Causes of rashes and methods of treating acne on the temples in women and men

Pimples on the temples in women and men cause discomfort, uncertainty, and sometimes pain. This problem worries both teenagers and adults.

The reason for their formation lies in an unhealthy lifestyle, as well as in the presence of serious diseases of the internal organs. Why did acne appear and is it possible to get rid of it?

Why do acne appear on the temples?

And it’s worth starting with why acne appears in this particular area of ​​the face. The most common factors that can influence the appearance of acne in the temple area completely coincide with the common causes of acne. We will list them first. The fact is that first of all, it is worth taking measures to eliminate them, and only then move on to the local factors that cause acne on the temples.

Namely, if acne appears on the temples, then the cause may be:

  • clogged pores. When pores become dirty, they create an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply. And, as we know, it is harmful microorganisms that are almost the main cause of acne. This also answers the question of why acne appears on the temples;
  • poor nutrition. By this we mean that you consume a lot of fatty or sugary foods. The fact is that an excess of fatty foods provokes increased work of the sebaceous glands, and if the skin is not cleansed in time, the sebum will clog the pores. Regarding sweets, the skin always reacts poorly to it. Excess sugar can cause small pimples on the temples and cheeks;
  • poor care. Back to clogged pores. The fact is that if you have an oily skin type, then you need to cleanse it more often and more thoroughly, since more sebum is released and, accordingly, remains on it. It clogs the pores and the inflammatory process begins.

If you eliminate only some of them and ignore the main ones, then we will not be able to guarantee you that acne will disappear. And the treatment will simply be useless. It is necessary to approach this thoroughly.

What do pores have to do with it?

Why do we talk so much about pores? The fact is that the purity of your skin depends on their purity. Look how any pimple is formed: first, any dirt gets into the pore, why don’t you clean it and bacteria multiply there, and then a long inflammatory process begins, the result of which is the appearance of acne.

But this is the most basic. Now, let's move on to all the factors that arise or aggravate the problem. As a rule, they are different for men and women. If the causes of acne on the temples in men, as a rule, are almost identical to the general ones, then with girls it is more difficult - unfortunately, women have more factors that can cause acne in this area. Therefore, we will tell you about them in more detail.

Acne on the temples in women: causes

Let's start with the ladies. After all, it is girls who most often suffer from this problem. We will look at it from all sides. And for this, you need to take into account both internal and external factors. Both types of causes have a strong impact on the skin of our face, and it is advisable that you eliminate these problems together. Namely, if you are wondering why acne on the temples appears more often in women, then the main factors affecting the skin in the temporal region of the face will be the following:

  • abundance of cosmetics. We mean specifically various foundations and powders. They clog the pores of the face and are difficult to wash off, which can lead to a severe inflammatory process. What does the temporal region have to do with it? The problem is that it is quite hard to reach and makes it difficult to completely remove makeup from it. Even if you use light BB creams, a good toner, milk or micellar water. This is one of the main causes of acne on the temples in women;
  • hormones. Girls have strong hormonal activity. Especially during pregnancy, menstruation or after an abortion. And, as we know, strong hormone production affects the skin more than completely. It becomes too oily or too weak, which is why acne appears on the temples of girls. But this is a completely normal situation - acne will disappear as soon as everything in the body returns to normal;
  • hormonal disbalance. And this is a more serious problem. If in the previous paragraph we talked about the usual excess hormonal activity, which is considered the norm at certain periods of a woman’s life, now we are talking about disruptions. This means that too much or too little of a certain hormone is released. As an example: excess testosterone in the body causes strong sebum production. And its abundance clogs pores and causes acne.

It is worth understanding that acne on the temples in women is not always caused by hormonal imbalance or anything else serious. As a rule, you just need to start collecting your hair, stop using all kinds of hairsprays and so on.

Pimples on the temples and forehead: causes of appearance

But often acne affects not only the temporal region of the face, but also others. The most common option is when profuse acne appears on a woman’s forehead and temples. Now we will talk about why this happens and for what reasons acne spreads to other areas of the skin.

If, in addition to the temples, the forehead is also affected, then your hairstyle and the cleanliness of your hair are very important. This is especially true for women. Our hair is a carrier of a lot of dirt and grease. No matter how disgusting it may sound, it’s true; a huge amount of dust, fats and other substances accumulate in our hair, which settle on us while walking around the city, for example.

The temporal area of ​​the face constantly rubs against uncollected hair. Even if they are clean, there is a huge likelihood that acne will occur on women’s temples. And if they are also dirty, then serious acne cannot be avoided.

In addition, many associate the appearance of acne in this area with disorders in the functioning of certain organs. We wrote about this in more detail in this article . Therefore, it is worth saying which organ the acne on the temples is responsible for. Most often, the appearance of this kind of acne is associated with disorders of the spleen, gallbladder and intestines. Therefore, if you have severe acne, we recommend that you immediately contact a good specialist.

Rash map

What do acne on the face mean, and what diseases are they a symptom of? Rashes are a sign of a disease of the internal systems of the body.

To understand which organ is not in order, you need to study the location of the papules:

  • the rash appeared only in the temporal region - problems with the gallbladder. It is worth noting that it does not matter which side the acne appears on: on the right or left temple - this does not affect the diagnosis;
  • comedones affect the eye area - insufficient kidney functionality;
  • acne spreads to the forehead - disruption of the large intestine;
  • irritation appeared in the cheek area - problems with the lungs;
  • inflammation of the skin on the chin - diseases of the endocrine system;

Associated symptoms for diseases of the body systems:

  • unnatural skin color, pallor or yellowness;
  • brittle nails;
  • hair loss;
  • pain in the area of ​​these organs;
  • nausea, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • malaise;

What to do if subcutaneous acne appears on the temples?

Sometimes non-standard acne appears in this area of ​​the face, which is easy to notice and squeeze out. In some cases, women and men experience large and often painful acne. They are difficult to squeeze out because they are deep under the skin, inside. Of course, it’s better not to try, because in this way you will not only not be able to get rid of it, but will also aggravate the situation. And now we will talk about why an internal pimple could appear on the temple.

Such acne can appear solely for internal reasons. For example, poor nutrition, illness, etc. Therefore, we can immediately say: if you notice a subcutaneous pimple on your temple. You can immediately rule out improper skin care, excess sebum, and more. They are influenced only by the following factors:

  • disorders in the functioning of internal organs. We talked about this in the previous section of the article. Just in case, we repeat: basically, a subcutaneous pimple on the temple appears due to disturbances in the functioning of the spleen or gall bladder. Sometimes this is also attributed to intestinal diseases;
  • poor nutrition. As we said earlier, many foods can affect the appearance of acne. Most often, acne is caused by fatty and sweet foods. In some cases, an internal pimple on the temples may be associated with the consumption of milk, flour and heavy foods.

Therefore, try to eat right and visit doctors on time. This way, you can avoid acne in any area of ​​the face. As we have already said, proper and thorough care for subcutaneous acne will not help, but this does not mean that you should neglect it. Continue to use good moisturizers and quality cleansers.


As previously noted, treatment depends on the type of comedones. If it is acne that is not dangerous, then you can self-medicate at home. Otherwise, visit your doctor. A visit to a dermatologist will not be superfluous.

If acne appears on your temples, you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle:

  • Pay attention to your diet and daily routine. Avoid junk food. Try to find out which food is causing the rash and limit its consumption. In 70% of cases, the culprits are sweets, milk, and fried foods.
  • The most important thing is cleansing your face. Don't forget to wipe your skin with special facial care products at least twice a day. Wash your hair on time.
  • Wipe things that come into contact with the temporal area (headphones, glasses) with antiseptics.
  • Try not to touch your face with your hands every 5 minutes.

Drug treatment

If the acne is caused by an infection, antibiotics will most likely be prescribed. Remember: using antibiotics on your own without consulting a specialist can lead to even worse consequences.

Ointments that relieve acne:

  • Bepanten;
  • Trimisil;
  • Fenistil gel;
  • La Cree cream.

How to get rid of itching? Itching indicates the development of infection. It could be a fungus or a subcutaneous mite. To avoid further inflammation, refrain from touching the affected areas. The following drugs will help cope with itching: Loratodin, Suprostin, Tavegil, Beloderm.

Most often, painful sensations are caused by ulcers. If the inflamed area hurts, you can use the drug "Zinerit" for external use. In addition, ointments that relieve pain: Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment, Salicylic acid, Metrogyl, Zinc ointment, Elon.

Use antiseptics to kill bacteria: Azelik gel, Azik-derm cream.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies include the use of homemade masks and facial compresses, lotions, tinctures, and herbal decoctions.

The following herbs are suitable for lotion:

  • aloe;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;

Herbal teas and decoctions cleanse the entire body, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and normalize metabolism. To prepare the decoction, consider the proportion: 2 tablespoons of dry herbs per glass of boiling water. The decoction must be left for at least 15 minutes, then strained and drunk.

To prepare this tea use:

  • sage;
  • rose hip;
  • chamomile;
  • celandine;
  • sequence;
  • coriander;
  • thyme;
  • nettle;
  • mint, lemon balm;
  • linden;

Masks made from medicinal types of clay help in the fight against acne; white and blue ones have a particularly beneficial effect. But remember: the use of clay masks is prohibited for purulent inflammations! Masks made from natural products will also be beneficial.

Salon treatments

It should be understood that cosmetic procedures have virtually no medicinal properties. But they perfectly help to temporarily get rid of acne and disguise their traces. But for teenagers, going to a cosmetologist would be a good option.

Cosmetology salons offer the following procedures:

  • ozone therapy;
  • cleansing masks with medicinal ingredients;
  • elos technologies;
  • laser resurfacing, laser therapy;
  • peeling;
  • ultrasonic cleaning;

Red pimples appear on the temples: what to do?

An equally common problem is acne with redness. As a rule, these are multiple small acne, the appearance of which is accompanied by mild itching or even pain. The official name for this type of acne is papules. And this is one of the most common types of acne that appears on the face. Sometimes red pimples appear on the temples. This is what we will talk about now.

As a rule, such rashes are nothing more than a consequence of a strong inflammatory process. The reasons for the appearance of this type of acne are even greater than the factors that can influence acne on the temples. Namely, the occurrence of papules is associated with:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). We have already mentioned above that disturbances in the functioning of some of the internal organs can provoke the appearance of acne on the temples. In the case of papules, there may be disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stress and nerves. We have already talked about how stressful situations greatly affect the condition of our skin. In some cases, they can even cause acne. Basically, these are painful red pimples on the temples;
  • abuse of spicy, fatty and sweet foods;
  • copious secretion of sebum. This can be caused, again, by the consumption of junk food, hormonal imbalances, improper care, or even ordinary stress.

Remember! Papules should not be squeezed out under any circumstances. This is not only difficult and very painful, but will also have negative consequences in the form of scars. Such acne rashes calmly go away on their own.

Medicinal ointments for acne

Most often they are prescribed by a dermatologist and have a strong active composition. Therapeutic ointments have an antibacterial effect, accelerate the healing of acne and normalize sebum production. It is necessary to use the drugs in courses to avoid bacteria becoming accustomed to the antibiotic, which is most often included in the composition.

Diet for treating acne

Effective ointments:

  • Baziron;
  • Clenzit –C;
  • Pinoxide;
  • Differin;
  • Skinoren.

It is necessary to apply the preparations to cleansed facial skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day, depending on the degree of acne. The result can be seen already in the second week of use. If any allergic reactions occur, it is recommended to discontinue use.

Important! The use of drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding is permitted only according to the indications of a specialist.

Pimple on temple hurts: why and what to do?

There are also cases when ordinary acne is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: itching or even pain. Now we will talk about the latter, since people find this a more alarming situation. A painful pimple on the temple is nothing more than a consequence of more severe inflammation than usual. This does not always mean that the acne will be huge - just the inflammation inside is less calm.

There is no need to worry because a pimple on your temple hurts. The only exception is when it is unusually large in size and looks more like a lump. In such situations, you should think about a boil. However, these types of rashes appear extremely rarely on the temples. Just try not to squeeze the pimple and touch it as little as possible. It will go away on its own without any problems.

Pharmacy remedies for acne

Pharmacy medications are indicated for moderate acne. The most effective in treating acne are acids, which have a detrimental effect on bacteria and microbes, relieve inflammation and accelerate tissue regeneration. The preparations must be used according to the instructions and applied to the areas affected by rashes.

How to treat acne

The most popular means:

  1. Salicylic acid.
  2. Azelaic acid.
  3. Boric acid.
  4. Zinc ointment.
  5. Dimexide.
  6. Sulfuric ointment.
  7. Ichthyol ointment.
  8. Vishnevsky ointment.
  9. Retinoic ointment.

Treatment of acne on the temples: effective methods

Now it’s worth talking about the most important thing. We have already found out why acne may appear in this area. However, now it is necessary to talk about the most important thing - how to get rid of acne on the temples. Of course, you should always start from the exact reason why you have acne and eliminate it. But first, you need to make sure that you are treating exactly what needs to be treated. To do this, you should consult a dermatologist.

But if the cause is known for sure, then you can begin the process of getting rid of it. And treatment for a pimple on the temple should include the following:

  • First of all, you need to cure the internal organs, problems with which acne can cause. We have listed them in this article. Let us remember that acne on the temples is caused by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, spleen, and gallbladder. It is also recommended to check your hormonal balance, because, we remind you, a lack or excess of a certain hormone can cause a severe rash;
  • start eating right. This does not mean that you must eat only vegetables and drink only water. Just reduce your consumption of sweet, fatty and spicy foods to the required minimum by adding more cereals, white meat, vegetables and fruits to your diet. And of course, you need to drink enough water;
  • wash your hair on time, reduce the use of styling products to a minimum and collect them in your hair. Hair should not fall on the temples or forehead, as this pollutes the skin;
  • do not forget about proper care, it is also very important. Use a high-quality cleanser, don’t forget about scrubbing and peeling, and moisturize your skin.

As you can see, treating acne on the temples is not the most difficult thing. Remember that just living this way for a week is not enough to get rid of rashes. After all, as soon as you return to your previous lifestyle, acne will also return. You need to radically change what you eat, how you take care of your skin and what hairstyle you wear. Healthy skin also requires internal health, so don’t forget to visit your doctor on time.

Skin care rules

After the cause of the rash has been determined, a course of treatment has been prescribed and carried out in accordance with medical recommendations, proper skin care must be ensured. Thanks to this comprehensive solution to the problem, pimples on the temples will quickly disappear and will no longer bother you.

  1. For severe rashes on the temples, twice a week you need to steam these areas of the face using a steam bath. It is good to arrange it with medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties: calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile, celandine.
  2. It is not recommended to use harsh scrubs to cleanse this area of ​​acne, as the skin here is very thin, sensitive and prone to irritation. It’s better to do light gommage at home.
  3. Use one line of acne products from one brand. It should include lotion, mask, cream, tonic. You can also use serum. Pay attention to pharmacy series from Holy Land (Israel), Ardes (Italy), Janssen and Sans Soucis (Germany), Holika Holika (South Korea), Bioderma, Ducray and Clearasil (France), Kleona or Cora (Russia), Belita (Belarus).
  4. Squeezing pimples on the temples is strictly prohibited. In this place, as in the area around the eyes, there is no fat layer that serves as a protective barrier. Therefore, any unprofessional opening of the abscess will lead to the spread of infection throughout the face. If bacteria enter the mucous membrane of the eyes or mouth, it will provoke the development of stomatitis or conjunctivitis.
  5. If the cause of acne on the temples is vitamin deficiency, you need to compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body. Eat more fruits and vegetables, make vitamin masks with tocopherol and retinol.
  6. If the examination confirms problems with the gallbladder, you will have to go on a special diet. Prohibited foods include fatty, heavily salted, pickled, smoked, spicy, fried foods, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Among the recommended ones are fruits, herbs, vegetables, berries, nuts, boiled meat and fish.

If acne appears on your temples, you need to approach this problem comprehensively. It is not easy to identify a disease and treat it. At the same time, you will have to take care of your skin, which needs to be kept perfectly clean. Ointments and gels that can be purchased at the pharmacy will help reduce inflammation.

Helpful information. To clean the skin on the temples, it is recommended to use gommage rather than a scrub. This is a softer product that can be prepared at home from rice, semolina, oatmeal or barley flour, which will act as an abrasive material.

Folk remedies for acne

Traditional methods can serve as an excellent addition to medicinal drugs. With their help, you can increase the effectiveness of treatment and prevent acne.

Local acne treatment

The best folk methods to combat acne:

  1. Washing the face with tar or laundry soap. Suitable for oily and normal skin, contraindicated for dry skin.
  2. Rubbing areas with inflammation with aloe juice. The leaves of the plant are crushed using a meat grinder, squeezed and wiped on the face twice a day.
  3. Using cosmetic masks with activated carbon. Activated carbon tablets are crushed (2 pieces), 1 tablespoon of green clay and the same amount of boiled water are added to them so that the composition resembles thick sour cream.
  4. Clay masks with aspirin added. Mix 3 crushed aspirin tablets with a tablespoon of clay and water. Mix thoroughly and apply to face for 20 minutes.
  5. Tincture of calendula. Gently wipe areas of skin with severe acne 2-3 times a day.

Traditional methods will help cleanse the skin of impurities, have an antibacterial effect and speed up the healing process of acne.

Video - Treatment of acne on the face with folk remedies

When to see a doctor

At the first signs of acne in women, it is necessary to take all existing methods to eliminate them. If the following symptoms do not go away for a long time, and regular cleansing of the skin and the use of medicinal ointments does not help, you should consult a doctor:

  • redness of the skin at the temples;
  • swelling and pain;
  • itching

It is quite possible to get rid of comedones on the temples. First of all, you need to find out the reasons for their appearance. The easiest way to do this is with the help of a dermatologist.

Prevention measures

In order to avoid the appearance of acne in the temple area, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Adjust your diet. Eliminate “unhealthy” foods, spices, and alcohol.
  2. Regular visits to an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist to monitor the condition of internal organs.
  3. Limit the use of headphones, glasses, and hats made of non-natural fabrics.
  4. Cleanse your facial skin, observing the rules of personal hygiene, using lotions. The latter should have a tonic effect.
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