The benefits and effectiveness of peeling with lemon. How to cleanse your facial skin at home using this method?

Beneficial properties of citric acid

It is important to understand the difference between commercial citric acid, which comes as a white, soluble crystalline powder, and the natural acid found in fruits and some vegetables.
Both options are excellent for exfoliating the skin, thanks to their strong cleansing, whitening and bactericidal properties. Today, the substance C6H8O7 is obtained through industrial biosynthesis. As for the antioxidant properties of this substance, it does not require proof, since everyone knows that citric acid is used in the food industry as the most effective antioxidant, preservative and stabilizer. Cosmetologists have also taken this valuable quality of the E330 food additive into service as a weapon in the fight against free radicals that negatively affect the skin, aging it.

In addition to protecting against external negative influences, this natural or synthetic product activates the natural process of collagen production.
This substance – fibrillar protein – is “responsible” for the firmness and elasticity of the integument. In addition, citric acid has a very positive effect on metabolic processes on the skin, stimulating cell renewal.

Contraindications and precautions

Lemon formulations should not be used only by patients with allergies to citrus and with damaged, open wounds on the surface.

Patients with the following skin characteristics should be especially careful when using lemon peels:

  • With spider veins on the face;
  • With increased sensitivity of the integument;
  • With very dry skin.

Lemon is a storehouse of nutritious ingredients, an elixir of youth and health. Free your skin from dirt, sebaceous plugs and dead cells with sour citrus at home. The magnificent effect of freshness, lightness and perfection after peeling with lemon will not leave you indifferent!

The procedure for cleansing the face with home remedies has long been practiced by modern women, since it does not require a lot of time and money, and the effect is sometimes better than after a beauty salon. Particularly popular is facial peeling with lemon, which refreshes and tones the skin.

If you regularly do lemon peeling, your skin will look nicer and younger. What is the secret of such magic? There is only one answer - in the chemical composition of lemon, each component of which works with skin cells:

  • The main role in peeling the face with lemon is played by acids, of which there are many in this fruit: directly citric, malic and galacturonic acids;
  • pectin substances heal damage, relieve inflammatory processes;
  • carotene is important for skin cell renewal;
  • phytoncides soothe tired skin - therefore facial peeling with lemon is recommended primarily for residents of large cities, whose skin is exhausted by atmospheric pollution;
  • thiamine is used to treat problem skin;
  • riboflavin provides the skin with oxygen;
  • ascorbic acid is a natural antioxidant that promotes normal production of elastin and collagen in cells;
  • flavonoids contained in the fruit make facial peeling with lemon a rejuvenating procedure;
  • sesquiterpenes protect the skin from external negative irritants and have a calming effect;
  • hesperidin softens the skin and restores its natural color;
  • eriocitrin makes lemon peeling possible even for sensitive and irritable skin.

Thus, you will not find a better treasury for your skin, filled with so many vitamins and nutrients. Buy this precious fruit and master peeling at home with lemon, which is not complicated at all.

Facial peeling with lemon: indications and contraindications

You can find different reviews about lemon as a cleansing cosmetic product. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. In what cases is lemon juice peeling indicated for use?

  • For tired skin.
  • For dirty skin with clogged pores.
  • For oily skin with improper functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • For problematic skin.
  • For aging skin with the first signs of aging.

But for very dry, sensitive and irritable skin, it is recommended to do lemon peeling + at home very carefully. To avoid side effects, it is better to consult a specialist. Or choose peeling recipes that contain other softening and moisturizing ingredients. Lemon cleansing is contraindicated for those who have open wounds on the face or large areas of inflammation, as well as individual intolerance to citrus fruits.

Benefit and effectiveness

In addition to citric acid, citrus contains:

  • bioflavonoids rutin (vitamin P) and hesperidin, which increase the strength of blood vessels and capillaries, penetrating deep into the dermis through the pores;
  • phytoncides with antibacterial and antiseptic properties;
  • ascorbic acid, which effectively whitens age spots and promotes rejuvenation of the epidermis.

Citric acid loosens the upper layer of the epidermis, cleansing it of keratinized dead cells, stimulates cellular respiration, launching the processes of collagen fiber synthesis.

Lemon-based peeling can quickly lighten the skin, as well as:

  • narrow enlarged pores;
  • get rid of comedones by dissolving sebaceous plugs;
  • smooth out wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face.

After lemon exfoliation sessions, the face immediately looks rested and fresh. The essential oil contained in the peel will relieve fatigue and lift your spirits.

Indications for the procedure

Like any other fruit peeling, lemon peeling is a superficial skin exfoliation procedure, so it does not affect the deeper layers of the dermis. Taking this into account, the process of caring and renewing the dermis using the E330 dietary supplement is not intended to solve complex skin problems, such as deep wrinkles, severe sagging, extensive age-related pigment changes, etc.

What problems can lemon peeling solve:

  • Polluted pores;
  • Freckles, mild pigmentation;
  • Dull complexion;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Excessive oily skin;
  • Weak turgor of the cover;
  • Fine network of wrinkles;
  • Granularity of the skin.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Most cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend chemical lemon peeling both in a salon and at home. The procedure is recommended for women after thirty years of age, as it provides gentle care, removal of age spots and the stratum corneum of the skin. Up to thirty, the skin does not require chemical exfoliation.

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Lemon peeling at home can be a cheap alternative to salon peeling. Its action is softer and more gentle. However, its effectiveness is weaker, since salon preparations solve skin problems comprehensively and much faster than home remedies. They also act at the cellular level, evening out the microrelief of the skin.

As a method of preventing aging and cleansing the skin, lemon peeling at home has the right to exist.

Execution Features

When performing lemon peeling at home, you must take into account the nuances of the procedure and your skin type.

  1. Prepare the ingredients, and be sure to mix the resulting mass well until a homogeneous substance is obtained.
  2. Completely cleanse your face of makeup.
  3. Before starting the procedure, steam the skin. It is very easy to apply the prepared composition, strictly along the massage lines.
  4. Those with dry skin need to keep their face treated for at least 5 and no more than 8 minutes.
  5. Oily epidermis requires longer exposure. The procedure time in this case increases to 10-12 minutes.
  6. After the necessary exposure, the face should be washed. Then, in order to moisturize and nourish, a cream or mask is applied.

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Facial peeling with lemon at home is performed with varying frequencies. It depends on your skin type:

  • for dry conditions - once every 2 weeks;
  • for normal conditions - once every 10 days;
  • for oily skin - once a week.

Contraindications to the lemon peeling procedure

The use of lemon peeling requires compliance with certain precautions:

  • Do not apply the lemon exfoliation mixture to irritated, damaged skin;
  • If there are inflamed acne, open ulcers, peeling can aggravate the problem;
  • The presence of rosacea is a contraindication to this type of procedure;
  • Dry skin reacts very poorly to citric acid, keep this in mind;
  • It is forbidden to injure the epidermis in case of skin diseases: herpes, dermatitis, neoplasms, etc.;
  • Refrain from the desire to renew your skin if you are allergic to C6H8O7 acid;
  • The procedure is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Infectious diseases are also a contraindication to lemon peeling.

You should not do the procedure using a ready-made exfoliation mixture with C6H8O7 during solar activity. At least a week before the active application of the mixture, you cannot use scrubs, perform mechanical facial cleansing, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unlike scrubs and peels with large and hard particles, exfoliation with lemon is delicate and soft, but quite intense.

Additionally, softening elements can be added to the cleansing composition, and then the procedure can also be performed on sensitive skin types.

The main advantages of lemon peeling:

  • ease of implementation;
  • absolute naturalness;
  • absence of injuries when performed correctly;
  • accessibility and budget;
  • high efficiency.

The only disadvantage of peeling with lemon is its aggressive effect on the skin. Therefore, if inflammation is present, it is better to postpone the procedure.

Peeling recipes: the best options

There are many recipes and descriptions of how to properly peel your face with lemon yourself.

Therefore, we can confidently say that every woman will choose the best option for herself, depending on the problem and the availability of ingredients.

You can peel your face with lemon only with freshly squeezed juice and zest, but these ingredients cannot be replaced with citric acid, as this can cause irreparable harm to the skin.

Options for combination to very oily skin

Recipe 1:

  1. Heat 1 tablespoon of honey in the microwave until warm, add 200 grams of unsweetened natural yogurt (preferably low-fat) and juice from half a fresh lemon.
  2. Beat the cooled egg white until foamy and add it to the finished mixture.
  3. After this, mix everything thoroughly and gently until smooth.

Recipe 2:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of pure coffee cake with freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon, adding a little cleanser.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

Universal peeling options for all skin types

Recipe 1:

  1. Pour a bag of dry gelatin with a freshly squeezed mixture of orange and lemon juices, taken in equal parts.
  2. Wait until the gelatin dissolves, then heat it in a water bath and apply it to the skin while still warm.
  3. Wait until the mixture hardens, gently roll and wash.

Recipe 2:

  1. Pour 1 teaspoon of sugar with freshly squeezed lemon juice and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Then apply to the skin and leave for the prescribed time, rinse.

Recipe 3:

  1. Grate the zest from 2 fresh lemons and add 1 tablespoon of olive or other oil.
  2. Apply to the skin and wait until the product takes effect, then rinse thoroughly.

Recipe 4:

  1. Grind a tablespoon of wheat bran in a coffee grinder to a powder, add freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon.
  2. Heat the honey a little in a water bath and also pour it into the bran.
  3. Gently mix everything until smooth and apply it to your face while still warm.

Recipe 5:

  1. Grind 1 small cucumber on a fine grater or in a blender until pureed (if the cucumber has a thick skin, it is better to cut it off).
  2. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and 1 egg into the cucumber, mix until homogenized and apply to a steamed face.

Preparation for the process

The main rule of preparation before any type of chemical peeling is a mandatory test for allergic reactions.

If you decide to care for your skin using a ready-made industrial product, then follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for the preparatory stage. Typically, pre-peeling care before any fruit chemical procedures consists of preparing the skin for the action of acid by using special pre-peeling gels. But often manufacturers of fruit exfoliation products offer mixtures that do not require special skin preparation.

On prepared skin, that is, cleansed of cosmetics, apply lemon peeling with a brush and leave on the skin according to the manufacturer's instructions. Apply the neutralizer on top of the mixture for 1 minute, then rinse with water. After completing the procedure, it is strongly recommended to apply an active mask, which will enhance the peeling effect. But it is imperative to apply a moisturizer with a skin-soothing effect after exfoliation.

Safety precautions and prevention of complications

Before using any peeling, including lemon peeling, it is necessary to carefully study the characteristics of the skin. In order to avoid complications or worsening of the condition, this type of exfoliation should not be performed if the face has:

  • rosacea;
  • any irritation and inflammation;
  • skin damage.

You should not wait for results after a single use. To achieve the effect, you must complete the course. When finished, be sure to use sunscreen to avoid pigmentation.

How to perform a facial peeling procedure with lemon at home: step-by-step description

Before you peel your face with lemon, you need to determine your skin type and its condition.

Despite the fact that it is not so difficult to carry out the procedure at home, you still need to approach it responsibly.

When choosing a recipe for a peeling mixture, you need to base it only on your skin type and the desired effect, for example, cleanse, rejuvenate, tone or soften the skin.

The procedure will bring the best effect if all the pores are open and ready for rejuvenation, nutrition or cleansing.

This can be done by taking a warm shower or holding your face over a container of herbal infusions (chamomile, calendula, thyme).

If this is not possible, then at least wash your face with warm water and clean your face of makeup and dust with special products.

Apply the mixture to the skin gently and thoroughly, using light massage movements to cover all areas of the face.

Depending on your skin, the mask should be kept on for 10 to 30 minutes (5 minutes is enough for sensitive and very dry skin, but 30-35 minutes for very oily skin).

Before you peel your face with lemon, make sure that the procedure is suitable for your skin type, and that contact with lemon does not cause allergies.

It is important to remember that if you feel a burning or tingling sensation during the procedure, then it is better to wash off the mask as quickly as possible, without waiting for the allotted time.

The mask must be washed off carefully, only with warm water, until the mixture is completely removed. Do not wipe your face with a towel, but pat dry carefully and gently. Finally, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin.

How to do a procedure with citric acid at home?

Performing peeling with citric acid at home is a simple process. However, before using such a product, it is necessary to study the theoretical part and perform all actions carefully, as it can severely irritate the skin.

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Before exfoliation, you should do a test for an allergic reaction.

It is better to exfoliate in the evening. Thus, the new epithelium will be protected from unwanted sunlight and unnecessary stress.

It is necessary to prepare your face in advance:

  1. Cleanse the skin well.
  2. Take a bath or shower: nutrients will pass through open pores faster.
  3. Apply a hot towel to your skin for a few minutes or use a steaming facial sauna.

Classic cleaning

  1. After steaming, wipe your face with hydrosol or light tonic.
  2. Apply citric acid to a cleansed face using your fingertips.
  3. Do not rub, leave for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. Rub your face with an ice cube made from a herbal decoction.
  6. Soothe your face with a mask.
  7. Apply moisturizer.

If lemon is used rather than acid, then it is necessary to pass the slice along the massage lines after cleansing. The remaining steps are identical.

With added soda

Soda peeling with lemon perfectly cleanses pores and tightens them. But this product is quite harsh, so it is only suitable for oily and combination skin.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda.

The juice should only be freshly squeezed.

  1. The ingredients must be mixed well to a homogeneous consistency without lumps and applied to problem areas.
  2. After drying, gently rub the mixture into the skin with massage movements.
  3. Leave for a minute and rinse with warm water.
  4. After the procedure, be sure to moisturize your face with tonic and cream.

With aspirin

Peeling with lemon and aspirin is an aggressive product and can only be used on oily skin.


  • 5 aspirin tablets;
  • 1 teaspoon of any base oil;
  • 1.5 tablespoons lemon juice.
  1. Aspirin must be crushed and mixed with oil and lemon juice.
  2. The mixture should be applied only with a brush, carefully spreading over problem areas and avoiding the area around the lips and eyes.
  3. After the first layer has dried, immediately apply the second.
  4. Exposure time is 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin.

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Commercial means

For those who do not like to spend time preparing homemade mixtures, there are commercial products that can be easily purchased in cosmetics stores or ordered online.

Top 5 lemon peels:

  1. Secret Key Lemon Sparkling Peeling Gel is a peeling roller from a Korean brand that will qualitatively cleanse and brighten the skin, get rid of blackheads and age spots.
  2. Citric acid peeling pads COSRX, Dr. Deniss Gross, Laboratoire Dr Renaud - an alternative and quick way to cleanse the epidermis.
  3. Gentle lemon peeling Natura Siberica “Instant skin renewal” - consists of natural ingredients. Delicately cleanses the skin, renews and gives smoothness.
  4. Secret Key Lemon Sparkling Peeling Pad - cotton pads for peeling with citric acid perfectly cleanse the skin of blackheads, dead cells and excess sebum.
  5. Facial peeling gel with fruit acids Mixit - quickly removes impurities, evens out the color and microrelief of the skin.


The effect of lemon peeling on the skin is quite harsh, so you should not do it too often. How to apply freshly squeezed juice in its pure form to the skin. This can provoke severe irritation and even violent allergies, since intolerance to citrus fruits is not uncommon.

But correctly and regularly performed peeling with lemon juice or acid helps:

  • lighten age spots;
  • smooth out shallow wrinkles;
  • reduce skin greasiness;
  • tighten enlarged pores;
  • improve cellular nutrition;
  • remove acne and blackheads;
  • eliminate acne and rashes;
  • refresh your complexion.

In addition, lemon juice contains essential oils that can penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. And this already gives a rejuvenating and even slight lifting effect.

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