Causes, photos, treatment of acne on the back in men

Contrary to popular belief about men's indifference to their appearance, acne can spoil everyone's mood. Noticeable skin defects, even if hidden on the back most of the time under clothing, can cause serious psychological discomfort. Therefore, the problem can and should be dealt with.

The pathogenesis of acne is quite complex and practically does not depend on the gender of the person. At least that's what many dermatologists say. However, according to statistics, it is women who are more often susceptible to acne, which is largely due to regular fluctuations in hormonal levels that occur during pregnancy, menopause and menopause. At the same time, a severe form of the disease is observed more often in men, which is associated with greater activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Acne usually affects not only a man’s face, but also his back.

  • Treatment of acne on the back: 5 tips for men
  • Medications for back acne
  • Causes of acne on the back in men

    Below are the main reasons that contribute to their formation.

    • Hormonal changes during puberty are considered the main reason for their appearance. Hormones such as estrogen or testosterone increase the intensity of sebum secretion and increase the likelihood of clogged hair follicles and causing acne.
    • Inflammation in men can be caused by friction from tight and tight clothing during sports, when excessive sweating occurs.

    • Typically, representatives of the stronger sex do not adhere to the principles of healthy, proper nutrition, preferring fast food, soda, salty, fatty and spicy foods. All this leads to the creation in the intestines of a favorable environment for the appearance of acne and not only on the back.
    • Taking medications containing bromides or iodides, anabolic steroids, and anticonvulsants can also stimulate their appearance.
    • Any man often finds himself in stressful situations. The question is how he experiences them. If you are regularly nervous about every occasion, then it is not surprising that your back is constantly covered in a rash. After all, the skin is directly connected to the nervous system.
    • Another reason may be heredity or genetic predisposition.


    If you have any rashes on the skin of your back or body, you should consult a dermatologist! “Trivial” acne can mask a more serious disease that requires serious treatment.

    It is important to determine the cause of acne. It is recommended to take a hormonal profile, a general and biochemical blood test, and also check the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

    To clarify the nature of the disease, you should take a scraping from the surface to identify the presence of a possible fungal infection.

    If you have an allergy, donate blood for immunoglobulin E and G, as well as to determine allergic agents.

    Many skin diseases can only be identified by a specialist, so you should not delay your visit to him.

    Methods of using potassium permanganate for acne on the back

    Now let's talk about an effective remedy against acne on the back - potassium permanganate. Being a disinfectant and antiseptic, it can be used to cleanse the skin. Reviews after using potassium permanganate are very positive.

    It is a worthy replacement for many anti-acne medications that are antibiotics. These drugs eliminate acne, but at the same time destroy both harmful and beneficial microflora. In addition, microorganisms get used to antibiotics, and over time they become ineffective.

    Potassium permanganate, in contrast, is a powerful oxidizing agent to which bacteria cannot adapt. In addition, this product is less aggressive and mainly kills harmful bacteria.

    We will look at 2 ways to use potassium permanganate.

    1 way

    First, let's prepare a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, add the powder in a glass container with warm, clean water. Stir constantly until the water turns dark purple. The solution will be ready for use when undissolved crystals settle to the bottom. It can be stored in the refrigerator and reused.

    • First you should take a shower.
    • Next, your assistant, wearing sterile gloves, applies the solution with a cotton swab. For severe rashes, wipe the entire area of ​​the back, and for local ones, it will be enough to apply to the affected areas with a cotton swab for 2 seconds. Remember to apply generously, especially in areas where acne occurs.
    • Then let the skin dry and you can put on clothes.
    • This procedure must be performed for a month, several times a day.

    Method 2

    You can also use this method - a bath with potassium permanganate. It is good because when immersed in water, most of the surface of the skin comes into contact with the medicinal solution. Problem areas receive treatment, and the rest receive prevention.

    • Fill the bathtub with hot water and dilute potassium permanganate in it until completely dissolved. The water should turn light pink. A weak solution will prevent drying out the skin.
    • Immediately after showering, soak in the bath for 15 minutes.
    • Next, rinse with warm water and dry with a towel.

    After the bath, the skin will be a little tight, but there is no need to lubricate it with cream. This will reduce the healing effect. Therefore, try not to moisturize it while the course of treatment lasts.


    The back is a vulnerable spot. She often sweats, feels friction from her clothes, and even washing her without help or some flexibility is quite difficult. Acne often occurs due to fungal, viral and infectious diseases and requires urgent treatment.

    Non-infectious causes


    Acne is one of the common causes of acne on the back, shoulders and lower back of men. The appearance of these rashes is due to the fact that due to hormonal imbalance, dry skin or excessive secretion of sebum, the latter cannot come out and begins to accumulate under the skin. The accumulation of sebum provokes an increase in the number of bacteria and as a result we get acne. These pimples can appear on almost any area of ​​the skin. They can be red, black, bluish, small and large, several merge into one large one.

    I would like to note that people who engage in strenuous sports and use steroid drugs may also experience these acne, since taking such drugs leads to hormonal disruption in the body.

    If their number is small, no specific treatment is required, it is enough to take hygiene more seriously. If their number is constantly increasing, several pimples are merging into one, you should consult a doctor who, based on tests, can prescribe you treatment - taking hormonal drugs, retinoids, using special ointments that promote the release of sebum.

    Drawing “Appearance of red acne pimples on a man’s back”

    Prickly heat

    The reason for the appearance of prickly heat on the skin of a man’s back or lower back is constant overheating of the body, lack of hygiene (work in dirty industries, especially those associated with dust) or friction of the body against clothing. In this case, acne appears due to the fact that the ducts of the sweat glands through which sweat comes out become clogged. In this case, pimples are usually small in size, cause redness, and when the temperature increases, itching. They appear mainly in places where the skin rubs against clothing and in places where it is difficult for air to penetrate - the armpits of the arms, the intramarital fold under the breast, the intergluteal folds.

    As a treatment, the main factor is to avoid the root cause of their occurrence - overheating and dirty working conditions, and maintain hygiene. In addition to this, you can use traditional methods of treatment - baths with a decoction of string and chamomile, which relieve redness and reduce the feeling of itching and irritation.

    Drawing “Appearance of crystalline prickly heat”


    Another common cause of acne on the back or lower back in men is allergies. It can occur on any of the objects around us - food, drinks, household chemicals, bedding. The rash can appear as white or red pimples or rashes anywhere on the body. To diagnose an allergic reaction, you need to contact an allergist-immunologist and get tested for the irritant.

    Treatment, as with prickly heat, consists of identifying the irritant and eliminating the patient from contact with it. In this case, the symptoms will gradually disappear.

    Figure “Appearance of acne on the back and shoulders in men with allergies”

    Infectious causes

    Rashes on the back often occur when exposed to viruses. These include:

    • Herpes zoster – a person experiences weakness and pain along the neurological pathways. The virus comes from inflamed tonsils and pharyngeal mucosa. Then spots appear on the body and face, which literally after a few hours turn into bubbles with a colorless liquid. After a few days, crusts and ulcerative rashes form, which coalesce to form a “belt” around the body. After the rash, the formation of paresis and muscle neuralgia is possible.
    • Rubella is another viral disease that causes fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a red rash. The main localization of rashes is the face, lower back, buttocks and the backs of the arms and legs. Pimples do not itch or flake off.
    • Measles is a disease accompanied by fever, pustular rashes and Filatov's spots - specific spots on the mucous membrane of the palate with a whitish center and a red rim. Unlike rubella, it can be confluent. After a few days, the rash darkens and begins to peel off.
    • Chickenpox - a disease in adults is accompanied by an increase in temperature and the formation of a polymorphic rash - from a spot to a vesicle.

    Rashes on the back often occur for autoimmune reasons. Pemphigus foliaceus and psoriasis are considered the most common in men.

    Pemphigus is characterized by redness of large areas of the skin with the formation of blisters, which, after a breakthrough, turn into erosions. Then, as they heal, new elements form on the crust, layering on the healing skin. Moreover, blisters can also form under the crust, turning into a chronic process.

    Psoriasis manifests itself as red plaques that are thickened and raised above the general surface of the skin. Later they may become covered with a white or gray coating. Usually the rashes are located in places of greatest friction with clothing - elbows, knees, lower back. The disease may be accompanied by damage to the nails and joints (psoriatic arthritis).

    Bacterial causes of acne on the back in men include:

    1. Scarlet fever is a disease caused by hemolytic streptococcus and manifests itself in the form of a sore throat (with purulent plugs and bright hyperemia of the pharynx), lymphadenopathy and a rash, which is represented by dots on a red background. Usually it starts to itch on the 3rd day of the disease, and ends with pityriasis-like peeling. When passed over the skin with a rash with force, a white stripe appears due to spasm of the capillaries.
    2. Purulent infections - these include folliculitis, boils and carbuncles. Unlike acne, these ailments form a cavity filled with pus, which can spontaneously open. The process affects the subcutaneous tissue, and in the case of carbuncles, the sebaceous glands are affected, and the tissues undergo necrosis.

    In the case of an infectious-allergic agent, pink spots with a wrinkled center and a bright rim around, accompanied by itching, may appear on the back. Gibert's disease or pityriasis rosea occurs against the background of decreased immunity and is usually observed after respiratory diseases.

    Exudative erythema has similar causes. It occurs against the background of chronic bacterial infections and often patients have increased sensitivity to staphylococci, streptococci, and certain types of medications. Plus, autoimmune processes are activated. Erythema begins with acute fever, weakness and cough. The next day, rashes appear - at the beginning, small red papules, they quickly enlarge, forming a bubble with a colorless liquid. The surface bursts, forming erosions and becoming a gateway for secondary infection.

    Back acne can also be caused by parasites, such as scabies mites. It is transmitted from close skin-to-skin contact. It is characterized by the appearance of scabies on the skin, severe itching, intensifying at night (the most active time of mite activity). At the beginning, the scabies rash looks like small papules with a red tint. On the back, in most cases, it is located in the area of ​​​​thinner skin - the lower back.

    How to treat acne on the back if it itches and hurts

    Let's find out why they itch.

    • One of the factors why acne itches is tight or tight clothing, which does not allow air to pass through and does not provide the skin with the necessary air exchange.
    • Various laundry detergents that contain chemical ingredients, as well as cleansers (soaps, gels) that do not rinse out properly and can irritate the skin.
    • Itching on the back can occur due to lack of hygiene and excessive sweating.

    To treat and cleanse such skin, products containing benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol or salicylic acid should be applied.

    It is recommended to moisturize it with creams that do not contain oils.

    In some cases, you will need to take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

    It is important to know that acne on the back should not be scratched. Otherwise, it can cause even more irritation, making it difficult to get rid of them.

    If they itch and hurt, use this method. Wipe problem areas of the skin with a weak solution of salicylic acid after showering.

    To improve the effectiveness of this procedure, after applying salicylic acid, apply sulfur ointment to the skin. You can buy acid and sulfur ointment at the pharmacy. They are very affordable.

    Internal factors for acne

    The appearance of acne in the back area in men can be caused by internal reasons.

    Allergies caused by food or cosmetics can be one of the sources of acne on the back. Appears as a small red rash.

    Poor nutrition very often leads to acne in men:

    • Fatty foods are a factor causing a decrease in lipid absorption. The sebaceous glands of the back begin to work worse.
    • Excessive carbohydrate consumption leads to activation of the sebaceous glands.
    • Eating salty foods. Salt disrupts blood circulation: the pores are poorly supplied with blood, and the transport of sebum is disrupted.

    Acne caused by poor diet is usually very hard and painful. Alcohol consumption negatively affects the nervous and hormonal systems, blood vessels. And this leads to a violation of the removal of fat.

    Disorders of the endocrine system and metabolic processes in the body lead to hormonal surges, which disrupts the stable functioning of the sebaceous glands. The more androgen production, the more sebum becomes, the higher the risk of clogged pores.

    Disorders of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and diabetes mellitus also cause problems with the sebaceous glands.

    Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract:

    • Dysbacteriosis. Due to the weakening of the cleansing and protective functions of the body due to poor nutrition and drug abuse, toxins and waste are eliminated through the skin, which cannot cope with such a volume of secretions.
    • Improper functioning of the pancreas, gall bladder, and liver also provokes the appearance of acne.
    • Kidney disorders, urinary dysfunction, pyelonephritis.

    If you have problems with the spine, a rash may appear on the back along the spine. Pimples in the area of ​​the ribs appear with neuralgia.

    Streptococci and staphylococci very often cause acne. Staphylococcus penetrates deeply into the sebaceous glands, causing inflammation. Streptococcus affects the surface of the back, manifesting itself in the form of red small pimples.

    Sometimes the surface of the body is colonized by several types of bacteria at the same time. These are mixed infections. They can be acute and chronic, which are repeated for many years at certain intervals.

    Useful tips from dermatologists

    • Drink plenty of water to flush toxins and bacteria from your body.
    • Eat whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens.
    • Avoid oily, spicy, salty, sweet and oily foods.
    • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoking.
    • It is beneficial to eat garlic to boost your immune system.
    • Allow yourself good and regular rest. This will help balance hormones and prevent excessive oiliness.
    • Avoid stress to avoid hormonal fluctuations that cause acne.
    • Maintain good hygiene.
    • For a gentle, gentle cleansing of the skin, use products with gentle formulas and active ingredients.
    • After physical activity, you should shower immediately.
    • After showering, apply moisturizer to your back. Just use water-based moisturizers rather than oil-based ones, as they can clog pores and cause breakouts.
    • Sleep on your side, not your back, and wash your bedding regularly.
    • Exercise regularly.
    • Wear loose, breathable clothing.
    • Avoid wearing backpacks.
    • Use a laundry detergent designed for sensitive skin.

    Remember that if you cannot cope with acne on your own, with the help of pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies, or the form of the rash is too severe, then you should not continue to treat it at home. Consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

    External reasons

    The appearance of acne in men can be caused by external factors, which in many cases are difficult to eliminate:

    • Weather, climatic conditions. If it is hot and humid, then there is increased secretion of sweat and sebum.
    • A lot of sun. Ultraviolet radiation weakens the immune system, which leads to an increase in sebum production.
    • Harmful production, difficult working conditions. For example, oil covers the skin with a film that closes the pores. Heavy physical work is accompanied by sweat. Sweat mixes with dirt and clogs pores.

    Synthetic clothing, which does not allow the body to breathe and does not absorb sweat, is one of the causes of rashes. At the same time, the skin becomes more contaminated and the pores become clogged. It is very easy to eliminate this cause: if there are problems, you should wear clothes made from natural “breathable” fabrics.

    The use of antibacterial soap can contribute to the appearance of acne. It washes away the protective film of the body surface. The body needs to restore protection to the surface of the skin, so the sebaceous glands are activated. This leads to the appearance of a rash.

    Sometimes the work of the sebaceous gland is disrupted when the body cools. At the same time, the pores close. But the body needs to warm up, so blood circulation increases. Blood flows to the epidermis, which contributes to increased sebum production and the appearance of acne.

    If hygiene rules are violated or low-quality body care products are used, dirt clogs the pores. In the cavity of the sebaceous glands, sebum accumulates, which mixes with dead cells. Inflammation occurs, the site of inflammation begins to fester.

    Treatment methods

    How to cure acne on the back? This is quite difficult to do, since such formations are usually quite large and painful. The skin on the body is thicker than on the face, in addition, the inflamed areas constantly rub against clothing, which only aggravates the situation. If the rash on the shoulders and back is advanced, it is worth getting medical help. In some cases, medications with active ingredients may be required.

    At home, you can use the following recommendations:

    1. Wear clothes made from natural materials - linen, silk or cotton. Thanks to this, you can significantly reduce irritation and prevent further inflammation in the future. As a result, you will be able to get rid of redness and itching.
    2. Establish normal skin care. To ensure good disinfection, you can take baths using potassium permanganate. To do this, you need to add literally a few crystals of this substance to the bath to get light pink water. The duration of the procedure should be fifteen minutes.

    In this case, it is very important to exercise maximum caution, because potassium permanganate can stain or dry out the skin. It is not recommended to make a solution that is too saturated - this will not speed up the acne treatment process, but will only lead to a burn.

    This procedure can be repeated every other day. After completing the process, it is not recommended to wipe yourself vigorously, as this will quickly spread the infection throughout the body. Your back and shoulders should be blotted with a soft towel.

    1. Follow the sequence of actions when washing. It is recommended to wash your hair first, and only then your body. This is due to the fact that certain shampoos clog pores and cause acne.
    2. Choose the right washcloth. This cleanser should not be too soft or too harsh. The washcloth should clean the skin well. In addition, you should not give preference to products made from artificial materials.
    3. Do not use pumice on problem areas. Any rough skin care devices can injure it. In addition, there is a risk of spreading infection with their help.
    4. Strictly dose sunbathing and solariums. Excessive amounts of ultraviolet radiation will negatively affect the condition of the epithelium. It is also not recommended to use massage oils, as they clog pores, which invariably leads to deterioration of the skin condition.
    5. Take vitamin supplements and brewer's yeast. It is very important to pay special attention to the dosage of these drugs. Compatibility with drugs is also important. If you are taking any medications, consult your doctor.

    Why do men suffer more?

    Women often have to deal with the problem of rashes - their skin is softer, reacts faster to irritants, and the hormonal balance of the fair sex is rarely stable at different stages of life.

    But why do acne appear on men’s backs and other places almost always with complications, and why can they be much more difficult to cure than female acne?

    The fact is that the main reason that provokes pathologically intense secretions of subcutaneous sebum is associated with an increase in the male sex hormone testosterone in the body.

    Of course, an excess of this hormone in a man’s body will be felt much more noticeably. This explains the increased contraction of the sebaceous glands, which causes severe forms of acne.

    The accumulation of secretions, which causes the skin to become inflamed, occurs much faster. In addition, men's skin is thicker, so recovery is slower .

    Treatment of rashes

    To completely get rid of acne, you need to be patient, because it is a long process. By contacting a specialist, you can determine the true cause of the rash and choose the right therapy. In the initial stages of acne formation, popular medications with an antibiotic or other active ingredient will help. Special talkers prescribed by the doctor are widely used. By rubbing your back with them every evening, you can quickly get rid of skin problems.

    Effective medicines

    Modern creams and ointments do an excellent job of treating rashes on the back. Among the most common medicines are zinerit, skinoren, baziron, and metrogil. Pimples are wiped with calendula tincture, as well as hydrogen peroxide, to disinfect. Ointment containing salicylic acid, salicylic-zinc paste. Furacilin and streptocide are used as lotions.

    In addition to medications, the main component of successful treatment is personal hygiene and a balanced diet. Sometimes you will need to take vitamin complexes. Spicy, fatty and salty foods are excluded from the diet. You should not eat a lot of sweets and smoked foods, and also give up bad habits, including alcohol and smoking.

    Daily intake of fresh vegetables, fruits, and fermented milk products will help improve the digestive system, causing toxins to leave the body faster.

    What is not recommended to do?

    In order not to further harm the inflamed skin, it is important to remember the following restrictions:

    • do not use fat-based products;
    • do not squeeze pimples, even if they are not inflamed;
    • do not treat the skin with pumice or a washcloth;
    • do not consult little-known “healers”;
    • do not burn the skin with little-studied means;
    • do not take medications unless prescribed.

    For what skin problems is the use of sulfur-tar ointment indicated? Read in this article.

    Types of acne and their causes

    Any type of rash can form on the back, which may be caused by a skin disease. The most common forms of acne are:

    • red pimples,
    • white pimples,
    • internal rashes,
    • pustules.

    Small red bumps on the back that are painful when touched. They are caused by problems with internal organs, as well as external irritants. White pimples are lesions on the back that are white in color and usually do not hurt. Usually they are caused by poor personal hygiene and wearing tight underwear.

    The danger of internal pimples is that they are difficult to treat and are located in the deep layers of the skin. Squeezing them out can easily cause infection and leave a scar or stain on the body. Purulent formations on the body are very painful. They appear on almost any part of the body and have different sizes.

    Boils also form on the back and, due to the inevitable friction from clothing, create torment for men. It is impossible to squeeze out such pimples, as well as to self-medicate.

    Features of acne in men

    The skin on their back is slightly thicker and oilier, which creates excellent conditions for the life of various bacteria. Also, some men have vegetation on their backs, which is a favorable environment for bacteria, because hair follicles are prone to inflammation.

    The male sex is subject to greater physical activity and other factors that affect the appearance of acne. They squeeze out acne on their backs more often than women, thereby only increasing their number. In girls, acne is in most cases a consequence of hormonal changes or a reaction to cosmetic products, while in men there are many external and internal factors for the appearance of acne. According to statistics, more severe forms of acne are observed under the age of 25 in young men.

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