Causes of stretch marks in teenagers and the best creams to combat the problem

Stretch marks on the skin, or, more scientifically speaking, stretch marks, are a very common phenomenon in adolescents. The body is actively developing, the body is growing, and with a lack of elasticity, it stretches, and these same stretch marks are formed. This phenomenon is temporary and often goes away on its own. However, you shouldn’t sit idly by, because you can get rid of stretch marks on the skin quite simply and quickly. Also, it would be very reasonable not to wait for this cosmetic defect to appear, but to prevent the appearance of stretch marks using simple tips and recommendations from dermatologists.

In this article you will learn: why stretch marks appear in adolescents and what they are, traditional and folk remedies for getting rid of stretch marks and how they differ from those in adults.

What are stretch marks in adolescents?

stretch marks in adolescents
Puberty quite often contributes to the phenomenon of stretch marks in adolescents.
This fact is discouraging for both parents and teenagers. Many people do not understand what causes an aesthetic defect and what should be done - go to a doctor or fight stretch marks on their own. Girls and boys, due to their ignorance, even hope that teenage stretch marks will disappear by themselves. In this case, parents should react with lightning speed and intensively treat striae in the child, but after examination and consultation with specialists in different fields. Everyone understands that a growing organism means instability of many functions and organs. Internal restructuring entails changes in psychophysiological processes, and skin stretch marks in adolescents are associated with body development.

For many, the fact that stretch marks during puberty is a common problem may seem strange, but approximately 25% of people experience a similar phenomenon at a young age. Fortunately, stretch marks on the skin of adolescents can be treated quite successfully, provided that fresh, recently appeared micro-tears in the subcutaneous tissue are promptly corrected.

In a young growing body, the biochemical processes of the dermis are active, new cells quickly move to the surface of the epidermis, the functions of fibroblasts are not impaired, which means that the synthesis and destruction of collagen and elastin fibers occurs at a high level.

For young people, any cosmetic defect on the body is a real tragedy, and very often stretch marks in adolescence become the cause of severe depression, which makes them feel self-conscious.

That is why it is necessary to monitor the behavior of children aged 13 to 15 years, and pay attention to changes or neoplasms on the skin, especially if the child is rapidly growing and developing physically. Visually, stretch marks in adolescents are no different from bands of microtears in elastic fibers and subcutaneous tissue of the dermis in adults.

Striae on the body are located radially or parallel, vertically or horizontally, it all depends on what part of the body they appear on. The fact that stretch marks at the age of 13 can form literally within 24 hours, and until recently, such a problem was quite rare among teenagers, became the basis for a close study of this disease by dermatocosmetologists.

This will make it possible to understand how to prevent the appearance of stretch marks at a young age and effectively deal with them. Delay in the fight against stripe-like atrophy of the skin threatens that at the age of 15 stretch marks will already enter the old stage, and it will not be possible to get rid of them without a trace.

In principle, the development of the body during puberty occurs according to the natural principles of regular and consistent physical changes, and in most cases does not require correction. But if there is an aesthetic defect, such as stretch marks at the age of 14, a doctor’s consultation is required.

Although they do not pose a threat to the vital functions of the body, they leave a mark on the skin in the form of light scars made of connective tissue, which strongly contrast with the general shade of the outer cover. Most often, stretch marks in teenage girls form on the hips and chest.

At first they appear as red-bluish stripes, which is explained by damage to the integrity of the walls of the capillaries located in the dermis and epidermis. Over time, the color of stretch marks becomes less saturated and they become discolored, and since there is no melanin pigment in the connective tissue, the defect becomes especially noticeable after tanning.

Of course, in this case, it is much easier for boys, but they also perceive the wavy stripes of micro-tears in the reticular layer of the dermis as a terrible skin disease. Anyone who has encountered this defect is interested in this aspect - do stretch marks in adolescents go away over time, when the teenager’s physical condition returns to normal?

Unfortunately, to get rid of stretch marks you will have to seriously take up skin care procedures and reconsider the child’s diet, otherwise they will not go away and will remain scars on the body. Practice once again proves that only an integrated approach gives a positive result in the fight against stripe-like skin atrophy.

If a teenage girl has stretch marks, complete elimination of the defect can be guaranteed with systematic hygienic and cosmetic procedures - morning and evening. Topical products for skin regeneration are applied only to a cleansed body, that is, before each use of a cream or lotion, you must take a shower.

For example, red stretch marks in adolescents indicate the period of their re-formation; if the color and size of the stretch marks are different, this means that the bands of micro-tears appeared at different stages of time. Experts recommend using exfoliating cosmetics in the form of a cream or paste with abrasive particles several times a week.

Thus, dead cells are removed from the surface of the skin, opening access for the promotion of young structural units of the epidermis. The skin breathes better, which activates the metabolism and synthesis of the main building proteins of the dermis - collagen and elastin.

It is the phase of intensive growth and development of the body that makes it possible to treat stretch marks during puberty much more successfully than adults try to get rid of them. Alas, stretch marks on the skin of teenage boys are not uncommon, but this trouble is easily dealt with by medicinal methods presented by modern cosmetology. But why do stretch marks appear at a young age?


Everything in moderation

Good massage. You can do it yourself, but it’s important not to overdo it: don’t knead or stretch the skin too much. You can use vegetable cosmetic oils for massage. Juniper, wheat germ and orange oils are suitable.

Swimming is also beneficial. It is wise to take a contrast shower from time to time - this stimulates metabolic processes.

Another recommendation from experts is to regularly visit an endocrinologist and get tested for hormone levels. This will help you notice unwanted changes in time, which means stretch marks are unlikely to appear.

According to experts, with the right approach, stretch marks in teenagers will not develop into a problem.

Causes of stretch marks on the skin in teenagers

There are several known factors that provoke stretch marks in adolescents, and the causes of the defect can be different. Doctors name the following sources that influence the destruction of the reticular layer of the dermis and a decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The main cause of stretch marks on the body in adolescents is recognized as a restructuring of hormonal status with predominant changes in the neuroendocrine system. According to this judgment, any disease of the internal organs at the age of 13-15, which affects the balance of hormonal levels, can also be considered a reason for the spread of stretch marks on the body.

An imbalance of hormones in the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex and gonads due to the rapid development of the young body may be the basis for why stretch marks on the back most often occur in teenage boys. Pubertal acceleration of growth is also the answer to the question of why stretch marks form on the body of a teenager - red scars appear on the back of boys and girls.

Structural differences in bone tissue and insufficient muscle mass during the development of the body serve as the basis for thinning and stretching of the structural fibers of the skin. Lack of muscle mass, subject to rapid growth, leads to temporary disproportionate indicators of muscle tissue and bones.

Thin children are mostly at risk. Rapid growth causes tissue deformation, which is why stretch marks appear in adolescents. This is preceded by damage to the elastic fibers in the inner layers of the epidermis. Genetic predisposition. The hereditary factor plays an important role in the question of why stretch marks appear in adolescents.

The genotype inherited from parents provokes pathological reactions in the body. Medicine knows many cases when stretch marks appear on a child’s body in the same place where they were on the parents.

Indeed, the development of structural proteins of the epidermis is based on genetic polymorphism of the human population. Functional disorders of the immune system. It would seem that there can be no connection between immunological deficiency and stretch marks in adolescents. What causes microtraumas of the subcutaneous tissue and epidermis in this case?

In fact, the immune system controls the entire work of the internal environment of the body in structural epithelial units and fibroblasts, which synthesize collagen and elastin, present in cells of the immune system. A weak immune system is directly related to the condition of the skin.

If the elasticity of the skin deteriorates, which causes stretch marks to appear in adolescents, then the problem must also be looked for in the system that provides protection for the body. Premature growth of the mammary glands and their rapid enlargement are recognized as the reason why stretch marks appear on the skin of teenage girls in the chest area.

It is characteristic that under such circumstances, the remaining parts of the body may not be susceptible to the formation of stretch marks. The mammary glands contain a lot of fat cells and elastic fibers, and rapid breast enlargement leads to thinning and damage to the epidermis.

Although the development and growth of glands is also influenced by hormones produced by the thyroid gland, ovaries and adrenal cortex. This kind of hormonal imbalance is among the factors why a teenager develops stretch marks. By the way, it is very rare, but boys also suffer from this.

Autosomal dominant diseases are also the reason why a teenager develops stretch marks on his back in the form of horizontal stripes; they act as a symptom of a serious disease. The appearance of stretch marks may indicate the presence of diabetes mellitus, Marfan syndrome, hypercortisolism, or Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

In such cases of neuroendocrine disorders, you should immediately consult a doctor. Excess weight and poor circulation are likely causes of stretch marks on the body in teenagers. Especially in such cases, the lower limbs are at risk, since they are constantly exposed to stress.

The development of the body throughout the entire period of puberty is associated with an increase in the volume of adipose tissue under the influence of high levels of estrogen hormones.

And, as you know, excess fat is deposited mainly in the buttocks area, which is why stretch marks appear on the hips in adolescents, and sometimes body weight increases rapidly. During puberty, you should not do a lot of physical exercise. Excessive stress causes stretch marks on the legs of teenagers.

Exactly 10% of teenagers face a similar problem. It is extremely rare that stretch marks on the lower extremities occur due to hormonal imbalance. Treatment of various diseases with the need to use steroid drugs can be the reason why stretch marks appear on the body of adolescents.

The problem is associated with a violation of biochemical reactions in the body. An increase in the level of cortisol, an adrenal hormone, literally burns the body cells that participate in the regeneration and metabolic processes of the skin.

An increase in cortisol synthesis even leads to the destruction of muscle tissue, which causes stretch marks on the butt in teenagers. By the way, bodybuilders also face this problem. After all, grueling workouts to pump up muscles are often accompanied by taking anabolic steroids based on hormones.


Photos before and after

The back is the most important part of the human body in terms of energy and movement. A huge number of muscles are concentrated here, and the condition of the back is a projection of the internal organs, the condition of the blood vessels, as well as peripheral nerves. The brain and nerve fibers located in the spinal trunk are the central nervous system. That is why, in a situation where stretch marks (stretch marks) appear on the back of teenagers aged thirteen to fifteen, parents begin to panic.

Causes of stretch marks

When stretch marks appear on the back of a teenage boy or girl in the form of whitish or red scars, the cause in most cases is a lack of muscle mass. The back, or rather the muscles, must support the spine, allow it to stretch, rotate, participate in the movement of the shoulders and arms, lowering and raising all the ribs. The teenage body grows at a tremendous speed. Bone tissue increases, weight increases, but muscles do not always keep up

Most often, stretch marks on the skin on the back are a genetic predisposition, but you can still avoid their appearance by paying attention to the development of the muscle frame in time

The second reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the skin is diseases of the internal organs. This serious symptom cannot be ignored. Before treating stretch marks on a teenager’s back, you should definitely conduct a comprehensive medical examination, donating blood to determine its hormonal status, as well as conducting an ultrasound of the kidneys, internal abdominal organs, thyroid and adrenal glands.

Treatment and prevention of stretch marks

In the case of a genetic predisposition in childhood, it is worth sending the child to the swimming section. This sport is an excellent prevention of stretch marks, as it promotes the growth and strengthening of the back frame. This is immediately noticeable when looking at swimmers. Their backs are the standard of beauty for the male body and an indicator of overall health. Swimming will help both prevent and remove stretch marks on your back, as long as they are not too deep.

If diseases of the internal organs are detected, the first step is to treat them. When the child’s health is normal, stretch marks can be removed with the help of physical exercises, special ointments and ointments that increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. There is also a more radical and expensive method - laser resurfacing, but in adolescence such a procedure is not recommended.

Teenagers tend to experience painful experiences with negative changes in appearance and react accordingly to stretch marks. On the body they look like cicatricial changes on the skin, scars. Their appearance is caused by a violation of the density and elasticity of the skin tissue.

Traditional treatment

In modern practice, even taking into account all the advances in dermatological pharmacology and light-based cosmetology, achieving complete restoration of skin with stretch marks remains an unattainable goal.

In some cases, preventing rapid weight gain or loss can help prevent stretch marks from appearing on the skin, especially in groups at high risk for stretch marks (teenagers and pregnant women). By the way, we must not forget that teenage stretch marks can spontaneously become almost invisible over time.

Pharmacological agents for the treatment of striae. Stretch marks can be treated with the greatest effect using pharmacological agents or physiotherapeutic procedures in the early stages. Once stretch marks mature and turn white, their treatment becomes more difficult and there are only a few methods for treating them.

An ideal drug for the treatment of stretch marks should improve skin texture and color, reconstruct collagen and promote elastin synthesis in the dermis.

Topical tretinoin has shown significant improvement in the appearance of stretch mark skin, especially in the early stages of maturation. The common practice of prescribing topical retinoids to remodel and improve the appearance of hypertrophic scars, restore skin texture and elasticity, restore healthy color and reduce signs of photoaging, is also applicable to the treatment of stretch marks.

The duration of use of such drugs (Avita, Retin-A, Atralin, Renova) should be at least six months. But, attention: this treatment is absolutely contraindicated for use in pregnant and lactating women due to the potential risk of a teratogenic effect.

Intensive moisturizing of damaged skin, the use of vitamin C, retinol, fruit acids and other pharmacological agents for protection and strengthening during the treatment of the early stage of striae distensae rubra can give an excellent clinical effect and delay the maturation of striae.

Peels, mesotherapy and lasers are important in the treatment of stretch marks. You can improve the appearance of skin areas with striae through a course of medium chemical peels.

Mesotherapy treatment with combinations of draining, remodeling and restorative drugs, carried out in courses over 6-12 months, also contributes to visible aesthetic improvement. Therapeutic methods for treating striae include procedures using pulsed dye lasers with a wavelength of 585-596 nm.

Dye lasers have been successfully used to treat enlarged blood vessels, hemangiomas and rosacea, selectively targeting hemoglobin-containing formations, including immature red striae. Even one procedure gives a pronounced aesthetic effect, and after a course of procedures you can get a measurable reduction in the depth of stretch marks and improved elasticity due to the stimulating thermal effect on collagen and elastin fibers.

Usually 6-8 procedures are required with an interval of 1-1.5 months. The procedures are prescribed with caution to patients with phototype IV-V; dye lasers are not indicated for people with phototype VI. A study conducted in Korea evaluates the effectiveness of using a 585 nm pulsed dye laser in combination with a radiofrequency procedure (Thermage®) for striae distensae.

Thirty-seven patients with abdominal stretch marks were treated with Thermage and pulsed dye laser in the first session at the start of the study. Two more sessions of pulsed laser therapy were carried out after 4 and 8 weeks.

Thermage was used at a flux density of 53-97 J/cm2, the parameters of pulsed laser therapy were flux density 3 J/cm2, spot size 10 mm. Skin biopsies were taken from nine patients. Subjectively, 89.2% of patients showed a “good” and “very good” overall improvement, and 59.4% showed a “very good” change in elasticity.

All nine samples showed an increase in collagen fibers; an increase in elastin fibers was found in six samples. The authors report that Thermage and pulsed dye laser, in combination, are an effective treatment for striae distensae.

Fractional photothermolysis in the treatment of stretch marks. The primacy in the therapeutic apparatus treatment of mature striae (striae alba) belongs to fractional photothermolysis using a laser with a wavelength of 1550 nm. This method is universal, indicated for almost all categories of patients of both sexes, any age and phototype, and does not require medical rehabilitation after the procedure.

Having the collagen and elastin of the dermis as the point of application of the greatest impact, the laser, through strictly dosed damage, causes subsequent replacement and restoration of the structure of the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Typically, stretch marks are treated with 20% -23% coverage and energy 30-35 mJ/cm2 4-6 times with a break of 1 -1.5 months. There are virtually no risks of infection or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. More aggressive laser treatments performed by fractional ablative CO2 lasers provide good aesthetic and clinical results after 1-2 treatments, but require more extensive anesthesia and medical care during the recovery period than the previous method.

The AcuPulse® CO2 laser therapy device is equipped with a combined program for treating skin with stretch marks. The combination of deep and superficial treatment in modes of different aggressiveness allows you to simultaneously influence both the elastic structures of the dermis and the folds and pigment of the epidermis.

The skin after such treatment will need high-quality protection from UV radiation for several months. All of the above methods for treating stretch marks are presented in order from less aggressive and accessible to more complex, active and expensive.

If we talk about a radical (but also the most expensive) way to solve the complex problem of stretch marks and excess skin, in the abdominal area, for example, then the optimal choice for it may be the choice of plastic surgery of the anterior abdominal wall, namely the removal of the skin-fat fold. After the recovery period, the resulting aesthetic effect of a correctly performed operation significantly exceeds the effects of therapeutic methods.


Folk remedies

Stretch marks appear as a result of rupture of the elastic fibers of the skin in the area of ​​the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and chest.
The reason for their appearance may be sudden weight loss or sudden weight gain, pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations. Stretch marks on the skin are always better to prevent than to treat later. Nothing moisturizes your skin like olive oil. You can use any other oil except sea buckthorn (it dries the skin), sunflower, corn, if for some reason you don’t have olive oil. This method of rubbing oil will protect you from stretch marks on your skin by 90%. You can also perform pinch massage on the abdomen, hips, etc. Start pinching on the stomach, i.e. grab a thin layer of skin around the navel with two fingers, moving in a spiral in a circle further and further away from the navel. After pinching, the skin should turn pink; brush it with olive oil.

Also, while bathing in the bath, you can perform this massage with a bath brush with stiff bristles. Make circular movements with it on your thighs, stomach and buttocks. Serious precautions include the fact that pregnant women, starting from an early stage, should monitor their weight, as well as prevent swelling of the body in advance.

After all, if you suddenly gain weight and swell a lot, then your skin will not keep up with you and will begin to stretch, and this process will be difficult to stop. Baths against stretch marks. Buy mummy in tablets at the pharmacy. Dissolve one tablet in 1 tbsp. moisturizer and apply this cream to areas with stretch marks, preferably after taking a bath.

It must be said right away that all creams are different and the mumiyo will dissolve in them differently, maybe in 5 minutes, or maybe in half an hour.

It would also not be amiss to say that mumiyo has, to put it mildly, a not very pleasant smell; warn your loved ones about this, so that they are not too scared. After all, nothing can cope with existing stretch marks like mumiyo. Only this remedy can completely rid you of small stretch marks, and significantly reduce large ones.

Folk remedies for stretch marks include the use of natural masks that increase skin elasticity and moisturize it. In the old days, grape berries were used for this: apply a paste of mashed berries to the affected areas of the skin for 20-25 minutes. This product not only helps to smooth the skin, but also helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

You can also use the following effective natural mask: mix aloe juice and olive oil in equal proportions, you can add a couple of drops of liquid vitamin E. Apply this mask to the areas of skin affected by stretch marks in the mornings and evenings for 3-4 weeks.

Medicinal herbs and plants can be used to smooth and improve the quality of the skin. Thus, effective folk remedies for stretch marks include treating the skin with a decoction of comfrey, which is known for its high content of allantoin and is used for skin regeneration, as well as using recipes with herbs such as horsetail.

Prepare a special tincture: dilute 50 g of dry horsetail with 500 ml of alcohol or vodka, add 4-5 drops of lemon juice, leave for 4 weeks, then add 5 ml of distilled water. Use as a rubbing lotion. How to get rid of stretch marks on the skin using special homemade scrubs?

They can be made on the basis of salt, sugar, ground coffee or coffee grounds with the addition of olive or other vegetable oil or sour cream. You can add essential oils and rub the resulting mixture into problem areas for 10-15 minutes while taking a shower. Then rinse off using contrast douches and lubricate with nourishing cream.

Homemade scrubs are a very effective folk remedy for stretch marks when used several times a week. Another good remedy for cellulite and stretch marks is coffee scrub. You just need to rub coarsely ground coffee into problem areas of the body. A mixture based on mumiyo is considered a very effective folk remedy for stretch marks.

To do this, you need to dissolve one or two grams of mumiyo in a spoonful of boiled water, then mix it with 75-100 g of any baby cream. Store the mixture in a covered container in the refrigerator. Rub once a day into problem areas.

No less effective folk remedies for stretch marks are mixtures based on rosemary oil. Add 15 drops of rosemary essential oil to a tablespoon of base (almond or olive oil). If you can’t buy rosemary oil, replace it with pharmacy vitamin E (650 mg).

In combination with massage, these folk remedies will be very effective in the fight against stretch marks. Just keep in mind that when massaging the skin, you should not stretch it too much. For a more visual effect, take 1 teaspoon of almond oil and add 8 drops of rosemary essential oil to it. This oil should be rubbed into the skin every day until the stretch marks disappear.

A frequently used folk remedy for stretch marks is coffee grounds. In combination with a sauna or steam bath, the effect is simply amazing! To do this, after steaming, rub the problem areas with this “peeling” using massage movements. A salt scrub is no less effective: mix half a glass of sea salt with half a glass of sour cream and a few drops of any essential oil for cellulite.

An excellent and affordable folk remedy for stretch marks is a yeast mask. Dissolve dry brewer's yeast (15 g) in cream (4 tsp). After the yeast has swollen, mix it all with honey (4 tsp). The mask should be applied to the thighs and stomach. The chest and area under the breasts can be rubbed with whipped egg white. Leave the mask on for about thirty minutes, then rinse off.

Lavender essential oil 7 drops, tangerine essential oil 5 drops and jojoba essential oil 5 tbsp. spoons, mix well and apply to stretch marks or where they are supposed to appear in the morning and evening. The combination of these oils has a rejuvenating and lifting effect.

You can massage with rosehip seed oil - it contains 30-40% gamma-linoleic acid, which has the most beneficial effect on the skin. You can also add 10% hazelnut oil to this oil - this will enrich the mixture with vitamin E.

Folk remedies for stretch marks do not work immediately. And you will need at least three weeks so that after regular use of the product you feel and see the first result.



Prevention of stretch marks is an issue that concerns every woman.
But for the prevention of stretch marks to be effective, you need to understand why they occur. First of all, these are hormonal changes during adolescence, during pregnancy in women, as well as during a period of significant and, most importantly, rapid weight gain. Changes in hormonal levels lead to disruption of the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin, as a result of which the skin does not have time to stretch following an increase in body weight. The skin becomes thinner and tears, and stretch marks are a kind of scar that appears at the site of wound healing.

By the way, if stretch marks occur outside of hormonal changes, you should think twice and consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Preventing stretch marks is a very difficult task. However, preventing their occurrence is still much easier than dealing with existing ones.

So what can you do as part of this process called stretch mark prevention? Prevention of stretch marks requires you, first, to maintain your weight at a stable level. A rapid increase in body weight will inevitably lead to the appearance of stretch marks. Secondly, preventing stretch marks suggests you eat right.

The most successful in this sense will be a diet with a predominance of proteins. Don't forget about seafood, fruits and vegetables too. And be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water daily. You should reduce your intake of salt and foods with preservatives.

Thirdly, prevention of stretch marks advises to exercise wisely. On the one hand, physical exercise is undoubtedly very useful, since during the training the skin is saturated with oxygen, which means it becomes firmer and more elastic. But on the other hand, actively building muscle mass or no less actively stretching muscles can have a negative impact on the skin.

By the way, there are no special exercises to prevent stretch marks. But at the same time, any physical activity is excellent for preventing stretch marks: walking, running, swimming, cycling, and more. And even the set of exercises that you do daily at home is also great.

Fourthly, the prevention of stretch marks says that you need to be especially careful about your body during pregnancy and after childbirth. To prevent stretch marks, use bandages and special bras. And every day lubricate “dangerous” places with a special cream or just olive oil.

Consult with your doctor which remedy for preventing stretch marks will be most appropriate for you. Fifthly, use all available options to prevent stretch marks. In particular, daily washing of “dangerous” areas with cool water followed by rubbing with a terry towel hardens the skin and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

Massaging problem areas is great for preventing stretch marks. You can massage with your hands, you can use a massager or a brush with stiff bristles. You can do a massage during water procedures, then the massage will also be a scrub. A variety of creams and scrubs are used to prevent stretch marks.

Make sure that these products include essential nourishing and moisturizing oils, hyaluronic acid, silicone, plant extracts, collagen and elastin.

To improve the prevention of stretch marks, buy such creams in pharmacies that offer lines of medicinal cosmetics. Prevention of stretch marks today is carried out in beauty salons. You will be offered special programs that include, for example, body wraps. Wraps improve blood circulation, nourish and moisturize the skin, it becomes more elastic, less stretched and torn.


Let's do without diets

The second important point for preventing stretch marks is proper nutrition. No diets for weight loss! For teenagers, giving up any foods in order to lose weight is contraindicated. A growing body must receive all the substances it needs. Otherwise, stretch marks may appear with a higher degree of probability. After all, the skin simply does not have enough building material to keep up with the growth of the rest of the body.

The diet should contain enough foods that contain vitamins A, C and E. You also need fish, vegetable oil, vegetables - they contain unsaturated fatty acids that the skin needs for normal well-being and to prevent stretch marks from appearing. Protein is also required - plant and animal origin. If there is enough of all this in the food, and the metabolic processes in the body are not disturbed and the nutrients are absorbed well, stretch marks will not occur.

It is also important to drink enough water. Violation of the water-salt balance is another factor contributing to the formation of stretch marks.

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