Effective and time-tested folk remedies for wrinkles under the eyes

If wrinkles on the face begin to bother us around the age of 40, then the first wrinkles around the eyes become visible after 25. In one of the articles, I wrote about folk methods of caring for the skin around the eyes, namely masks against wrinkles around the eyes. But we don’t always want to make masks, and we don’t always have enough time. Therefore, I suggest caring for the delicate skin around the eyes with creams prepared independently at home.

Some may say that why waste your time making creams if you can find dozens of different types of creams in stores. You can, of course, buy such a cream, but who can guarantee its quality and further results. There are a lot of very good creams, but I suggest you try using homemade creams from natural materials, and if you don’t like it, you can always go to the store. Even if there is no stunning result from homemade creams, there will certainly be no harm.

Anti-wrinkle eye cream with vitamin E

Buy an oil solution of vitamin E at the pharmacy and mix it in a 1:1 ratio with olive oil, cocoa butter or sea buckthorn oil. Apply the mixture to cotton pads and place on the skin of the eyelids, sit there for 25-30 minutes, then blot off the excess cream with a napkin.

Deep action anti-wrinkle cream for the skin around the eyes

Melt 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter over low heat, when it cools down a little, add 1 capsule of vitamin E to it (crush it, or you can take half a teaspoon of vitamin E oil solution), 5 drops each of rosehip and lavender oil, 2 tablespoons of decoction thyme or St. John's wort (for 250 ml of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of herbs). Use the resulting cream morning and evening on cleansed skin.

Possible causes of wrinkles around the eyes

The eyelids are thinner than other areas of the face and the whole body, and are more susceptible to negative factors. Due to the small amount of collagen and elastin and lack of subcutaneous fat, disturbances in the structure of the dermis occur more quickly.

Why wrinkles appear early under the eyes:

  • dust, toxins and other harmful environmental influences;
  • congenital predisposition to early aging;
  • hormonal and metabolic changes;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • eating disorders;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • weakening of muscles;
  • dehydration;
  • stress.

Strong radiation from the sun affects not only outdoors, but also for at least 3 hours indoors. Excess ultraviolet radiation causes photoaging. The oxidative effect of free radicals is also associated with UV rays.

First, due to blinking (10,000 times/day), contractions of facial muscles when laughing, squinting the eyes, thin lines appear in the outer corners of the eyes. These are the wrinkles that are called “crow’s feet.” Folds on the face appear under stress due to sagging skin.

How do vitamins act on facial skin?

The beauty of appearance, like the health of the whole body, depends on biologically active substances. Vitamins are not synthesized in the human body, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the timely entry of vital compounds into the body. With a lack of useful active substances, the skin becomes dull, the withering process occurs much faster, and the face loses its healthy appearance.

Today, science knows of 13 low-molecular organic compounds necessary to support life.

Each of the substances, simple in structure and varied in chemical nature, has a specific effect on the body.


  • relieves inflammation;
  • slows down the process of epidermal atrophy;
  • helps restore the elasticity of the skin;
  • retains moisture in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • fights excessive dryness of the facial surface;
  • normalizes the functioning of the holocrine glands;
  • helps restore cracks and tears in the skin;
  • activates cellular metabolism in the epidermis;
  • enhances the production of fibrillar protein;
  • rejuvenates the skin on the face;
  • whitens hyperpigmentation caused by uneven distribution of melanin.


  • The heterocyclic compound thiamine combats skin wear and tear.


  • stimulates biochemical reactions occurring in epidermal cells;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the skin.

Alanine and pantoic acid amide:

  • smooths out damage to the connective elastic fibers of collagen and elastane.


  • exhibits activity against inflammatory processes in the epidermis.


  • regulate the production of subcutaneous fat by the endocrine glands;
  • suppress inflammation of the skin;
  • are fighting acne.


  • takes part in the process of regeneration of cells of the outer covering of the body;
  • promotes skin rejuvenation.

Antioxidant C:

  • activates the production of fibrillar protein in the connective tissue of the skin;
  • prevents fragility of capillaries and arterioles;
  • restores complexion;
  • strengthens local immunity;
  • heals cracks and wound surfaces.


  • promotes the process of cell division;
  • has a positive effect on skin turgor;
  • saturates the epidermis with oxygen;
  • gives a uniform, pleasant color;
  • tightens facial features.


  • take part in cellular renewal;
  • protect the epidermis from the destructive effects of electromagnetic radiation.

Methyl naphthoquinone:

  • fights uneven skin color;
  • affects excess fluid accumulation in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect on the epidermis.

A nicotinic acid:

  • improves cellular metabolism;
  • exhibits protective functions;
  • has a positive effect on skin color.

AT 7:

  • participates in the oxidation of epidermis-specific lipids;
  • affects the metabolism of carbohydrates in the skin;
  • stimulates the body to restore damaged cells of the upper integument of the body.

Massage for wrinkles around the eyes

Pre-cleanse the face of makeup and impurities. Then do a massage with 5 drops of almond oil - lightly tap the skin around the eyes with your fingertips. Repeat the procedure once a day for 4–5 weeks.

A more complex type of massage:

  1. Eyes closed. The left hand is used to massage the left eye, and the right hand is used to massage the right eye.
  2. The pads of the middle and ring fingers are drawn from the base of the eyebrows along the motionless upper eyelid to the temples.
  3. The movement is stopped at the temple and pressure is applied several times.
  4. Massage in the opposite direction along the lower border of the orbit to the inner corner (bridge of the nose). Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. Using light point movements, massage the skin around the eye sockets in the same direction. Repeat 5-6 times.
  6. Fingers clenched into a fist are placed on closed eyelids. Without taking it away, they try to open their eyes and raise their eyebrows. Repeat 3-4 times.
  7. Place your palms to your temples, press from bottom to top, and abruptly tear your hands off. Repeat 5-6 times.

Ice cubes are massaged after cleansing the skin and applying cream. Use frozen infusions of birch and sage leaves.

Vegetables and fruits for youthful skin

To prevent wrinkles from appearing longer, you need to include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. In addition, these products can be used to prepare effective masks for rejuvenating the skin of the eyelids.

One-component formulations can be prepared. Just chop the fruit on a fine grater and apply it to the skin of the eyelids (if the mass is very juicy, then it can be thickened with potato starch or placed on gauze napkins and applied to the skin of the eyelids). Bananas, cucumbers, strawberries, apricots and peaches are good for refreshing and rejuvenating the skin.

Masks made from raw pumpkin or carrots are good for refreshing the skin. The raw materials need to be finely grated and mixed with cream or unrefined oil. The fact is that these fruits contain fat-soluble vitamins, so they should be used in a mixture with fatty foods.

Potato eyelid masks effectively rejuvenate Moreover, the root vegetable can be used both raw and boiled.

  • From raw potatoes. Grate the peeled tuber on the finest grater, mix with a teaspoon of unrefined vegetable oil. Place the mixture on gauze napkins and apply to the eyelids.
  • From boiled potatoes. Boil the root vegetable (preferably steam it without peeling), remove the peel, and mash. Mix warm potatoes with melted butter (you need to use a natural product that does not contain vegetable fats). Apply the finished oily puree to the area around the eyes for half an hour.

Cosmetic recipes that will help remove wrinkles

It’s not just salon treatments that help rejuvenate your skin. Home remedies work well. According to the founder of the cosmetic brand Estee Lauder, 10 minutes of facial care in the morning and evening is enough to keep the skin young and radiant.

It is difficult to “squeeze” the use of a mask or compress into 10 minutes. Time spent on facial and body care can be 1 hour daily.


Rubbing the face with frozen infusions and juices helps smooth out existing facial wrinkles and prevents the formation of new skin lines. Under the influence of cold, blood circulation increases and excess fluid is removed.

Attention! Ice cubes are not used if there are spider veins, abrasions, cuts, or wounds around the eyes.

Pre-prepare an infusion of mint, chamomile, linden, calendula (separately or as a collection). Proportions: 1 tbsp. l. herbs per cup of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, filter. Pour into molds and freeze in the refrigerator (freezer).

Immediately before the procedure, wash your face without soap or cleanse it with lotion. The ice cube is wrapped in a strip of bandage. With light movements along the massage lines, wipe the outer corners of the eyes and lower eyelids.


Use warm infusions and decoctions, squeezed out bags of warm brewed herbs. Make lotions with parsley. Greens can be taken fresh, frozen or dried. Use an infusion of chamomile, calendula, and rose flowers for compresses.

Eyelid lotions:

  1. Parsley is chopped.
  2. Add 1 tsp to the greens. weakly brewed tea.
  3. Mix with 30 drops of vitamin A (oil solution from the pharmacy).
  4. The bandage is folded into 4–5 layers and moistened with the prepared product.
  5. Squeeze out excess liquid and apply to eyelids.
  6. The lotions are left for 20 minutes.

You can use cotton pads soaked in freshly brewed green tea, cooled to body temperature, for the procedure. Leave the lotions on for 10–15 minutes. Tea antioxidants neutralize the effects of free radicals that destroy cells. Procedures can be done once or twice a day.

Important! After lotions, the skin softens, brightens, and smoothes.

Aloe vera juice, ginger, pineapple, lemon, rose water moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity. Moisten cotton pads with one of the selected products. Apply to the eyelids and corners of the eyes and leave to act for 15–20 minutes. The juice can be lubricated on the skin.


Bioactive substances of fresh fruits, eggs, honey refresh the skin and eliminate wrinkles. Fruit acids dissolve epidermal scales and promote skin renewal. The list of natural remedies for preventing wrinkles includes the juice and pulp of watermelon, apricot, banana, avocado, and sea buckthorn.

Too greasy, rich, heavy products that stretch thin skin are not applied to the area under the eyes.

Cucumber is used to prepare the simplest anti-wrinkle mask. Grate the fruit, apply the pulp on a gauze napkin to the eyelids for 15 minutes.

Egg whites tighten the skin under the eyes. The mask is prepared with the addition of oatmeal:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. egg white with ½ tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  2. The mixture is applied to the area around the eyes.
  3. Leave the product for half an hour.
  4. Wash off with water.

Potatoes contain sedatives. anti-inflammatory, whitening substances. Thin sections from the tuber are applied to the eye area in the same way as cucumber slices. Grated raw potatoes or juice refreshes the lower eyelids.

You can use mashed potatoes mixed with cottage cheese to apply to the area under the eyes. First, refresh and soften the area near the eyes with a lotion or compress of herbal infusion so that the components of the product penetrate better into the dermis.


It is a natural and cost-effective alternative to cosmetic anti-wrinkle cream. Vegetable fats are rich in healthy acids and vitamin E. Oils make the face look younger and fresher. A simple way to use is to soak a cotton pad with your chosen product and lightly wipe the skin.

What oils are used for wrinkles under the eyes:

  • grape seeds;
  • rosehip seeds;
  • almond;
  • castor;
  • argan;
  • olive,
  • avocado;
  • flaxseed


  • Vegetable fats can be used for massage or mask before bed.
  • On the lower eyelids, the products are applied from the temples to the nose to improve lymph flow and microcirculation.
  • If you lubricate damp, warm skin after a shower or bath, the oil is better absorbed and does not leave an oily sheen.


  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. honey, glycerin and olive oil.
  2. The mixture is applied around the eyes.
  3. Gently massage.
  4. Leave the product for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Residues are removed with a cotton pad.

Regular use of the oil provides a visible reduction in crow's feet in the corners of the eyes and lightening of dark circles under the lower eyelids. The product removes dead cells, moisturizes and tightens the skin.

Based on chicken and quail eggs

Effective anti-wrinkle products are prepared using fresh chicken eggs. But keep in mind that chicken eggs are an allergenic product; if your skin reacts poorly to contact with them, you can try using quail eggs.

You can simply grind the yolk of an egg and apply it to the skin of the eyelids in a thin layer. After a quarter of an hour, wash your face. A mixture of yolk and unrefined vegetable oil smooths out wrinkles more effectively.

You can also prepare a three-component composition by adding honey to the yolk and butter. It will be enough to take one yolk of a chicken egg or two of a quail egg and a teaspoon of butter and honey. This mask against facial wrinkles around the eyes perfectly smoothes the skin.

To smooth the skin and tighten the upper eyelid, masks made from whipped protein are recommended. Fluffy foam can be mixed with fresh cucumber juice (dessert spoon). This composition perfectly moisturizes, tightens and fights dark circles on the lower eyelids. To combat deep wrinkles, it is recommended to mix protein with aloe juice. This composition perfectly rejuvenates.

Efficiency of methods

You need to start anti-aging care as early as possible to delay the appearance of wrinkles as much as possible. It is easier to deal with expression lines in the corners of the eyes. It is more difficult to deal with deep folds caused by gravity and stretching of the skin. It is very difficult to remove already formed wrinkles at the age of 45+ using only home procedures.

The effectiveness of the remedies and procedures listed in the article varies. The effectiveness of masks is higher when applied to thoroughly cleansed and moisturized skin (using a steam bath, compress, special lotion). The effect depends on the composition of the product used and its freshness.

Professional cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries are performed to minimize deep wrinkles. Treatment costs significantly exceed the costs of home care.

What should a homemade eye cream be like?

A homemade eyelid composition will bring maximum benefit if you follow the recipe accurately and prepare the product in small portions. The shelf life of natural cosmetics is limited, so you can make a serving of no more than 20 g at a time. Why is the attention of modern women focused on homemade creams?

  • Firstly, they are not harmful - they do not contain parabens, propylene glycol and other potentially dangerous compounds.
  • Secondly, the natural ingredients of products prepared with your own hands bring much more benefits.
  • Thirdly, they are easy to make; you can use the most necessary components to create it.
  • And finally, you will be one hundred percent sure of the quality of the resulting product, which is very important in modern environmental living conditions.

The most effective folk remedies for wrinkles under the eyes after 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 years

  • After 25 years of age is the best time to start anti-aging treatments. Use argan, jojoba, and rosehip oils to massage the area around the eyes. Moisturize the epidermis with masks containing cucumber and avocado pulp. Phytochemicals stimulate collagen restoration. Lubricating with egg white will help avoid the appearance of wrinkles and smooth out shallow grooves. Do not use soap to wash your face. You need a special eye makeup remover (gel, foam). After cleansing, apply cosmetic cream to the face, except for the area around the eyes. This area of ​​the skin requires special cosmetics with vitamins, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and UV filters.
  • After 30 years, nourishing and brightening masks are applied. Add yogurt, grated cucumber, aloe vera, oatmeal. Apply the mask 2 times a week for 15–20 minutes. Wipe the skin with a mixture of cooled green tea, lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric.
  • After 35 years, folk and ready-made cosmetics are used to eliminate existing wrinkles. There should be components such as royal jelly, ginseng extract, phytohormones - plant analogues of estrogens.
  • At 40 years old, it is not enough to use only anti-wrinkle creams. You need ampoules, serums, capsules with a high concentration of active ingredients. The course is carried out for 2–3 weeks, the rest of the time they use creams, masks, and folk remedies.
  • After 45 years, hormonal imbalance accelerates age-related changes in the body. Products containing royal jelly and phytoestrogens are used. In the evening, after cleansing the skin, massage with oil - olive, avocado, shea or macadamia.
  • At the age of 50, facial skin noticeably fades. Using diluted lemon juice for lotions and masks will help remove dead cells. Alpha hydroxy acids and vitamin C help fade age spots. The product is used 1-2 times a week. The consequences of using anti-aging cosmetics and folk rejuvenation recipes are not immediately noticeable. The top layer of skin is renewed at a young age within 28–34 days. After 40–50 years, cell turnover slows down. Complete renewal of the epidermis in the elderly occurs within more than 60 days.
  • After 55 years, infusions, lotions, creams and other homemade products are used with caution for anti-aging procedures. A gentle treatment for dull skin - a mask with banana. Apply puree from ½ fruit. The mask is left to act for 15–20 minutes. Residues are washed off with water. Banana and avocado puree can be mixed with yogurt and honey, an oil solution of vitamin E. Lycopene in tomatoes has an anti-aging effect on the skin. Tomato juice is used for lotions and masks. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the product. Mature aging skin responds well to papaya masks. The enzyme papain destroys dead cells and lightens age spots.

Indications and contraindications

The vitamin complex is recommended for use as a preventive and anti-aging agent starting from the age of 20:

  1. 20-25 years. The use of cosmetic products that contain vitamins protects the skin from sunburn, restores elasticity and prevents the penetration of toxins into the dermis.
  2. 25-35 years old. During this period, the first age-related changes are observed, the skin begins to lose elasticity, and facial wrinkles appear.
  3. 35-40 years and more. The aging process accelerates, vitamins help stop negative reactions, restore elasticity and a healthy appearance to the skin.

Indications for the use of vitamin complexes at any age are as follows:

  • the presence of wrinkles,
  • dark spots,
  • skin rashes,
  • lack of shine.

The use of vitamins for the skin near the eyes externally and orally has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance of the body,
  • hypersensitivity,
  • the presence of wounds and other deformations of the skin,
  • purulent inflammations,
  • allergic diseases,
  • pathologies of internal organs.

For pregnant and lactating women, the use of retinol or tocopherol externally is allowed after consultation with a specialist.

Precautions for use

It is recommended not to use more than one new product per week for rejuvenation and skin care under the eyes. Only fresh products are used. The recipe is adjusted depending on skin type. Dosages are reduced for sensitive epidermis, and agents that cause allergies are excluded.

Mix the ingredients in a ceramic, glass or plastic bowl. Before use, scald the container with boiling water. Store homemade cosmetics in glass jars, sign the date of manufacture and composition. Even in the refrigerator, shelf life is short - from 2 to 7 days.


To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, it is recommended not to abuse alcohol, drink enough clean water, and not smoke. The daily diet is enriched with fruits and vegetables with antioxidants, vitamins, bioflavonoids, and phytohormones.

The skin around the eyes should be taken care of - thoroughly cleaned of cosmetics and dirt, regularly use moisturizing and nourishing creams, folk remedies. Pay attention to what area of ​​the face the cosmetics are intended for and what they contain.

Take short breaks from work every hour. Close your eyes to relax your muscles. Protection from UV radiation is required - special cream and glasses with dark lenses.

Reviews from cosmetologists

  1. Dermatologist and cosmetologist Anna Karpova recommends using green tea infusion, cucumber pulp, and aloe juice for anti-aging eyelid care. The specialist speaks positively about the use of minimally invasive anti-aging procedures with hyaluronic acid and Botox in old age.
  2. Dermatologist and cosmetologist Svetlana Zhukovskaya confirms that folk remedies provide the necessary hydration of the skin. Ready-made anti-aging cosmetics improve microcirculation and restore the structures of the dermis. You need components such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, panthenol, plant extracts, vitamins A and E.
  3. Cosmetologist Tatyana Kornilova warns against using masks made from fresh fruits too often. Recommended frequency: 1 or 2 times a week. To prevent dryness after the procedure, you need to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.
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