Where do blisters on the skin with liquid come from: causes and treatment methods

From this article you will learn: the veins on the arms protrude, what are the reasons. Is this normal or pathological? What are the methods to solve this problem.

Author of the article: Nivelichuk Taras, head of the department of anesthesiology and intensive care, work experience 8 years. Higher education in the specialty “General Medicine”.

Article publication date: 07/29/2017

Article updated date: 02/09/2020

Veins in the arms become visible or prominent when they are large in diameter and located directly under the skin. Most often this is said when the venous vessels are dilated on the back of the hands and on the forearms.

Prominent veins on the forearm

In most cases, visible veins on the arms are a consequence of physiological reasons (that is, this is not a disease, not a pathology, but simply a feature of the body or its reaction, for example, to physical activity), although some cases may be a sign of quite dangerous vascular diseases in which it is necessary treatment. With physiological dilation of the venous vessels on the hands and forearms, treatment is carried out only for cosmetic reasons.

Vascular surgeons deal with the problem of protruding veins in the arms.

Physiological reasons why veins in the arms may protrude

Protruding vessels can be observed in the following situations:

  • Heredity - this problem is more often observed in people who have close relatives with prominent vessels on the hands or forearms.
  • Small amount of subcutaneous fat. A small layer of subcutaneous tissue and weight loss can also make blood vessels protrude to the surface of the skin.
  • Exercise stress. Protruding veins in the arms are common in people who frequently lift heavy weights (for example, during heavy physical work or sports). Physical activity causes increased blood flow, muscles become larger and harder, which leads to the pushing of veins to the surface of the skin and expansion of their lumen.
  • Hot weather. Heat can cause veins to dilate and interfere with the functioning of their valves. Therefore, venous vessels can protrude onto the surface of the skin on hot days.
  • Aging. As we age, blood vessels lose their elasticity and valves become weak. This leads to stagnation of blood in them and their expansion. Aging is also associated with thinning of the skin, which causes blood vessels to become more visible.
  • Hormonal changes. Sometimes this problem occurs due to hormonal imbalance during pregnancy or menopause.

Most often, the reasons why veins protrude on the arms of women are explained by a small amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue and hormonal disorders, and in men - by physical activity.

Skin structure. Click on photo to enlarge

Pharmacy products

For thermal burns, ointments such as Levomekol, Tetracycline ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, Bepanten, Dermazin, Spasatel, Actovegin help. These are combined products that disinfect, moisturize and at the same time stimulate tissue regeneration. The products are very easy to use - simply apply to the burn site. Lidocaine or anesthetics in the form of sprays are suitable for local anesthesia.

Remedies for sunburn are ointments with steroid hormones: Fluorocort, Afoderm, Elokom.

The antihistamines Gistan and Fenistil are effective against chickenpox They reduce itching and allergic reactions. This allows them to be used effectively against blisters caused by allergies . For disinfection, 5% potassium permanganate solution.

There are ointments Bonafton and Ponavir against herpes

Ointments Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Naftifine and Natamycin help against fungi A feature of fungal infection is the long period of treatment, which stretches for weeks and sometimes months.

A blister on a child’s body causes many problems, but on the tongue – even more!

On the site we look at blisters in different places on the body in detail. Among them: palms and fingers, face and eyelid, head and back, as well as butt and penis.

Pathological causes

Quite rarely, these problems can be caused by vascular diseases. These diseases include deep vein thrombosis and peripheral vascular disease, which are characterized by impaired blood vessel function and decreased blood flow.

For example, a narrowing of the subclavian vein, which carries blood from the entire upper limb, can lead to disruption of blood flow through the vessels of the arm.

Veins of the arm

Vascular diseases that cause protruding veins in the arms can have the following causes (they are the same for both men and women):

  • Trauma to blood vessels.
  • Age.
  • Other diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
  • Heredity.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Smoking.

Disorders of internal organs

Internal factors:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Damage to the liver by hepatitis viruses of various types;
  • The appearance of small watery blisters may be a consequence of disruption of the endocrine system;
  • Pathology in the digestive tract;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Small bubbles also appear under severe stress, when a person experiences constant fear or is depressed;
  • Itchy red blisters are one of the symptoms of poisoning when aggressive substances (chemicals, food) have entered the body;
  • Disruption of the sweat glands;
  • Fungal diseases.

If you find a rash that resembles small blisters, rule out possible factors. This should be done by a specialist; treatment of the organ is prescribed to remove pimples.

First, the general condition is assessed, attention is paid to other symptoms, and if necessary, an examination is carried out, including laboratory tests, which will allow us to find out why the blisters appeared on the feet.

Before starting treatment, you should consult a specialist.

If your child regularly develops blisters or itches, the most likely factor is a malfunction of the sweat glands. With this diagnosis, irritation of the outer integument develops, which leads to blockage of the ducts.

If there are few clogged sweat glands, there will be fewer pimples with a transparent center. A characteristic feature of such formations is liquid inside.

A child is less likely to have organ dysfunction than an adult, so the possibility of blocked ducts is first considered.


If a person has protruding arm veins for physiological reasons, they do not cause any symptoms other than their appearance. Usually, in such cases, this problem most often worries only women who are worried about the unattractiveness of their hands and forearms.

In the presence of vascular diseases, in addition to the protrusion of blood vessels on the patient’s hands, the patient may be concerned about:

  1. Feeling of heaviness in the upper limb.
  2. Change in skin color of the hand and forearm.
  3. Poor healing of any wounds on the hand.
  4. The appearance of ulcers on the skin.
  5. Muscle weakness.
  6. Swelling of the affected arm.
  7. Increased temperature of the affected limb.
  8. Pain and limited mobility of the upper limb.

If you notice these symptoms and signs, it is better to consult a doctor for advice.

Factors of occurrence

The main factors that cause watery blisters will be:

  1. Allergic reaction. Allergies on the fingers occur to household chemicals, cosmetics, chemicals, medications, frost, sun rays, dust, flowering plants or animal hair. Blisters appear in places where the skin has come into contact with allergens (wrists, hands, fingers, palms).
  2. Thermal burns (steam, hot water, appliances).
  3. Infection. The trigger for the appearance of a rash will be scabies (from a tick bite, after contact with a sick person). Blisters always form between the fingers first. Then several blisters merge into a single one, which begin to itch very much at night and upon contact with water. The rash also appears due to chickenpox, fungal infections, measles and rubella.
  4. Internal diseases. Problems in the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning, hormonal imbalance, poor metabolism or nervous disorder negatively affect the condition of the skin, causing rashes.

Blisters on the hands can reach 0.5 cm in diameter. Inside they consist of a colorless liquid. If you press on them or rub your palms, they will immediately burst, and a wound will form in their place.

Among the first symptoms of the rash:

  • Red or pink blisters;
  • Redness of the entire skin area;
  • Peeling;
  • Itching;
  • High skin sensitivity;
  • Swelling of the tissue around the rash;
  • Burning;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Malaise;
  • Rapid spread of blisters throughout the arm;
  • Merging of small formations into larger ones.


Additional diagnostic methods are used only if there is a reasonable suspicion that protruding vessels on the arms may be caused by vascular diseases, and not by physiological reasons.

In such cases, an ultrasound examination is performed to visualize both deep and superficial venous vessels, to identify the presence of blood clots or other problems that impair blood flow through them. Another examination method is venography, which consists of injecting contrast into the veins followed by X-ray examination.


In order to prevent blisters, which are a consequence of chemical and thermal burns, use emollient protective creams and oils, and when contacting household chemicals, it is better to use gloves.

To prevent an allergic rash in the form of blisters, avoid eating foods high in allergens and wear high-quality items made from natural fabrics. This also applies to shoes. It should be comfortable, fit properly and “breathe”, preventing excessive sweating.

Prevention measures may vary. But the main general rule is hygiene. This doesn’t always save you, but it can prevent the appearance of a rash on your fingers.

A blister appears - this is an unpleasant factor that can be a symptom of other diseases. And only a dermatologist can accurately determine the nature of the origin of the rash and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

Self-medication leads to aggravation of the situation and complicates the healing process. At the slightest sign of bubbles, consult a specialist.

Treatment methods

Visible enlarged veins on the hands and forearms caused by physiological causes do not require treatment from a medical point of view. But sometimes people (usually women) want to eliminate this problem to improve the appearance of their hands.

Since prominent veins in the arms can be caused by many reasons, treatment can be carried out using various methods. In any case, all people benefit from a healthy diet rich in essential minerals and vitamins, which can help the skin and blood vessels maintain their elasticity.

Treatment of protruding vessels depending on the cause of their appearance:

HeredityIn this case, it is almost impossible to eliminate the problem without special treatment (for example, laser ablation or sclerotherapy)
Exercise stressOften protruding veins return to normal without treatment, provided that heavy loads on the arms are avoided
PhlebitisThe patient may need anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics (if there is a bacterial infection). For thrombophlebitis of the saphenous veins, the doctor may recommend elevating the affected arm, applying warm compresses, and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Deep vein thrombosisTreatment may include anticoagulants, thrombolysis, or surgical removal of blood clots.

Superficial thrombophlebitis and deep vein thrombosis
If the decision is made to eliminate protruding veins for medical or cosmetic reasons, the following methods can be used for this purpose:

  • Laser or radiofrequency ablation is a technique, the essence of which is to heat the vascular wall using intensified light or radio waves, followed by soldering the lumen of the vein.
  • Sclerotherapy is a technique in which a special chemical is injected into the dilated vessel, causing its walls to stick together. Blood from the veins treated with sclerotherapy is redirected to other vessels located nearby.
  • Outpatient phlebectomy – used to treat varicose veins of the upper extremities. This minimally invasive operation is performed under local anesthesia and consists of removing the affected vessel through a small skin incision.


Important! Inguinal athlete's foot is also characterized by the appearance of small bubbles with liquid on the surface of the lesions. But let us remind you that first red spots appear on the body, and then peeling and rashes.

Vesicles do not always signal infection. For example, painful, watery blisters on the hands may be the result of a heat or sunburn. When the sap of the hogweed plant comes into contact with the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, similar traces also appear. The affected skin must be lubricated with wound healing creams.

However, there are other common reasons:

  1. Hives. Dermatitis is characterized by pink, flat-raised blisters on the skin, reminiscent of nettle burns. The rash appears as a result of an allergic reaction, but can be a symptom of internal disorders in the body. The acute form of the disease disappears after two weeks. Chronic pathology occurs with relapses and periods of remission for many years.
  2. Contact dermatitis. The reaction occurs after direct skin contact with the allergen. Colorless water blisters on the body itch, accompanied by swelling, redness, pain and burning. Pink spots appear on the body; as the process progresses, the color may turn red-brown. Antihistamines are used to relieve discomfort.
  3. Chicken pox. The varicella-zoster virus is airborne and causes a watery rash all over the body with fever. The disease mainly occurs in children under 7 years of age. After this, lasting immunity is developed for life, so adults rarely become infected. Initially, pink spots form, transforming into papules, and then into vesicles, surrounded by a red halo. The blisters quickly dry out and become covered with red-brown crusts, which disappear after 2–3 weeks. The fever goes away within 7 days. At this time, bed rest is recommended. Antihistamines are indicated to reduce itching. Heat and increased sweating increase discomfort. To prevent bacterial complications, elements of the rash are treated with brilliant green and Castellani’s solution.
  4. Shingles. The culprit is the same varicella-zoster virus. It is believed that the pathogen remains in the nerve cells of the body after chickenpox, provoking relapses in the form of rashes on the body on one side. But you can get shingles. The patient's temperature rises, weakness occurs, itching and pain appear in the areas of future lesions. After 3-4 days, pink, swollen spots appear, followed by vesicles with clear liquid. Peripheral lymph nodes swell. The bubbles dry up after a week and disappear. But postherpetic neuralgia (pain) remains for several months. Treatment of the pathology is not required, but it is important to prevent the development of complications. Antiviral drugs, painkillers, antidepressants and corticosteroids are used for this.
  5. Eczema. Watery blisters on the skin itch and appear due to poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, mechanical stress, immune deficiency, infection or allergy, and genetic predisposition. True eczema is characterized by small vesicles that quickly turn into erosions and become covered with crusts. The process begins with symmetrical damage to the face, hands, and then spreads throughout the body. Severe itching disrupts quality of life and sleep. The doctor determines the course of treatment individually depending on the form of the disease. Patients are not recommended to wear synthetic clothing or eat allergenic foods.
  6. Simple herpes. The infection is characterized by blisters on the mucous membranes of the nose and lips. They itch, and after the contents spill out, they turn into painful ulcers. Within two weeks, the rash dries up and disappears without a trace. Antiviral ointments are indicated to prevent the spread of infection.
  7. Epidermolysis bullosa. Blisters and erosions form on the skin and mucous membranes due to the increased sensitivity of epithelial tissues to mechanical stress. Blisters appear on the hands, feet, and sometimes cover the entire body. Exacerbation of hereditary disease occurs in the summer. There are no radical ways to treat the pathology, but symptomatic remedies are used. The main goals of therapy are to prevent the growth and bacterial infection of lesions.
  8. Pemphigus. An autoimmune disease affects the skin and mucous membranes. The prognosis for recovery is unfavorable, since even timely therapy does not exclude death.

If watery blisters on the body caused by an allergy are not touched, then after a few days they begin to dry out on their own . But when the negative impact of the irritant is not eliminated, the rash quickly spreads to healthy areas. It is important to identify which foods, medications or external factors provoke the reaction. Viral pathologies require symptomatic treatment. Bacterial infections require antibiotic therapy.

Exercises to reduce protruding hand veins

In addition to the methods described above for treating protruding veins, many patients can also benefit from hand exercises. Stretching exercises for the fingers and forearms improve muscle function and stimulate blood flow in the venous vessels.

Stretch for fingers and hands

  • Start by extending the fingers of one hand back, first one at a time, and then all together.
  • Do the same exercise on the other hand.
  • Tilt your thumb forward slightly, then straighten it back. This stretches the inside of the hand and forearm.

Forearm stretch

  1. To stretch the inner forearm, place your hands in a prayer position.
  2. Raise your elbows to your sides, allowing your hands to drop toward your navel.

Patients also need to maintain good physical fitness, which has a beneficial effect on overall blood circulation. Regular massage of the hands and forearms throughout the day is also beneficial.

Disease therapy

Treatment of the disease begins after diagnosis has been made. The dermatologist will order a test to identify the pathogen and prescribe appropriate medications.

The main factor determining treatment methods is the presence or absence of itching:

  1. If the blisters itch. This is a sign of infection or allergy. Treatment is prescribed with external agents or internal antihistamines for a week.
  2. If the blisters don't itch. Ointments and gels are applied to the affected areas to dry out the blisters. At the same time, medications that strengthen the immune system are taken orally


In most patients, protruding veins in the arms are caused by physiological reasons and do not pose any danger to the health or life of the patient.

One of the most dangerous diseases that can lead to protruding vessels is deep vein thrombosis of the upper limb. According to statistics, this disease leads to the following complications:

  • Pulmonary embolism (2–9% of cases).
  • Recurrence of thrombosis within 12 months (2–4% of cases).
  • Postthrombophlebitic syndrome (7–47% of cases).

Medicines for treatment at home

For scabies, dermatologists prescribe the following medications:

  • “Spregal”;
  • “Hydrocortisone”;
  • “Benzyl benzoate”;
  • “Prednisolone.”

For other infectious diseases (chickenpox, measles), a brilliant green solution, “Fukortsin”, is used.

If an allergic reaction occurs, itching and inflammation are eliminated:

  • "Claritin";
  • “Cetrin”;
  • "Erius";
  • “Suprastin.”

If a fungus is detected, then disinfecting ointments “Zalain”, “Clotrimazole”, “Lamisil”, “Lamifen” are used. In case of poisoning and intoxication of the body, “Smecta”, “Atoxil”, “Enterosgel”, and activated carbon will be effective. In addition to medications, herbal lotions and anti-sweating spray (with aluminum salts) are used.

Traditional methods of treating blisters provide antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Popular herbal infusions are prepared from string, oak bark, dandelion root, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, horsetail, centaury, and pine buds.

Any herb is brewed at the rate of 1:5 (boiling water, l: herb, tbsp). The mixture is infused for 3-4 hours. Used in the form of compresses, lotions, baths, and wiping the affected areas.

To avoid contracting an infectious disease, you need to monitor the hygiene of your hands and towels. Do not clean without gloves and do not touch dirty objects with bare hands.

If allergic signs appear, limit contact with allergens, cosmetics and household chemicals. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, fatty and fried foods. Consult your doctor about taking vitamins that improve the condition of the skin and restore it.

If you monitor your diet, habits and engage in timely treatment, then there will be one less problem in life - there will be no watery blisters on your hands.

Why do small watery pimples appear on the hands?

External reasons:

  • Thermal or chemical burn. A fairly common household and professional problem in which a strong irritating agent gets on the skin of the hand. Watery blisters are characteristic of the second stage of the burn, when the epidermis is affected and intercellular connections are disrupted, which leads to the formation of blisters. The burn is accompanied by hyperemia (redness) and pain.
  • One of the most common causes is an allergic reaction . It can occur on almost any item: food, household chemicals, personal hygiene items and others. Often such rashes appear immediately or a short time after contact with the irritant and quickly regress after its cessation. Quite often, pimples can be accompanied by itching. With a severe allergic reaction, urticaria, angioedema and anaphylactic shock may develop.
  • Impact of unfavorable factors on the skin , which lead to disruption of connections between epidermal cells, as a result of which fluid enters the intercellular space and blisters form. Such manifestations are observed with excessive exposure to sunlight, constant maceration, and mechanical damage.

Internal reasons:

  • Violation of neurohumoral regulation. The endocrine system provides all the functions of the human body, and if its functioning is disrupted, all organs and systems suffer. The causes of its dysfunction are insufficient nutrition, stress reactions, deficiency of vitamins and microelements. In this case, watery pimples on the fingers rarely go away on their own and require treatment.
  • Diseases of internal organs . Vesicular rashes in this case are a sign of a violation of one or another organ. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to diagnose your disease.
  • Excessive dryness of the skin. Normal skin is in a slightly moist state, which provides its protective function. In this case, excessive dryness makes the skin more sensitive to damaging agents and promotes the formation of blisters.

Pimples as symptoms of diseases:

  • Eczema is an inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by the appearance of a polymorphic rash accompanied by itching. The development of eczema is promoted by chemical, thermal or mechanical irritation of the skin. There are numerous forms of eczema. The most common form that affects the hands is the dyshidrotic form, in which single blisters appear on the forearm and subsequently spread to the entire hand.
  • Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by the scabies mite, accompanied by severe itching and paired vesiculopapular lesions. Often such rashes appear in the spaces between the fingers. These blisters are very itchy and when scratched, they become damaged and may become infected. Scabies is a highly contagious disease and can easily be transmitted to another person, so if you have the disease, you should limit contact with other people and observe good hygiene.
  • Hyperhidrosis of the skin (miliaria) is an increased production of secretions by the sweat glands, often accompanied by vesicular rashes that have an unpleasant odor. It occurs due to a physiological reason (exposure to high temperature, emotional stress, stress), or due to poor personal hygiene, and is often combined with vegetative-vascular dystonia. It can also be a symptom of other diseases (tuberculosis, a sharp drop in blood sugar).
  • Herpetic rashes . We often associate them with blisters on the lips, but herpes can also appear on other parts of the body. The herpes virus constantly persists inside a person and can worsen with a decrease in immune resistance. The rash is often accompanied by itching and pain.
  • Infectious lesions . Diseases such as measles, rubella, and chickenpox are often accompanied by rashes on the skin. This symptom is usually the first and serves as a warning sign about the beginning of the height of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Diagnostic features

Redness or the appearance of transparent blisters on the surface of the epidermis, as well as the presence of accompanying symptoms, should be a reason to consult a dermatologist. To make a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor only needs to examine the patient’s skin and conduct a dermatoscopy - an examination using a special dermatoscope instrument.

However, if the blisters that appear on the skin present difficulties for visual diagnosis, a number of additional studies are carried out:

  • allergy tests;
  • scraping tissue from the surface of the vesicles for microscopic examination;
  • bacteriological analysis;
  • PCR test, etc.

If blisters on the skin are caused by burns, no additional diagnostics are performed, and the patient is immediately prescribed treatment.

What causes blisters on the palms of adults

Most often, bubbles with liquid contents appear on the skin during the warm season. Favorable weather conditions contribute to the activation of pathogens of infectious diseases; the air is saturated with allergens released by certain types of plants.

In addition, during this period people spend more time in nature, exposing themselves to the danger of insect bites. The main reasons for the formation of blisters on the palms are as follows:

  • burns;
  • allergic reaction;
  • infectious or autoimmune diseases;
  • skin damage due to prolonged mechanical impact;
  • reaction to a mosquito or other insect bite;
  • contact with a chemically active substance.

First aid for blisters

Immediately after bubbles appear, wash your hands with soap and water to remove any possible contamination. Then you should disinfect the damaged area of ​​skin with hydrogen peroxide. This will prevent it from becoming infected.

To soften the skin surface, it is recommended to lubricate it with cosmetic oil. If there is a risk of damage to the bubbles, for example by rubbing against clothing, they should be covered with a piece of adhesive tape or bandaged with a bandage.

They are pre-treated with aloe juice or calendula oil, since the surface to be covered should not be dry. Avoid using products that contain alcohol as they dry out the skin and cause it to crack.

The frequency of changing the dressing is 2 or 3 times a day.

If there is no danger of damaging the blister, it is better to leave it open - with free access of air, the healing process occurs faster.

Should I see a doctor?

In some cases - if the blister is traumatic in origin, appears after a mosquito bite or as a result of a thermal burn - the rash can be eliminated at home with the help of medications and folk remedies.

But if the rash is infectious or autoimmune in nature, you need to consult a specialist (allergist, dermatologist).

Blisters can appear when the body is affected by chickenpox, lupus erythematosus, herpes, seborrheic dermatitis, scarlet fever, dyshidrosis and other diseases.

Their symptomatic manifestations can be eliminated only with timely diagnosis and qualified treatment of the disease. You should also seek medical help if:

  • there is no obvious reason for the bubbles to appear, they appeared suddenly;
  • the number of rashes continues to increase despite the treatment you are taking;
  • the integrity of the blister is broken;
  • the skin in the affected area is irritated, red, inflamed;
  • Pus comes out of the cracks on the surface of the bladder, the wound bleeds, and its pain intensifies.
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