How to treat shingles at home using folk remedies and medications

The essence of pathology

Shingles is a type of herpetic infection that mainly has skin manifestations. The disease is caused by the same type of virus as chickenpox. If a person has ever had chickenpox, the herpes virus remains in his body forever. It settles in the nerve ganglia and does not manifest itself as long as the person maintains sufficient immunity.

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When a stressful situation occurs, during a serious illness, or hypothermia, the immune system weakens, and the chickenpox and herpes zoster virus is activated. Pathology most often occurs in adults. Shingles is characterized by the appearance of specific rashes on those areas of the skin that correspond to infected nerve fibers.

The rashes are represented by small grouped blisters with a clear liquid inside. More often they are located on the body, as if encircling it - hence the name of the disease. But rashes can also appear on the head, limbs, and buttocks. The affected skin turns red and there is severe itching in these areas. Characterized by fairly intense musculocutaneous pain caused by damage to nerve fibers.

The disease continues for 7-14 days, after which the blisters gradually dry out, forming crusts and then areas of depigmentation. These traces remain for several years. Pain may also persist for 6-12 months. Shingles is treated at home, and in severe cases of the disease with extensive rashes, hospitalization in the infectious diseases department is indicated.

Symptoms of the disease

After the virus enters the body, it multiplies and accumulates in human nerve cells. After this, it spreads to the skin. At this time, the following general symptoms characteristic of most infections may occur: fever, headache, nausea, weakness, dizziness.

There may also be enlarged lymph nodes. You can consult a doctor and determine the cause of the ailment already at this stage. After a few days, characteristic large, swollen spots appear, in which, after some time, transparent bubbles appear. These foci of inflammation are very painful and cause great discomfort.

After about a week, the blisters dry up and a crust forms in their place, but the pain may remain for several more weeks. After 1-2 days, they disappear on their own, white spots remain in their place, the skin in these places is regenerated.

The total duration of the disease is 20-30 days. The specificity of the rash is also that it appears only on one half of the person’s body and usually occurs on the torso.

Rules and recommendations for treating herpes zoster at home

To effectively treat shingles at home, you must follow some rules:

  • Only mild forms of herpes zoster are subject to home treatment - without severe intoxication, with limited rashes;
  • complex treatment should be used - medications with antiviral effects, traditional medicine, regimen;
  • treatment is carried out strictly in the indicated dosages and in compliance with the recommended duration of taking the drugs;
  • If a patient’s health with herpes zoster worsens or there is no positive effect within three days, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Shingles can lead to the development of serious complications, so even home treatment is carried out according to medical recommendations.

Consequences and complications

At a young age, a person who is faced with herpes zoster most often will not experience any consequences or complications of the disease. It will end with complete recovery for the patient and the disappearance of all symptoms.

However, if the functioning of the immune system is impaired, then serious health problems may develop:

  • Meningoencephalitis is another possible complication of herpes zoster. If the patient does not die as a result of meningoencephalitis, then he becomes disabled.
  • There is a possibility of developing dysfunction of the duodenum, abdominal muscles, genitourinary system (bladder sphincter), lungs (pneumonia).
  • The disease can affect the functioning of the spinal cord and brain, since the virus has the ability to actively multiply there. If a transition occurs to brain tissue, they are subject to destruction, which can lead to paralysis of the lower and upper extremities, and paralysis of the facial nerve. In addition, there is a threat of respiratory failure and death of the patient.
  • If the virus affects the organs of vision, optic neuritis may develop. This threatens the formation of glaucoma, damage to the cornea and complete blindness of the patient.
  • If the disease is accompanied by a bacterial infection, the person’s condition worsens and the recovery process is significantly delayed.

As a rule, complications occur only in people with weakened immune systems. If the disease is mild, it does not threaten relapses and passes quickly.

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Traditional medicine methods

There are quite a lot of traditional methods for treating herpes zoster, since this disease has been known for a long time. A variety of internal and external agents are used, however, they are not able to fully replace antiviral drugs. In this case, the specificity of the use of traditional medicine is such that it has an auxiliary value.

Home treatment of herpes zoster using traditional medicine can speed up the healing process of herpes zoster rashes and reduce the severity of intoxication and itching. However, the main therapy still remains the use of a course of direct antiviral drugs.

The person must be in a separate room, where wet cleaning and ventilation are carried out daily. Bed rest is prescribed until the fever subsides. Bed and underwear must be changed every two days. A light dairy-vegetable diet and plenty of acidified drinks are prescribed.

Treatment of herpes at home can be carried out not only in adults, but also in children, but it requires consultation with a pediatrician and an assessment of the severity of the child’s condition.

Products for external use

The purpose of treatment with folk remedies for external use for herpes zoster is to reduce skin itching, disinfect and dry out rashes.

Table. Traditional recipes for treating skin with herpes zoster.

Cooking methodMode of applicationEffect
Wormwood compress
One teaspoon of dry herb is poured into 100 ml of vodka. Leave for a week in a dark place Moisten a piece of gauze with the tincture and apply to the rash for half an hour.Eliminates itching, has an antiseptic effect
Burdock compress
Grind dried burdock leaves. Take a tablespoon of herb and add 100 ml of water. Bring to a boil over low heat Moisten a piece of cloth with the broth and apply it to the rash until the cloth dries completely.Treatment with burdock helps get rid of itching, speeds up skin healing, speeds up skin healing
Garlic tincture with castor oil
You need to take a few cloves of garlic and grate them on a fine grater. Add 50 ml of castor oil, place in the oven for 2 hours at 80 degrees Used to lubricate affected areas of the skinHas antiviral and antipruritic effects
Tincture of calendula and meadowsweet
A tablespoon of each herb is poured into 500 ml of vodka. Leave for a week in a dark place Lubricate rashes before bedAntipruritic action
Vinegar compress
You need to take 6% vinegar, moisten a gauze cloth in it and squeeze wellApply a napkin with vinegar to areas of skin with rashesHelps eliminate itching and redness of the skin
Cabbage leaf compress
Take a fresh cabbage leaf and mash it slightly to release the juice.Apply the sheet to the area with the rash and secure with a cloth. Keep for two hours Cabbage juice cools inflamed skin and relieves itching
Agave and honey ointment
You will need 10 g of honey and the same amount of juice from an aloe leaf. Mix the ingredients, heat in a water bath Apply the mixture to the affected skin, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse gently with cool water.Honey and aloe juice reduce inflammation, have a softening and antipruritic effect
Herbal ointment
The composition includes celery juice, carrots, chopped parsley. All components are taken in equal quantities, mixed and butter is added. Apply the ointment to the affected areas of the skin before going to bedRelieves itching, reduces inflammation
Lotions with eucalyptus
You will need eucalyptus extract diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1Apply the solution to the skin at the site of the rash.Relieves itching and has antiseptic properties
Lotions with honey and garlic
Mash two cloves of garlic, add a tablespoon of honey and mix thoroughlyApply to the affected area, cover with a clean cloth, leave for 20 minutesEliminates itching and swelling
Lotions with mint
A handful of fresh mint, chop, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hourSoak a gauze pad in the infusion and apply to the affected areas until the fabric driesMint treatment eliminates itching and discomfort
Tea tree oil
The finished product can be purchased at the pharmacyA few drops of oil are applied pointwise to the bubbles.Dries, disinfects, eliminates itching

It should be remembered that the components of these folk remedies for herpes zoster can cause allergic reactions, so they should be used with caution, always checking the presence of individual intolerance.

Products for internal use

In the treatment of herpes zoster, folk remedies are also taken orally. They are used to eliminate intoxication, reduce temperature, and generally strengthen the body.

Table. Infusions and decoctions for oral administration for herpes zoster.

Cooking methodMode of applicationEffect
Decoction of wormwood and tansy
You need to mix crushed wormwood and tansy in equal quantities. Then take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, then strain Drink half a glass in the morning and eveningGeneral strengthening, cleansing
Willow bark decoction
Take 2 tablespoons of crushed bark and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Bring to a boil over low heat, then leave for 2 hours Take 100 ml orally each time before mealsWillow bark has a nonspecific antiviral effect
Honey drink
Add a crushed clove of garlic and 2 tablespoons of honey to a glass of warm boiled water. Stir thoroughly Drink immediately after preparation twice a dayGeneral strengthening and antiviral effect
Propolis tincture
Pour 20 grams of fresh propolis into a glass of vodka. Leave in a dark place for a week Take a teaspoon morning and eveningTreatment with propolis stimulates the immune system, shortens the duration of the disease

Natural treatments cannot completely suppress the virus. The use of traditional medicine helps reduce the duration of the disease and allows you to shorten the course of taking antiviral drugs.

Vitamins and diet

For shingles, it is recommended to consume the following foods:

  • dairy products (milk, kefir, butter, cottage cheese);
  • vegetables (beets, broccoli, carrots, eggplants, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, peppers, onions);
  • white meat;
  • seafood (salmon, pike perch, herring);
  • nuts (peanuts, pistachios, almonds, walnuts, cashews);
  • fruits (grapes, apricots, apples, kiwis, plums, citrus fruits);
  • cereals (oatmeal, wheat, barley);
  • legumes (peas, beans);
  • green tea, tea with rosehip or raspberry.

Also, for shingles, it is recommended to take the following vitamins to strengthen the immune system:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C.

These vitamins, being antioxidants, reduce the ability of cells to respond to inflammation and also help increase the body's defenses.

  • B vitamins.

Vitamins from this group improve epithelial regeneration, participate in the formation of antibodies, as well as in all metabolic processes.

It should also be taken into account that during treatment, a patient with herpes zoster is recommended to have a gentle diet rich in nutrients, vitamins and microelements. It is recommended to boil or steam food, and you should also reduce the consumption of salty, fatty and fried foods.


To treat herpes zoster at home, direct antiviral drugs must be used. They are prescribed to suppress the activity of the virus, as a result of which the symptoms caused by it disappear. Drug therapy for herpes zoster is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the severity of the symptoms.

Preparations for external use

External agents are used to accelerate the healing of shingles rashes, to relieve itching and pain, and to prevent secondary infections.

  1. Emla. Lidocaine cream. Used to relieve severe pain. The cream is applied to the skin, then covered with a special film, which is included in the package with the medicine. This bandage can be kept for up to 5 hours, it will provide an analgesic effect.
  2. To treat rashes and prevent secondary infections, antiseptic solutions are used - Chlorhexidine, Fukortsin, brilliant green solution. They lubricate the bubbles pointwise as they form.
  3. External antiviral ointments for herpes zoster are ineffective. They are used only at the very beginning of the disease, when the rash first appears. Acyclovir, Zovirax, Fenistil pencivir ointments are used.

Treatment of the skin is carried out only with clean hands, and after the procedures they must be washed again. All external remedies are used only for fresh rashes. When crusts form, they are treated with baby cream to soften them.

Preparations for internal use

Internal medications are prescribed to directly affect the herpes virus. With their help, you can get rid of the symptoms of shingles within 7-10 days.

  1. Acyclovir tablets and its derivatives (Famciclovir, Valtrex, Valvir). Acyclovir is taken orally 400 mg 5 times a day, the course of treatment is 10 days. The remaining drugs are prescribed at 500 mg 2 times a day for a course of 10 days. These are direct antiviral drugs that act on the herpes virus.
  2. Cycloferon. The drug is a stimulator for the production of the body’s own interferons. It has an indirect antiviral effect and strengthens the body's defenses. Take the drug according to the regimen described in the instructions for the medicine.
  3. Antipyretic drugs - Paracetamol, Nimica, Ibuprofen. They are used in the complex therapy of herpes zoster to eliminate the symptoms of intoxication - fever, headache and muscle pain.
  4. Painkillers. Conventional analgesics for shingles are ineffective, since the pain is caused by damage to the nerve fibers. To relieve pain, medications such as PC-Merz and Lyrica are used. These are quite potent drugs, so only the attending physician can prescribe them.
  5. Antihistamines - Claritin, Zodak, Tavegil. Used to eliminate swelling and reduce itching in shingles.

The most effective treatment will be if you start taking medications as early as possible and follow the full treatment course.

Residual effects

  • After the rash has completely cleared, propolis lozenges should be applied. They will help eliminate residual pain.
  • In spring, you can lubricate your skin with the milky juice of dandelions.
  • Dandelions are used to prepare food for the winter. To do this, fill a jar with inflorescences and fill it with high-quality vodka. Dandelions should be infused in a dark place for 40 days, shaking daily. This tincture is stored in a cool, cool place in an tinted glass bottle. Should be taken in small portions 3 times a day after meals. Prevention is carried out for 3-4 months.

And remember that timely suppression of the herpes virus will help quickly get rid of the disease. If the treatment process is delayed, complications can be significant. Good health to you!

What not to do if you have shingles

If a person gets shingles, there are several prohibitions for him in his usual way of life. They are necessary to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the body. So, what not to do with this disease:

  • take a bath, rub the skin with a washcloth and a hard towel;
  • apply warming compresses and heating pads;
  • comb the skin, open the blisters yourself;
  • peel off drying crusts;
  • generously treat the affected areas with brilliant green, fucorcin and other antiseptic dyes;
  • go to the bathhouse or sauna.

Such prohibitions remain in effect until all rashes disappear completely.

Prevention of shingles involves avoiding contact with sick people, avoiding hypothermia and stressful situations. To maintain a strong immune system, you need to give up bad habits, eat right, and do gymnastics.

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