Lapis pencil for removing warts: instructions for use and selection rules

At certain periods of life, various skin tumors may appear on the human body. Some of them appear as a result of the activation of the vital activity of human papilloma viruses (warts, papillomas), others are formed in the process of wearing uncomfortable shoes (calluses on the feet and toes).

To get rid of such troubles, a lapis pencil is often used - a tool that allows you to quickly get rid of skin growths without damaging healthy areas.

Description and composition of Lapis pencil

Lapis pencil is a medical product designed to remove warts and papillomas at home. Dermatologists prescribe the drug in rare cases, and it is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It is recommended to consult a doctor before purchasing. This will ensure that the tumor is not malignant.

Silver nitrateIt is an inorganic compound of silver metal salts and nitric acid. In appearance it resembles transparent diamond-shaped crystals. It is poorly soluble in water, and large doses are considered toxic.
Potassium nitrateIt is an inorganic substance in the form of a mixture of potassium salt and nitric acid. The compound is non-volatile, has no color, is highly soluble in water, and has the ability to absorb vapors from the air. There is no smell, the level of toxicity is minimal.

The presented components accelerate the healing process of wounds and cracks in the skin. Among the additional substances, the presence of citric acid (fights viruses, prevents pathogenic microorganisms from spreading throughout the body) and celandine extract (accelerates the process of removing damaged viral cells from the skin) is stated.

What to do if the problem returns?

It often happens that some time after the wart is removed, it grows back. The reason for this may be incomplete burning of the growth, as a result of which its nutrition was not disrupted. In this case, the wart decreases in size, and then dries up and disappears, but over time it appears again in this place. If this happens, you should consult your doctor about which wart removal method is best to use to effectively get rid of the skin defect.

Also, anti-wart medications are ineffective if the virus is present in the body. In this case, removal brings only a temporary effect; after some time, the growths appear again. This is usually observed with reduced immunity. In this case, the patient needs to consult a doctor and take a course of antiviral therapy. Treatment is carried out using tablets against the virus and special ointments to treat each growth, which allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of the problem.

Release form

Lapis pencil for papillomas, reviews of which are positive and negative, are produced in an oblong candle-shaped form. It has a hard texture and is pale gray in color. There is no smell at all.

One end is shaped like a sharp, rounded cone. Each pencil is packaged in polyethylene and then in a cardboard box or paper bag.

Wartner applicator pen

The device is used to remove common warts, including those on the sole. The pen contains trichloroacetic acid gel. The manufacturer's instructions recommend applying the substance pointwise so that the drops do not get on healthy skin. The course of treatment includes twice daily use of the gel for 4 days. For a wart with a diameter of 2–3 mm, it is enough to lubricate it once a day. Removal of such a growth occurs within a week.

The dying growth darkens, the affected area of ​​the epidermis gradually peels off. You can rub the wart under running warm water to quickly exfoliate the cells affected by HPV. Complete skin recovery takes several weeks.

Review of the applicator pen for warts

“After giving birth, I noticed a wart on my finger in the form of a hard crust. Over time, a crater-shaped depression appeared in the center. I purchased the Vatrner applicator pen on the advice of a doctor friend. The device is very convenient; after rotating the cap at the top, a transparent gel appears from the “rod”. The product solved my problem in one week, all that was left of the wart was a patch of young skin.”

This material is posted for educational and informational purposes, does not constitute professional medical advice or scientific material and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

pharmachologic effect

The main active ingredient of the product is silver nitrate. This product cauterizes warts and papillomas, accelerates the process of cell death of viral growths, and also disinfects the treated area. The principle of action of the Lapis pencil is determined by the ability of silver to reduce the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Due to this, the inflammatory process developing in damaged skin is stopped. If you use the product too often, the cauterizing effect will lead to the appearance of black spots on the epidermis, and chemical burns are also possible. Potassium nitrate has an identical pharmacological effect and enhances the therapeutic effect.

Which is the best pencil for calluses?

The modern rhythm of life requires people to be on their feet for a long time.
Constant fuss does not have the best effect on the condition of the lower extremities. One of the problems is calluses. They appear due to wearing uncomfortable shoes made of hard materials. In such shoes or boots, the foot cannot move freely. In addition, some diseases, such as flat feet, can lead to the formation of calluses. It is known that most often calluses appear in the summer. In pursuit of beauty, many people forget that shoes should be practical. Especially when it is worn on a bare leg. If a callus does appear, it must be properly treated. Special pencils can help with this.


Lapis pencil for papillomas, reviews of which indicate that it helps get rid of warts, is intended to combat tumors on the feet, palms, fingers and toes. With regular use, the growths stop increasing in size and gradually disappear.

An effective remedy if available:

  • ulcers of small diameter on different parts of the body, with the exception of the mucous membranes;
  • erosions on the skin;
  • minor wounds with bleeding or cuts;
  • cracks on the surface of the dermis.

The drug has a therapeutic effect only when fighting small and medium-sized papillomas. It is not recommended to self-medicate to avoid complications.

Features of using pencils for calluses

Pencils for calluses can be used for preventive purposes to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence. They are also applied to the skin to treat already formed abrasions. They will have different effects at different times.

For example, if you want to prevent the appearance of calluses, then you need to apply a pencil to the area that is at risk. This will allow the foot to slide better in uncomfortable shoes, which will reduce the likelihood of injury to the dermis.

If a callus has already appeared, the product is applied to protect the skin from further damage. In addition, the process of tissue regeneration will go faster.

If the callus is old or severely inflamed, the pencil will no longer be able to cope with the problem. In this case, you need to contact a doctor.

Store callus pencils in a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C. It can be used by all people without exception, unless they are allergic to the components that make up the drug.

Education: Moscow Medical Institute named after. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - “General Medicine” in 1991, in 1993 “Occupational diseases”, in 1996 “Therapy”.



Reviews of the lapis pencil for papillomas are in most cases positive. But at the same time, before use, patients should familiarize themselves with the contraindications. Even before starting treatment, it is worth determining your skin type, as well as the presence or absence of hypersensitivity to the constituent components. If it is available, then using a pencil is prohibited.

It is worth refusing to treat papillomas with the drug in the following situations:

  • there is damage to the skin or a burn in the area where the growth forms;
  • orgasmic intolerance to silver and potassium nitrate;
  • Papillomas in one area occupy a large area.

It is forbidden to remove growths from the face and neck, since the skin in this area is extremely thin and the blood vessels are located close. Neglecting the recommendation leads to the appearance of large scars. Lapis pencil is not suitable for the treatment of papillomas on the mucous membranes and in the oral cavity, since it causes severe intoxication of the body and burns.

Briefly about the drug

  • Compound. Lapis is a mixture of silver nitrate and potassium nitrate.
  • Effect on skin: cauterizing, bactericidal, disinfectant. Silver nitrate kills bacteria and viruses. And in combination with potassium nitrate, it also has a cauterizing effect on skin cells.
  • Despite its mild effect, Lapis can cause skin burns with prolonged use. Therefore: use strictly according to instructions!
  • Lapis was widely used to treat warts and papillomas in the second half of the 20th century. Currently, there are more effective methods and drugs for treating these pathologies. Read the article about the types of warts and methods of their treatment.

Instructions for using a pencil to remove papillomas

The lapis pencil for papillomas, reviews of which confirm its high therapeutic effectiveness, is easy to use. According to the official instructions for use, the maximum duration of the treatment course should not exceed 1 month. After this time, you need to take a break for 3-4 weeks.

The algorithm for using a pencil is as follows:

  1. You need to open the package with the product.
  2. Then remove the protective cap from the tube.
  3. The pencil is placed in cold water for a few seconds.
  4. Papillomas are treated precisely without touching healthy skin.

During the day, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 procedures to treat the epidermis. The duration of the therapeutic course should be determined by the leading specialist. When calculating the duration, the size and number of growths are taken into account. Short courses of treatment (7-10 days) are not considered effective.

Features of application

Depending on the type of pencil and the size of the build-up, considerations should be taken during application. When using preparations containing active chemicals, spot application is carried out to prevent tissue burns. During treatment:

  • the effect may occur from the first application or several sessions may be required;
  • the growths darken, become rough, and gradually fall off;
  • you can get rid of papillomas, erosions, skin cracks.

The use of freezing has its own specifics. Therapeutic cryopencil:

  • cannot be used for more than three weeks;
  • prohibited for children under four years of age;
  • creates a feeling of cold;
  • accompanies the process with pain symptoms;
  • not recommended for thin sensitive skin of the face, chest, genitals;
  • a bubble forms at the site of the wart, which should be cauterized with potassium permanganate;
  • does not replace professional cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen.

Precautionary measures

It is strictly forbidden to use a lapis pencil to remove papillomas and warts on the skin of the face. The ban also applies to growths that appear on the eyelids or mucous membranes. Such manipulations lead to a burn, at the site of which a scar is formed.

Lapis pencil for papillomas leaves black spots

After the treatment procedure, you should immediately put the cap on the pencil. If during use there is contact with healthy skin or some object, a black spot will remain in this place. Dark areas of the dermis disappear only after the skin has been exfoliated, which takes from 25 to 50 days.

Do not use the product in close proximity to inflamed areas of the skin. If after use a person feels discomfort, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the treated area with warm water and then neutralize it with table salt. In the future, to avoid complications, you need to consult a doctor.

Pencil reviews

Today, few people use lapis pencil to treat warts and papillomas, and reviews about this drug are controversial.

Kalella, Moscow “I used the pencil about 15 years ago. I tried to reduce the “chicken butt” on the sole. It seems that the case was not particularly advanced, but after a month of daily application there was no effect. The wart hasn’t even shrunk at all.”

Kris2040, Volgograd “I tried to get rid of a wart on my leg with the help of celandine. It helped until the first bath, then the wart popped up again. Mom recommended a lapis pencil (she used it to remove a mole). I smeared my wart with a pencil every three days. The skin turned black and gradually began to peel off. Within a couple of months the wart completely disappeared. It took a long time, of course, but it helped!”

Akkor11, Omsk“I took two pencils at once. The first one broke immediately, the second one a week later. But that's not the point! If the first one at least somehow stained the skin, then with the second there was no reaction at all. Personally, my opinion is a useless thing.”

Since lapis pencil is rarely found in regular pharmacies, you can purchase it in online stores or look for offers for sale on treasure hunting forums. The price varies from 130 to 300 rubles per pencil.

How to avoid burns from lapis

Lapis pencil for papillomas, reviews of which indicate the possibility of burns, must be used with caution and safety precautions must be observed. If a large amount of the product gets on a healthy area of ​​skin, it can even cause its death.

Before starting spot treatment, uninfected epidermis should be treated with fatty cream, Vaseline, zinc paste or vegetable oil. Thanks to this, a protective film will form on the surface of the skin. If it was not possible to avoid contact, then you need to carefully remove the product with a cotton swab, and then rinse the part of the body under warm water.

Treatment of burns from lapis

The only way to get rid of a burn after using a lapis pencil is to stop using the medicine.

Be sure to regularly treat the injured area with anti-burn ointment. The dark spot will disappear only after the damaged layer of skin peels off, which on average takes 3-6 weeks.

Treatment options

Treatment should begin with an accurate diagnosis, because a callus can easily be confused with a wart or thorn. An experienced dermatologist will help you figure this out and, if necessary, in addition to procedural treatment, will prescribe a set of antiviral drugs.

Treatment methods for internal callus can be divided into two categories:

  • Clinical procedures performed by certified specialists.
  • Self-treatment using pharmaceutical or folk remedies.

If during the consultation it was diagnosed that the cause of the ingrown callus is a virus, then resorting to self-treatment is highly not recommended. Because this increases the risk of spreading the infection.

Clinical procedures (instrumental removal)

These procedures are more cosmetic than surgical. Therefore, they can be carried out both in cosmetology clinics and in the offices of a dermatologist or podologist. The main condition for their implementation is the presence of a special apparatus and a specialist with a specialized medical education who is fluent in it.

Hardware pedicure (callus drilling)

During this procedure, using a special device with a rotating abrasive tip (miniature cutter), the callus is completely drilled out, taking care not to damage healthy areas of the skin. In this case, not even microparticles should remain from the callus itself, because even a small remaining part of the callus core can lead to its restoration.

How to prevent papillomas from returning

If treatment with a lapis pencil has given the expected therapeutic effect, it is important to preserve it and prevent the reappearance of growths, warts, and to avoid the development of the inflammatory process.

To do this, the following is recommended:

  • exert a mechanical effect on the wound surface;
  • remove the crusts yourself;
  • cover the papilloma with a plaster;
  • wet the wound;
  • apply cosmetics.

It is allowed to treat the area where the papilloma was located with iodine, brilliant green or ethyl alcohol. This procedure will help prevent germs from entering the body.

It is possible to reduce the activity of viral agents and put the disease into remission by regularly taking fortified complexes. It is equally important to lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to proper nutrition and promptly treat associated pathologies.

Mechanism of action of therapeutic agents

There are options for pencils that help remove warts, which differ in the principle of action. One group contains active components - solutions of alkalis and acids. When applied to the surface of the formation:

  • cauterization of the growth occurs due to the aggressive action of the composition;
  • tissues become coarser;
  • necrotic processes begin;
  • the wart disappears;
  • antiseptic, antimicrobial treatment occurs;
  • the virus has no opportunity to develop further.

Another option for treating skin growths is a cryopencil. It is effective in removing plantar warts. When applying the composition:

  • tissue freezes due to low temperatures;
  • the destruction of cells by small pieces of ice begins;
  • inflammation of the epidermis occurs;
  • local immunity is activated;
  • nutrition and blood supply are disrupted;
  • the wart first turns white, then dies and falls off;
  • no scars are left.

Adverse reactions and overdose

Currently, in dermatological practice, there are no cases of overdose of the drug as such. If you exceed the frequency of daily use, scars and burns may occur.

Lapis pencil contains celandine extract. This component is considered a herbal component, so it can provoke the development of an allergic reaction in the form of minor rashes or redness on the skin. In this case, treatment of papillomas with the drug must be stopped.

Adverse reactions include the following:

  • Darkening of the skin.
  • Itching sensation.
  • Burning and irritation.
  • Formation of spots on the dermis.

If one or more symptoms occur, the patient should immediately stop using the product, take antihistamines and report the condition to a senior dermatologist. The doctor will select analogues based on the clinical picture.

In what cases is it not advisable to use lapis?

The product should not be used for children under 2 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, a lapis pencil can be used after consulting a doctor.


  1. Allergy, individual intolerance to silver nitrate. If there are side effects: burning, local swelling, itching, redness, stop using the product. Neutralize by washing with running water with the addition of table salt.
  2. Malignant neoplasms.
  3. Do not use on sensitive areas of the skin (mucous membranes, facial skin), condylomas in intimate places. The pencil is not intended for the treatment of multiple warts.
  4. The product is not used with medications that contain bromine, iodine and chlorine.
  5. Lapis is not used to treat warts located near moles, pigmented areas, or damaged skin.


The most common substitute is Tsiarkum. The presented drug has a similar mechanism of action.

Available in the form of a solution, which consists of silver, hydrogen, citric acid and copper ions. The cost of a 100 ml bottle averages 25-35 rubles. Currently, many pharmacies do not stock this substitute.

As an analogue, you can use a cryopencil. This medical product resembles a felt-tip pen in appearance, inside of which there is a liquid solution.

The principle of operation is similar to hardware cryodestruction, but differs in that the procedure can be performed at home.

The average course of treatment is 7-10 days, and the price of one pencil is about 430-550 rubles.

Many pharmacies stock a special patch for papillomas. This product looks like a sticky tape soaked in a chemical solution.

The method of use is very simple: the product is glued to the growth and left for 1-2 days, after which it is removed along with the papilloma.

Often the main active ingredient is salicylic ointment. A well-known representative is Salipod, the price of which is 60-70 rubles. a piece.

The most common remedy for warts and papillomas is mountain celandine. It is produced in the form of a solution and is sold in a bottle with an applicator. The composition includes celandine, rhododendron and gentian. The medication should be used once a day, carefully applied to the wart. The cost of a 15 ml bottle is about 70 rubles.

Lapis for removing warts

Preparations in the form of a pencil or pen applicator are very convenient to use at home or on the go. Silver salt, alkali, trichloroacetic acid in the composition of such products have a cauterizing and antiseptic effect. Necrosis and exfoliation of formations occur with excessive keratinization on the surface.

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A wart pencil (lapis) is a cone of dense white substance. The active ingredient in the composition is silver nitrate (silver nitrate). An auxiliary ingredient is potassium nitrate. The pencil is enclosed in a plastic case and has a removable cap. In air, the active substance oxidizes, which is why a dark coating appears on the skin or any surface.

Lapis is used to independently remove warts of viral origin. A soluble salt of nitric acid melts growths on the skin. Silver nitrate prevents the development of inflammation and bleeding.

How to use lapis pencil for warts:

  1. Wet the tip with a little water.
  2. Alternatively, hold the top of the cone in water for 5 seconds.
  3. Lubricate the skin around the growth with Vaseline or cover with a band-aid.
  4. Gently apply the pencil to the growth for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Repeat the procedure after 48 hours (if necessary).

One way to use it is to lubricate the wart with lapis once every 10 days for a month. However, it is not recommended to use the pencil more than 3 times on the hand, or more than 6 times on the sole. After the wart has died and fallen off, you need to stop applying lapis. The sore spot should be treated with an antiseptic solution until complete healing. It is also necessary to take care of improving the condition of the immune system, maintain personal hygiene, and eat right.

Feedback on the use of lapis

“The lapis pencil helped get rid of the wart. True, the treatment was long - several months. At first I smeared the wart every day, then once every 3 days. The lapis pencil is very hard and is used sparingly. When applied to a wart, pain appears, and after a few hours the skin darkens. The remedy helps if you are patient and wait for the results of the treatment.”

Price in pharmacies

The average cost of a lapis pencil in pharmacies in the Russian Federation is 125-140 rubles. for 1 piece In Ukraine it can be purchased at a price of 60 UAH.

Reviews of the lapis pencil for papillomas indicate that it is an inexpensive and effective remedy for combating growths. But it can be used only after approval by a leading dermatologist and determination of the type of tumor (benign or malignant). Since papillomatosis is of a viral nature, it must be treated comprehensively.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Alternative to Lapis

Some customers call Lekker preparations “pencils” or “felt-tip pens”, others say “markers”. The active substance is enclosed in an elongated plastic case and comes out through the rod. It is very convenient to apply the medicine pointwise to warts without touching normal skin.

Lekker Superclean does not contain plant extract. The active ingredient is a colored alkaline solution (sodium or potassium hydroxide, pH=13). This is a necrotizing, mummifying drug for the removal of warts and papillomas. After application to the skin in the area of ​​the growth, tissue death occurs within 3–7 days. In total, 3 to 5 procedures may be required to get rid of a wart.

Any pencil for removing warts acts approximately the same: it destroys pathological tissues and mummifies the growth. Lekker, unlike lapis, is considered a more modern means for removing benign tumors on the skin. Before use for the treatment of warts in children, consultation with a dermatologist is required.

Before applying Super Clean, healthy skin around the growth is smeared with Vaseline or sealed with a band-aid. The “marker” rod is then applied to the wart. The small formation darkens almost immediately and dies after 2–5 days. Exfoliation occurs and the skin is cleansed. Large growths are re-lubricated with the solution every other day. The product will be more effective if the keratinized area is steamed before removal.

The methods of using lapis pencil for warts and the drug Lekker Superclean are very similar. The difference is that the alkaline solution does not leave black marks. In addition, these remedies do not rid the body of a viral infection. Lapis can be purchased at a pharmacy at a price of 115 rubles, Lekker Superchistotel - from 95 rubles.

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