Acid peels for the face in the pharmacy: what are there, how to make yellow (retinoic) with dimexide, professional glycolic at home from pharmaceutical products?

What Cora peeling is will be interesting to know for all representatives of the fair sex who care about the beauty and youth of their skin. Currently, mechanical and chemical methods of cleaning and getting rid of keratinized epithelium are very popular. Products based on fruit acids are being used more and more often. One of these is Kora peeling. You will also be interested in learning about how professional chemical peels are done.

The combined composition of the product allows you to influence the deep layers of the epithelium, healing and rejuvenating the skin. The peeling service can be used in a beauty salon, or you can use it at home.

However, women with sensitive skin should use Cora very carefully. Although the composition contains emollient components, it contains enough aggressive acids, which give the desired effect after use. If there are burns, abrasions and open wounds on the face, then it is best to postpone the procedure, otherwise it will only worsen the situation. But how amber peeling is done and what products should be used first is indicated here.

Edible peeling: acids that heal skin

Fruit or alpha hydroxy acids (AHA acids) are compounds present in natural fruits or products, but excreted synthetically. Typically, the following acids are used for fruit peeling:

  • Glycolic. Found naturally in green grapes and sugar cane. Glycolic acid has a low molecular weight, so it penetrates deeper than other fruit acids into the deeper layers of the skin, allowing you to get rid of or significantly reduce age spots, acne marks and freckles. It is glycolic acid that is used for superficial glycolic peeling.
  • Dairy _ Contained in natural fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, yogurt), as well as tomatoes, blueberries, grapes and some other fruits. Lactic acid saturates the skin with moisture better than others and whitens it.
  • Apple . Mostly found in apples and tomatoes. The acid has excellent exfoliating properties and also restores the skin at the cellular level.
  • Wine . It is found in greatest quantities in grape juice and wine, as well as in ripe grapes and oranges. Tartaric acid moisturizes, exfoliates, and whitens the skin.
  • Lemon (pineapples, lemons, other citrus fruits). This acid whitens the skin better than others and has excellent antioxidant and antiseptic properties.

You don’t have to be a cosmetologist to understand that fruit peeling is not a new procedure: priestesses first began to practice a similar procedure in Ancient Egypt and Rome, who made milk or wine baths, masks from lemon juice or grapes.

However, the synthesis of natural acids began relatively recently: about 20 years ago, American scientists first obtained AHA acids. Initially, as often happens, they were practiced exclusively for laboratory (therapeutic) purposes, and a little later it turned out that they have a good effect on the condition of the skin: they lighten, tighten, and generally improve its condition.

What pharmaceutical products are available for the face?

The cosmetic product market offers a huge selection of skincare options, but most women choose budget-friendly and proven methods for carrying out the procedure themselves.

The ingredients for preparing peelings can be purchased at a pharmacy or you can use ready-made preparations. Many of them will easily become a replacement for expensive cosmetics and procedures and will be able to:

  • eliminate excess sebum;
  • tighten and cleanse pores;
  • get rid of oily shine and blackheads;
  • heal and rejuvenate the skin.

Acid gel Curiosin

"Curiosin" is a drug that stimulates skin regeneration . Its main purpose is the treatment of bedsores, fistulas and trophic wounds.

The gel contains zinc hyaluronate, an acid that:

  • quickly dissolves the stratum corneum of the skin;
  • deeply cleanses pores;
  • reduces wrinkles;
  • moisturizes the epidermis.

Reference. Often the product is used after mechanical cleaning or deep chemical peeling for rapid recovery and regeneration.

Peeling procedure with Curiosin:

  1. cleanse the skin;
  2. apply the gel in a thin layer;
  3. massage along massage lines;
  4. apply moisturizer;
  5. After 30 minutes, blot the surface of the skin with a napkin or wash with warm water.

Calcium chloride

Exfoliation with calcium chloride is a procedure of a chemical nature, so it is important to maintain the correct proportions of the components, not to exceed the exposure time and to carry out the manipulation correctly.

Important! Before peeling, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction.

It is better to carry out the peeling roll in the evening , as redness may appear on the face, and the skin should not be in the sun. After the procedure, she becomes defenseless against ultraviolet rays.

For the first time, it is better to peel using a 5% solution of the drug.

Algorithm for the procedure:

  1. Cleanse the skin.
  2. Lather your fingers with baby soap and dip them in a container with calcium chloride.
  3. Treat your face strictly along the massage lines.
  4. Leave the peeling on the skin for 5 minutes.
  5. Wash with cool water.

READ ALSO: Cosmetology: the structure of facial skin, its types and basic rules of care
Second option :

  1. Apply calcium chloride to a clean and dry face.
  2. After drying, apply a second coat.
  3. Lather your fingers with baby soap.
  4. After the calcium has dried, gently roll the lumps with soapy fingers.
  5. Wash with chamomile decoction.

Important! The peeling effect is achieved due to the formation of calcium salts of higher carboxylic acids during the interaction of soap and calcium chloride.

Watch the video, which details how to do peeling at home with calcium chloride:

Boric alcohol

Boric acid, which is part of the drug, has disinfectant properties, as well as:

  1. tightens pores;
  2. gets rid of blackheads;
  3. regenerates the epidermis.


  • boric acid;
  • camphor alcohol;
  • 2 tablets of hydroperite;
  • glycerol;
  • toilet soap;
  • 10% solution of ammonia.
  1. To prepare the mixture, prepare a deep container in which you need to mix all the ingredients. The soap should be grated.
  2. Apply the resulting creamy mass to your face and wait until it dries completely.
  3. Remove the mask with calcium chloride, wash your face and wipe with a napkin.

Attention! Peeling should not be applied to inflamed or irritated areas of the skin.


For peeling, they use powdered badyagu, which is sold in any pharmacy and is very inexpensive.

Gel with badyaga is best used to disappear post-acne spots . Carrying out exfoliation with badyaga will help:

  • reduce pigmentation;
  • reduce the number of pimples, acne scars, blackheads;
  • open pores;
  • dry the epidermis;
  • remove dirt from clogged pores.

There are many recipes for preparing peeling, but the simplest one is considered popular.:

  1. Dilute badyagi powder with warm water to a paste.
  2. Apply to face, avoiding the skin around the eyes.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, wash with water. A burning sensation will appear.

Important! Do not rub in the mixture. It is necessary to carry out the procedure only in the autumn-winter period, since ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on the skin after peeling, causing pigmentation.

You can learn about home peeling with badyaga in this video:

READ ALSO: Facial care after chemical peeling: 8 tips and review of 5 products


A drug that is used in ophthalmology to treat diseases of an infectious, allergic or mechanical nature. Thanks to its bioactive composition, the gel is also used for cosmetic purposes. "Blepharogel" contains hyaluronic acid and aloe vera juice .

It is considered one of the most effective peelings, as it has a positive effect on the skin:

  • relieves swelling;
  • cleanses the skin;
  • maintains moisture level;
  • increases tone;
  • promotes skin rejuvenation;
  • reduces discomfort and irritation.

The gel must be applied locally using patting movements , paying special attention to the skin around the eyes and nasolabial folds. The course of treatment is at least one and a half months.

Attention! For cosmetic purposes, only Blefarogel 1 is used.

Indications and results of fruit peeling

Acids have excellent penetrating ability, therefore, entering through the pores into the deep layers of the dermis, they weaken the connection between dead and healthy cells. As a result: dead particles peel off, and young, healthy skin appears in their place.

The procedure is suitable for almost any skin, with the exception of hypersensitive skin prone to increased irritation.

Peeling with fruit acids is most recommended for oily problem skin, which requires gentle and at the same time regular cleansing, and AHA acids cope with this task like no other.

Fruit peeling is also good for dry skin: acids activate the appearance of new cells, cleanse the surface layer of the dermis, and accordingly, the flow of moisture and nutrients that dry skin needs increases. As a result, it becomes hydrated and elastic.

Regardless of skin type, fruit peeling allows you to:

  • get rid of and prevent the reappearance of blackheads;
  • restore lipid metabolism;
  • improve lymph and blood flow, thanks to which more oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the cells;
  • release the sebaceous glands, thereby improving skin breathing;
  • prevent or get rid of age spots, freckles, as well as spots left behind by pimples and blackheads;
  • improve turgor, elasticity, skin color, restoring its natural beauty and freshness;
  • remove or significantly reduce minor wrinkles;
  • enhance the effectiveness of the medicinal cosmetics used, for example, cream with collagen or hyaluronic acid.

Cosmetologists recommend practicing fruit peeling courses at least twice a year: in autumn and spring, when the skin is actively renewing itself, and the task of fruit peeling is to help it with this.

Solving various problems

Now let’s look at the features of using exfoliants to solve various aesthetic problems of different types of dermis:

Dry skin

Moisturizing glycerin peeling will help here. Glycerin is famous for its moisturizing properties, and its ability to attract water molecules has made it a popular cosmetic ingredient.

Based on a pharmaceutical solution of glycerin, you can prepare a moisturizing exfoliant mask. To do this, take the solution and mix it with boric acid and ammonia (2 teaspoons each), add grated baby soap in the same amount. Apply the mask to the skin until dry, then rinse with water.

Black dots

Mattifying exfoliant mask. A black scrub will help clear your skin of blackheads and get rid of toxins. You can prepare it from crushed activated carbon tablets (10 pieces), diluted with water until it becomes sour cream. Keep the mask on for no more than 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

Problem skin

Skin prone to increased sebum production requires special cleansing measures.

An aspirin mask eliminates shine in the T-zone, removes excess fat from the surface of the skin, helps tighten pores and cleanse sebaceous ducts.

Recipe: Grind an aspirin tablet and mix it with liquid honey until creamy. Apply the mask for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions

Most exfoliating products are not suitable for people with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. The solution in this case is peeling with lactic acid.

This is the mildest option of exfoliation, which gives the skin elasticity, tones and moisturizes.

To carry out peeling, you can use lactic acid in bottles or purchase Hilak Forte drops, which consist of 90% of this active substance.

Attention! For the first procedure, it is better to dilute lactic acid with water to obtain a 5% solution (1/32).

Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and apply to your face, starting from the forehead. When using for the first time, do not keep the product on for more than 2 minutes. With repeated manipulations, you can gradually increase the exposure time. It is better to rinse off the solution with cool water.

How is fruit peeling carried out in the salon?

To see any significant result, you will need to do more than one procedure: usually the effect is visible after the second, but for maximum effect - young healthy skin, it is recommended to do 7-11 courses, with a break of 7 days.

The effect of fruit peeling, and with it the result, depends on the chosen acid and its concentration: obviously, the more concentrated it is, the stronger the exfoliation and the depth of penetration of the acid. When determining the proportion of acidity of a fruit peel, it is important not to “overdo it”: in the first sessions of fruit peel, skin sensitivity is much more noticeable than in subsequent ones. Therefore, the ratio of acidic agents is increased from session to session, respectively, and the effect is enhanced. The cosmetologist selects the concentration and acid used depending on the problem that needs to be solved. Often, fruit peeling uses not one, but a combination of several acids, which allows you to achieve better results.

Fruit peeling, just like any other type of peeling, be it medium or deep, consists of several stages.

  1. Makeup remover . The cosmetologist applies a special composition that will cleanse the skin of cosmetics and dust.
  2. Application of peeling composition . Apply for a certain time, depending on the characteristics of the skin, acid concentration and other factors (on average 15 minutes).
  3. Removing peeling residues . The composition neutralizes acid and ensures its complete removal.
  4. Applying a soothing mask . Application is not necessary (depends on the acid concentration).

The final and mandatory step should be the application of sunscreen and anti-stress cream (to protect the treated skin from external influences).

The whole procedure takes about 20-30 minutes. During fruit peeling, the patient feels a burning sensation (pain depends on the sensitivity of the skin).

Thanks to this simple procedure:

  • improves immunity and skin appearance
  • cell regeneration increases
  • stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
  • minor wrinkles are smoothed out
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized
  • cleanses pores of excess oil and dust
  • lipid metabolism is restored
  • pigment spots and freckles lighten
  • acne and minor redness disappear
  • acid balance is normalized

And the skin itself looks fresh and rejuvenated.

Contraindications for fruit peeling

The procedure has significantly fewer contraindications than other types of more aggressive chemical peels, these include:

  • Hypersensitive skin;
  • Tendency to form keloid scars;
  • Damage or neoplasms at the treatment sites;
  • Allergy to the components included in the peeling;
  • Summer period of the year and a fresh tan;
  • Herpes, inflamed acne, rosacea;
  • Skin diseases in areas where the composition is applied.

Peeling with fruit acids is a popular service offered by beauty salons.

It is relatively inexpensive - from 500 rubles for beautiful and toned skin.

However, fruit peeling can be done independently: using improvised means or special formulations offered by cosmetic companies.

Of course, the difference between salon and home peeling is significant, not only in results, but also in price.

Ready-made cosmetic peelings

Cosmetics manufacturers can offer ready-made pharmaceutical products with exfoliant action. Most of them are based on acids in varying concentrations. These drugs will help lighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles, cope with skin rashes, smooth out small scars and scars, and improve cell regeneration.

  • With AHA 8%, manufacturer - Premium (Russia). Price - about 700 rubles. Contains fruit acids (malic, citric) in small concentrations. The gel is intended to eliminate skin flaking and seborrhea and effectively fights hyperpigmentation.

  • GLYCOLIC (for eyelids) from SKIN LABORATORY (USA). Price - about 800 rubles. An additional bonus of using the product is strengthening blood vessels and increasing skin elasticity.
  • GLYCO LIPOSOM from Biomatrix (France). Price - about 800 rubles. The plant biocomplex with liposomes, which is included in the composition, actively reduces the depth of wrinkles, not only facial wrinkles, but also senile ones, and also slows down the aging process.

Peeling with fruit acids at home

Homemade peels usually use ingredients that contain acid derivatives for chemical peeling. According to the manufacturing method, they resemble acid-containing masks, when acids in pure form or with other components are applied to the skin.

The mixture is applied for an average of 15 minutes, preferably in the evening (the face may turn slightly red), and after everything has been washed off, it is advisable to use a nourishing cream.

Contraindications and recommendations are the same as in the case of salon fruit peeling, even though the home remedies are only vaguely reminiscent of the salon procedure.

Home peeling with fruit acids can be done with a break of 4-7 days.


To put your eyes in order and give your face a fresh look, it is enough to purchase purified paraffin at the pharmacy ( 85 rubles ).

Paraffin mask for bags under eyes

This drugstore facial peel is good for combating crow's feet around the eyes, puffiness and bags. In addition, it is deeply moisturizing and suitable for even the most sensitive skin.

Medical paraffin must be heated in a water bath until it reaches a homogeneous consistency, and then cooled to 45°C. Carefully apply a layer of no more than 5 mm using an ear stick, you can also cover the top with pieces of cling film.

Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then carefully remove the frozen paraffin, rinse with warm water, and moisturize with cream. You can't go outside for another 60 minutes.

The effect will be only as a result of course application (10 sessions with breaks of 3-4 days).

Fruit peeling with lemon juice

Recipe No. 1

Suitable for normal skin without obvious problems, which is called prevention. Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with half a teaspoon of honey and 5-10 drops of grape oil (you can use almond oil or whatever you have).

Mix. Apply to dry skin of the face and neck for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

The skin will tingle a little. Light redness (especially where there were once pimples) will go away in an hour and a half. At first it will seem like nothing happened. Over the course of an hour or two, the pores will tighten, including on the nose (they will not disappear completely - don’t expect a miracle, but they will become lighter and smaller after the first time). After two hours, the skin, which was initially tight, will become moisturized and soft.

Recipe No. 2

Designed for oily or combination skin with pronounced blackheads and pores.

In fact, this recipe is a mixture of two types of peeling: lemon and salicylic, which is done both in the salon and at home.

Crush 4 aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) tablets and sprinkle them generously with lemon juice (you should get a thin paste). Apply it to the skin, paying special attention to problem areas, which can be lightly massaged with your fingertips. After 10 minutes, wash off.

After such peeling, it is advisable to make a mask, for example, with clay, kefir or honey.

More recipes for face masks with lemon >>>


There are plenty of pharmaceutical ways to make your heels soft: for example, using lactic acid compresses or peroxide baths.

Softening bath with hydrogen peroxide

Those who are accustomed to taking care of their feet on their own (for example, using pumice) will certainly appreciate a foot bath with hydrogen peroxide.

We will need a kettle with hot water, a basin and a quarter glass of peroxide. We dilute the drug in a basin with 1 liter of water, steam the feet for half an hour. The skin will become much more pliable for mechanical peeling.

Leave a review, what is your favorite drugstore peeling?

Day after day, the skin is exposed to the negative effects of many factors that lead to a deterioration in its condition. Various cosmetics and procedures, including pharmaceutical facial peels, help to cope with the consequences of this exposure.

Fruit peeling for sensitive skin

It tones the skin well, improves its breathing, and helps tighten pores.

Take about a third of a banana and about the same amount of kiwi. Mash them into a paste. Apply to skin for 15 minutes. Then wash it off.

This is one of the most pleasant types of fruit peeling, with virtually no pain or tingling. After it, the skin becomes soft, smooth, fresh.

In the same way, you can make peeling from the pulp of white grapes, which must first be peeled and crushed, pineapple or mashed apple (in a word, using those fruits in which the acid content is maximum). They can be used pure or mixed with honey.

Important: any homemade peeling composition can be washed off with either warm water or brewed green tea, which has excellent tonic properties and will have a great effect on only cleansed skin.

After several similar procedures, dead skin cells will begin to peel off.

In addition to homemade peeling products, you can also purchase special formulations designed for gentle skin cleansing at home.


Of course, the effect at home will be a little weaker, but you don’t need to choose the time to visit the salon, not to mention saving up to 85%!

Algae wrap for Brazilian buttocks

Laminaria contains a record amount of vitamins and microelements. It is not for nothing that it is used to detoxify the body and give elasticity to the thighs and buttocks.

A bag of dry seaweed costs only 27 rubles . It is enough to soak them in water for half an hour, and at this time take a contrast shower and prepare the skin with a scrub.

We apply the swollen kelp as a compress, and on top you need to carefully wrap the thighs with ordinary cling film. If you wear leggings on top, it will create a sauna effect. After 1 hour, wash off.

Milk peeling for goose bumps

This is one of the most popular acid facial peels that can be purchased at the pharmacy. A bottle of lactic acid costs only 65 rubles , and at the same time it will last for a whole year.

Milk body peeling is good to do right in the shower: for example, on Sundays. It will get rid of goose bumps, exfoliate horn cells, activate blood flow and saturate the skin with oxygen.

For peeling, you will need a pre-prepared weak aqueous solution of lactic acid (1 part lactic acid and 159 parts water, measured, for example, with a syringe). Concentration increases with each session.

We clean the skin with a washcloth and shower gel, and then lubricate the problem areas with the solution using a cotton pad.

Cream mask Bark with fruit acids Exfoliant

A well-known domestic manufacturer of cosmetics (we have already written about the Bark cream with hyaluronic acid) has developed a cream mask with fruit acids designed to gently cleanse the skin.

The mask contains the following fruit acids: tartaric, citric, lactic, glycolic, as well as d-panthenol, allantoin, grape seed oil.

The manufacturer promises soft and gentle chemical peeling for any skin type, regardless of age.

Peeling with fruit acids Bark is suitable for oily, problematic, dry, as well as aging skin with signs of aging. The use of Bark peeling recommended by the manufacturer will have the following effects:

  • improves the condition of the dermis during the post-acne period;
  • smooth out scars left after acne and pimples;
  • renews, moisturizes, refreshes sagging skin;
  • will reduce small wrinkles and age spots.

The manufacturer recommends using Bark peeling with fruit acids along with nourishing moisturizing masks and creams. After ecfoliation (exfoliation), the skin absorbs nutrients better and more intensively.

The product is also recommended for preparing the skin for more intense cleansing: peelings with a high acid concentration (medium or deep).

Natural fruit acids included in the Bark peeling exfoliate dead cells, moisturize, initiate skin restoration and renewal, help smooth out fine wrinkles, making the skin moisturized and elastic.

It is no coincidence that grape seed oil is included in the Bark peeling. This is an almost ideal oil that contains vitamins E, A, group B, as well as polyunsaturated acids. Grapeseed oil is perfectly absorbed, softens the skin, and has antioxidant properties. Grapeseed oil will speed up the process of skin regeneration, improve its texture and structure.

D-panthenol and allantoin - soothe the skin and significantly improve its appearance.

Peeling mask Bark with fruit acids is applied to dry skin for 5-7 minutes (subsequently, the application time can be increased, depending on the pain and results of the procedures). In case of severe burning, the Bark mask with fruit acids must be washed off immediately. After the peeling is washed off, the manufacturer recommends applying Anti-Stress cream to the skin. The manufacturer does not insist on the use of Anti-Stress cream, the purpose of which is to accelerate the regeneration and restoration of the skin after exposure to acids, but the use of sunscreen is mandatory (SPF at least 30).

Bark peeling cream is sold in a convenient 100 ml tube, which is enough for the manufacturer’s recommended course of 15-20 procedures. For oily skin, it is recommended to practice fruit peeling Cora - 2 times a week, and for dry and sensitive skin - 1 time a week.

Contraindications for the use of the Bark peeling mask are the same as for the salon procedure: intolerance to individual components, injuries at the application sites, acne in the acute stage, herpes, hypersensitivity, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is not recommended to use peeling cream with fruit acids Bark during periods of sun activity.

The price of the Cora peeling cream is 550-650 rubles per 100 ml tube (sold in large pharmacies).

Homemade peeling recipes from pharmaceutical products

You can prepare the peeling yourself. To do this, you need to purchase the components in advance at the pharmacy. Here are the most successful options:

Pharmacy glycolic

Cleansing the epidermis with glycolic acid molecules is a common manipulation in beauty salons. Its popularity is due to the fact that it is suitable for any skin type. The effectiveness of peeling is due to its antioxidant effect, activation of elastin production, smoothing and moisturizing effects.

The procedure using glycolic acid is carried out as follows.

  1. The drug is applied to clean, dry skin using a pipette and distributed over the skin, excluding the area around the mouth and eyes.
  2. After 2-3 minutes (later the time can be increased to 10 minutes), the acid must be neutralized using baking soda: soak a cotton swab in a soda solution (8 mg per 100 ml of water) and wipe your face with it, starting from those areas where the strongest burning and redness.

Results of peeling Bark with fruit acids

The analysis of the results is based on dozens of reviews from those who have already tried peeling with Cora fruit acids. When deciding to purchase this or that product, many are guided by two indicators: price and effect.

The price of Cora peeling is on average 600 rubles, which means the cost of one procedure is 30 rubles. Plus 20 minutes of personal time once a week for everything about everything. Let's compare it with the cost of salon peeling - from 500 rubles (the difference is noticeable).

As for the results. Peeling cream Bark is most suitable for those who have a real problem: lumps and spots at the site of acne, scars, enlarged pores, comedones, etc., which neither homemade masks, nor creams with badyaga and other useful products can cope with.

The mixture burns when it is on the skin, but there really is an effect: blackheads, which consist of dust and the secretion of the sebaceous glands, are oxidized, and the skin is cleansed accordingly (remains of comedones can be carefully removed), pores are narrowed, small wrinkles are smoothed out, acne marks are whitened ( become the same as the remaining areas of the skin), stagnant spots disappear.

before and after a course of using Bark cream with fruit acids

It is advisable to do peeling at night, but it is better to adjust so that you can stay at home the next day. Severe redness goes away within a few hours (the recommendation to avoid the sun does not relate to the appearance of the face, but to the risk of age spots).

Important: be careful with the Bark peeling mask if you are allergic to citrus fruits.

Exfoliant Bark - smells unpleasant, but tolerable. The white peeling texture resembles a cream with tiny particles that are visible even in the light. The mask is easy to apply and wash off.

During the first or second use in the following days, inflammation may appear on the skin (the active components of the peeling literally draw out all the dirt, that is, this is how deep cleansing of the skin occurs), which will soon pass.

As after any chemical peeling, after applying peeling with fruit acids of the Bark, peeling appears (after about 4-5 applications). Peeling is not pronounced, does not cause significant discomfort and lasts about a week. At this stage, the skin begins to transform.

In addition, the manufacturer Kora promises hydration and nutrition. Paradoxical but true. After the action of acids, the skin really looks ruddy and nourished (this is easily explained by the fact that the components of fruit peeling activate intercellular processes, including collagen production).

In a word, peeling with fruit acids exfoliant Cora effectively copes with the task of superficial peeling, and can be a good alternative to a more expensive salon procedure.


The advantage of pharmaceutical hand peeling products is their power: the desired effect of rejuvenation and softening will be achieved faster.

Peeling with badyaga and peroxide

To prepare, mix the same 3% hydrogen peroxide with badyagi powder ( for 8 and 57 rubles ).

Rub into the skin of your hands with gentle massaging movements for 3-5 minutes. A slight burning or tingling sensation will be a signal that the product is working. Then leave the product as a mask for another couple of minutes. Wash off with water and moisturize.

Reviews about the procedure ↑

Reviews about facial peeling are usually the most favorable, because clean and smooth skin with a slight smoothing effect is achieved almost painlessly. The short rehabilitation period and the result, clearly noticeable after the first session, make facial cleansing the most popular and safest of all anti-aging procedures.

Salon peeling: before and after

The only possible problem is an allergy or hypersensitivity to a certain component of the scrub (chemical peeling agent or ultrasonic cleaning lotion). However, a competent specialist will certainly find out this during a preliminary consultation and offer an alternative option. And after the first session you will be able to boast of silky, radiant skin that raises only one question: “How?!”

Skin restoration after salon cleaning ↑

Even the most gentle salon treatments involve a recovery period, because they literally remove the outdated layer of skin. A sort of “frog skin” or “film mask” effect! The result is stunning. However, in order for it to manifest itself fully, you will have to take care for two or three days.

First of all, no makeup! Do not schedule cleansing on the eve of a responsible corporate event that requires evening makeup: foundation, of course, will hide possible redness, but imagine for a moment what will happen to poor skin, as delicate as a baby’s cheeks.

Open sun rays are enemy number 2. Luckily, wide-brimmed hats are incredibly popular this summer. Stylish vintage or classic “straw”? The choice is yours: both will help hide your face.

Fashionable hat: hiding your face after the procedure!

Refrain from saunas and steam baths, as well as from playing sports. You'll go to the gym in three days. The sweat glands are working very actively there, and your skin now has absolutely no use for it.

Set aside toners that contain alcohol and can dry out your skin. In general, these days it is better to use natural care products: cucumber water, masks made from mashed apricots, melons and strawberries, as well as grated apples.

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