Mycostop cream paste is an alternative to surgical procedure

Mycostop cream paste is a preparation for removing the atrophied part of the nails in complex forms of onychomycosis. It acts as an alternative to surgical intervention and provides quick, painless removal of the affected platinum. Available in 20 g tubes, it has a thick, dense consistency, and is used in conjunction with other Mycostop antifungal products.

What kind of drug is Vartox?

The Vartox substance consists of natural components that have a high level of penetration into the layers of the epidermis and eliminate cells affected by the virus.
Vartox cream paste is non-toxic and is used to remove growths in the arms and legs.

The drug is prescribed for external use; it has the property of restoring the structure of the epidermis and eliminating viral compounds.

The effectiveness of using the drug Vartox is achieved thanks to the urea component, which has a softening effect and is contained in the paste.

Correct use of the cream can reduce the likelihood of new growths forming on the skin.


Vartox is highly effective for single spines up to 3 mm in diameter (read information about spines). With multiple warts of different sizes, effectiveness may be low. In this case, therapy with immune and antiviral drugs is necessary, as well as increasing immunity using natural methods. Read the article - how to strengthen your immune system.

In addition, this ointment has found use in children who do not tolerate cauterizing procedures because of their pain: liquid nitrogen (more about nitrogen cryodestruction), laser (more about laser removal), surgitron (more about radio wave treatment).

Patient reviews:

Review 1

Review 2

Review 3

Release form

The medicinal substance Vartox cream paste is available in plastic tubes of 20 ml, has a thick consistency and is most often white in color.

The composition of the drug contains the following components:

  • Carbomite (urea) - the action of the component is aimed at deep penetration into the layers of the epidermis and reducing the density of the stratum corneum of the skin. The area where the benign formation is located becomes soft and absorbs the necessary components well;
  • Glycyrrhizic acid – has an antiviral effect on the problem area and helps block the further spread of the viral infection.

Vartox was developed by a Russian pharmaceutical company and is aimed not only at removing benign growths, but also at reducing the likelihood of the formation of treatment consequences.

Where to buy medicine

“Vartex” is a cream-paste for removing warts, which is sold publicly in all pharmacy chains. The product can also be purchased in the online store. When purchasing remotely, you should pay special attention to the originality of the drug.

A fake can be identified by several details: the medicine is produced only in Russia.

If the country of manufacture is indicated in a different country, it is probably a fake. The packaging must indicate the active ingredients - urea and glycyrrhizic acid. How much does Vartex cost? Cream paste for eliminating warts is considered a relatively inexpensive remedy. Its price can vary between 150-300 rubles. This price is indicated for a 20 ml tube. The product goes on sale only in this packaging.

Mechanism of action

Vartox cream paste has the following effect on the epidermis during the treatment period:

  • Penetrates the layers of the epidermis and has a softening effect on the problem area of ​​the skin;
  • Eliminates the papilloma virus and triggers natural skin processes to regenerate;
  • Increases the protective properties of the epidermis against re-infection;
  • Has no toxic effect on skin layers.

Vartox contains natural ingredients, therefore it is used to treat different ages.

Instructions for use

To use Vortex you will need scissors, adhesive tape and a cotton pad.

We will need:

  • Vartex cream paste in tube
  • cotton pad
  • nail scissors
  • adhesive plaster
  1. Using scissors, we cut the wart to “zero”, that is, at the same level as the surrounding skin. Before this, it is advisable to steam the spike in hot water. Instead of scissors, you can use a pumice stone or a foot scraper.
  2. Cut out a rectangle from a cotton pad, divide it into two layers, take one layer.
  3. Apply Vartox cream paste to the spine.
  4. Place a piece of cotton pad on top so that the ointment does not smear on the sides.
  5. We do not seal it tightly with an adhesive plaster so that the plaster covers the edge of the disc on all sides with an allowance of 1 cm. It is advisable not to wet this area with water so that the bandage does not get wet, does not peel off, and so that the drug does not dissolve.
  6. After a day, remove the bandage. The spine should swell a little and become convex, as in the photo.
  7. Wash my skin with soap. We cut it back to zero, or treat it with pumice (scraper).
  8. Reapply Vartex and bandage on top.
  9. We repeat this way 2-5 times, depending on the size of the wart. Until the spine disappears.
  10. Some patients, in between applying the cream paste, make bandages with garlic plastic for a better antiviral effect.

Indications for use

Vartox paste requires compliance with the instructions and is prescribed for the following situations:

  • Treatment of warts and papillomas;
  • Elimination of spines on the soles of the feet and hands;
  • Plantar calluses;
  • Elimination of the stratum corneum on the legs and arms;
  • Elimination of traces of warts that were previously removed.

It is not recommended to use Vartox paste for other purposes; unforeseen adverse reactions may occur in the body.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

The Vartox paste substance has the following advantages:The medicinal substance has the following disadvantages:
  • The drug has a relatively low cost;
  • The drug is not consumed in large quantities; one tube may be enough to treat several formations;
  • When using the cream, a person does not feel any pain;
  • The drug does not contain toxins;
  • It is allowed to be used for children and during breastfeeding.
  • In addition, the cream paste is easy to use and improves the condition of the skin.
  • The cream paste must be applied in large quantities and fixed with a band-aid;
  • Requires a long course of use;
  • Not suitable for removing large lesions.
  • Also, this product is not used to remove a large number of growths, especially in places of increased sensitivity and near the location of the mucous membranes.

Vortex analogues and substitute drugs

There is no complete structural analogue of the medicinal ointment. If the drug is not suitable due to contraindications, then it can be replaced with the following keratolytic agents:

  • Feresol.
  • Super clean.
  • Cryopharma.
  • Verrucacid.
  • Collomak.

Removing plantar growths can cause a number of serious problems.
Not every drug is capable of completely eliminating a wart within a course of use. Especially if it is large and of sufficient depth. With Vortex, you will forget about the unpleasant symptoms of papillomavirus in just a few days and will be able to enjoy the health and smoothness of your feet. The cost of the drug is only 200 rubles, and the results are several times superior to expensive analogues. The article has been verified by the editors

How to use Vartox correctly?

Before starting treatment of skin lesions, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Patch;
  • Medicinal substance;
  • Cotton pad or ball;
  • Small scissors.

To treat with paste, you must perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • Remove dirt and cosmetic substances from the formation on the skin using soap and warm water;
  • Steam the skin using warm water and soda;
  • Treat the surface of the skin with pumice;
  • Apply the substance in a thick layer and place a piece of cotton pad on top;
  • Secure with adhesive tape;
  • The bandage is removed after a day, treated with soapy water and pumice;
  • After which a new layer of the medicinal substance is applied and fixed with a plaster;
  • The course of treatment is carried out until the unpleasant formation completely disappears.

In cases where formations on the arms or legs are being treated in children, the skin area is not treated with pumice.

Important Features

The use of Vartox paste requires compliance with the following features:

  • During the treatment period, it is forbidden to allow moisture to get on the bandage;
  • The drug is used regularly until the problem disappears completely;
  • If the formation does not cause pain and has a dry structure, it must be cut off before applying the paste;
  • Before applying to the problem area, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test.

When using a medicinal substance, you should carefully study the instructions for use.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of a medicinal substance in the form of Vartox paste does not have the ability to penetrate deeply into soft tissues and be transported throughout the body through the circulatory system.

Therefore, use is permitted during pregnancy, however, the following requirements must be observed:

  • Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor;
  • Apply the substance to the skin after performing a reaction test;
  • Avoid contact of the drug with mucous membranes;
  • Apply the substance only to problem areas of the legs and arms.

If a woman during lactation or pregnancy experiences unpleasant symptoms after applying the paste, treatment is stopped.

Use in childhood

Vartox cream has the following features for use in children:

  • Used from ages over 7 years;
  • Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor to identify the reasons for the formation of the growth;
  • Can be used for up to 5 days;
  • The bandage is applied for 4-5 hours once a day.

A child's body is much more sensitive than an adult, so before use you need to make sure that the child does not have allergic reactions.

Recommendations for use:

  • Apply the cream paste to the wart area in a thick layer.
  • Place a thin layer of cotton wool on top of the preparation and secure it with a plaster 2 - 2.5 cm wide.
  • After 24 hours, remove the patch and remove the softened part of the wart with a pumice stone or any scraper.
  • Wash the treated area with soap and water.
  • Repeat the procedure 1 – 2 more times depending on the size of the wart.

A few days after use, the skin at the site of the wart is smoothed out and takes on a healthy appearance.


The drug contains natural ingredients and practically does not disrupt the structure of the epidermis.

However, there are some contraindications:

  • Malignant skin formations;
  • Individual sensitivity of a person to the constituent components;
  • Damage to the wart or presence of open wounds;
  • Age up to 7 years;
  • Diabetic foot;
  • Increased skin sensitivity.

If the appearance of warts is caused by the development of any diseases of the internal organs, the use of Vartox is contraindicated until the cause of the development of the growth is completely eliminated.

What are the advantages of the medicine?

Today, there are many topical preparations for removing warts. Their essence is to freeze or soften a benign formation. Almost all drugs against warts are safe to use; they can be used to treat children and even lesions on the face.

  • Affordable cost - only 200 rubles;
  • high efficiency - one tube is enough for 3 people;
  • no pain during use;
  • versatility of use in terms of locations of warts;
  • no restrictions or contraindications.

Side effects

Using Vartox can cause the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • Swelling of the skin;
  • Redness and burning at the site of application;
  • Itching;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Peeling of the epidermis;
  • Painful symptoms.

Most often, the manifestation of such unpleasant sensations decreases on their own after some time; if the sensations only intensify, it is necessary to stop treatment and consult a specialist.


From the article you were able to learn about the inexpensive and effective medicine “Vartox”. Cream paste, the price of which is already known to you, is used to soften rough skin and growths, as well as to achieve an antiviral effect. Despite all the laudatory reviews and the guaranteed safety of the composition, it must be used very carefully. Remember that some warts can be dangerous. To really assess all the risks, you need to see a doctor and undergo some tests. Good results to you!

Interoperability and incompatibility

The drug substance Vartox has the following features of interaction with other drugs:

  • Used with products to boost the immune system;
  • It is allowed to be used in combination with medications for internal use that have an antiviral effect;
  • Prescribed with antihistamine substances;
  • It is prohibited to use with other external antiviral substances.

It is not recommended to use Vartox with preparations that contain alcohol and can dry out the skin; this can reduce the level of penetration of the active components and achieve the desired result.


If any unpleasant symptoms occur that exclude the possibility of using Vartox, a similar drug with a similar effect on the epidermis may be prescribed.

Possible analogues:

  • Sallypod patch is easy to use. Has a softening and antiviral effect. Once applied, it does not come off during the day. Has a small number of side effects. Has an average price of 60 rubles ;
  • Duofilm is a similar substance to Vartox cream paste. Available in the form of a solution for external use. To use, you need to wear a bandage or fix the substance with a bandage to the affected area. Price 160 rubles ;
  • SuperClandestine - a chemical substance that acts specifically at the source of formation, using the burning method to eliminate cells damaged by the virus. Use with extreme caution for spot application. With caution, people who have an increased level of skin sensitivity tend to leave burns on the epidermis. Price 120 rubles ;
  • Lapis pencil - used to remove various types of benign formations. The product is available in the shape of a cone, which makes it convenient to apply it to the problem area. The product is applied directly to the growth and has an antiviral effect. Price 240 rubles ;
  • Salicylic acid – helps eliminate the virus on the skin, has a softening effect on the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Average cost 50 rubles ;
  • Verrucacid is a solution for removing benign formations on the skin. Applied to the skin using a special pipette, the effect is achieved due to the solution’s ability to burn out epidermal cells that are damaged by the virus. Suitable for removing various types of warts and calluses. Does not affect healthy cells and restores the natural processes of skin regeneration. Price 360 ​​rubles .

The use of analogues requires a detailed study of the instructions for use; it is prohibited to use drugs for children without a doctor’s prescription.

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