Exfoliating facial masks at home

Today, homemade masks are especially popular. And this is not surprising, since they have no contraindications, are excellent for acne, inflammation, rejuvenate and promote skin regeneration. This is the best option for problem skin. In this case, a mask with an exfoliating effect has the greatest value. It is nourishing, moisturizing, softening and perfectly eliminates pigmentation. Such folk remedies are not inferior in their effectiveness to expensive cosmetic products. It is easy to prepare them at home; this procedure does not take much time.

What is this mask used for and how does it work?

Such masks contain, in addition to nourishing and moisturizing components, various abrasive components:

  • finely ground cereals (rice, oatmeal, wheat);
  • coffee grounds;
  • soda;
  • coarse or fine salt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • chopped berries;
  • crushed eggshells.

These particles, when applied to the skin and washed off with water, gently exfoliate and remove everything accumulated on the skin. The use of exfoliating masks allows you to:

  • renew and cleanse skin cells;
  • reduce the amount of pigmentation;
  • soften and even out the surface of the skin;
  • eliminate minor defects.

When choosing such a mask, you must take into account your skin type. For dry and sensitive skin, a minimal amount of fine abrasive is needed. For oily and combination skin, you can choose a larger abrasive composition.

The number of uses of such a mask must also be adjusted depending on its type:

  • dry sensitive skin – once a month;
  • normal combination skin – once every two weeks;
  • oily skin – once a week.

What are they used for?

The introduction of components with abrasive and scrubbing properties into the formulation of masks results in the resulting skin exfoliation effect, which helps:

  • remove dead cells, as well as all accumulated contaminants that interfere with the normal functioning of the epidermis;
  • improve complexion;
  • get rid of pigmentation;
  • improve local blood circulation with the elimination of congestion;
  • cleanse pores of blackheads (comedones);
  • prevent the development of inflammation and irritation;
  • receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients necessary for constant cell renewal;
  • increase the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis by accelerating collagen synthesis.

Rules for preparation and application

Preparing and applying exfoliating face masks yourself is quite simple, just follow the basic rules:

  • Prepare masks 5-10 minutes before use. They should not be stored, even in the refrigerator.
  • For cooking, use plastic, or preferably glass, containers. This will help avoid possible oxidation of products.
  • It is best to prepare abrasives using a coffee grinder. The more sensitive the skin, the finer the abrasive should be.
  • Apply masks for no more than 10 minutes.
  • The number of applications should suit your skin type. Oily skin needs frequent intensive cleansing, while dry and sensitive skin needs infrequent and delicate cleansing.
  • Rinse off masks only with clean warm water.

Peeling at home - easy and convenient

Every woman wants to have beautiful skin, however, salon care takes a lot of time and money, which not everyone can afford. Today, professional products are available to anyone, but to use them (especially when it comes to peeling), you need a fair amount of skill, and they are also far from cheap. But there are also completely safe products, the use of which will not hurt your pocket, and will bring noticeable benefits - products that are in every refrigerator.

Peeling at home is very convenient: - the components for making the product are always at home, and if something happens, they are easy to replace; — you know exactly what the peeling is made of, which means there is no risk of a sudden reaction; — the product is completely natural, there are no strange chemical elements in it; - home exfoliation will be especially pleasant, since you select all the components in accordance with your preferences. So, you have decided to do natural peeling. First, you need to know a few rules, thanks to which exfoliation will be beneficial and will not lead to undesirable consequences. 1. Apply the product only to a thoroughly cleansed face. 2. After cleansing, open the pores by applying a hot towel or sponge to your face. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of the procedure. 3. Do not use peeling if there is inflammation on your face. Mechanical or acid irritation will only worsen the situation. 4. After exfoliating, be sure to “close” your pores by washing with cool water and applying a moisturizer. 5. Do not leave the product on your face for a long time - this is not a mask and 2-3 minutes of light massage will be enough. Peeling can be chemical (acid) and mechanical (abrasive). You need to resort to one type or another in accordance with your skin type.

Classic exfoliating face mask recipe

The classic exfoliating face mask is simple and familiar to everyone since adolescence. To prepare it, you only need two components - baking soda and water.

Mix baking soda with water to the consistency of a liquid paste and apply to the skin with massaging movements. Wash thoroughly with water and apply moisturizer.

After such a mask, you will feel how your skin “breathes”, and the feeling of cleanliness will remain for a long time. Baking soda effectively removes blackheads and is safe for teenage skin.

Why exfoliating your face is so important

The key to healthy and beautiful skin is its correct and regular use: - moisturizing - nutrition - cleansing. If women worry about the first two points and use special creams and masks, then the latter is limited to regular washing. Superficial cleansing cannot completely empty the pores and remove the top layer of dead skin cells - hence the constant rashes, blackheads and the feeling of “heavy” and “thick” skin. The way out of this situation is peeling, in other words, exfoliation of the face. This procedure allows you to “free” the skin, remove a layer of dead cells and cleanse the pores. After peeling, the appearance is instantly transformed - the face is smoothed, acquires a radiant color, the tone is noticeably evened out.

Other exfoliating face mask recipes

Natural exfoliating masks have very different compositions, but they are united by the presence of abrasive components. We offer you a selection of the best exfoliating mask recipes for different facial skin types.

Exfoliating face mask with grapes

Mask components:

  • white grapes – 60 g;
  • honey – 10 g.

Mash the berries with a fork and mix with honey.

Action: gently cleanses dry and sensitive skin, smoothes the surface, moisturizes. Excellent nutrition for the skin.

Raspberry Exfoliating Face Mask

Mask components:

  • raspberries – 10 g;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • sour cream 15% – 5 g.

Mash the raspberries with a fork and combine all ingredients. Mix them until smooth.

Action: gently cleanses any skin type, moisturizes, whitens.

Exfoliating Rice Face Mask

Mask components:

  • rice – 10 g;
  • honey – 10 g.

Using a coffee grinder, grind the rice into flour and mix with honey.

Action: gently cleanses any skin type, whitens, nourishes.

Exfoliating face mask with semolina

Mask components:

  • semolina – 10 g;
  • cream – 10 g.

Mix semolina with low-fat cream until smooth.

Action: gently cleanses any skin type, softens. Small particles of semolina will perfectly cleanse the skin without injuring it.

Oatmeal Exfoliating Face Mask

Mask components:

  • oatmeal – 30 g;
  • soda – 5 g;
  • water.

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add baking soda and dilute with water until creamy.

Action: gently cleanses any skin type, nourishes, evens out tone.

Exfoliating face mask with salt

Mask components:

  • finely ground salt – 10 g;
  • cream 15% – 5 g.

Combine the components and apply to the face with a cotton pad.

Action: cleanses any skin type, nourishes, gets rid of blackheads, soothes.

Exfoliating face mask with sugar

Mask components:

  • sugar – 10 g;
  • sour cream 10% – 5 g.

Combine the ingredients and apply to face with a cotton pad.

Action: cleanses any skin type, nourishes, whitens, soothes.

Exfoliating Eggshell Face Mask

Mask components:

  • eggshell powder – 5 g;
  • sour cream 10% – 5 g;
  • oat flour – 5 g;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • milk – 10 g.

Combine all ingredients and mix until smooth.

Action: gently cleanses dry and normal skin, moisturizes, mattifies.

Exfoliating face mask with nuts

Mask components:

  • chopped nuts – 10 g;
  • oatmeal – 10 g;
  • fresh orange – 20 g;
  • olive oil – 5 g.

Combine all ingredients and mix until smooth. You can take any nuts.

Action: gently cleanses any skin type, moisturizes, nourishes.

Whole grain oatmeal mask

Oatmeal gently cleanses the epidermis , discolors blackheads, and fresh orange juice, due to the natural acids it contains, promotes cell renewal.

Table salt performs the function of mechanical cleansing, and cream softens the skin and ensures an even complexion.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. whole grain oat flakes;
  • 40 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 10 g table salt;
  • 20 ml heavy cream.


  1. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face, cleansed of cosmetics.
  2. Massage the skin with light circular movements and leave the mask on the face for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, rinse with cool water and use any product that tightens pores.

Oatmeal mask

Precautionary measures

  • Natural masks can be very allergenic. Check your skin for the effect of all components.
  • How often you use exfoliating masks depends on your skin type.
  • Do not use exfoliating masks on very inflamed or damaged skin.
  • Adjust the size and amount of abrasive in the mask depending on your skin type. A very large abrasive can damage thin and dry skin, and cause irritation and micro-wounds on sensitive skin.
  • The effectiveness of such masks depends on regular use.

Mask with aspirin

This product is suitable only for oily skin types. After all, redness may appear on dry and irritated skin.

Required ingredients:

  • 3 aspirin tablets;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive or any cosmetic oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey.


  1. Crush the tablets into powder, mix with oil and honey.
  2. Apply the mask to damp, cleansed skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is thin and delicate, it is practically devoid of fat, so it must be treated with particular care.
  3. Leave the product on your face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. If you feel a burning sensation, you can wash off the mask a little earlier.

Instead of olive oil, you can use wheat germ, grape seed, jojoba, peach or rose oil

Reviews of exfoliating face masks

A small experiment will help you understand what effect exfoliating masks have on the skin of the face, and our expert will comment on each “before” and “after” photo and give his recommendations to the participants.

Larisa, 22 years old:

Regular use of an exfoliating mask with eggshells refreshed my skin, dried it a little, and eliminated oily shine. Old rashes have decreased and cleared, and new ones no longer appear.

Comment: In order to regulate the fat balance of the skin, you can use special masks, which you will find at the link.

Victoria, 38 years old:

I used the Himalaya Almond and Cucumber Exfoliating Face Mask for three months. This amazing mask completely eliminated my acne and evened out my skin tone and surface.

The skin is now well hydrated and the pigmentation has noticeably brightened. I used this mask once every ten days before bed. After washing my face, I applied a nourishing night cream to my skin.

Comment: Very good results from using this mask. We recommend that you use mattifying creams as day care. This way you will maintain normal skin fat balance.

Tatyana, 44 years old:

I have been using a rice flour exfoliating mask for several months to lighten the pigmentation on my face. I used this mask regularly every 10-12 days, and I was impressed with the results. The skin brightened several times and became very soft and elastic. I even noticed a slight rejuvenating effect.

Comment: You can use this cleansing mask in the spring and summer, during solar activity. And in cold weather, it is better to use exfoliating masks with a nourishing effect.

Strawberry mask

Fresh berries are an excellent skin exfoliator . They contain natural acids that remove dead particles.

Required ingredients:

  • 2-3 pcs. large strawberries;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. fine table salt.


  1. Remove makeup from your face and pat dry with a towel.
  2. Combine all the ingredients, apply the resulting mass to the face with a cotton swab in the direction of the massage lines, cleansing it in a circular motion.
  3. Leave for 5 minutes, rinse with cool water. To prevent your skin from becoming stained by fresh berries, you need to use a soft gel for washing.

Due to contact with table salt, a slight burning sensation may be felt for some time. To get rid of it, you need to apply a soothing cream to your face.

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