnancy, breastfeeding, phenylketonuria (congenital metabolic disorder), individual intolerance to components.
Cell-U-Loss from HerbalifeCapsulesHerbal tea, wheatgrass, hydrangea, juniper berries, potassium, kelp, lecithin, apple cider vinegar, iron.Preventing the accumulation of excess fluid, maintaining the natural balance of vitamins and microelements, removing puffiness, getting rid of loose areas of skin.Pregnancy, lactation period.
Celluherb by NutrendCapsulesPotassium, rutin, caffeine, green tea extract.Detoxification, regulation of water distribution, strengthening of capillaries, reduction of signs of cellulite.
CellaseneCapsulesFish oil, polyunsaturated fatty acids, borage oil, fucus extract, ginkgo biloba.Improving blood flow, collagen synthesis, preventing improper fat deposition, normalizing metabolic processes, neutralizing free radicals.Allergic reactions.
SioforPillsSilicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, povidone, metformin hydrochloride.Positive effect on lipid metabolism, glucose control, improvement of cholesterol levels.Pregnancy, lactation, renal (respiratory, cardiovascular) failure, alcoholism, severe infection, shock.
XenicalCapsulesOrlistat, povidone, microcrystalline cellulose.Reducing body weight, reducing the solubility and subsequent absorption of cholesterol.Chronic malabsorption syndrome, cholestasis, pregnancy.
ReducinCapsulesCalcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.Increased feeling of satiety, decreased need for food, increased thermal production, removal of allergens, metabolites, toxins.Mental illnesses, eating disorders, the presence of organic causes of obesity, liver and kidney dysfunction, pregnancy, lactation.
A nicotinic acidTablets, ampoulesPyridinecarboxylic acid-3Improving blood supply to internal organs, enriching them with oxygen, accelerating metabolic processes,Peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Hyaluronic acidPillsMucopolysaccharides containing hyaluronic acid, collagen powder, salmon milt extract, pig placenta powder, vitamin C, elastin peptide (from tuna), sucrose ester of fatty acidsNormalizing the water balance of the skin and cells, stimulating the production of collagen, elastin, tightening the skin, strengthening the contours of the body.Individual intolerance, allergies, pregnancy, breastfeeding, increased blood clotting.
Lipo 6 Black from NutrexCapsulesVegetable cellulose, glycerin, purified water, polysorbate, caffeine, geranium essential oil.Increasing body temperature, burning excess fat reserves, triggering hyperactive fat metabolism.


Use any oral medications only after consulting a doctor.


Some tablets are presented in more detail in the following brief overview. It contains their characteristics - an excerpt from the instructions for use. Pay special attention to contraindications.

Cellustrech from Inneov

  • calcium carbonate;
  • marine glucosamine sulfate chloride;
  • green tea extract;
  • pine bark extract.
  • restores the structure of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • eliminates the causes of cellulite;
  • reduces and removes excess fat;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • acts as a powerful antioxidant;
  • enhances microcirculation;
  • restores the synthesis of connective tissues, which increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation;
  • phenylketonuria.
  • 1 capsule twice a day with meals;
  • Duration of treatment - 3 months.

Celluherb by Nutrend

  • AAKG (L-arginine alpha-ketoglucorate);
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • potassium gluconate;
  • green tea;
  • caffeine;
  • field alfalfa;
  • dandelion;
  • routine;
  • magnesium citrate;
  • Eleutherococcus
  • prevents the expansion of subcutaneous capillaries, eliminates rosacea, increases blood flow;
  • regulates water balance;
  • burning fat due to the thermogenic effect;
  • promotes detoxification of the body;
  • reduces signs of cellulite.
  • blood pressure problems;
  • unstable psyche;
  • insomnia.
  • 3 capsules in the morning and 3 in the afternoon (but not in the evening);
  • take orally between meals;
  • duration - 8 weeks.

Tablet Review

Garcinia forte

This is a weight loss drug of plant origin. It is obtained from the Garcinia tree. The composition contains components such as hydroxycitric acid, kelp and pectin. The product creates an early feeling of satiety and maintains a high concentration of glucose in the blood. The brain evaluates this as satiety and gives a signal that it does not need food.

The composition includes chromium, which reduces appetite and prevents the synthesis of fats, the production of cholesterol is reduced. Laminaria normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and activates metabolism.

The drug is taken two tablets twice a day for 20 days, then take a break. The course can be repeated a couple of times a year.


The main component of the product is cellulose. It removes the feeling of hunger, as a result, the amount of food consumed is reduced. The main component binds toxins and harmful substances and removes them out along with feces. The movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract accelerates. The microflora in the intestines is renewed.

The drug is prescribed five tablets three times a day. The course of treatment is one month.


The main component of the drug is sibutramine, which increases the levels of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. They increase the feeling of fullness and reduce appetite. The main component has an effect on adipose tissue. It reduces the level of very low and low density lipoproteins and increases the level of high density lipoproteins. The drug is taken orally once a day for 3 months.


An effective drug that blocks the activity of lipases (enzymes that break down fats). Triglycerides that are not exposed to lipases are not absorbed in the intestine and are excreted in the feces. The medicine begins to work within a day.

The drug is used with every meal. Undesirable effects are very unpleasant; involuntary bowel movements, separation of oily contents from the rectum, and release of gases often occur. The effect is noticeable within 2-3 weeks after starting treatment.

Cellyuherb capsules

The substance contains plant components, minerals, and vitamins. They promote accelerated metabolism, break down fat cells and remove them.

A nicotinic acid

This vitamin activates metabolic processes, accelerates the digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract, and reduces blood glucose. Improves microcirculation, thereby cleansing the blood of toxic substances. Reduces cholesterol levels. The medicine is taken in courses of 2-3 weeks. The doctor selects the dose.

Euphylline and Theophylline

These substances are used to treat respiratory diseases, but have also found their use in cellulite. They increase blood flow in tissues and stimulate fat burning. They are used in creams for external use. These include:

  • Evalar Turboslim;
  • Amilean gel;
  • Topical Aminophylline Gel.

They are applied to the skin in the recommended dosage. Before use, you should read the instructions.

Impact on the body

Aminophylline is used to eliminate cellulite in many countries. Cosmetologists are still debating how possible it is to use this drug in the fight against this problem.

One of the main causes of cellulite is poor circulation. Cells are not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, and toxins and wastes are retained in the body. Because of this, the whole body begins to swell, and fat cells group together and become covered with a membrane. This leads to the appearance of cellulite. In order for the skin to become smooth again, it is necessary to separate the fat cells from each other, eliminating the dense membrane. For this, various medications are used, one of which is aminophylline.

Initially, this drug is aimed at treating bronchial asthma. Once on the skin, aminophylline begins to warm it, causing a burning sensation. Thus, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage improves. Excess fluid is removed from the body faster, and along with it various contaminants. Thanks to this, swelling disappears. The skin becomes smooth and elastic, the volume of the hips decreases.

If you want to get rid of the “orange peel”, aminophylline can be used in several variations. In pharmacies, cosmetic departments and on the Internet, creams, gels, and serums with the addition of this drug are available for sale.

Aminophylline in ampoules against cellulite

If it is not possible to purchase expensive cosmetics, prepare your own based on aminophylline. Wraps and massages using this drug also give positive results.

Review of popular pharmacy tablets for cellulite

The best cellulite remedy in Europe is still not available in Russian pharmacies!?


The French drug Inneov Cellustrech is intended to reduce fat reserves and restore the internal structure of the dermis. The operating mechanism of the capsules is based on an active four-component natural formula consisting of:

1. Calcium, which stops the absorption of lipids and reduces the fat layer, improving metabolic processes;

2. Green tea (water extract), which improves capillary blood flow and enhances the drainage effect (removes excess fluid from tissues);

3. Glucosamine (marine) – relieves pain (an important fact for advanced forms of cellulite);

4. Maritime pine bark (extract) – a unique powerful composition of antioxidants and polyphenols that can protect fibers, maintaining the integrity of connective tissue and restoring its former elasticity;

inneov - anti-cellulite tablets - are available in the form of capsules (No. 60) and sachets (No. 30) and are sold at the pharmacy.

The treatment regimen for Inneov pharmacy capsules and the dosage is as follows: 2 tablets of the drug are drunk twice a day with meals for one and a half months. The first positive results will appear in a couple of weeks. Tablets rarely cause an allergic reaction.

2. Modelform

Anti-cellulite capsules are a pharmaceutical product from the German concern Farmaplant, designed to reduce body weight, taking into account the age category of users. At each stage of life, organic processes occur at different rates. Scientists took this feature into account when creating the medicine.

The tablets are based on an innovative development of the ELEGREENALL company, supplemented with a complex of natural ingredients necessary at a given age.

Modelform - anti-cellulite capsules 18+, 40+ and 30+, produced in a box of 30 pieces, contribute not only to weight loss. Activated metabolic processes, improved digestion, restored hormonal levels, active tissue drainage have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, reducing the appearance of lumpy skin.

Modelform anti-cellulite capsules are taken for at least 60 days, in the morning during breakfast, with a glass of water.

A side (adverse) effect of the drug can be allergic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. For users who have an individual intolerance to plants declared by the manufacturer as part of Modelform, the use of capsules is contraindicated. The same goes for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Normomass, Midona Forte, coffee (green), Figurin, Laprina, Leovit (jelly, coffee) and other food additives are similar in indications for use to the pharmaceutical product Modelform. But you should not replace anti-cellulite capsules recommended by your doctor with an analogue without his consultation.

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These tablets, which are actively used to combat cellulite, contain a number of valuable components. These include fish oil, centella asiatica, and ginkgo biloba. The medicine also contains grape seed bioflavonoids, vesicular fucus, and borage oil.

Thanks to the use of the substance, the following effects can be achieved:

Normalize blood flow;

  • Stimulate collagen production;
  • Saturate the skin with nutrients;
  • Prevent fat deposition under the skin;
  • Restore metabolism.

Tablets are actively used to treat cellulite. They can also be used to prevent orange peel formation. In addition, the substance increases skin elasticity, neutralizes the effects of free radicals and strengthens connective tissue.

Key contraindications include individual sensitivity to the ingredients of the product. Also, it cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation.

The substance is prescribed 1 capsule twice a day. The medicine for cellulite should be taken with meals. This must be done within 1-3 months.


This medicine is called caffeine sodium benzoate. The substance helps increase muscle tone, copes with increased drowsiness, and activates brain function. Thanks to the use of the product, the following results can be obtained:

Improve fat metabolism;

  • Cope with swelling by removing excess fluid;
  • Stimulate lymph flow and blood circulation, coping with stagnation in the tissue structure.

For every 30 kg of body weight you need to take 1 caffeine tablet. However, you can drink no more than 4 pieces per day. It is worth considering that caffeine can provoke excessive dryness of the dermis and often interferes with the normal absorption of vitamins.


This substance was invented specifically to combat cellulite. It is a combination medicine that promotes the process of weight loss through tissue drainage. The product works well in combination with nutritional correction.

Thanks to the use of tablets, it is possible to lose weight and normalize the functioning of blood vessels. To achieve good results, you need to take 2 tablets in the morning. It is recommended to drink the drug with plain water.


The tablets are prescribed to people with asthma. However, they are very successful in dealing with cellulite. This is achieved due to the ability to normalize blood circulation in the kidneys, improve the functions of the circulatory system and break down fat cells. This effect is provided by the active component – ​​aminophylline.

To achieve tangible results in the fight against cellulite, aminophylline should be used externally. To do this, the tablets should be crushed and mixed with moisturizer. To do this, use 1 tablet per 80 kg of body weight. The composition is applied to problem areas, after which they are wrapped in cling film. After half an hour, the mixture can be washed off.


This anti-cellulite drug contains povidone, magnesium stearate, and macrogol. The tablets also include silicon dioxide and metformin hydrochloride. Thanks to their use, the following results can be achieved:

  • Suspend the absorption of glucose from the digestive organs, increasing the sensitivity of tissues to the action of insulin,
  • Activate lipid metabolism,
  • Reduce appetite,
  • Ensure weight loss in people with diabetes,
  • Cope with cellulite.

Tablets are prohibited for use during pregnancy, infectious pathologies, cancer, lactation, and excessive sensitivity. Also, the medicine is not prescribed for diabetic coma and ketoacidosis. Contraindications include kidney, liver, and respiratory failure. To combat cellulite and other problems, 1-2 tablets per day are initially prescribed. Gradually, the daily dosage should be increased to 3 pieces. The maximum daily volume is 6 tablets. They need to be divided into several uses. The course of therapy is determined by the doctor.

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