Types of acne are hormonal, colds, deep, juvenile, pimples after shaving. How to properly treat acne

The problem of juvenile acne is familiar to almost every teenager. The pathology has an unaesthetic expression, and also causes discomfort, both physical and psychological, so the issue of treating the disease is quite relevant.

The article provides detailed information about the causes of acne on the skin of adolescents, factors contributing to the development of pathology, as well as effective methods of treating the disease. In addition, you can learn how to get rid of acne at home using traditional medicine. The preventive measures described in the following material will help prevent the appearance of acne on the skin of the face and other parts of the body.

Types of acne

Acne is usually classified depending on the amount of inflammation, the size and number of pimples, as well as their appearance and accompanying symptoms.
There are the following forms of acne:

  • Comedonal acne - formed due to blockage of the sebaceous ducts with particles of dead upper layer. Comedones look like black dots in the pores of the skin. They are painless, but tend to turn into open acne when the inflammatory process develops.
  • Papulo-pustular acne is characterized by a predominance of papules (closed) over pustules (open) acne. With this form, there is redness of the skin. Purulent contents accumulate in the pustules.
  • The nodular rash is characterized by a predominance of pustules, against which there are rare papules. Inflammation is accompanied by redness and tissue swelling.
  • Conglobate or multiple acne is a severe form of acne in which the process covers large areas of the body and face. Wen often form in the back area, since there are many sebaceous glands here, and the epidermis layer is quite dense.

There are 4 stages of acne development:

  1. The first is characterized by a small number of comedonal acne and papules.
  2. At the second stage, inflammation appears and purulent pustules are present.
  3. On the third, deep pimples join them, the nodular rash forms conglobates.
  4. Severe forms of the disease are distinguished by painful rashes, noticeable redness of certain areas of the epidermis, and the presence of purulent boils.

Acne treatment

The problem of acne, as a cosmetic defect in appearance, is today solved by traditional medical means.
Pharmacological drugs are mainly used for external and internal use; physiotherapeutic procedures are very rarely prescribed. For local treatment of acne, drugs that have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects are used. Despite the wide range of drugs in this area (including retinoids), it should be noted that most of them contain medicinal substances of synthetic origin, which can have significant side effects on the human body, especially with long-term use. This dictates the need to develop new correction methods with mandatory consideration of the impact of such treatment on all pathogenetic mechanisms of acne. Important pathogenetic factors in the development of acne are: excess secretion production by the sebaceous glands, pathological follicular hyperkeratosis, proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes, inflammation, etc.

To treat acne, local, systemic, and combination treatments are used.

For mild acne, adequate external therapy is often sufficient. Therapeutic measures are aimed at correcting hormonal imbalances and eliminating pathological hyperkeratosis, seborrhea, and skin microbiocenosis disorders. Moderate and severe forms of acne require systemic treatment; in this case, external treatment is an integral and reasonable part of complex therapy, which allows reducing the time of use of systemic drugs and reducing the risk of possible side effects. With the help of local therapy, it is possible to achieve high concentrations of the drug in the lesion and directly influence all pathogenetic mechanisms.

The choice of external drug and the scope of hygienic cosmetic procedures are determined taking into account the leading pathogenetic factor of the disease individually for each patient. For non-inflammatory forms of mild acne, local comedolytic and keratolytic agents are recommended, the action of which is aimed at inhibiting the processes of hyperkeratinization of the epithelium of the hair follicles, inflammation (tretinoin preparations, adapalene, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, etc.). Treatment of inflammatory acne against the background of microbiocenosis disorders includes the prescription of local antiseptics and antibacterial drugs. Among the local antibiotics, the drugs of choice are clindamycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline and erythromycin.

Prevention of the disease directly depends on the success of treatment of seborrhea.

Juvenile acne. Why do they appear and how to treat them?

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How can a teenage boy get rid of acne on his face at home?

Boys, unlike girls, know very little about all kinds of self-care. Most of them have only heard about all kinds of washes and tonics in advertising

That’s why it’s so important to convey information to boys about proper care for problem skin.

The most important stages:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • hydration.

By following them, your skin condition will definitely improve.

Well, for boys, express remedies that do not require much time and effort are better suited for treatment.

Such means include:

  • 1% or 2% salicylic acid solution (apply locally to the problem area twice a day with a cotton swab);
  • Essential oils of tea tree and lavender (apply locally to cleansed skin an hour before bedtime);
  • Black and blue clay (apply as a mask on a cleansed face twice a week - if oily skin, once - if dry).

Basic ways to remove skin problems in teenagers

When acne appears, you should immediately begin using procedures or products that will help remove them from the skin. Today, juvenile acne, the treatment of which is not particularly difficult, is a very common problem. There are a variety of medications designed to get rid of, as well as to prevent further occurrence of rashes on any part of the body.

There is a huge variety of medications in the form of creams, ointments, and tablets that are very effective in combating this disease. They will not cause any harm to young skin, as they are intended specifically for it. One of the most popular drugs is Zinerit or Metrogyl, which have not only a cleansing function, but also a drying function. Teenagers with problem skin are also advised to use special creams designed to significantly slow down the work of the sebaceous glands.

Sometimes it is preferable to choose drugs created in the laboratory, since they have many advantages over traditional recipes. But we do not know what the formula of the same cream or gel is. That is why it is worth highlighting the pros and cons of using pharmaceutical products:

  • instant receipt of the drug after payment;
  • ease of use;
  • possibility of long-term storage;
  • tried and tested method of treatment;
  • a formula where all the ingredients complement each other and are contained in the proper quantities.

Before describing the disadvantages, I want to say that you shouldn’t forget about folk recipes. I always recommend combining homemade acne masks with lab-created creams. This gives a strong effect. Now about the cons:

  • we do not know the exact composition of the product;
  • some products contain allergens that are dangerous for some people;
  • price policy.

It's no secret that everyone has their own skin type. If one drug suits the skin of one teenager, this does not mean at all that it will suit the skin of another young man. If this or that drug in the first case relieved the skin of the problem, then it is likely that in the second case it will not live up to expectations. It is for this reason that acne treatment requires an individual approach. It’s good if you have someone to turn to in this case, for example, to a person who has gone through this stage of treatment or directly to a good and responsible doctor.

Preventing the problem with folk remedies

We can say with firm confidence that every remedy for juvenile acne contains some of the most different types of antibiotics that can negatively affect the body of every teenager. It is for this reason that each of them, in order to combat problem skin, should first of all turn to traditional medicine, which will definitely help get rid of acne once and for all! Why not take advantage of nature's gifts to eliminate certain skin problems? I will describe below several options for folk recipes.

1. We all know about the magical properties of aloe. An infusion of aloe vera leaves will definitely help. It's very easy to prepare. You just need to cut the aloe leaves from the plant, wash them thoroughly, then, after keeping them in a dry place for 10 days, crush them and pour boiling water over them. After this, you need to wait one hour, then boil the infusion for several minutes. This product is used to wipe problem skin 2-3 times a day.


2. Aloe juice itself is also a very effective remedy against problem skin. Aloe juice relieves irritation, soothes the skin, and gives the skin a healthy appearance. To prepare aloe juice, you need to keep its leaf in a dark place for at least 10 days, then grind and squeeze out the juice, which you need to wipe the problem area of ​​​​the skin 2-3 times a day. Repeat the procedure for as long as possible until the acne goes away.

3. Calendula infusion is also an effective folk remedy. It is necessary to prepare the decoction as follows: add half a liter of boiling water to one tablespoon of inflorescences of this plant. Leave for half an hour. The prepared infusion should be wiped over the problem area of ​​the skin several times a day for one week. Repeat the procedure until the acne completely disappears.

So, this material presented the causes of acne, as well as some ways to remove the problem on the skin of teenagers and young men. Which treatment option for juvenile acne to choose is up to you. I can only advise that you only need to choose the method that best suits your skin.

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Types of acne

When it comes to acne in a teenager, it is impossible to single out just one type of rash. There are many of them, they differ in the degree of inflammation, causes of occurrence, pain and appearance. Dermatological problems occur at different ages; diseases can be mild or severe.


Small pimples are located on the back, cheeks, wings of the nose and chin. They can dot the entire area of ​​the epithelium. The main reason for their appearance lies in insufficient hygiene, improperly selected clothing and working with various chemicals. In addition, there are dry small pimples that do not require medication or cosmetic treatment.


Subcutaneous pimples - white and red - are quite common during puberty. The first ones look like protruding white tubercles and are cavities filled with pus. The latter look like inflamed areas of skin that can hurt and itch for a long time. The cause of the appearance of such formations may be heredity, hormonal imbalance, as well as some diseases of the liver and digestive system.


Purulent rashes are pustules that, when ripe, form a white “head”. Self-treatment and squeezing of such pimples can lead to their spread over the entire surface of the skin and even blood poisoning. Painful nodes are formed that go deeper inside. The formation of purulent pimples indicates the beginning of an infectious process in the body.

Clinical picture of the disease

The appearance of juvenile acne on the skin indicates the development of a dermatological disease, the occurrence of which is associated with impaired functionality of the internal systems of the body, in particular the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a rule, adolescent patients are susceptible to the disease.

The pathology is characterized by inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the sebaceous glandular apparatus, the development of which is accompanied by the formation of small papules, open and closed comedones, and increased sebum secretion on the skin. With the development of pathology, papules transform into pustules; in advanced cases, boils and abscesses may appear.

Most often, the sites of localization of the disease are

  1. face;
  2. shoulders;
  3. upper back and chest;

Additional Information! According to statistics, the manifestation of pathology is typical for patients from 15 to 25 years old. The remaining 20% ​​occur among representatives of a more mature age.

Usually the disease proceeds smoothly, without any complications and goes away on its own, but in 20% of cases it is necessary to seek medical help to eliminate the consequences of the development of pathology.

How to care for problem skin?

Regardless of whether pharmaceutical or folk remedies are used for treatment, a teenager must learn how to properly care for his skin:

  1. Do not wash your face with hot water - this stimulates sebum production.
  2. Do not wash your face with regular soap - it dries out the skin, and, as a response, it begins to intensively secrete oil.
  3. After washing with warm water, rinse your face with cold water - this will tighten the pores and tone the blood vessels, improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition.
  4. Do not squeeze pimples under any circumstances!
  5. Apply all masks, lotions, ointments and creams only to clean, dry or moisturized skin - depending on the product chosen.

Parents themselves should also monitor their teenager’s hygiene. The boy needs his own towel, in addition, at least once a week he needs to change the bedding, especially the pillowcase, so that grease, dirt and cosmetic residues do not accumulate on it - this is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Methods of disposal

Acne on the face of teenagers can be cured by cleansing the facial skin with decoctions of medicinal herbs or special tonics. This should be done several times a day. Cosmetics that can block sebum production should be excluded - these are low-quality foundations and powders.

Parents often purchase skin care products for their children. This makes sense, but such products should be designed specifically for boys and girls. You need to be careful with scrubs, as they contain abrasive particles. They should not become a source of microtrauma on the skin. The granules in the right foods are soft and small. It is better to give preference to peeling with a gentle effect.

For every age there are products that help remove acne and pimples. It is necessary to decide whether the use of medications is required or whether folk remedies and enhanced skin care can be used. A simple test will help with this. You should count the number of youthful acne, taking into account those areas where redness is present - rashes should soon appear here.

If there are less than 10 pimples, no medical treatment is required. The disease is in a mild stage. If you regularly clean your skin and take proper care of it, the rash will go away on its own. A number from 10 to 20 indicates the need to consult a dermatologist. In addition to advice on maintaining hygiene, the specialist will recommend lotions and other special formulations that are sold in pharmacies. Such products contain selenium, zinc and copper, which dry out rashes and prevent their recurrence. If there are more than 20 acne, long-term therapy is required.

To cure acne on the face of a teenager, you should first do tests for pathogenic microflora and demodicosis, which is caused by subcutaneous mites.

It lives in the follicles and gland ducts and produces toxins. The danger of its presence in the body is that the tick can transmit microbes to healthy areas of the skin. Treatment of demodicosis should be comprehensive.

Diet for acne in teenagers

Proper nutrition is the most important factor in getting rid of acne. To eliminate the pathologically rapid production of sebum and allow the upper layer of the epidermis to recover faster, you should try to exclude the following products from the menu:

  • fried and smoked foods;
  • canned food;
  • fast food, sweet soda;
  • fatty and heavy foods;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • chips and crackers containing a large amount of flavor enhancers, oils and seasonings;

For successful treatment of pimples, blackheads and acne, you will need to minimize the amount of various simple carbohydrates, fats and insulin provocateurs in your diet, which destabilize the sebaceous glands.

In order for the skin to recover more quickly and stop reacting to adolescence with a large number of inflammations, you need to enrich your diet with products containing vitamins A, E, C and group B. They will help the skin restore metabolic processes, get rid of accumulations of harmful substances, and will also become an additional material for renewal epidermal cells. The menu must include:

  • eggs;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • dairy products;
  • fresh herbs;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • porridges from various cereals;
  • honey;
  • sifted flour bread or crispbread;
  • herbal teas instead of strong tea and coffee.

Such a diet will not only get rid of acne as quickly as possible, but will also help the body stay healthy, strengthen the immune system, and quickly adapt to the hormonal changes occurring within it.

How to get rid of purulent acne

The best shaving soap
Many sufferers of these skin inflammations begin to wonder how to get rid of the discomfort and remove the hated pimple?

Some, wanting to return ideal skin as quickly as possible, decide to open the abscess and squeeze out its contents.

Before you do this, you need to know about the consequences: scars may remain on the skin, which are much more difficult to get rid of than the abscess itself. And if disinfection measures are not followed, there is a risk of introducing an infection into the wound and creating new foci of inflammation.

There are many safe and effective ways to get rid of it; you can buy a special ointment at the pharmacy or use traditional medicine.

A cosmetologist will prescribe comprehensive treatment, effective cleansing and restorative procedures, and, if necessary, medications to normalize hormonal balance.

What procedures will help get rid of purulent acne?

Ultrasound therapy

The procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, guarantees effective removal of ulcers and healing of damaged areas.

Deep chemical peeling

Chemical peeling removes dead skin cells, excess sebum and impurities from the skin.

To carry out the procedure, cosmetologists use phenolic, salicylic or glycolic acid. The substance penetrates the epidermis and affects areas of inflammation.

To achieve results, a course of procedures is carried out, the duration of which depends on the number of lesions and the stage of inflammation.

If the inflammatory process is at the initial stage, then it is not necessary to contact a cosmetologist. It is enough to take timely measures to combat purulent acne, and not to start the problem.

Localization of rashes

Mostly acne in a teenager appears on the face, chest and back, although the last 2 areas are affected only in case of serious internal problems. If we talk about the classic restructuring of the body of a healthy teenager, who is faced exclusively with a jump in hormone levels and, as a result, disruption of the functioning of the endocrine glands, he will see rashes exclusively on the face. However, even here only the nose, cheeks, chin or the entire surface can be affected.

Teenage acne in boys

Young men often experience transient acne, which is characterized by the formation of inflamed nodules that quickly give way to scars. This severe form of the disease mainly affects the face in the forehead and jaw line. With a serious lack of vitamin A, a rash will appear on the chest, and abuse of junk food against the background of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract will make itself felt by pimples on the cheeks and in the triangular area around the mouth.

Acne in a teenage girl

Girls in most cases experience rashes caused by severe hormonal imbalance (in addition to the general increase in androgen levels, we cannot forget about menstrual cycles, which are unstable in adolescents), so acne appears on the chin and nose, in the forehead area. If the rashes affect the entire face or are grouped along the wings of the nose and go further to the cheekbones, there is a high probability of problems with the functioning of the sebaceous glands due to cosmetics.

Acne symptoms

Juvenile acne can be open or closed.

Closed comedones are white nodules that are not visible on the skin surface. Due to the fact that dust accumulates in the pores over time, black spots appear on the epithelium of the skin and come to the surface. They are usually found in the forehead and chin area.

If an existing acne continues to inflame, and treatment does not arrive and it cannot be gotten rid of in time, a pimple will appear, which is characterized as a red-blue dense lump under the skin that looks like a pea.

If there are many such rashes, the skin begins to appear uneven. Such inflammations can either decrease in size and disappear over time, or become inflamed further and turn into a vesicle with pustules, which eventually comes to the surface.

Large bubbles like these can leave scars. They need to be treated.

Let's go to the pharmacy

For a 13-year-old teenage boy, you can find a lot of medications for treating acne in the pharmacy. But remember that any drug should be prescribed only by a doctor.

The most popular products now are baziron, which is applied at night, and differin, which should be used during the day. Other inexpensive and effective drugs may be:

  • Zinc ointment.
  • Sulfuric ointment.
  • Ichthyol ointment.
  • Baneocin.
  • Tincture of calendula.

All these drugs have an antibacterial, drying effect. Therefore, they are most often prescribed for the treatment of acne in boys.

The following ointments will be no less effective:

  • Skinoren.
  • Fusiderm.
  • Zenerite.
  • Bactropan.

From this list, dermatologists mainly prescribe zinerit for acne in boys. This drug contains the antibiotic erythromycin. It helps fight germs that cause inflammation, cleanses the skin and eliminates oily shine. Before application, the powder must be mixed with a special solution that comes with the bottle and applied to the face.

Is it possible to prevent teenage acne in a child?

How to avoid the appearance of teenage rashes on a child’s body? Unfortunately, if acne is caused by a hereditary predisposition, then it is almost impossible to protect a boy or girl from rashes, but you can minimize their occurrence. Some tips to reduce skin inflammation:

  • Don’t forget to cleanse your skin regularly—neglecting hygiene will only worsen rashes;
  • do not touch your face with dirty hands and try to touch it less;
  • do not squeeze pimples - this promotes the spread of inflammation and scarring;
  • do not cover pimples with foundation and powder - this clogs the pores even more and promotes the growth of bacteria;
  • add more vegetables and cereals to your diet and give up junk food.

If teenage acne in boys and girls is not treated, the initial stage of the disease progresses to moderate and severe

It is important not to miss the moment and consult a doctor in time. It is best to consult a dermatologist who can correctly diagnose the cause of inflammation and select effective therapy.

General preventive measures

In order to prevent the appearance of juvenile acne and rashes in adolescence, an important preventative point is the timely treatment of seborrhea.

There are also several other key factors that will save you from such diseases. This is adherence to the regime.

It is necessary to devote enough time to sound, healthy sleep and lead an active lifestyle. Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, walk more often, and do not forget about physical exercise.

An important element of acne prevention is following a strict diet. If you want to defeat teenage acne, then categorically exclude fats, especially refractory fats, and oils from your diet.

Many experts recommend using zinc-based medications as a preventative measure. This substance inhibits the activity of the sebaceous glands, the likelihood of subsequent inflammation is gradually reduced to zero.

It is better, of course, not to treat, but to prevent the appearance of blackheads on the nose and other acne in boys and girls.

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What not to do

Should I squeeze pimples at 13 or not? This should not be done under any circumstances. This can cause pimples and blackheads to spread to other healthy areas of the body.

Do not use hot water or steam your face when washing your face. In this case, more sebum will be produced than necessary. Yes, and squeezing pimples on steamed skin is prohibited - the risk of developing sepsis increases.

You can't hide pimples under foundation or powder. You can't go to bed without washing your face.

Author - Anna Mikhailova, dermatologist-cosmetologist of the first category, specialist at the Academy of Scientific Beauty. Especially for the site “Treating Acne”.

Cosmetical tools

For deep cleansing, you need to use peeling and face masks from a special series for teenagers. To avoid drying out the skin during cleaning, select cosmetic products according to its type.

After proper cleansing, apply a moisturizer. During treatment and for prevention, the boy should have a personal towel for hygiene.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid products have long been known for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

The substance should be applied carefully and precisely for best effect.

Do not forget that in addition to harmful bacteria, salicylic acid can disrupt the natural protective barrier, drying out the skin.

You should not apply the product too often and uncontrollably, as subcutaneous fat will begin to secrete even more.

Antibiotic therapy

In adolescence, it is quite difficult to cleanse the skin of acne, but it is possible to alleviate the condition. There is no need to take antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription (since antibiotics contain many aggressive substances).

There are several rules for maintaining skin in an aesthetic condition:

  • Treatment begins with cleanliness. Every day, morning and evening, you need to wash your face with special skin products designed to combat teenage problems. This type of washing removes sweat and dust, which are the main causes of blackheads. Read also: Retinoids for acne for the face.
  • You can also wash your face with soap and a sponge. First you need to wash your hands, then lather the sponge with foam and massage your facial skin. Rinse off the foam with water.
  • Toning the skin perfectly cleanses the pores. Pimples become smaller and they also decrease in size.
  • There are creams that normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. They usually contain zinc and tea tree oil, which speed up treatment.
  • The diet should contain many foods with vitamins A and B.


Teenage acne? Look for salvation in the herbs

Everyone dreams of looking good and having an even, attractive complexion, regardless of the time of year. This issue is especially of concern to teenagers. How can acne appearing on the face completely ruin the life of young people!

And which of the young people will sit and wait for them to pass by themselves? Of course, no one. Everyone will try to get rid of this trouble as quickly as possible. One of the ways to treat teenage acne is folk remedies. They will be discussed in this article.

Acne is a specific inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Mostly they appear on oily skin. If you let this disease take its course and not do the necessary treatment at all, you can get into serious trouble.

Inflammation will intensify and in place of teenage acne, truly adult scar changes in the skin will form. If immunity is also reduced, then the disease will lead to purulent inflammation.

The cause of acne can be an unhealthy diet: chips, crackers, sweet carbonated drinks, all this will not only appear on the face, but can also contribute to the development of gastritis, colitis or more serious diseases (for example, disruption of the endocrine system or diabetes).

Is it possible to press

Pimples can only be squeezed out by a cosmetologist in a sterile office. It can only crush blackheads or mature white pimples. Inflamed red pimples should not be touched. You can only help them mature.

Why you can’t squeeze pimples yourself:

  • It will not be possible to make your hands, room, and cosmetics completely sterile;
  • infection or dirt can get under the skin immediately;
  • Squeezing one pimple can spread the infection throughout the entire face;
  • If squeezed incorrectly, scars, marks, stains will remain for life, and even cosmetic procedures will not help remove them completely.

It is better to endure the unpleasant presence of acne until the end of treatment than to suffer with it for many years.

Acne symptoms

The main manifestation of acne are elements on the skin, which can be:

- inflammatory;

- non-inflammatory nature.

In the first case, the elements are often represented by small nodules up to 5 mm in diameter, nodules larger than 5 mm, and also pustules.

Non-inflammatory elements are represented by milia (white dots) and comedones (black dots).

All these elements appear against the background of increased oily skin, especially the so-called T-zone (chin, nose, forehead).

Let us consider in more detail the manifestations of various types of disease.

In newborns, the rashes are represented by closed comedones, which are located in the area of ​​the baby’s nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. Externally, the elements look like small dots of a whitish or yellowish tint. As a rule, they go away on their own within 2 weeks of their appearance.

Youths may have different symptoms.

In the nodular cystic form, acne has a cavity with purulent contents and infiltrates located deep in the skin. They tend to merge, after which larger inflammatory elements form. If there is a reverse development of such acne, then it ends with the appearance of scars. This form of acne is characterized by a rather long course.

The papulopustular appearance is manifested by the appearance of pustules and nodules. As a rule, these elements are attached to comedones that are already present on the skin. The outcome of this type of acne depends on the depth of the skin lesion. The mild form does not leave a trace, and after the inflammatory process, scars may remain at the level of the deep layers of the dermis.

Comedones. They are formed as a result of the closure of hair follicles by sebum and horny scales. If they are mild, they can be considered a variant of the norm. At the initial stage of development, they are represented by microcomedones, which practically do not show themselves in any way. Then the formation of closed comedones occurs, which are non-inflammatory nodules with a diameter of about 2 mm. As these nodules develop, sebum accumulates in them, causing them to increase in size and become open comedones (blackheads).

Lightning eels are considered rare and quite severe in flow. They are characterized by an acute onset, the appearance on the body of areas with ulcerative and necrotic lesions, accompanied by an increase in symptoms of intoxication. This disease develops very rapidly - the body temperature rises, pain in the muscles, joints, and abdomen appears, and the general condition deteriorates sharply. On the skin of the arms and torso, areas of erythema with pustules appear, and a little later ulcers become noticeable. Subsequently, scars form at the site of the rash.

Why do they appear?

Rashes occur for various internal and external reasons, which depend on age and health status. An important factor that provokes acne at any age is heredity.

The child has

In children, a rash may appear for the following reasons:

  • teething - due to increased saliva production, the problem is localized around the mouth;
  • allergic reactions, for example, to food and cosmetics;
  • prickly heat occurs if the child is dressed very warmly;
  • the body's reaction to vaccinations;
  • reaction to the weather - frostbite or sunburn;
  • improper skin care;
  • acnemorphic rash appears if the mother took certain hormonal medications during pregnancy;
  • childhood infectious diseases - measles, rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

Important! If acne in a small child is caused by any disease, you should not self-medicate, you should immediately consult a doctor.

For girls

Why girls get acne:

  1. Many people experience this problem a week or several days before the start of menstruation.
  2. Hormonal imbalances during puberty. The amount of male hormones androgens may increase.
  3. Improper skin care. Girls try to get rid of acne quickly, using aggressive products, but forgetting about moisturizing. And they get overdried skin, which begins to produce even more oil. They also often cover acne with foundation and correctors. Almost all such products clog pores.
  4. Girls are more susceptible to stressful situations and worry more often about their appearance than boys. This also leads to acne.

In boys

The appearance of acne in boys is different:

  1. Poor hygiene - they believe that it is enough to wash with water, sometimes with soap. Plain water will not cleanse the skin, and soap will disrupt the acid-base balance. This provokes the release of excess fat and the appearance of acne.
  2. Poor nutrition – girls try more to take care of their health and figure. Boys more often eat fast food, buns and pizzas in the school canteen, and sweet soda, which leads to skin problems.
  3. Hormonal imbalances in adolescence cause them to develop even more acne than girls, because male hormones are produced more strongly.

In adults

Women and men can also suffer from acne at any age:

  1. Hormonal imbalances - in women during pregnancy or after, before menstruation. All of them have problems with the endocrine system.
  2. Diseases of internal organs: kidneys, liver, heart.
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases, which are often associated with poor nutrition.
  4. Demodectic mange occurs in people with weak immune systems, since it is easiest for the mite to infect them. It can live in feather pillows.
  5. Poor skin care: incorrectly selected cosmetics, not for age or skin type.
  6. Many adults are susceptible to stressful situations: problems with work, family, health. Nervous tension negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  7. If a person did not treat acne as a teenager, then it will follow him into adulthood.

Causes of rashes

Teenage acne is a serious problem that requires responsible management. Sometimes they are a manifestation of endocrine diseases, gastrointestinal pathologies, and failures in the production of certain hormones. The skin consists of a large number of sweat and sebaceous glands, which provide natural thermoregulation.

Almost the entire human body is covered with hair follicles. If they become inflamed due to various unfavorable factors, acne may form at the site of damage. Black spots may form on a teenager's face. This is the result of increased sebum production. Blackheads are clogged ducts of the sebaceous glands. Most often in teenagers, acne occurs on:

  • buttocks;
  • upper back area;
  • face;
  • breasts

Improper treatment of facial acne in teenagers and inappropriate skin care contribute to the formation of scars that are very difficult to get rid of. Acne is often caused by pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the epidermis. They trigger the inflammation process. Bacteria multiply rapidly in the hair follicle and sebaceous duct. This leads to redness of the epidermis and swelling on it. The inflamed area becomes painful. When acne matures, suppuration forms on the damaged area. After it bursts, purulent discharge comes out, freeing the tissue from infection.

Most teenagers try to squeeze out a pimple on their own, but instead of getting rid of the cosmetic defect, they provoke the opposite reaction: the infection begins to spread to healthy areas.

The result is acne. Experts recommend giving the pimple time to mature. The body already fights pathogenic bacteria with the help of white blood cells. This “fight” should not be interfered with. If you do not wait a moment, the infection will spread and cause new rashes.

Causes of teenage acne:

  • restructuring in the body, changes at the level of internal organs and systems;
  • insufficient production of hormones;
  • excess androgens.

The last problem is key - rashes often appear due to a significant increase in androgen levels. The consequence of this phenomenon is a malfunction of the exocrine glands. Sebum is produced in large quantities, which leads to clogged pores. Other predisposing factors:

  1. Insufficient level of hygiene. If a person has a habit of touching his face with unwashed hands, this area will suffer especially actively. It is not advisable to use other people's towels. Your hygiene items must be cleaned and updated in a timely manner.
  2. Choosing the wrong cosmetics. Girls sometimes use heavy foundations and pay insufficient attention to removing them. You should not use products designed for dry skin on oily skin and vice versa. This can lead to an imbalance in acidity levels. You should be especially careful when using oil-containing products as they can clog pores.
  3. Poor nutrition. Any violations in the diet have a negative impact on the skin. If we remember the love of modern teenagers for fast food, sweet dishes and carbonated drinks, rashes are quite understandable. The liver is unable to cope with such food, so dirt passes through the pores.
  4. Hereditary factor. If parents have a tendency to develop acne, the younger generation will inherit this feature.
  5. Oily skin. Such a problem can only be dealt with by external influence. The reason for the formation of a rash lies in the excessive production of sebum, which leads to clogged pores.
  6. The result of drug treatment. If a teenager has had to take hormones or antibiotics for a long time, the liver experiences inevitable stress. This also affects the condition of the skin.

Stressful situations lead to mental instability. This is a common situation during adolescence, which is explained by puberty and hormonal imbalances.

In adolescence, demodicosis, a disease caused by skin mites, can also occur. It can only be eliminated with medication. Vitamin deficiency is also considered an unfavorable phenomenon, especially when there is a lack of vitamins A and group B - they most affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Folk remedies

In addition to medications, rashes can also be treated with home remedies. At home, you won’t be able to quickly get rid of severe skin problems. But as part of complex treatment and prevention, they will be quite effective.

There are a lot of tips on the Internet on how to get rid of acne on a teenager’s face at home. Let's look at the most effective of them.

Aloe juiceIt has long been used to combat acne and not only in adolescence. We get it this way: Carefully tear off two or three leaves from the bottom of the plant. Leave them in warm water overnight. In the morning, finely chop the leaves and add water (by eye). The result is a dense mass. Rubbing your face with this product in the evenings will improve its color. For best results, rubbing should be done at least once or twice a day.
Silicon maskDo you have acne on your forehead? Then try this recipe immediately. Dilute a bag of silicon in water (the amount of water depends on the consistency of the mass you need). Apply a thin layer of the mask to the problem area. Wait 25 minutes, rinse with warm water. The results are, in fact, impressive: after the first use, oily shine will noticeably decrease, acne will become completely invisible.
Tonic based on medicinal calendulaPour three tablespoons of dried calendula officinalis flowers with boiled water (0.5 liters). The decoction should infuse for 24 hours, no less. Afterwards, be sure to strain it through a strainer. This product will perfectly replace any tonic. Wipe your face with it every day and you won’t regret it.
OnionIf the pimple is ripe, but cannot break out, you need to provide assistance. Apply baked onion to the problem area and secure with a band-aid. Leave it overnight.
LedumA tablespoon of wild rosemary leaves is poured with boiling water (one and a half liters). The composition is drunk once a day.
Green teaBrew a tea bag and let it steep. Soak a napkin in tea and place it on your face. Green tea will soothe the skin and neutralize bacteria.
Natural honeyApply a thin layer of honey to your face. Leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. This universal remedy has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
SodaWe dilute the soda until it becomes mushy. Apply to the pimple for one minute.

Acne in teenagers: treatment with external and internal methods

Dermatologists and cosmetologists talk about 2 main ways to treat acne in teenagers.

  1. Internal treatment of acne in adolescents . To do this, tests are first done, the state of the body, “problem points” are studied. Then certain medications are prescribed, and a schedule and regimen for taking them is established. As a rule, 7-14 days after taking hormonal and other medications, the skin becomes clearer. For example, doctors often use the retinoid Roaccutane. Before purchasing and taking hormonal medications or antibiotics, be sure to consult your doctor!
  2. External acne treatment . This includes a complex of therapeutic and hardware cosmetology techniques. These can be therapeutic masks, ozone therapy, cryotherapy, special peelings for acne treatment, laser peeling. Of course, this includes home care.

Review of antibiotics and other products for internal use

Tetracycline, erythromycin, minocycline (Minocin) . Antibiotics known for a long time, which are available to everyone. The same tetracycline is used to treat sore throats, colds and other inflammatory diseases.

As a rule, such drugs do not cause allergic reactions; the course of taking them is 2-4 months.

Doxycycline, clindamycin (Cleocin) . A group of antibiotics that fights a complex of inflammatory processes in the body. In 2-3 months you will get the result.

Doctors often recommend these antibiotics in combination with ointments, special exercises, physical activity and diet.

Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (aka Bactrim, Septra) . In the pharmacy you can find this antibiotic under other trade names.

Used to treat acne, eliminate inflammatory and infectious processes, eliminate white pimples and redheads in teenage boys.

When prescribing medication, the doctor must be careful: the antibiotic can cause allergic reactions, digestive upset, discoloration of teeth and other problems.

Isotretinoin (Accutane) . An oral medication that should be taken for about 4-5 months. Isotretinoin (Accutane) acts on the body from the inside, reducing sebum production and cell viscosity.

It is used in particularly difficult cases when acne in a teenager is accompanied by cysts and nodules. In the long term, it helps in 60% of cases the first time; a repeat course is required in 20% of patients.

Along with its high medical effectiveness, the drug also carries serious limitations . It can cause allergic reactions, bleeding, visual disturbances and other problems.

We repeat once again: hormonal drugs and antibiotics for teenage boys can only be purchased and taken after consultation with a specialist! Take care of your health.

All types of tablets and drops can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Antimicrobial action . For example, these are Tetracycline, Trichopolum, Doxycycline, Erythromycin and others.
  2. Overwhelming influence . The uniqueness of these products is that they are based on retinoids. The main task of such drugs is to suppress the growth of skin cells. A typical example of such a drug is Isotretinoin (Acnecutane/Roaccutane, other names can be found).
  3. Hormonal . They are not suitable for teenage boys, since they are designed to reduce the level of androgens (these products are Jess, Chloe, Yarina, you can find other names).

Review of medications for external use

To combat acne, ointments and gels are usually recommended , which have an antiseptic, regenerating, and antibacterial effect.

There are a huge number of drugs on the market: from simple products (salicylic acid, boric acid) to professional solutions based on a combination of different compositions and components.

In this article we will present only the most popular ointments for the treatment of acne in teenage boys:

  1. Antibiotics or antiseptics . Reduce inflammatory effects, eliminate bacteria, block their development. Sometimes they can dry out the skin a little, so you need to be prepared for this. Among such drugs on the pharmacy shelf you can find Klindovit, Dalatsin, Baziron AS, Zinerit, Oxy-5 or Oxy-10 and others.
  2. Azelaic acid . Dozens of products have been produced based on this component. For example, to treat acne in a teenage boy, Azogel, Azelik, Aknestop, Azix Derm and other similar drugs are used.
  3. Retinoids . Their job is to reduce cell development and growth. Retinoids include ointments, gels and other formulations called Tretinoin, Adaklin, Clenzit, Differin, Adapalene.
  4. Salicylic acid, boric acid, sulfur, ichthyol or zinc . These remedies can rightfully be considered “folk”: they are cheap, they are used everywhere not only to treat acne in teenagers, but also to eliminate other skin problems (fungus, inflammation of the big toe, ulcers, deep wounds and others).

Choosing cosmetic procedures

A modern cosmetologist’s office can offer from 10 different procedures. All of them, with regular use, can get rid of oily skin, reduce sebum production, cleanse pores, and block the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Among the main methods it is worth noting the following:

  1. Extracting comedones . A complex procedure that requires concentration and care, is prescribed only for complex cases, and is accompanied by the risk of scarring for life. Special equipment is required to extract comedones.
  2. Chemical peeling . This procedure involves the use of glycolic acid and other compounds. These products have a superficial effect, cleanse the upper layers of the skin and reduce the risk of scarring. It is necessary to use the compositions only under the supervision of a cosmetologist, as there is a risk of burning the skin.
  3. Dermabrasion . A cosmetic procedure that involves the process of removing the epidermis and papillary layer of the dermis. For this, the scraping method is used.
  4. Administration of corticosteroids . Substances are injected directly into inflamed pimples, destroy bacteria, and reduce the risk of inflammatory processes.
  5. Cryotherapy . It involves short-term treatment of the skin surface with cold air (usually the temperature is -110 degrees). The cosmetologist is required to be careful and quick to react so as not to accidentally harm the skin.

Now you know how to get rid of teenage acne using cosmetic methods.

Of course, this costs money (sometimes a whole course of procedures is needed to eliminate acne).

If you do not have the money or opportunity to make an appointment with a cosmetologist , we offer acne treatment using traditional methods. Of course, the effectiveness of folk remedies is not always high. But it's better than doing nothing at all.

Review of folk remedies

the following folk remedies to treat acne in teenagers :

  • burdock root (Arctium lappa),
  • honeysuckle flower (Lonicera japonica),
  • red clover (Trifolium pratense),
  • milk thistle (Silybum marianum),
  • Monnier seed (Cnidium monnieri) and others.

Traditional medicine offers a complex of drugs to combat teenage acne : ointments, decoctions for washing, masks, gels and much more. For example, it could be:

  1. Chamomile decoction . Add 1 tsp. chamomile into a glass, pour boiling water over it, let it brew. Wipe your face with the broth several times a day. You can freeze and wipe the surface of the skin with “ice chamomile”. If you want to get rid of acne as quickly as possible, you can add another 2 tsp to the broth. alcohol
  2. Garlic . Take garlic cloves and grate them. Then coat the problem areas with cream, apply “garlic paste” for 10 minutes (no more!). If you experience any unpleasant “cutting” or “burning” sensations, wash it off! Otherwise, there is a risk of burning your skin.
  3. Celandine . Based on celandine, make decoctions and wipe the surface of the face. Sometimes celandine is used as “lotions” and masks. True, a teenage boy still needs to be convinced that a cosmetic mask is normal and not “shameful.”
  4. Tincture of calendula . Be careful: it contains a lot of alcohol, there is a risk of burning the skin and “drying” it. Experts recommend washing your face with warm water to which a few drops of calendula have been added.
  5. Tea tree oil . Natural antioxidant, source of vitamins and nutrients. Based on 1 tsp. tea tree oil, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice makes antibacterial and nourishing masks against acne and acne.
  6. Carrot . They say that fresh carrots help with acne. It needs to be rubbed and then applied to the surface of the skin. Keep it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off.

Traditional medicine offers masks based on kefir, egg yolk, apples, lemon, yeast, aloe, blue and white clay, activated carbon and others to combat acne.

Modern industry also offers cosmetics to combat acne.

Some manufacturers even produce special lines of “teenage cosmetics”: Propeller, Garnier, Clean&Clear and others .

Prohibited actions

Which treatment method to choose is up to the parents and the teenager’s attending physician to decide. But no matter what is chosen, there are certain prohibitions and restrictions that must be adhered to when treating acne in adolescence:

  • It is strictly forbidden to squeeze or puncture pimples. This leads to the spread of infection (with bacterial inflammation) or infection with bacteria (with non-infectious acne);
  • Oil products, fatty creams, and folk recipes based on fatty masks should not be used for treatment. Such procedures only increase the blockage of skin pores;
  • You cannot “steam” the skin of your face and body and then squeeze out pimples. This is a flawed tactic that leads to the formation of deeper, more confluent acne spots;
  • smoking, alcoholic drinks in adolescence and even at the age of 19-20 years and older only stimulate the development of acne;
  • You shouldn’t try to disguise or hide pimples under a layer of concealer or foundation.

To learn how to treat teenage acne, watch the following video.

Acne is hormonal

Acne in teenagers and young adults is considered normal, and there is a simple explanation for this. But if acne does not go away, or only appears after 30 years, then this is a reason to visit a doctor. Often, the cause of such acne is a failure in the production of sex hormones.

In women, acne occurs due to hormonal disorders, in particular polycystic ovary syndrome. Polycystic ovarian disease is a violation of their natural functions, such as ovulation. Hormonal acne can also occur during pregnancy or after an abortion, since these procedures entail serious changes in the hormonal state of the body.

Acne is inextricably linked with the endocrine glands, since acne is affected by diseases of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, female and male genital organs. If the body overproduces hormones, then you can get acne very easily, the risk is high. If you are thinking about finding the cause of your acne, one visit to a dermatologist will not be enough. It is necessary to undergo laboratory tests and visit a gynecologist if you are a woman, and an endocrinologist if you are a man.

Treatment with medications

In addition to the above measures, the same for all boys, individual treatment with medications is prescribed

Since it is important not only to cleanse the pores of accumulated subcutaneous fat, but also to eliminate inflammation, as well as reduce the production of sebaceous gland secretions, treatment begins with antiseptic procedures. A solution of salicylic alcohol is best suited for these purposes.

You need to treat problem areas with it twice a day.

Apply ointment or cream to clean skin. For large pustular formations, doctors recommend an antibiotic-based remedy for acne on the face, for example, “Zinerit”. Sometimes there is a need for a directly antibacterial ointment, usually “Erythromycin”, “Synthomycin” or “Tetracycline” ointment. For severe and deep acne, the doctor may give a prescription for antibiotic tablets, most often prescribed “”.

Mild forms of teenage acne do not require the use of antibiotics. Sometimes it is quite enough to lubricate the affected skin with zinc ointment twice a day. The following ointments have a good anti-inflammatory effect:

  • "Tretinoin";
  • "Ugresol";
  • "Oxygel";
  • "Baziron AS";
  • "Adapalene";
  • "Skinoren."

These preparations are applied to the skin after preliminary cleaning with a soft cotton pad with salicylic alcohol no more than twice a day. For extensive and deep acne, the doctor may prescribe hormonal ointment "Triderm", as well as taking hormonal medications orally. If pathologies from the gastrointestinal tract are detected, sorbents, as well as “” or “”, may be prescribed.

Almost all boys are advised to take vitamin A medications. These medications include Lokacid and Isotrex. These products regulate sebum production and also promote faster healing of acne wounds without scarring.

Juvenile acne: treatment with traditional methods

You can completely get rid of teenage acne only if you undergo a comprehensive course of treatment. Thus, to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to use both general medications and external preparations aimed at eliminating external factors that contribute to the progression of the pathology.

External medicinal products recommended for use in the treatment of acne:

  • "Zinerit";
  • "Baziron".

Although the action of these drugs is not aimed at eliminating internal disorders, the effect of their external use is truly unique. “Zinerit” is characterized by drying the affected areas and disinfecting the skin. In addition, the product is actively used as a prophylactic drug.

The advantage of “Binerit” is the fact that the product fights not only acne, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin during the post-acne period, due to which there is practically no trace of acne left.

Degree of acne damage

How to get rid of acne on a teenager’s face depends on the severity of the disease. Treatment is selected depending on the stage of acne.

  • Stage 1. Mild acne. White or black comedones, called blackheads, appear on the face. Their number can reach 10 pieces. There are no signs of inflammation at the site of the comedone, the skin in other places remains clean. At this stage, acne is not a cause for concern. Comedones in adolescence in most cases appear due to hormonal changes.
  • Stage 2. Moderate acne. At this stage, the number of comedones increases, and as the disease progresses, they take the form of papules. Their number ranges from 10 to 25 units. The skin at the sites of their formation becomes red or bluish. Comedones can become inflamed and turn into pustules with purulent contents. At this stage, the teenager requires treatment, as the acne will not go away on its own.
  • Stage 3. Severe acne. The number of comedones and pustules increases to 50 pieces. At this stage, acne takes on a cystic or keloid form, and scars form. The skin becomes inflamed and acquires a purplish-red hue. The skin is affected in the deep layers, scars remain for a long time.
  • Stage 4. Extremely severe acne. Acne progresses to this stage if there was no treatment in the early stages. The number of inflammations on the face becomes more than 50. Papules and pustules connect with each other, forming nodes. The skin becomes painful on contact. At this stage, large BCs form, which are difficult to treat.

Additional techniques

To soothe the skin and relieve inflammatory processes, you can use the following traditional medicine techniques:

  1. Baking soda mixed with water will help relieve inflammation and remove excess oil from the skin. To do this, mix 2 spoons of soda with 1 spoon (tea) of water. It is necessary to thoroughly stir the solution and apply it to the surface of the skin with a swab. After a few minutes, you need to wash the soda off your face.
  2. You can use brewed green tea (without sugar) as a soothing compress. Soak the gauze in this solution and apply it to your face for 15 minutes.
  3. Ripe lemon will help relieve inflammation. To do this, cut the lemon into thin slices and cover problem areas of the skin with them for 10 minutes. The procedure is performed once a day.

Important Rules

It is worth following a number of important recommendations, thanks to which you can get rid of acne as soon as possible:

  1. You can't squeeze pimples. This is a very important rule that must be followed. If you neglect it, in the process of squeezing acne, you can get an infection, which will aggravate the situation.
  2. You cannot ignore inflamed formations - this is a mistake. In the end, everything will get worse and worse.
  3. Before using any traditional methods, consult a dermatologist about this so as not to harm yourself.
  4. If you notice an allergic skin reaction to various medications, you should stop using them.

Antiseptic ointments

Antiseptics are indispensable means for treating acne.

Salicylic ointmentUsed for skin inflammation, relieves inflammation and itching. Regular use will help get rid of acne and blemishes. Salicylic acid, medical Vaseline.25 rub.
SkinorenSuitable for the treatment of acne vulgaris and rosacea. Has a pronounced bactericidal effect. Azelaic acid, water, benzoic acid, triglycerides.580 rub.
CuriosinUsed to treat complicated forms of acne. Reduces inflammation, evens out skin tone and eliminates scars. Zinc hyaluronate, water, potassium sorbate, sodium hydroxide.480 rub.

Ointments for acne and acne

Ointments for acne and acne are prescribed individually.

The advantage of ointments is that they have a direct effect on areas of inflammation, and the concentration of the active substance in them is much higher than in other products.

But it is impossible to find a drug that would be universal for all skin types and types of acne (cystic, pustular), contain several active ingredients and could fight various bacteria; it does not exist.

Antibiotic ointments must be changed with each subsequent course of treatment so that pathogenic bacteria do not have time to adapt to them.

What is the difference

In adolescents of different sexes, the causes, types of acne and the disease process differ.

For girls

Almost 80% of the fair sex suffer from acne in their youth due to the menstrual cycle. A few days before the start of your period, acne begins to appear.

Girls love to sunbathe, but in their youth, ultraviolet rays do not dry out acne, but contribute to excessive sebum production. Ultraviolet light destroys the skin's protective barrier and helps microorganisms spread even faster.

It is in girls that acne can appear due to excess weight. Boys are not susceptible to this. It is assumed that girls are more stressed because of this, so the problem lies in the nervous system.

In boys

It is believed that acne appears more often in young men. This is due to greater activity and testosterone production. Another important reason is genetic predisposition.

While girls tend to watch their diet at least a little, boys mostly eat fast food. Harmful fats disrupt metabolism.

Boys pay less attention to acne and do not pay due attention to skin care. But simply washing with water is not enough, and using regular soap will only make the situation worse.

Genetic factor and skin hygiene

Parents who have experienced rashes on the face should pay attention to the health of the child - his skin requires special care. From an early age it is necessary to explain why it is important to maintain hygiene, how to prevent the occurrence of pimples and acne, and how to behave in the face of hormonal changes.

Regardless of the gender of the child, he should be taught the rules of facial skin care. Your teen should understand how to properly cleanse, tone, and moisturize. You should not squeeze pimples, as this will further spread the infection.

Removal of blackheads should be carried out at home or in a beauty salon, in accordance with the necessary rules. You should wash your hands and face with laundry soap. After this, you should not wipe them with a towel - it often contains bacteria. It is better to let the skin dry on its own .

The keratinization of the epidermis leads to the fact that the epithelium blocks the ducts of the sebaceous glands, preventing them from removing sebum. This is the optimal environment for the development of pathogenic microflora that settle in the ducts. The result of their activity is the release of toxins. They, in turn, provoke inflammation.

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