Pimples. Where do they come from and how to prevent their occurrence?

Many people are sure that the appearance of acne can be called a problem exclusively of adolescence, but, in fact, this is not at all the case and pathogenic elements often bother adults for various reasons. Therefore, it is important to know how to prevent the appearance of acne, because doing this is much easier than trying to get rid of the pathogenic elements that have formed.

Where is the mistake? Why acne?

The rules are simple and known since childhood. They are very easy to do. But, for some reason, we live differently. I wonder why?

  1. Hormonal changes (adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, taking OCs, endocrinology).
  2. Low level of hygiene. Moreover, washing often is not enough. You need to do it right. More on this later.
  3. Unhealthy eating. When was the last time you went to fast food? Yesterday?
  4. Diseases. Alas, only a doctor can help here. Don’t delay your visit, because acne can be flowers, and internal problems can be tart berries.
  5. Synthetic clothing. Especially in the summer and in the gym. Synthetics do not allow sweat to pass through, causing the proliferation of microbes.
  6. Demodex. The little tick that each of us has is beneficial. It regulates the pH level of the skin. But sometimes, when a person’s health weakens, the tick becomes more active and goes on the attack. Demodex is characterized by large, bumpy rashes located in a cluster.

Get a good night's sleep

There are about a million distractions that prevent us from falling asleep. Whether it's distractions (like work or cleaning the house) or "good" ones (like your favorite TV show or social media), you have to find a way to stop and unplug when it's time to go to bed.

Aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night to allow your body to recharge and relax. To get ready for bed, put down the phone, turn off the TV, and eliminate all distractions. Reduce the room temperature (colder temperatures make it easier to fall asleep).

How to wash your face correctly

Most often, teenage pimples appear on the face and back. Wash your face twice a day with warm water. Warm water opens the pores, helping the skin get rid of dirt and bacteria. Choose your own cleanser, avoid soap - it is too aggressive. Please note that when choosing a product, you need to take into account your skin type: dry, mixed, oily, normal - for each of them, manufacturers have created their own formula.

Wash your hands before touching your face. Don't expect to wash everything at once. Remember - hands first. Dot.

Please note: facial skin loves affection. Wash your face with your hands, no sponges or brushes. Moreover, microbes live and multiply well in these convenient wet devices. It's like being in a cozy incubator.

Believe in the fact that the process of washing is a purely intimate procedure. You will need your own cleanser, your own towel (separate for your face), which you will change every other day.

Facial skin care

After washing, moisturize your skin. It doesn’t matter if you are oily or dry. After the water has washed away the remaining fat, you need to properly restore the protective film. For oily skin, choose a gel-based moisturizer. For dry on cream.

Once every 7 days, treat your face and other areas with a light scrub. The scrub will help remove the top, keratinized layer of skin. A scrubbing agent opens pores, getting rid of comedones and internal acne, and prevents pustules. For acne, you need a soft scrub. Try this recipe: shaving product (foam, gel) for sensitive skin + baking soda.

Remove makeup before going to bed. Foundation, powder, and shadows clog pores and provoke not only acne, but also early aging. Cleansing with micellar water gives good results. Cosmetics and makeup tools must be individual. Don't share them with your friends, sister, or even your mom.

Hygiene in everything

Pillowcases are changed as often as possible - once every three days, or at least once a week. “Naked” pillows are fried in the sun or simply aired on the balcony.

They say that the most beautiful hairstyle is clean hair. Washed hair is more important than ever for acne. The scalp produces sebum, which easily collects and stores dust, germs and other harmful substances. All this gets on your clean face and causes a new attack of acne. Wash your hair every other day and your bangs every day. Or he’ll let her go altogether, inventing a new image for himself! By the way, styling products - mousses, foams, gels, varnishes are also harmful to the beauty of the face. The same goes for hats. They also need to be kept clean.

There are many myths in caring for acne-prone skin. One of them is that the sun is beneficial. It turns out that the opposite is true. Ultraviolet light makes the sebaceous glands work more actively. As a result, pores become clogged faster. Protect your skin from the sun with special creams for acne-prone skin.

Recent studies have shown that mobile phones are fatal to the skin. Who cleans mobile phones, headphones and other gadgets and when? To play it safe, clean your gadgets with special products and your face will become much cleaner.

What are the causes of skin rashes?

The appearance of acne occurs due to the influence of external and internal factors, such as:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • poor nutrition;
  • allergies to food, cosmetics, dust and animal hair;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improper skin care;
  • genetic predisposition to acne;
  • demodicosis;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • frequent stress and nervous tension;
  • smoking cigarettes and alcohol abuse.

Long-term use of drugs with hormones is addictive.

Nutrition and sports

It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses a day. But this is not so simple for many reasons. Try to drink a lot, about the same amount as your body excretes through sweat and through the kidneys. It is important.

A healthy diet brings many benefits to a person: beauty, energy, health, youth. Whereas poor nutrition takes all this away. Here are the foods you should switch to if you want a clean face and body: nuts, low-fat lactic acid treats (yogurt, kefir, narine), dried fruits, seeds, vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread, cereals.

You are strictly forbidden to eat sweets, baked goods, drink coffee, soda, or packaged juices. Forget the way to fast food. Stop leaving your money, health and beauty there.

We also include sleep as a healthy regimen. There is an opinion - and it is confirmed by the observations of doctors and cosmetologists - that sleeping until 12 o'clock at night has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It’s not for nothing that this time is called “the sleep of beauty.” Go to bed early, even if you are a night owl. Reprogram your biological clock and don't let it get lost. By the way, sleep is often the only way to prevent the appearance of such an annoying phenomenon as a pimple.

Face mask for acne. Memo

Distress call

From the point of view of oriental medicine, by the location of the rashes on the face, one can determine which organ is suffering. In domestic medicine, a similar dependence is called “projection zones of internal organs on the head and neck” (Zakharyin-Ged zones).

Area of ​​rashProblem organs
Under the eyesKidneys and adrenal glands
Whiskey and bridge of noseLiver
NoseThe cardiovascular system

Svetlana Kovaleva, dermatocosmetologist, certified trainer of Filorga Laboratories

The appearance of acne elements (comedones, papules and pustules) is preceded, firstly, by increased sebum production (skin cells sebocytes produce too much sebum and, moreover, of poor quality), and secondly, the process of hyperkeratosis - this means that on the surface the skin becomes thick and rough due to the accumulation of keratinized dead cells. Sebum, “locked” by a keratinized plug inside the sebaceous gland, begins to decompose with the formation of substances that irritate the surrounding tissue. The decomposition products of sebum become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, and inflammatory elements (papules) and pustules (pustules) appear on the skin.

Article on the topic

How to get rid of pimples and blackheads on the nose?

This whole process is initially triggered by an imbalance of testosterone. Hormonal shifts are the main cause of acne. Sometimes food, alcohol, some medications, low-quality cosmetics, and excessive sun exposure can lead to rashes on otherwise healthy skin. But this is only an exacerbation of the disease “acne” under the influence of provocateurs.

If during puberty acne occurs in 100% of boys and about 80% of girls, then after 25 years the presence of acne requires careful diagnosis and consultation with an endocrinologist-gynecologist (to exclude polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.) or an endocrinologist-andrologist. “Mature” acne differs from teenage rashes in the frequency of appearance of post-acne (spots and scars at the site of former rashes).

Cosmetics and acne

Of course, treating acne is impossible without special creams, ointments and other products. Here are some of them:

  • Benzoyl peroxide 2.5% removes dead skin layers and kills harmful bacteria.
  • Salicylic acid exfoliates the top dead layer of skin and kills harmful bacteria.
  • Tea tree oil is a powerful antiseptic; it is diluted with vegetable oil and applied directly to pimples, and also a few drops are added to skincare products, masks, and baths.
  • Vishnevsky ointment draws out the infection from the deep layers of the skin. Very effective.

Reduce your sugar intake

We're not the first to tell you that sugar is bad for you, and we won't be the last. But in reality, it's not good for you!

Especially if you are prone to acne, because anything sweet that increases insulin (like sweets, bread or pasta) will make you more prone to breakouts. When you have too much insulin in your blood, your skin will produce more sebum and the result tends to be clogged pores.

When you crave something sweet, grab a piece of fruit. To cut down on simple carbs, try swapping cauliflower for rice and using a spiralizer to make veggie noodles instead of eating pasta.

General recommendations

Maintaining the overall health of the body is of no small importance in the structure of preventive measures. Acne has its roots in metabolic disorders, and normalization of metabolism largely depends on proper nutrition. The diet should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Minimize consumption of excessively fatty, fried, spicy and sweet foods.
  • Add vegetables, fruits and herbs, dairy products, nuts, and fish to your diet.
  • Drink enough liquid.
  • Avoid alcohol.

Smoking is another bad habit that is best avoided by those who want to prevent acne. Walking in the fresh air, morning exercises and sports involving aerobic exercise also contribute to health improvement. In addition, it is necessary to avoid increased mental stress, emotional stress, get proper rest, and promptly treat pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and skin diseases (in particular, oily seborrhea).

How to Get Rid of Acne: The Ultimate Guide

For those who are too lazy to read a lot, we inform you:

  1. Acne usually occurs due to hormonal changes, which is why they are so ineradicable.
  2. Pimples come in many shapes and forms, from innocent blackheads to creepy cysts.
  3. Skin with any acne requires special, gentle care.
  4. Acne can be treated in two ways: regular skin care at home or using strong medical and even surgical remedies.

Anyone who completes the entire article will receive a bonus along with a bunch of knowledge: an exciting and disgusting video about what ordinary blackheads can turn into.

What is acne

Pimples, or acne in medical terms, are the result of improper skin function. Dead cells and sebum block the exit of the hair follicle (which is where the sebaceous gland is located), but bacteria can penetrate there. Such clogged pores are full of nutrition, and therefore bacteria begin to multiply, forming inflammation, that is, a pimple. Most often, acne spreads across the face, back and chest.

Acne is the most common skin disease. Fighting it can sometimes be difficult, but it is possible.

Why do acne appear?

There are several causes of acne. And, unfortunately, we are not talking about hygiene problems. Everything is much deeper.


First of all, acne is a problem with hormones. It is hormones that cause the skin to produce sebum so abundantly that the pores simply do not have time to remove it.

Usually this all happens during adolescence and goes away by the age of 30, but not always. Sometimes this is hindered by hormonal characteristics (which are determined genetically), sometimes by illness.

What conclusion can be drawn from this? Not very good. If you are unlucky, puberty, when hormones are raging, has already passed, but the acne remains, then, most likely, it will be with you throughout your active life and you will have to learn to live with it.

Wrong cosmetics

Anything made with oils increases the risk of developing acne. Cleaning products that are too aggressive are also harmful. So use gentle, water-based products and don't scrub the rash.

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