Treatment of genital warts with ointments: a review of effective remedies


To eliminate the manifestations of HPV, not only surgical but also drug treatment of condylomas is used. It consists of selecting various drugs in the form of ointments, gels, creams or tablets, based on the test results obtained. Such therapy can be so effective that the need for surgical removal disappears as unnecessary.

In this article we will talk about why condylomas appear and what symptoms they are accompanied by, find out what drugs can be used as part of drug treatment, and also get acquainted with traditional methods of getting rid of growths.

Quite often, condylomas can be managed with medication.

  • Frequently asked questions to the doctor
      Use of homeopathy
  • Indications for use

    Any instructions for use states that one of the indications for the use of antiviral suppositories is infectious and inflammatory lesions of the genitourinary tract, including those caused by the human papillomavirus. It is necessary to take medications for papillomavirus according to doctor’s prescriptions; preference is given to suppositories for vaginal or rectal localization of the process. Suppositories for HPV are used to suppress the activity of the virus, strengthen the immune system, thereby preventing bacterial complications. Drugs for the human papillomavirus in the form of suppositories can have both local (vaginal) and systemic (rectal) effects. It must be remembered that suppositories for papillomas in intimate places are used as part of complex therapy for HPV infection. The use of suppositories for condylomas is due not only to their antiviral, but also to their immunomodulatory and analgesic properties.

    Treatment of papillomas and genital genital warts with folk remedies is permissible only with the permission of the attending physician as an addition to the main treatment. To treat HPV, herbs that increase immunity are used - lemon balm, fireweed, oregano, coriander, motherwort. For local treatment, people with this disease can be advised to use celandine, wormwood leaves, garlic, rowan juice, dandelion tincture, and tea tree oil.

    Methods of infection

    Genital warts can be transmitted through sexual and domestic contact. The most common route of transmission of the virus is sexual, this is due to the peculiarity of the virus, for which constant heat, moisture and friction are considered favorable conditions.

    As a result of sexual contact, precisely these conditions arise that are comfortable for the active reproduction of the virus.

    During intimacy, microtraumas of the mucous membranes are possible, through which the virus can enter the human body, and even if the immune system attacks the infection, it continues to be in the body in a dormant state and waits for favorable conditions that suit it.

    The contact-household route is less widespread, but it still exists. The papilloma virus can be found in human secretions, and if all family members use the same towel and other intimate hygiene items, the virus can be transmitted from an infected person to everyone else, including children.

    As a rule, the appearance of genital warts after infection can be observed within a couple of months, however, the latent period of a viral infection can last up to a year.

    What are the advantages of candles and how to administer them correctly

    Benefits of using suppositories for human papillomavirus. Suppositories for papillomas act specifically on the source of the process - the vagina or rectum.

    • Suppositories for condylomas, administered rectally, ensure active absorption of the drug, since the rectum is abundantly supplied with blood.
    • Vaginal suppositories have a local effect necessary for this pathology.
    • When using suppositories, the drug does not enter the gastrointestinal tract, which means it does not affect the stomach or intestines, which is important for people with stomach or duodenal ulcers.
    • The frequency of allergic reactions with this method of administration is much lower than when taking tablet drugs.

    You can enter it correctly by following simple rules:

    Suppositories for papillomas act specifically on the source of the process

    • Wash your hands before inserting the suppository.
    • It is better to wear gloves, as there may be cracks in the skin - this is an additional risk of autoinfection.
    • It needs to be inserted with the narrow part.
    • The suppository is inserted into the anus to a depth of 6-7 cm, into the vagina - as deep as possible.
    • After administration, it is recommended to lie down for several hours, so it is better to do this before bed.

    Many patients wonder whether it is possible to cure HPV completely only with suppositories? No, suppositories are not able to completely cure papillomavirus - they only suppress the activity of the process, eliminating the growth of papillomas and condylomas for 3 months.

    • Treatment of condylomas in women is carried out according to the following scheme: Antiviral therapy (Viferon, Genferon, etc.). Immunostimulating therapy (Galavit, Isoprinosine). Surgical treatment of skin manifestations.

    Treatment of condylomas with alternative medicine is also possible. Traditional methods of treatment include the use of:

    • Tincture of celandine - it is applied to the base of the formation, the skin becomes thinner - the papilloma disappears. It is important not to touch the surrounding healthy skin.
    • Dandelion juice – the juice of this plant contains iodine, which has a cauterizing effect. Dandelion tincture is also effective - the formations are lubricated with it 3-4 times a day, the result is visible after 1-2 months.
    • Potato juice - take it 2 times a day for a month or two.

    During an infection caused by papillomavirus, it is very important to stimulate the immune system. For this purpose, there are healing teas, decoctions, and infusions. Can be used:

    • A decoction of spruce needles with honey, ½ cup 2 times a day.
    • Decoction of onions with honey - you need to drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.
    • 500 ml daily of infusion prepared from lemon balm, fireweed, and mint. You can add lemon zest.
    • Tea with motherwort, hop cones, linden, oregano, valerian, coriander - 2 cups a day.
    • You can also prepare a medicinal dessert from walnuts, raisins, dried apricots, a whole lemon, minced, with the addition of honey. Eat 1 tablespoon in the morning before meals.
    • Rosehip decoction instead of regular tea.

    Antiviral drugs for women are administered rectally or vaginally. Treatment of papillomatosis can be supplemented by the use of creams, ointments, and gels.

    Men are prescribed rectal suppositories. One of the cheapest drugs is Panavir. It is used to treat men and to eliminate female papillomas in intimate places.

    Suppositories for HPV must be inserted correctly, following the above rules.

    Hygiene rules and prevention of occurrence

    An important recommendation regarding hygiene for condylomas is to avoid going to saunas, steam baths, swimming pools, Jacuzzis and similar places. You should not swim in open water until the end of the rehabilitation period after removal. Taking a bath can contribute to self-infection with condylomatosis. To avoid this risk, personal hygiene should be limited to showering.

    The next point in the patient’s behavior when manifestations of HPV occur on the skin is abstinence from sexual intercourse during the treatment period and for some time after treatment. Everything will depend on the chosen method of combating the pathogen and the method of removing growths. If you neglect this rule, then there is a possibility of damage to tumors on the penis, lips or vagina, which will entail:

    • inflammation;
    • addition of a secondary infection;
    • spread of condylomas to other areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

    You should not shave the area affected by genital warts, as condylomas are easily injured.

    The patient must have his own personal hygiene items. He is prohibited from using someone else’s washcloth, towel, or soap.

    For prevention, you can use Panavir Intim spray before and after each sexual intercourse.
    Strengthening the immune system will help keep the virus from activating in the body. A healthy lifestyle and abstinence from frequently changing sexual partners are reliable protectors against HPV. The article has been verified by the editors

    Viferon for HPV

    Viferon for HPV is primarily used as an antiviral agent.
    Viferon for HPV is primarily used as an antiviral agent, since it is known to be effective in the treatment of viral diseases. Like other suppositories for HPV, the drug contains interferon. But it also contains other components that help get rid of papilloma - vitamin C and tocopherol (vitamin E), which enhance the effect of interferon, have antioxidant properties and promote healing. These suppositories for the human papillomavirus do not contain synthetic emulsifiers and rarely provoke allergic reactions.

    Use Viferon suppositories (500,000 IU) one 2 times a day for 10-14 days.

    Also, Viferon-gel has good reviews - it has a prolonged effect, is easy to use, and is safe even for pregnant women and newborns, since the absorption of the drug into the systemic bloodstream is practically absent. The product is applied to the affected areas twice a day, after 40 minutes it is absorbed. The course lasts from 1 week to 1 month.

    The drug has virtually no contraindications - it is not recommended only for people who cannot tolerate interferon.


    After the condyloma is removed in the hospital or at home, a course of immunostimulants is prescribed. Usually medications are complex. They have immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. The most effective:

    • Lycopid . The medication strengthens the immune system and allows the body to resist pathogens. It has virtually no contraindications or side effects. The duration of therapy is usually 10 days. After this, a break is taken for 7 days. Then the course is repeated. Likopid enhances the effect of other drugs.
    • Cycloferon . Has a strong immunostimulating effect. At the same time it has an antiviral effect. The tablets contain interferon. The treatment regimen is prescribed individually for each person (depending on the strain of infection). Therefore, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

    The listed medications are produced in the form of tablets. There are other forms of drugs to treat HPV.

    Genferon for HPV

    Genferon suppositories for HPV are one of the most frequently prescribed medications. Doctors recommend Genferon for papillomas, condylomas and warts in the vaginal and anal areas. The drug contains interferon (immunomodulatory, antiviral and antiproliferative effects), taurine (antioxidant, promotes healing), anesthesin (analgesic effect). Genferon in suppositories for HPV has vaginal and rectal administration. The main indication for the use of Genferon suppositories is HPV, but they are also used for urethritis and other infectious pathologies of the genitourinary system (adnexitis, prostatitis, urogenital herpes).

    For HPV, administration of suppositories 500,000 IU or 1,000,000 IU 2 times a day for 10 days is indicated.

    Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to interferon, exacerbation of immune pathologies and the first trimester of pregnancy.

    Betadine suppositories for papillomas are used to eliminate inflammation and normalize vaginal flora


    There are usually no obvious signs of genital warts, and the infected person is unaware of the problem. With the appearance of growths, discomfort arises, since the new growths can be injured, bleed and become inflamed.

    At the same time, pain, discharge and an unpleasant odor may occur in the area where they are located. When genital warts grow very large, they can interfere with normal sexual intercourse.

    In addition, the virus may manifest itself in the following nonspecific symptoms:

    • weakness;
    • increased irritability;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • frequent headaches;
    • in some cases the temperature may rise.

    In women, condylomatosis has more specific symptoms:

    • unpleasant odor from intimate places;
    • constant feeling of wetness in the vagina;
    • pain in the lower abdomen;
    • sensations of a foreign body in the area where the wart is located;
    • irritation that occurs when the growth comes into contact with underwear.

    In men, when condylomas grow, the following may be observed:

    • discomfort when urinating;
    • discomfort during physical activity and walking;
    • pain during intimacy;
    • if the neoplasms are localized around the anus, bloody impurities may be observed in the stool;
    • moderate pain in the lower abdomen.

    Betadine for papillomas

    Betadine suppositories for papillomas are used to eliminate inflammation and normalize vaginal flora. The main active ingredient of the drug is iodine, which is active against bacteria, viruses (which is important for papillomas), and protozoa. They normalize the vaginal flora, eliminate burning sensations and itching, without having an irritating effect. Betadine for papillomas and condylomas is used 1 suppository before bedtime for 2 weeks.

    This drug is also available in the form of ointment and cream for papillomas; in addition, Betadine is used to get rid of warts. The product is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

    Since the drug contains iodine, it is contraindicated in persons with hyperthyroidism, thyroid adenoma, when treated with iodine isotopes, and allergic reactions to iodine.

    How does the remedy against papilloma in intimate places work?

    Getting rid of the growth that appears is not enough; it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its appearance. The use of ointments has the following effects on the virus and its consequences:

    • General strengthening.
    • Antiviral.
    • Destroying the structure of formations.
    • Disinfectant.
    • Restorative.

    Removing vulvar condyloma on the genitals, groin, and buttocks requires additional delicacy:

    • The mucous membranes ensure active penetration of drugs into the body.
    • Access to the location of the growths cannot always be provided by the patient himself; the assistance of medical facility personnel may be required.
    • Application of ointments, creams, gels must be applied directly to the formation, covering clean skin.

    A compress or bandage is not used in the treatment of condylomas.

    Comprehensive treatment prescribed by a doctor will avoid complications, side effects and ensure speedy relief from the disease.

    Galavit for HPV

    Galavit suppositories have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, stimulating the body's natural immunity, increasing the activity of macrophages and the production of interferon. Effective against many diseases - from genitourinary infections to herpes. Galavit against HPV is used only in the form of suppositories. If we talk about which Galavit suppositories for condylomas are produced, then you need to remember that they are administered only rectally. It is recommended to administer 1 suppository (adult dosage – 100 mg) at night for 10 days.

    Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

    Do condylomas need to be removed?

    People who have growths often wonder whether they need to be removed or whether they can be left intact. Neoplasms can form in groups and affect large areas, visually resembling cauliflower. This causes severe discomfort during sexual intercourse, when washing, and going to the toilet. The growths are easily injured, cause pain, and bleed. In addition, they do not look aesthetically pleasing.

    If condylomas are not removed in a timely manner, they can develop into oncological pathologies. Cancer in most cases leads to death. Therefore, it is imperative to get rid of growths.


    Kipferon for papillomavirus is a medicine containing immunoglobulin and interferon, effective against microbes and viruses, including HPV, having an immunostimulating effect, relieving inflammation.

    Kipferon is used both rectally and vaginally, 2 suppositories per day - 10-14 days; if necessary, the doctor can extend the course.

    Contraindicated only in case of allergic reactions to the components of the drug. It is not recommended to use with amphotericin, doxirubicin, as the risk of liver and kidney damage increases.


    A drug that has antiviral and immunostimulating activity, stimulating the production of interferon and blocking the synthesis of viral DNA in the affected tissues of the body, reduces inflammation and stimulates healing. Dosage forms - solution, gel, vaginal and rectal suppositories.

    Used as a component of therapy for HPV infection:

    Panavir is a drug with antiviral and immunostimulating activity

    • The solution is administered intravenously for 2 weeks according to the following scheme: 1 week - 3 times with an interval of 48 hours, 2 week - 2 times with an interval of 72 hours.
    • For papillomas and condylomas of the anogenital area, vaginal and rectal suppositories are used according to the following scheme: 1 week - 3 times with an interval of 48 hours, 2 week - 2 times with an interval of 72 hours. It is advisable to administer suppositories at night.

    The drug has contraindications:

    • Solution - not recommended for allergies or breastfeeding.
    • Gel is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age and allergy sufferers.
    • Suppositories are not used for allergies, pathologies of the kidneys, spleen, liver, pregnancy and lactation, and those under 18 years of age.

    Other drugs

    Vaginal suppositories Hexicon and Terzhinan are used as additional means in the treatment of diseases caused by the human papillomavirus.

    Hexicon is a drug characterized by an antiseptic effect, that is, it destroys pathogenic microorganisms. For HPV, Hexicon is used to prevent infectious complications, 1 suppository per night for 10 days; it is recommended to use it simultaneously with antiviral drugs. May cause side effects - itching, burning, dermatitis in allergy sufferers.

    Terzhinan is a remedy that has activity against microorganisms, fungi, trichomonas, and reduces inflammation. Terzhinan is used for concomitant bacterial diseases, 1 suppository per night, duration of treatment is 7-10 days. The product should be used with caution by allergy sufferers and persons under 16 years of age.

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