Foot fungus - treatment of fungus on the feet and between the toes at home

Foot fungus is a disease of infectious origin that causes a lot of inconvenience to a person and causes many unpleasant symptoms. The culprits of this phenomenon are pathogenic fungi that enter the human skin and, when immune functions weaken, begin to multiply.

It is necessary to treat the disease, since fungi can penetrate the general bloodstream, which will lead to the spread of infection throughout the body. You can get rid of mycosis of the foot not only with the help of medications, but also with folk remedies. Let's find out how to treat foot fungus at home.

Ways of infection with foot fungus.

  • In humid conditions, pathogens reproduce well . Therefore, the most common places for infection of foot fungus are swimming pools, baths and showers.
  • Increased sweating of the feet and wet shoes contribute to the development of mycosis.
  • If there is a sick person in the family, then there is a high probability that other family members will become infected. Therefore, you should not use other people’s towels, shoes, combs, clothes, nail scissors, etc.
  • The pathogens tolerate dry environments and low temperatures well. Under these conditions, they do not die, but only stop their growth and development. In the flakes of skin affected by the disease, they remain viable for a very long time. These scales can remain in clothes, shoes, and carpets for years. When the pathogens then come into contact with the skin of a healthy person, they begin to grow and multiply again, causing disease.

The fungus spreads quickly in a slightly alkaline and neutral environment (6-6.5 pH). Healthy skin has a slightly acidic environment - pH - 5.5. This protects us from many skin diseases. But sweating and uncomfortable synthetic shoes break this protection. Therefore, when treating foot fungus with folk remedies, vinegar is often used.

What to do to avoid getting infected with fungus.

  • To disinfect the patient’s clothes and underwear, boiling is recommended - microorganisms die during boiling after 3-4 minutes.
  • A 1% formaldehyde solution is used to treat shoes, and a chloramine solution is used to disinfect household items. This must be done, because after the disease is completely cured, you can become infected again through your own shoes and clothes. In this case, it is possible to treat foot and skin fungus for several decades without success.
  • Here is another way to disinfect shoes at home, proposed on the pages of the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”. Treat the inside of the shoes with tampons soaked in 70% acetic acid, leave the tampons inside and place the shoes in a sealed bag for 48 hours. Then ventilate the shoes well.
  • Fungus on the feet must be treated with special care until it is completely cured, since re-infection may occur from one unnoticeable source of infection. It does not go away on its own, but over time it can spread to the groin area, armpits, etc. In addition, it can cause increased allergies.


Different areas of the skin can be affected by specific fungal microorganisms that provoke skin fungus or mycosis.

If you suspect this unpleasant disease, you should consult a dermatologist . There are also a number of folk remedies against mycosis that can be easily and effectively used at home.

Foot fungus - Symptoms and causes of foot fungus.

Symptoms of the disease usually appear first on the skin of the feet, between the toes. This may include itching, burning and peeling. Subsequently, the disease spreads to the nail plate, and its destruction begins. If the cause is infection in a pedicure salon, the sequence may change - the disease will begin with the nail plates

Symptoms of foot fungus (mycosis) may be as follows:

  • One or more cracks between the toes;
  • Peeling of the skin;
  • Skin itching, burning;
  • Thickening of the skin, appearance of scales;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Bubbles with clear liquid.

These symptoms may be present at the same time or only one symptom may be present.

Parasitic fungi are foreign organisms, and often cause a response from the immune system - an allergic reaction. In this case, mycosis is more acute, and the following symptoms are added: numerous blisters on the skin, erosions and skin ulcers on the feet.

Causes of foot fungus (mycosis):

  • Reduced immunity, immunodeficiency states;
  • Vascular diseases in which the blood supply to the feet deteriorates;
  • Diabetes;
  • Foot injuries;
  • Poor quality tight shoes, prolonged exposure of the skin of the feet to a humid, warm environment (with increased sweating, when sweat has nowhere to evaporate, wet shoes, etc.).

How to treat foot fungus at home

  • Birch tar, onions, and garlic are effective in treating mycoses.
  • Dusting the feet and skin between the toes with boric acid also gives a very quick effect.
  • If the disease is severe - with ulcers and erosions, then before using folk remedies for foot fungus, you need to make a foot bath with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. During this procedure, try to separate as many scales from the skin as possible.
  • If the skin of the feet affected by mycosis is thickened and keratinized, it is advisable to remove all scales before treatment. This can be easily done using salicylic Vaseline, applied 2 times a day, so that the process goes faster, you can make compresses with this product. Once the flakes are removed, home remedies for athlete's foot will work directly on the affected area of ​​skin.

The most effective and fastest folk remedies for foot fungus are vinegar and celandine. They are presented in separate sections:

  • Treating foot fungus with vinegar.
  • Treatment of foot fungus with celandine.

General rules

It will be easy to cure a fungus that has affected the nail plates if you follow certain recommendations. Files must be used to remove affected areas. Disposable ones are best, since sterility is required when carrying out any medical procedures. A regular nail file must be thoroughly disinfected each time using special products.

Before starting the treatment procedure, take a steam bath. After it, rough areas of skin are removed, nails are polished, and loose tissue is removed. It is recommended to steam your feet for at least 20 minutes. This time is enough to soften the nail plates. As a result, they will better perceive the selected medicinal composition.

The most effective baths against fungus are alkaline. It is this environment that is destructive for microorganisms. Regular soda will do: take one tablespoon of white powder per 2 liters of water.

In parallel with antifungal treatment, special attention must be paid to foot hygiene. It is impossible to get rid of the disease if your feet are constantly in a damp environment and are subject to injury. Therefore, the patient needs to wear socks made of natural fabrics and choose comfortable shoes. Every day, change clothes that have been in contact with areas of the body affected by the fungus.

Effective folk remedies for foot fungus

How to treat foot fungus with tar at home.

Steam your feet in soapy water, remove excess skin with a pumice stone, wipe well and spread birch tar on the skin between your toes, nails, and cracks. After an hour and a half, wipe off the tar, but do not wash your feet. Walk like this for two days. Then repeat the procedure. Treatment of foot fungus with this folk remedy is very popular. It is enough to do this 3-4 times for the fungus to completely go away. But don’t forget about disinfecting your shoes. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006 No. 25, p. 33.

Treating foot fungus at home with calendula infusion.

Pour 1 cup of calendula flowers into 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Lubricate the feet affected by the disease with this infusion overnight, without wiping, and allow to dry. Calendula has antibacterial and antifungal effects.

A burdock leaf will help you quickly get rid of foot fungus.

Take a burdock leaf, beat it on the underside with a hammer or roll it with a rolling pin so that the juice comes out. Wrap your foot in burdock, secure with a bandage and put on a sock. Change the compress 2 times a day. Course - 3 weeks. This folk remedy can be used only at night, then its duration will increase by 2 times.

Rowan leaves.

Mash fresh rowan leaves, apply to the area of ​​skin affected by the fungus and secure with a bandage, or even better, first with a burdock leaf, then with a bandage. It is advisable to keep the bandage on around the clock, changing it once a day.

Salicylic ointment is an effective folk remedy in the treatment of foot fungus.

To quickly soften and remove fungal-affected skin areas, you can use 35 percent salicylic ointment from the pharmacy. Apply it to your feet in the morning and put a plastic bag on each foot, then socks, and wear it all until the evening. In the evening, repeat the procedure. And do this for a week. After three days of treatment, the skin will begin to turn white and peel off in patches, the young skin underneath will be healthy and fresh, without any symptoms of the disease.

Products not recommended for use

The following remedies will not help get rid of onychomycosis:

  • Pumpkin, carrots and potatoes are healthy and vitamin-rich foods, but their effectiveness in combating fungus is highly questionable. They do not contain any antibacterial or antifungal substances, or components that inhibit the development of fungus.
  • Sour cream relieves temporary inflammation, but will not cure the fungus.
  • Red fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom that should be excluded from treatment options due to its unpredictable action.
  • Alkalis in household chemicals literally corrode the nail.

If you want to cure a fungus, do not forget that Mother Nature has generously gifted us all with wonderful and natural, harmless medicines that cost almost nothing and are not inferior in effectiveness to the products of pharmaceutical companies.

How to get rid of foot fungus using garlic.

This folk remedy is very effective.

  1. Mix garlic pulp and butter in a 1:1 ratio. Make compresses from the resulting mixture at night. The course is until complete recovery.
  2. Mix 1 tbsp. l. garlic juice and 90% alcohol, add 2 tbsp. l. water. Lubricate the sore areas every evening at night. You can get rid of the fungus in 2-3 weeks.
  3. Cut the garlic in half, dip in fine salt and rub on the areas affected by mycosis. You can prepare a paste of garlic and salt - rub it on the skin, make compresses. Tips from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 19, p. thirty.

Apricot tree resin against fungus

As you know, nature is rich in medicinal plants. Many summer residents know about the medicinal properties of apricot tree resin; remember, the resin is considered an excellent remedy against foot skin fungus. To prepare a medicinal infusion you will need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh apricot tree resin, which is poured with a glass of alcohol or vodka.

Place the mixture in a dark, warm place for 3 days. When the infusion is ready, apply to areas of skin affected by fungal infection for a month. Before use, do not forget to shake the mixture thoroughly to ensure homogeneity.

How to quickly cure foot fungus with onions at home.

  1. Recipe No. 1: Rub the sore spots on the foot with onion juice, make compresses with grated onion, changing the compresses as often as possible. Onions can be replaced with garlic. This home remedy will help cure foot fungus quickly. If the skin is inflamed and onion corrodes the skin, you can mix it 1:1 with Vaseline. A course of 10-15 procedures.
  2. Recipe No. 2: The following onion recipe will also help get rid of mycosis: put 300 g of onion pulp in two plastic bags. Place the feet in bags so that the skin does not come into contact with the onions. Tie the bags around your ankles. The result is a “steam-air chamber”. Course – 5 sessions. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2003, No. 22, p. 26.
  3. Review of the treatment of foot fungus with onions and tar. The man developed cracks on his heels and skin growths all over his foot. After undergoing tests, a diagnosis was made of mycosis of the foot. They prescribed an ointment, but its use did not bring any improvement; on the contrary, the cracks became even deeper, and it was painful to walk. He shared his grief with his neighbor, she gave him a recipe for a folk remedy - onions and tar. Grate 2 large onions on a fine grater, add 3-4 tsp to the onion pulp. birch tar (available in pharmacies), mix. Cover the affected areas with this mixture for 2-3 hours, wrapping your feet in plastic. The same mixture can be used 2 times, then prepare a new one. It took the man almost a month to get rid of foot fungus. Review of treatment from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 3, p. thirty.

Traditional method of combating cutaneous mycosis

Healers have accumulated a whole arsenal of recipes for potions against all types of pathogenic fungi, but the use of traditional medicines is possible only after consulting a dermatologist in order to avoid other health problems. It must be taken into account that herbal preparations can cause allergies. Chronic diseases should be treated only with pharmaceuticals.

Read also:

Skin gland diseases

For the treatment of mycosis of the skin, you can use most of the recipes intended for the treatment of nails: vinegar, celandine, kombucha, soda, iodine.

Alcohol tincture of propolis is considered a harmless, reliable multifunctional remedy for the treatment of mycosis, preventing the development of infection, relieving the symptoms of irritation in several procedures.

Treatment with white willow ash is effective; it is necessary to wipe the infected areas daily, and after drying, moisten them with hydrogen peroxide.

Wild apricot resin helps a lot, from which you make a tincture (a glass of alcohol per tablespoon of the product) and lubricate the interdigital space and nails daily.

Traditionally proven medicinal plants give good results:

  • Freshly picked peppermint leaves are kneaded, lightly sprinkled with salt and applied to the sore spot;
  • Cut a Kalanchoe leaf into halves and apply it to the infected area;
  • Compresses with a decoction of oak bark, calendula and horsetail, brewed, infused and filtered, are applied to the infected area several times a day;
  • Treat damaged areas with tincture of lilac flowers in alcohol (15 g per half glass);
  • Lotions made from crushed and squeezed fresh cocklebur herb are recommended;
  • A decoction of burdock, plantain and wormwood is useful for daily baths at night;
  • Compresses made from a decoction of St. John's wort in combination with butter and mustard help.

Treatment with potassium permanganate and mashed garlic, which can be replaced with onions or red pepper, is effective.

An interesting recipe for treatment is using freshly brewed coffee, which is used in foot baths or used as compresses. It is recommended to use a decoction of calamus root not only for rubbing, but also to take orally. Rubbing buckwheat decoction into flaking skin helps relieve painful symptoms. In the treatment of onychomycosis and candidiasis, calendula tincture, the effect of which is due to the presence of tannins, is very helpful.

A powder made from the dried and ground rhizome of the Canadian goldenseal herb, which must be secured with a bandage and kept for at least a day, has a beneficial effect. Treatment with infusion of Veronica officinalis, found throughout our country, is useful. To eliminate the symptoms and causes of candidiasis and thrush, infusion, decoction and oil of oregano are effective. The product is recommended for enteral use. Black walnut has unsurpassed properties, the alcohol tincture of its bark creates an environment that is fatal to all pathogens of mycosis.

The use of combinations of various folk remedies increases the effectiveness of the therapy and consolidates the result. Quite often, healers prepare herbal infusions and combine various herbal remedies. It is important for each traditional medicine to find out in advance whether there is any hypersensitivity to it, and to consult a doctor so as not to harm your health.

How to treat foot fungus with vinegar at home.

  • How to use vinegar for foot and nail fungus. Immerse well-washed feet in water with the addition of vinegar, preferably wine or apple. Do the concentration at your own discretion - the stronger it is, the faster the treatment will go, but if there are ulcers and skin erosion, then a strong solution can corrode the affected areas. Make the solution so that it can be tolerated. Sleep in clean socks soaked in vinegar - an acidic environment is detrimental to fungus.
  • A mixture of vinegar and carrot juice. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of carrot juice and vinegar essence, lubricate the affected areas of the skin with a swab moistened with this composition. Carrot juice promotes rapid recovery and healthier skin.
  • Treating toenail fungus at home with egg and vinegar ointment. Wash the chicken egg, dry it, put it in a glass and pour in 100 g of vinegar essence. Leave in a dark place for 5-7 days until the shell dissolves, discard the remaining film. Add 100 g of softened butter, beat. You will get an emulsion in the form of mayonnaise. Every evening, steam your feet and apply the ointment to the affected area of ​​skin in the form of a compress, wrapping it in plastic on top. Course - until complete cure. A faster recipe for ointment made from vinegar. Mix 1 tbsp. l. acetic acid, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 raw egg. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply this ointment between your fingers and wherever there are symptoms of mycosis. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 4, p. 38.
  • A mixture of vinegar and glycerin. If most of the foot is affected, this method is good for treatment. Mix 100 g of acetic acid (70%), 40 g of baby powder, 50 g of glycerin, 700 g of boiled (preferably distilled) water. Mix everything and leave for three days, shake before use. Rub your washed feet with this mixture twice a day: pour 1 tbsp onto your palm. l. mixture, rub and massage the skin until absorbed, rub three tablespoons into each sole and between the toes. The course of treatment is 11 days. Then rub in the same composition once a day for another 11 days. The disease goes away after the first week of treatment. But the 22-day course must be completed. Then rub this mixture into your feet once a week for prevention. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2007, No. 19, p. 32.


This year, at the dacha, I was once again surprised by my neighbor; as always, she is a storehouse of folk wisdom, which she puts into practice. She wandered in one evening to sit with me, sat down on a bench in the gazebo, and around her there was a pleasant aroma of mint. I ask if you are drying mint or something, and she answers me with a ready-made recipe for fungus on the feet. It turns out that her husband, who works on an excavator, caught this infection somewhere and she treats him, and at the same time she uses this recipe for prevention . Before applying the recipe, she washes her feet in cool water, where she dissolves a tablespoon of salt and baking soda, and keeps her feet in the water for more than half an hour. Then he wipes it dry, crushes the mint to release the juice, mixes it with salt and places it between his toes for about an hour. About ten days later she reported that everything was fine and had cured her hubby.


Good afternoon friends! One summer we were invited to visit our grandmother’s relatives. They live far away, all the way to Siberia, in Irkutsk. The journey was very long. We traveled by train for 5 whole days. And finally, when we arrived, my grandmother’s brother took us to his dacha. And there is such indescribable beauty! There is a forest all around, and there are plenty of berries, whatever you want. Well, we started getting dressed, grandfather Vova gave us some special shoes. I look at grandma, and she sits drooping. Well then she told us about her problem. She took off her socks and shows her feet. I look at them and understand that how can one even step on them. The color is purple, there are some ulcers, everything is peeling. Well, grandpa then took out his jar and gave it to grandma. He says that you will smear it in the morning and evening, and then you will completely forget what happened. Indeed, after 3 days the result was obvious. The itching went away, the sores began to heal, and most importantly, grandma began to shine! And the ointment consists of 1 raw egg, 1 tbsp. spoon rast. oil and vinegar essence. It helps a lot, the main thing is that it’s fast. Many people suffer from foot fungus, so I will be happy to help.


Home treatment for foot fungus with celandine.

  • Baths and compresses with a decoction of celandine herb. After taking a bath and removing the scales, you can make foot baths with a decoction of celandine herb: 4 tbsp. l. herbs need to be poured into 1.5 liters of hot water and boiled for 3 minutes. Steam your feet in the broth for 30 minutes. At night, make compresses from this decoction, adding a little vinegar to it. The course of treatment with celandine is 15-20 days in a row. Celandine can be replaced with wormwood.
  • Treatment with celandine oil. Steam your feet in a soda solution, then lubricate your fingers with celandine oil (make it yourself or buy it at the pharmacy). Apply half-hour compresses with celandine oil twice a day to affected areas of the skin. The course of treatment with celandine oil is 3-4 weeks.
  • Infusion of celandine in vinegar. A man brought foot and nail fungus from the army and lived with it for 40 years. Following Bolotov’s idea, I began to acidify the body, drinking celandine kvass according to Bolotov’s recipe. The disease has subsided. Then he infused celandine in 9% vinegar and began to keep his feet in this infusion. A man once read in a book that the monks used a concentrated saline solution to treat foot fungus. I started adding salt. A pack of celandine was filled with 1 liter of 9% vinegar, left for 1 month, filtered, and added 3-5 tbsp. l. salt. I poured all this into a container the size of my foot so that the lid closed tightly. Because I have used the infusion many times. In the evening, after washing my feet, I put my foot in this container, held it for 5 minutes, dried it in the air and went to bed. The skin was in perfect condition, the nails also began to cleanse and straighten. Review of treatment from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 2, p. 33.


The best protection against

Any disease is prevention. To do this, you must adhere to certain rules. The most important rule is to always maintain personal hygiene. When visiting all public places with high humidity, such as swimming pools, beaches, and baths.

Be sure to wear rubber slippers on your feet. Fungal pathogens feel comfortable in conditions of high humidity. And the temperature range ranges from -60 to +100 degrees. Not every disinfectant can deal with fungal spurs.

When one family member is diagnosed with a fungus, there is a high probability that the rest will become infected with it. To prevent this from happening, follow certain rules.

  1. Disinfect the bathroom after each use.
  2. Bring all laundry to a boil for 30 minutes.
  3. Use a 5% chloramine solution to wash washcloths and sponges.
  4. Use disinfectants to clean floors. If you don't have them on hand, add citric acid to the water.
  5. Do not use porous mats; due to their design, they are difficult to disinfect. For this reason, they can serve to transmit the disease to others.

The most effective remedy will be to boost immunity. To do this you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Pay special attention to what we eat.

The body must receive sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals, and other essential substances. Also, do not forget about the beneficial microflora, it is they that guard our immunity. If you have had a course of antibiotics, or have been under severe stress, take a course to restore your microflora.

In everyday life, use a few rules that will help you protect yourself from fungus.

  1. Wear shoes when you are in public places such as beaches, bathhouses, swimming pools, changing rooms in sports clubs, bathrooms and showers in hotels.
  2. Use special products, such as ointments and creams, to protect against fungus.
  3. Choose the right shoes. Shoes should be your size; tight shoes will cause microtrauma, increasing the chance of infection. Give your choice to free-breathing models. In closed shoes, the foot overheats, which also leads to the development of an environment ideal for fungus.
  4. Disinfect your shoes with special sprays at least once a month.
  5. Wash bedding at a temperature close to boiling.
  6. Disinfect your bathroom at least once a week.
  7. When trying on new shoes, wear a nylon sock, do not do it on your bare foot.
  8. Make sure everyone in your household treats their fungus. Infection in domestic conditions is about 90%.
  9. Don't forget to take care of your feet. Get a pedicure at least once every two months.

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later! This also applies to fungus.

Folk remedies, recipes and reviews from the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH.

How to get rid of foot fungus using ammonia at home.

Add 1 tbsp to a glass of water. l. ammonia. Soak a piece of cloth in this solution and wrap the foot, a plastic bag on top, a sock on top. Do it before bed. This home remedy will also help with corns and old calluses. Course of 5-10 procedures. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 14, p. 30.

Potato sprouts will help get rid of mycosis.

The recipe is as follows: chop potato sprouts and pour half a glass of sprouts with alcohol, leave and make compresses from this paste on the affected skin at night. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 20, p. 9.

Treatment of fungus on the feet between the toes with boric acid.

Before going to bed, steam your feet and powder them with boric acid powder, while they are still damp, not forgetting the space between the toes, put on socks. Toenail fungus between the toes can be cured quickly. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 22, p. thirty.

Review of the treatment of foot fungus with boric acid. While in the army, a man contracted mycosis of the feet. Medicines did not help much, folk remedies also helped for a short time, and he lived with this misfortune for 30 years, until he came across a book by a Siberian healer. The recipe was this: wash your feet in the morning, lubricate problem areas with iodine, take clean socks and pour 1 tsp there. boric acid, put on socks and leave them on for 24 hours. One procedure was enough for the man to get rid of the fungus; in addition, after this treatment his feet stopped sweating. 10 years passed and the disease never returned. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 12, p. 31.

BF glue will help cure foot fungus at home.

Wash your feet and lubricate the affected areas with BF-88 glue. Do this once a day for a week. Symptoms of mycosis will completely disappear. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 8, art. thirty.

An effective home remedy for foot fungus.

This folk remedy is recommended: mix 1 tbsp. l. iodine, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, 1 tbsp. vinegar essence, 2 tbsp. l. boiled water. At night, steam your feet and lubricate them with this mixture. If there are bumps on the thumb, lubricate it too. Apply for 2-3 months - both mycosis and bumps will go away. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2008, No. 3, p. 9.

Treatment of mycosis with mint.

If the fungus is between your toes, mix crushed mint with salt and place between your toes for about an hour. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2008, No. 5, p. 32.

How to treat fungus between toes with alcohol.

You need to moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and place it between your fingers. Do it morning and evening. A forty-year-old mycosis was cured in two weeks. But for prevention, it is necessary to place tampons with alcohol once a week for three months. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2008, No. 19, art. 31.

Treatment of fungus with fraction ASD-2.

Lubricate the areas affected by mycosis with an undiluted solution of ASD F-2 2-3 times a day, after washing the skin with soap and water. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2007, No. 9, p. 7.

How to get rid of foot fungus at home using baking soda.

Dilute the baking soda with water and make a paste. Rub this paste onto the affected areas of the skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with water, wipe your feet and powder with starch. Home method from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2006 No. 1, art. 33.

Treatment of fungus on the feet between the toes with shag.

Shag will help you quickly deal with fungus between your toes: boil 1 tablespoon of shag for 2 minutes in 1 liter of water and steam your feet until the water cools down. Do not wash off your feet or wipe them. Take unnecessary utensils for boiling - for example, a tin can. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2005, No. 5, p. 29.

Two homemade ointment recipes for foot fungus.

1. Remove 1 tbsp from the settled milk. l. thick cream, add 1 homemade egg, 100 grams of birch tar - stir. Apply to affected feet at night and bandage. 2. Chop spruce needles with scissors. Place needles and butter in a 250 g glass jar, 1 cm thick, to the top. Cover the jar with foil and simmer in the oven over low heat for 6 hours. When it cools down a little, strain, you will get green oil. The effect came after the second application. Lubricate feet 2-3 times a day. There is no need to bandage - the ointment is absorbed well. Folk remedy from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 19, p. 25.

Fungus on the feet between the toes - herbal treatment.

In the morning, put a pinch of dried mint, chamomile, sage, celandine, and nettle in clean socks. Within a day, the herb will turn into powder and will have a healing effect on your feet. In summer, you can put fresh herbs in your socks - your feet will be in herbal juice all day. Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 3, p. 25.

Kombucha helped cure toenail fungus.

The man had been tormented by a fungus between his fingers and toes for a long time. The itching was unbearable, scratching the skin until it blistered. Ointments and folk remedies did not help. At this time, he started kombucha to have a tasty drink. The mushroom needs to be washed from time to time; he soon noticed that the itching on his hands stopped. I decided to wash my feet in a solution of kombucha - I added the drink to warm water by eye. And now it’s been six months since I managed to get rid of the itching. When it appears from time to time, the man moistens the cotton wool with the infusion of kombucha and places it between his fingers. The fingernail was also affected by the disease; the case was so advanced that the finger at the root of the nail began to turn red. A man tied a piece of kombucha to his nail at night. By morning the mushroom turned black. I performed three procedures in total. The nail now grows healthy. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 5, p. thirty.

Toe fungus - treatment with hot water.

You can cure fungus between your toes at home in 2-3 procedures. In the bathroom you need to open a tap with hot water, such that your hands can barely stand it. Standing in the bathroom, place your foot under the running water for a moment. We repeat this 5-7 times. After this, with your toes spread out, let it dry. Immediately spray between your fingers with 6% vinegar and let it dry again. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 6, p. 23.

Other recipes

In addition to herbal decoctions and folk recipes, there are still ways to kill an infectious disease on the skin.


The mash is a mixture of salicylic alcohol, boric acid and sulfuric ointment. It is recommended to prepare the composition separately for each procedure. Take 15 ml of alcohol, the same amount of acid and half a teaspoon of ointment. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a small bottle by shaking.

The mash is applied every day at night.

Morning dew

In the summer, it is very useful to treat skin fungus (especially on the feet) by walking barefoot through the morning dew. This procedure serves as an excellent means of hardening, and therefore increasing immunity. The body becomes stronger and mycosis recedes. It is advisable to keep walking barefoot on the ground and grass for at least 20 minutes, or more.

Reference! This method of treatment can be combined well with other types of procedures. Walking barefoot also has a preventive effect on the entire body system.

White willow ash

You can remove foot fungus using white willow ash. Recipe:

  1. For 1 liter of water you need 1 tbsp. l. white willow ash.
  2. Wipe the affected areas with the resulting mixture daily.
  3. After treatment, wait until the solution dries itself and treat with peroxide.
  4. Continue treatment of fungus on the skin until the symptoms disappear.

Wild apricot resin

Resin from the wild apricot tree will help remove skin fungus. A tincture based on it is prepared:

  • a glass of alcohol;
  • 1 tbsp. l. resins;
  • mix and leave for 3 days;
  • lubricate the skin between the fingers and nails every day for a month.

Birch tar

The product of dry distillation of birch bark is considered an old proven method of eliminating fungal infections. It is able to soften hardened pieces of skin. Apply tar to feet soaked in soapy water for 120 minutes, without covering anything. The procedure should be performed lying down. At the same time as this method, it is recommended to treat shoe insoles with tar.

Traditional healers prepare an ointment with birch tar, mixing the product with badger lard or cream in equal proportions. It is also used for application to infected areas and further rinsing.

There is an old recipe for a rub made from badger fat with the addition of sulfur in a ratio of 2x1x1 for application to diseased nail plates. Helps quickly get rid of fungi by using a mixture of glycerin, vodka, and tar 2-3 times daily.

Copper sulfate (copper sulfate)

Copper sulfate is distinguished by its ability to dry the epidermis and get rid of rot; thanks to this feature, its effectiveness in curing nail fungus is achieved. To carry out the session, dilute 1 spoon of the substance with warm water in a plastic basin, immerse your feet in it for a quarter of an hour.

The substance is aggressive in nature; slight irritation may be felt - this is normal. At the end of the session, it is advisable to lubricate the sore spot with tea tree extract. The drug is a toxic substance, not dangerous in minimal quantities.

Exceeding the dose is fraught with irritation, urticaria, and dermatitis. Contact of the product with mucous membranes is fraught with serious consequences. Copper sulfate should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Japanese jellyfish

Kombucha is effective for healing onychomycosis at an early stage due to the presence of yeast and usnic acid, which have antimicrobial properties. The solution must be highly concentrated. An infusion of medusomycetes, aged for 3 months, should be boiled for 2/3 hours, then filtered.

Moisten a cotton pad with the cooled infusion and apply it to the deformed area before going to bed. After the manipulation, it is necessary to trim the infected area of ​​the nail and treat it with an iodine solution. Kombucha can be used in another way by softening a piece of mushroom and rubbing it on the sore spot. Contraindications for this method are:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • alcohol addiction (the mushroom contains alcohol);
  • diagnosis of diabetes mellitus;
  • allergic reactions;
  • serious infectious diseases.

Traditional healers recommend combining a variety of traditional remedies when treating onychomycosis, for example, combining iodine therapy with herbal potions, drugs, and ointments.

Effective medications for the treatment of foot fungus.

Before buying medications at the pharmacy, you need to go to a dermatologist and have a test done to find out what pathogen caused the disease, and then, together with your doctor, select a medicine that will be effective specifically for your strain of fungus. Every expensive medicine has analogues, inexpensive but effective drugs for treating fungus, you just need to make sure that the active substance is the same. If the disease has just begun, the doctor can only prescribe local medications - ointments, creams or sprays. If the form is advanced, you will have to take pills, which have quite a few contraindications and side effects.

Here are some medications for foot fungus that your doctor may prescribe for you:

  • Griseofulvin. Used to treat fungal infection in the body. Available in tablets and ointment form. Tablets are taken daily, the number of tablets taken depends on the patient’s weight. The ointment is applied to the affected areas for 14 days. If the disease is caused by a fungus from the genus Candida, there will be no effect from treatment with this drug.
  • Terbinafine (other names: Lamisil, Binafin, Thermikon). This medication is very effective because it destroys all groups of mycotic organisms, including fungi of the genus Candida. Available in the form of tablets, cream, spray. Adults take tablets 2 times a day for 15 to 45 days. For children, the dose is reduced. The ointment is applied 2 times a day. Course from 7 days to 6 weeks.
  • Fluconazole (Diflazon, Mikosist, Diflucan, Flukoral, Flucostat, Flumed). Available in the form of tablets, capsules, syrup, solution for intravenous administration.
  • Sertaconazole (Sertamicol, Zilain). This drug for the treatment of foot fungus is used in the form of a cream, which is applied 2 times a day in a thin layer.
  • Itraconazole (Irunin, Kanazol, Canditral, Orgunal). Available in the form of capsules of 0.1 g and in the form of an oral solution.
  • Naftifin (Fetimin, Exoderil). Available in the form of a cream and in the form of a solution for external use. Apply to clean skin of the feet 2 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 2 months.
  • Clotrimazole (Vikaderm, Antifungol, Imidil, Lotrimin, Kandil, Kanizol, Clomazol, Lotrimin, Funginal, Fungizide). Available in the form of cream, ointment, lotion, spray. Apply up to 3 times a day.
  • Natamycin (Pimafucin). The drug is available in different forms, but to treat mycosis of the foot, you need to buy it in the form of a cream. Apply once a day. Course – 1 month.

General contraindications

There is no doubt that natural preparations for the treatment of mycosis of the skin have a fairly strong healing effect. However, there are certain contraindications for their use:

  • You cannot use one or another natural component if you are intolerant to it;
  • in case of severe microcracks, due to the advanced stage of the disease, treatment medications with caustic components (for example, vinegar, onion, lemon, salicylic acid) cannot be used.

Advice. If you use this or that product and experience allergic reactions or other side effects to it, you must stop treatment and seek advice from a specialist.

It is quite possible that the disease has already reached an advanced stage, and it is necessary to intervene in the recovery process and use already proven medications to improve the condition of the skin.

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