Review of pharmaceutical drugs for eliminating moles and papillomas

Author of the article

Dmitry Savelyev

Practicing dermatovenerologist, graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov.

Articles written


Papilloma is a pathological growth that can affect not only the mucous membrane of the genital organs and oral cavity. It is often localized in delicate areas of the skin or in the flexure of joints. This disease can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person: both through contact and household contact, and in the case of unprotected sexual contact.

On the skin of the neck, most often, papillomas are multiple. At the beginning of the disease, they manifest themselves as a single growth, but such a location leads to their constant traumatization. This occurs when putting on or taking off clothes, or when wearing jewelry. And that is why they grow.

They can have different shapes, depending on this they distinguish:

  1. Thread-like. Initially, the growth has the shape of a small tubercle, shaped like a bump. Over time, it lengthens, a stalk is formed, along which blood vessels pass, through which the growth is nourished. Typically, such a papilloma is small in size, and its color can be pink or flesh-colored with a brownish tint.
  2. Flat. Upon visual inspection, it appears as a small speck that rises above the surface of the skin, and practically does not differ from it in color. A feature of such papillomas is their ability to merge. After which they reach large sizes, their edges become uneven, and the surface may become covered with small cracks. Their appearance may be accompanied by a feeling of itching. They cause great cosmetic discomfort for women and deprive them of the opportunity to wear low-cut clothing.
  3. Keratopapillomas. Most often they affect people after 30 years of age. Their surface is smooth and round in shape.
  4. Senile or seborrheic papillomas. A type of growth that can cause, in addition to itching and cosmetic discomfort, a feeling of pain.
  5. Vulgar. In everyday life they are also called warts. Most often they are round in shape, have a dark brown color, and rise significantly above the level of the skin.

A feature of all papilloma growths is their ability to grow peripherally. As a result of damage to one papilloma, an adjacent area of ​​skin becomes infected. And as a result, several new papillomas appear.

If timely therapy is not carried out, the location of papillomas (in addition to the neck) may increase. They appear in the chest area, in the armpits, and on the face (especially around the eyelids).

Why is it important to treat papillomas?

If papillomas are detected on the skin, it is necessary to immediately begin their treatment.

The virus can remain in the human body for a long time and not manifest itself in any way, but when the immune system is weakened, the infection is activated and provokes the appearance of new formations.

Treating papillomas is important because:

  • the number of formations will increase, affecting new areas of the skin;
  • if there are papillomas on the skin, there is a high probability of transmitting the disease to another person, through household means or through sexual contact;
  • about 40 types of virus can cause the development of genital warts, affecting the genitals, which leads to problems with the reproductive organs;
  • There is a high probability that benign formations can provoke the development of cancer cells at the site of their appearance, which leads to cancer.

Types and localization

There are several types of papillomas based on external characteristics and location:

  1. Genital warts - most often appear in the perineal area, on the mucous membranes of the external labia and the head of the penis, in the anus. They are small in size and pointed in shape.
  2. Hanging growths - can occur on any part of the body, most often localized in the armpits, neck, abdomen, shoulders, on the arms and between the fingers, on the face, eyelids. They can be dry or dense, tight when pressed.
  3. Pedicled papilloma is quite common in the armpits and neck, is small in size and is often injured during everyday manipulations. In most cases the growth is dry.
  4. Squamous growths can reach large sizes and often form on the feet, legs and between the fingers and toes. Externally, this type of growth resembles warts.

In addition to external ones, there are internal papillomas - they appear in the ducts of the mammary glands, nasopharyngeal mucosa, in the vagina, on and under the tongue and in the throat. They are distinguished by vivid clinical manifestations and require qualified medical care.

Brown and white formations are distinguished by color. The latter are less common. This growth is rarely large and is localized in the abdomen, chest, armpits and neck. The pathology is almost invisible during visual inspection, because the growths look transparent.

White papillomas

In adults, all types of growths occur with almost the same frequency. Newborns often develop hanging and pedunculated papillomas. In older children, squamous and hanging types of neoplasms are common.

Features of the use of tablets

The course of therapy against papillomavirus is mandatory and includes various medications, including tablets.

This form of drug release has certain advantages:

  • ease of use – every patient can take the tablet independently; in addition, it can be taken with you and taken at the appropriate time, even outside the home;
  • dosage accuracy - the tablets already have a certain dosage, which is necessarily indicated on the packaging, which allows you to easily calculate it, taking into account individual characteristics;
  • effectiveness - drugs for oral use can bring the greatest effect, since their beneficial substances are absorbed through the blood.

In addition to positive qualities, tablets may have some disadvantages:

  • there is no doctor's control - a very large number of people independently purchase tablets and use them at home without receiving recommendations from doctors regarding the dosage and duration of use;
  • age restrictions - it is believed that children from 12 years of age can swallow a tablet on their own, so most drugs are approved from this age;
  • not all necessary medications for HPV can be produced in the form of tablets, for example, in order to get rid of papillomas on the skin, products for external use are needed;
  • the presence of contraindications - you cannot take a large number of tablets if you have lesions of the duodenum, as well as stomach diseases.

Other medications

With a systematic approach to treatment, high effectiveness is achieved. These are medications such as antiviral suppositories (Panavir, Genferon, Viferon), Acyclovir tablets, Isoprinosine.

Isoprinosine tablets

Papillokan suppositories with herbal components help with papillomas on the mucous membranes of the external genitalia and rectum, the instructions say that the course consists of 30 days (a total of 3 packages are needed).

To avoid unwanted consequences, you must strictly follow the instructions.

External remedies for HPV in another form of release:

  • Solution. These include Papillek (analogues in Russia - Supercelandine, Mountain Celandine balm), Papillylux.
  • Balsam Papillon.
  • A product with a freezing effect “Cryopharma”. Contraindicated for children under 4 years of age.

Experts advise consulting with your doctor before using any medicine against papilloma. Especially with the high prevalence of tumors on the body, when drug treatment will not help completely get rid of the problem.

This article does not describe all ointments for HPV. Here are the main ones: the most common and effective.

Antiviral therapy

When a diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes tablets for the patient against papillomavirus, which are used in combination with other methods of treatment. All drugs are selected with the goal of not only getting rid of papillomas, but also suppressing the virus and boosting the body’s immune strength.

The most effective tablets prescribed against the papilloma virus:

  1. Alpizarin.
  2. Acyclovir.
  3. Groprinosin.
  4. Isoprinosine.
  5. Cycloferon.


Tablets for the human papillomavirus, which have anti-inflammatory properties, destroy virus cells and also stimulate the growth of cellular immunity. The drug is prescribed in the early stages of the appearance of warts and papillomas, herpes, and chickenpox.

The duration of taking the tablets ranges from several days to a month, depending on the stage of the disease. Children over 12 years of age and adults need to take 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day.


Tablets for papillomas, different types of herpes, the peculiarity of which is that one of its components completely replaces one of the components of the DNA of the virus, thereby blocking its reproduction within the body.

The drug, combined with a physical effect on papillomas, actively gets rid of growths and prevents the appearance of new ones.

Take 1 tablet orally for adults 4-5 times a day, and for children up to 3 times. The optimal course of treatment is 5 days, this period is enough to completely replace the viral DNA and stop its development.


A drug against human papillomavirus, aimed at combating the virus and increasing cell immunity. The main active ingredient is inosine pranobex.

The drug is taken orally, the course duration is up to 2 weeks, if necessary it can be repeated after a break of 10 days. The maximum daily dose for adults is 5 g, for children under 12 years old - 4 g.

It should be used only after consultation with a doctor, since Groprinosin has contraindications, for example, it cannot be taken in the presence of arthritis and hyperuricemia.


The main active ingredient of these tablets against papillomas is also pranobex inosine, which prevents the proliferation of viral cells by penetrating into the affected cells and blocking the development of viral DNA. At the same time, Isoprinoisin increases the immunity of cells, increasing their protective functions.

It is necessary to take tablets only as prescribed by a doctor, since their dosage is calculated based on the patient’s weight and stage of the disease. The maximum amount per day is 6-8 pieces, divided into 3-4 doses, and the course of treatment is 7-14 days.

The medicine also has contraindications in the form of hypersensitivity to its components, gout, pregnancy and lactation, hyperuricemia.


The drug is included in the treatment of papillomatosis and has a wide range of properties, it eliminates inflammation, prevents the development of viruses and cancer cells, and also strengthens the immune system.

The main active ingredient is meglumine acridone acetate, which helps the body produce alpha and beta interferons, which, when present in sufficient quantities, can resist viral cells. Cycloferon also activates T-lymphocytes, which kill harmful substances.

The drug relieves inflammation well and prevents the formation of tumors that cause skin diseases and the development of cancer.

It must be taken half an hour before meals, 1 tablet 1 time per day.

Spray Epigen Intim

The active ingredient of this antiviral drug against papillomavirus is glycyrrhizic acid from licorice root. It has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and immunostimulating effects on the body. In the immune system it provokes:

  • Production and activation of lymphocytes;
  • Reduces the amount of immunoglobulin G;
  • Increases the amount of immunoglobulin A and M.

The acid present in the composition blocks the development of the virus in the early stages and prevents it from penetrating cells. This antiviral drug for HPV in women can also be used for preventive purposes.

It is prescribed only by a gynecologist, since only a doctor can choose the correct way to use the medicine.

In addition to high results, the drug has another undeniable advantage - it is suitable for treating pregnant women even at a short period of time and young mothers who are breastfeeding. Apart from allergies to its constituent components, Epigen Intim has no side effects.


An important step in treatment is taking pills against the human papillomavirus, which are aimed at increasing the body’s immune forces, since they “put to sleep” the activity of HPV cells, preventing it from developing.

The most popular immunomodulatory drugs are:

  1. Galavit.
  2. Lycopid.

After completing the course of taking these drugs, there is an improvement in metabolism, increased immunity, as well as an improvement in general well-being.


Anti-HPV tablets that combine immunostimulating effects and also relieve inflammation. It has properties such as increasing the production of interferon, antioxidant activity, normalizing the phagocytic functions of macrophages, and it also stimulates the formation of anti-inflammatory cytokines.

The course of taking tablets is drawn up individually by the attending physician, the optimal duration is up to 2 weeks. Galavit should be consumed up to 3 times per day, 1 piece, dissolving.

The tablets are not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age, as well as by pregnant women and women during lactation.

Suppository Genferon

The antiviral drug for papillomavirus contains three special components that ensure the success of treatment:

  1. Interferon alpha-2. This substance gives strength to the immune system, stimulates it to produce phagocytes and killer cells, as well as the differentiation of lymphocytes. Under the influence of interferon, leukocytes are activated in the mucous membrane and help it eliminate pathological foci and restore the production of immunoglobulin A;
  2. Benzocaine. Local anesthetic. Thanks to it, calcium is displaced from the receptors, cell membranes do not allow sodium ions to pass through, and nerve impulses are blocked;
  3. Taurine. This substance has reparative, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antioxidant properties.

This antiviral drug for the treatment of HPV has a wide range of indications for use. It can be used to treat children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Side effects include allergic reactions and mild itching. But everything goes away 2-3 days after the last use of the suppository.

Genferon is available in several dosages, so it should only be prescribed by a doctor. If the dosage is incorrectly selected, the patient may feel worse and develop allergies.

The best medicine for papillomas in the pharmacy

The top five most popular drugs that can be found in pharmacies include:

  1. Aldara cream with the active ingredient imiquimod. Duration of treatment ranges from ½ month to 2 months
  2. Veregen is a mast based on green tea catechins for long-term use, safe for the human body
  3. Panavir - available in the form of a gel or spray, it is effective, but has a lot of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with
  4. Cycloferon
  5. Epigen - preparations for removing papillomas based on licorice root extract with a treatment duration of a month

Reviews from patients show that the first positive result after using the drugs occurs after about a week. Depending on the effect of the drug, recovery occurs in different ways. In some cases, papillomas begin to become inflamed, dry out and fall off, in others, the growths turn black. By contacting a specialist for advice, he will inform how the patient learns about the effectiveness of the drug.

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