Is it possible to treat condylomas at home?


Hearing the phrase treatment of condylomas at home, some patients mean the use of dubious folk remedies, but not everyone knows that you can treat condylomas yourself at home, with the drugs prescribed by the doctor. There is nothing complicated about this, but some caution must be present.

This article will talk about how condylomas manifest themselves, as well as all the possible ways in which growths can be treated at home. In addition, we will consider traditional medicine recipes, both effective and those that cannot be used to treat condylomas.

The most common location of condylomas is in the genital area

  • Frequently asked questions to the doctor
      Radical treatment
  • Why do condylomas appear in intimate places?

    Skin formations are flesh-colored to dark pink, less often brown, ranging in size from 2 millimeters to 12 centimeters. Papilloma protrudes above the surface of the mucosa on a thin stalk with a wide, rough upper surface (flat) or in the form of nodules tapering towards the end (pointed).

    Pointed ones occur if HPV is present in the body, strains 6,11,16,18, 33.

    Formations appear regardless of compliance with hygiene rules.
    The reasons why condylomas appear in intimate places may be indirect. The virus is in the body of the carrier (male or female) in a dormant state and worsens under certain conditions:

    • weakened immunity (overwork, hypothermia);
    • stress and overexertion (divorce, checks at work);
    • sleep problems and constant lack of sleep;
    • alcohol, smoking, drugs;
    • poor nutrition (diet, lack of minerals and vitamins in food);
    • changes in hormonal levels (pregnancy or menopause) and endocrine changes.

    Direct causes of the virus:

    • unprotected sexual intercourse (all types of sex, anal, oral, vaginal);
    • transmitted through the birth canal from mother to child;
    • household method, use of towels, hygiene products of an infected person.

    Both men and women can detect condylomas in the intimate area on their own if they are visible with the naked eye or during an examination when taking a smear for sexually transmitted infections.


    The main cause of genital warts is the penetration of the papilloma virus into the human body. This often occurs during sexual contact with a virus carrier. But a person may not even know about his infection, since the disease usually manifests itself only in conditions suitable for it, most often when immunity is reduced.

    Today there are quite a lot of patients with papillomavirus, since vitamin deficiency, disordered sex life, lack of sleep, nervous strain, ecology and other reasons contribute to the weakening of the immune system.


    Benign formations can be of two types:

    • exophytic, that is, warts growing upward outward, pointed, found on the clitoris;
    • endophytic, formations growing deep under the skin - flat condylomas.

    This species poses the greatest danger, since they cannot be seen with the naked eye, and they are highly oncogenic.

    All growths in the intimate area tend to grow if they are subjected to friction.

    Other types of neoplasms:

    • Keratonic wart . Location: penis (shaft and outer side of the foreskin), pubis, labia. The formation has a stalk, the wide part is dense and slightly rough;
    • Buschke-Levenshtein condylomas. Appear in the genital area, lips, vulva, cervix, perianal area, base of the penis and anus. These are giant papillomas that outwardly appear to be separate areas of skin. The surface is covered with papillae or lobules, from which ichor oozes with an unpleasant odor.
    • Wide , which is one of the symptoms of syphilis;
    • Endourethral warts . Develop on the external opening; urethra, urethra. They look like single or multiple cone-shaped growths.


    In the field of modern medicine, it is customary to classify condylomas into several main types, according to the characteristics of external manifestations and localization:

    • hyperplastic condylomotosis. Formations of this type are condylomas with a sharp surface.
    • Microcondyloma. It appears in the early stages of invasion and is a small dense nodule.
    • Papular form. The formation of papules is more often observed on the penis, as well as in the perineal area in women.
    • Warty form. Localized in the groin area.
    • Pointed. This type of condyloma is a large head with a rough surface, located on a relatively thin stalk.

    The choice of treatment method for condylomas in women on the labia minora, as well as in other areas, depends on the type of neoplasm. Therapeutic tactics are developed taking into account the above features only after diagnostic procedures.

    Why are they dangerous?

    Most neoplasms do not pose a threat to human life and health.
    But if the growth process of papillomas is not controlled and treatment is not carried out, then the formations quickly spread to healthy areas of the body or degenerate into tumors and subsequently lead to cancer.

    Located near the anus and urethra, warts can interfere with normal urination and bowel movements. As they grow, they can cause discomfort and pain.

    During sexual intercourse, the formations are injured, causing bleeding and a feeling of pain.

    If left untreated, the ridged growths can lead to skin cancer.

    Buschke-Levenshtein condyloma (pictured) grows deep into the internal tissues and leads to destruction. The formation causes pain in the pelvis, bleeding and degenerates into squamous cell carcinoma without metastases.

    In women, HPV leads to cervical dysplasia and cancer.

    Neoplasms located in intimate places in women cause psychological discomfort. The growths do not look aesthetically pleasing; girls are embarrassed by them and refuse relationships for this reason.

    Forum about condylomas / How to get rid of condylomas?

    I’m 18, six months ago I had sexual intercourse for the first time (and our relationship ended quickly, without any regrets, I broke up with him and forgot) ... and a month ago I felt discomfort in that very intimate place, some kind of burning sensation ... I used baby cream, the redness went away, but it was replaced by blisters and the discomfort continued. I couldn’t see a doctor, I simply didn’t have time - I was studying! I still couldn’t find an extra two hours (or how long do we spend in queues? Hmm) The sensations are most unpleasant. Now I understand how careless I was with my health and immunity. I didn’t get enough sleep... I crammed everything at night, there were more than forty hours without sleep. I ate whatever I could get my hands on. Corn flakes for breakfast, lunch and more. If only, damn it, I don’t get better, I don’t get fatter. I used ascorbic acid to treat my cold, filled it with aerosol, and snacked on cough drops. It’s not surprising that this came out. Well...I passed all my studies and visited the doctor, first in the examination room. With difficulty I convinced the nurse to examine see, I had to see a gynecologist at my place of residence, but what place of residence?! I study 350 km from home, live in a dormitory, and this clinic is the place we go to for our ailments. As a result, we examined...various questions, how much and when? And the diagnosis: condylomatosis. “The boy played with you and abandoned you, head to the skin and vein dispensary!” and I'm shocked...knocked out! In complete ignorance of what and how?! I came to the dispensary with this referral. So unpleasant, so insulting, humiliating, disgusting...sorry. An ocean of thoughts in your head, and how is that even possible? I felt like...the last...hmm, such a disease! Was awarded a new medical card for a patient with a sexually transmitted disease. collapse... They examined it, the diagnosis was confirmed, everything happened on the 26th, they were told to come to them for removal after the holidays, i.e. On the 10th, because I’m at home on vacation, then on the 20th, when I arrive in general. No recommendations, prescriptions, prescriptions... I donated blood and that’s it! nothing...go! enjoy the sensations:(((IT’S SO SUPPOSED TO BE, THIS DOCTOR IS RIGHT??? that they didn’t prescribe anything). Although in general the appointment went well... it was clear from the doctor’s voice that it wasn’t fatal - we’ll treat it, we’ll cauterize it. It’s clear that I couldn’t do’s unpleasant, inconvenient, uncomfortable for me! I plunged headlong into the Internet, learned a lot, including from this site. My finances are naturally limited - I’m a student... I bought ascorbic acid (my universal medicine... just kidding), an echinacea elixir and eleutherococcus (1 teaspoon before meals, 3 times a day) - to restore immunity, Centrum vitamins (1 per day, with meals). And IODINE. I started self-medicating, burned condylomas with iodine, at first the burning was tolerable. For me I was in such a mood! I’ll be cured, wow... The condylomas turned white... and then stopped responding to iodine, well, no sensitivity. At first they decreased slightly in size, and then they even became larger. I applied oxolinic ointment, but I have it at 0.25% , there was only one like this in the pharmacy. That’s when despair set in! And all sorts of thoughts, bad ones... no one is needed. I’m a pretty girl, they pay attention to me, invite me to go somewhere, meet, but I’m... DISGUSTED. And not from them, they just irritate me, and I... I’m disgusted with myself. And so there were enough complexes... yes, yes, although I said above that she was pretty, but she had a terrible complex. And here is another reason for whining. None of my family and friends know about this. I'm ashamed. And the fact that this happens to many people is of little comfort to me. There are a lot of thoughts in my one to speak to. Just yesterday I bought SUPER CLEANITY at the pharmacy, carefully applied it to the three largest formations of condylomas... it’s such a pain! Iodine nervously smokes on the sidelines. I bit the mirror between my teeth and turned on the water in the bathroom so as not to scare my family with my sounds. And I applied just a little... the condylomas darkened. That same evening there was already an effect! A large...perhaps the largest condyloma has disappeared. And again this morning. There are abrasions left, very small. I treat them with iodine. And everything doesn’t look so scary anymore...there is hope. There are still small pimples left...condylomas (?) in some places. What will happen next? I’m going to see a doctor, maybe they’ll give me more money. In the meantime, I smear with celandine, iodine, drink elixirs, vitamins and pray... I seriously want to take on my immunity. The psyche also needs recharging.

    Symptoms and diagnosis

    The disease in the early stages is asymptomatic.
    The incubation period can last from several months to several years. Symptoms of the virus:

    • Discomfort, burning sensation on the genitals;
    • Painful urination and defecation;
    • The appearance of papillomas in various areas of the skin and mucous membranes;
    • Discharge and unpleasant odor emanating from the genitals.

    The virus is diagnosed through a thorough examination and STI testing.

    To confirm the diagnosis, additional examination may be prescribed:

    • test using acetic acid;
    • PCR diagnostics;
    • Anoscopy (examination of the anus), colposcopy (examination of the vagina) and urethroscopy;
    • biopsy with collection of material for histological and cytological analysis.

    Risk factors

    The main cause of condylomas is human papillomavirus infection. However, penetration of HPV into the blood is not enough for papillomas to appear. For the virus to manifest itself, certain conditions must be present:

    • age 17–30 years (most often 20–24);
    • hypovitaminosis, decreased immunity, nervous tension;
    • homosexuality;
    • ignoring contraception;
    • infectious diseases;
    • an infected mother can pass the virus to her child;
    • using someone else's towels and other hygiene products;
    • presence of HIV infection;
    • carelessness in baths, swimming pools, saunas (infection can be caused by skin contact with benches);
    • promiscuity in sexual partners;
    • early sexual intercourse.


    The treatment of genital warts depends on how quickly the patient consults a specialist.
    In the early stages, you can get by with non-invasive therapy to get rid of genital warts in intimate places. If the disease is advanced, surgery may be required. In rare cases, women are treated using folk remedies. There is no effective way to treat condylomas. Surgical removal does not mean that the virus will not manifest itself after some time. In 30% of cases the disease recurs.

    The method, how and with what to treat condylomas will be determined by the doctor. Based on the tests performed, depending on the type of tumor, location and severity, therapeutic treatment or removal is carried out.

    Therapy is carried out in combination:

    1. Chemical or physical removal methods;
    2. Cytotoxic drugs;
    3. Antiviral and immunostimulating therapy.

    Cytotoxic drugs include ointments, creams or solutions containing podophyllotoxin (Vartek, Condilin). The substance is produced from the rhizomes of podophyllum thyroid and is available in different concentrations. The release form allows for treatment at home on the clitoris, labia, and penis. The action of the drug is a mummifying effect.

    Positive reviews about treatment in intimate places using 5% fluorouracil ointment, the active substance of which disrupts the synthesis of viral DNA.
    However, the drug has side effects and should be used only with a doctor's permission. Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs include drugs that suppress HPV:

    • Viferon;
    • Isoprinosine;
    • Imiquimod;
    • Reaferon;
    • Interferon;
    • Realdiron.

    Opinions differ on the use of these drugs. Some doctors believe that these medications are ineffective. Other studies confirm that the introduction of drugs into pathological sites leads to a positive outcome.

    The best medicine for papillomas: list of drugs. What is the most effective medicine for papillomas?

    Human papillomavirus infection is currently a common pathology. The causative agent of the disease mainly affects the mucous membranes of the throat, mouth, nose, and genitals. A medicine for papillomas is selected after undergoing an examination, during which the type of virus can be determined. Modern treatment methods can only get rid of the external symptoms of the disease.

    Causes of papillomas

    Experts say that most of the population is infected with the papilloma virus, but the disease does not always manifest itself. Some people are not even aware of the infection and are only carriers. The appearance of characteristic formations on the skin indicates the presence in the body of diseases of inflammatory etiology in an advanced stage. Papillomas can also occur due to severe stress.

    Infection occurs not only through sexual contact (unprotected). Although this method is more common than others. You can become infected with the virus through contact with a carrier’s skin or through a kiss. The virus enters the body through wounds and scratches on the skin.


    Papillomas look like moles with a short stalk. They look unaesthetic, especially on open areas of the body. Neoplasms appear most often in the genital area, both in women and in the stronger sex. Papillomas can have various shapes: flat, pointed, thread-like, mosaic-shaped. The color of the growth is somewhat different from the skin and can be lighter or, conversely, darker. Depending on the external manifestation of the disease, the specialist selects the optimal medicine for papilloma.

    A person infected with the virus is usually only concerned about the appearance of characteristic moles or warts. However, it has been established that internal organs are also under attack. During medical diagnostics, formations are identified on the mucous membrane of the stomach, bladder, and cervix.

    How is papilloma treated?

    What medications are suitable for getting rid of skin growths caused by HPV can only be determined by the attending physician (dermatologist, gynecologist or andrologist). It is highly undesirable to get rid of papillomas on your own. Modern medicine offers several ways to treat the pathological condition. Medication is the basis of therapy. The medicine for papillomas acts on the problem from the inside, blocking the proliferation of infection and improving the body's protective functions.

    Papillomas are removed from the mucous epithelium and skin using methods such as cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, laser and surgical removal. One of the modern methods of getting rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect is the use of a radioknife, which cuts off not only the tumor itself, but also the epithelium.

    Effective drugs for papillomavirus infection

    It should be borne in mind that there are no medications that can destroy the papilloma virus in the body. A properly selected medicine for papillomas can improve the condition of the immune system and suppress the replication of the virus. It is not recommended to take such medications without a doctor's prescription.

    To combat viral infections in dermatology and gynecology, the following medications are most often recommended:

    1. "Isoprinosine."
    2. "Cycloferon".
    3. "Interferon".
    4. "Panavir".
    5. "Viferon".
    6. "Feresol".
    7. "Verrukacid."

    Some medications for human papillomavirus are quite complex and can cause side effects. After passing the examination, the doctor determines an individual dosage regimen.

    Description of the drug "Isoprinosine"

    Isoprinosine is considered one of the most effective drugs (according to many doctors) for eliminating papillomavirus infection. The drug belongs to the group of antiviral drugs and is capable of directly affecting the pathogen, preventing it from developing.

    The drug for the correction of pathological conditions of the immune system is available in the form of tablets. The active ingredient is inosine pranobex (500 mg). The tablets have both antiviral and immunostimulating effects. “Isoprinosine” effectively suppresses the development of HPV (the production of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase is blocked), and by stimulating the body’s protective function, viral particles and infected cells are completely destroyed.

    Treatment of papillomas with Isoprinosine

    The treatment regimen and dosage are calculated depending on the type of virus. For ordinary papillomas, drug treatment is quite sufficient. If condylomas are observed on the skin, in addition to tablets, surgical intervention is indicated.

    Medicine for papillomas is taken for at least 14 days. The course of treatment can be extended up to 28 days on the recommendation of a specialist. The dosage depends on the patient's age. Children over 12 years of age and adults need to take two Isoprinosine tablets three times a day. In pediatric practice, tablets are prescribed to children from 3 years of age, calculating the dose of the active substance depending on the child’s weight. For 10 kg of body weight, 500 mg of inosine pranobex is indicated. That is, if a child weighs 15 kg, he needs to take 750 mg per day. The result obtained is divided into three doses (250 mg at a time).

    When surgically removing papillomas and condylomas, it is also necessary to carry out antiviral therapy to prevent relapse of the disease. Before using the medicine, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

    Natural drug "Panavir"

    Another medicine for papillomas is Panavir, which is based on substances of natural origin. The product has a wide spectrum of action and is used as a powerful immunomodulator and antiviral drug. Panavir is produced in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, gel and spray for external application, and solution for injection.

    The active substance of Panavir is an extract from potato tops. It has been established that the substance has strong immunomodulatory properties and promotes the production of interferon in the body. For the treatment of papillomas, it is most often prescribed in the form of a gel, which is applied twice a day. In the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, the product, according to experts, is also effective. Suppositories help get rid of papillomas in the anus and vagina.

    Treatment of papillomas should begin at an early stage, without waiting for the moment when they begin to increase in size. According to patient reviews, the gel is well tolerated and does not cause allergic reactions. In most cases, it helps get rid of warts and various types of papillomas. If the growths are minor, it is sufficient to use only a product for external application. In more advanced cases, complex therapy is indicated.

    In the form of a spray and gel, Panavir is used in pediatric practice. This natural-based medicine against papillomas can also be used to treat pregnant women.

    "Ferezol" for papillomas

    You can fight cosmetic defects on the skin caused by the presence of the papilloma virus in the body using the drug Feresol. The product is designed specifically for removing skin growths. The solution is effective for warts, papillomas and condylomas. However, it should also be used as directed by a specialist. The effectiveness of the drug is based on its cauterizing and mummifying effect.

    How to use it correctly?

    According to the instructions, the liquid medicine for papillomas is applied directly to the affected area and try to avoid getting the solution on healthy skin. You can first steam the area of ​​the dermis with the neoplasm and allow the moisture to dry completely. This manipulation will allow the drug to penetrate into the deeper layers of the tumor. You can apply the medicine using a small stick.

    If the papilloma is small in size, then a single use of the Feresol solution may be sufficient for removal. For large affected areas, it is necessary to apply the drug several times at intervals of 15-20 minutes. It is dangerous to use the product on some areas of the body, such as the armpits, due to the high risk of burns.

    What do the doctor's say?

    Experts strongly recommend that patients not self-medicate with condylomas and papillomas. Only a doctor can determine the appropriate therapy after the patient has been examined. The optimal medicine for papillomas and warts is selected individually for each patient. Some patients may only need medication to treat the disease, while others cannot do without surgical removal of the growths. The duration of treatment also depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the state of the immune system.>


    The most effective method of treatment is the removal of condylomas in intimate areas.

    The method of removing papilloma will be determined by the attending physician.

    The removal methods are as follows:

    • surgical intervention;
    • electrocoagulation;
    • cauterization with liquid nitrogen;
    • removal by radio waves;
    • laser treatment.

    Growths that have a large affected area are surgically removed. The rehabilitation period is long and is carried out in a hospital.

    Cauterization with electric current is performed only on the external genitalia. This is due to the high likelihood of scarring, bleeding and long healing periods for burns. This method is used mainly to remove single pathological formations.

    Cryodestruction, as one of the methods to get rid of condylomas, is the most common. The growths are treated with liquid nitrogen, the procedure does not leave scars. The only downside is the need to repeat the treatment many times.

    Laser removal, like radio wave removal, makes it possible to highly accurately excise formations located at any depth and with virtually no bleeding or damage to surrounding tissue. There are no complications or scars, but the method is expensive and requires special training from the doctor.

    Why is removal of papillomas and condylomas prescribed?

    The presence of visible condylomas increases the risk of tumor diseases and often complicates everyday life.

    • Pointed viral formations on the cervix or penis increase the likelihood of cancer by 50-60 times.
    • They may bleed or become painful on their own or during sexual intercourse, making it difficult to communicate with your partner.
    • Genital condylomas contribute to psychological discomfort due to a cosmetic defect.
    • As a result of friction with linen, pointed neoplasms can come off, and bleeding ulcers appear in their place.
    • For women, they become an obstacle to normal natural childbirth.

    Characteristic growths are diagnosed during an examination by a therapist, gynecologist or other doctor. They do not go away on their own and require radical excision.

    If PCR diagnostics, Papanicolaou smear or other studies confirm their viral nature, removal of the tumors is prescribed.

    To avoid secondary transmission of the virus, simultaneous treatment of the partner with whom the patient maintains a relationship is necessary.

    Folk remedies

    In addition to drug treatment, traditional medicine is used:

    1. Apple juice. Sour varieties are used, the juice of which is used to lubricate condylomas up to 5 times a day;
    2. Garlic . The head is rubbed on a fine grater and the squeezed juice is rubbed onto the warts 3-4 times a day;
    3. Tincture of celandine. The growths are burned up to 7 times a day with a special pipette, being careful not to damage the surrounding tissue.
    4. Vinegar essence. Burn the wart deep with a moistened cotton swab.

    You can treat with home remedies for papillomas in intimate places only if the warts are small, and after discussing with your doctor.

    Prevention of condylomatosis: safety measures

    It is much easier to prevent the development of condylomas than to treat them later. Therefore, experts recommend protecting the body in every possible way from infection with the human papillomavirus. To do this, you should refrain from casual sexual contact, use personal protective equipment (condoms) and undergo preventive examinations on time. If the virus has already entered the body, then it will not be possible to get rid of it - we must do our best to maintain the normal state of the immune system, protecting it from negative influences. For this it is recommended:

    • establish a sleep, rest and work schedule, and nutrition;
    • avoid psycho-emotional stress, stress;
    • eat a balanced diet (take enough vitamins and minerals);
    • avoid hypothermia;
    • antibiotics, sulfa drugs, hormone therapy should be used strictly according to indications, if prescribed by a doctor;
    • adhere to the rules of personal hygiene;
    • avoid microtrauma to the skin and mucous membranes (give preference to soft and natural clothing);
    • choose hypoallergenic household chemicals and skin care cosmetics.

    Following these recommendations will help improve the general condition of the body, strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of condylomas.

    Medicinal herbs and plants

    Getting rid of condylomas is a complex and time-consuming procedure. If you treat genital warts at home, you will need to be patient and diligent for the therapy to be beneficial.

    Celandine against condylomas

    Celandine treats many diseases, especially skin diseases. Various types of warts, nevi and condylomas can be removed with the milk of this plant. The therapeutic effect of celandine is due to the content of toxic substances that have a destructive effect on problematic formations.

    Burning out condylomas with celandine is carried out as follows:

    • drop 2-3 drops onto the growth;
    • cover the affected area with adhesive tape;
    • go like this for 3 hours;
    • peel off the patch and reapply the herbal milk;
    • carry out the procedure three times a day;
    • condyloma is cured in 14 days.

    Kalanchoe plant

    The houseplant Kalanchoe has healing properties and helps a person get rid of condylomas. For medicinal purposes, a leaf of the plant is cut off, crushed to a pulp, and applied to the problem area of ​​the skin. The place where the compress is applied is fixed with a plaster or fabric bandage. They walk for 5-6 hours without removing the bandage.

    The application procedure is carried out twice a day - morning and evening. The treatment course depends on the external state of the tumors. After approximately 10 days from the start of the procedures, they dry out and gradually disappear from the surface of the skin.

    Aloe for therapy

    Aloe has good anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which various types of dermatitis, inflammatory processes on the skin and problematic formations are effectively treated. The procedure for using the plant for medicinal purposes:

    1. aloe leaf is cut lengthwise;
    2. applied to the condyloma with the cut down;
    3. wrapped in a bandage;
    4. after 3 hours, replace the sheet with another;
    5. do this 3 times a day;
    6. the course of treatment will last at least 10 days, and then look at the modification of the growth.

    Dandelion officinalis

    For the treatment of papilloma-like growths at an early stage of appearance, dandelion juice is used. It is extracted from the stems and inflorescences of the plant. Preparation for the treatment procedure occurs as follows:

    • take dandelions - 1/3 of a 10-liter bucket;
    • washed thoroughly and minced in a meat grinder;
    • the mixture is squeezed out using gauze or a fine sieve;
    • the resulting juice is expressed into a glass container and used for medicinal purposes.

    St. John's wort and chamomile decoction

    The combination of 2 medicinal herbs has a detrimental effect on condylomas. Condyloma can be cured with a decoction made from plants, which is used in the form of baths for the genitals and limbs.

    Preparing a herbal decoction is quite simple:

    1. mix 1 tsp. one and other dried raw materials;
    2. pour 500 ml of boiling water over them;
    3. leave the broth overnight;
    4. pour the solution into a container of water (temperature up to 50 degrees);
    5. steam the genitals until the water cools completely;
    6. carry out water procedures 2 times a day - morning and evening;
    7. the course of treatment will be 1 week.

    Rowan fruits

    Ripe rowan berries are used in the fight against papillomatosis. Recipe for the remedy:

    • take a glass of berries;
    • Grind in a blender until pureed;
    • the resulting thick mass is applied to the problematic growth;
    • secured with a plaster or piece of gauze;
    • a new portion of the mixture is applied after 4-5 hours;
    • carry out the procedure 3 times a day for a week.

    Infusions and decoctions to improve immunity

    Herbs are the simplest and most accessible means that can be used to boost immunity.

    If the body's immune defense is normal, the functionality of all internal organs will increase, and the body will not be so susceptible to infections and viruses. Medicinal plants are used to treat children and adults.

    Decoctions and medicinal infusions are prepared from them. The most effective plants used to strengthen the immune system:

    1. ginseng;
    2. echinacea;
    3. black elderberries;
    4. motherwort;
    5. St. John's wort;
    6. sagebrush;
    7. dandelion, etc.

    Products that are not recommended for use

    Questionable methods that negatively affect the skin and do not eliminate warts:

    • Using baking soda. The concentration of active substances in the diluted composition is small, but can be used to treat growths on mucous membranes.
    • Cauterization with hydrogen peroxide. The concentrate cannot cauterize even a small condyloma. Peroxide can only disinfect the wound, but not kill the viral infection.
    • Castor oil. The composition of the oil is 80% acids, but they cannot fight viruses.
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