Iodine for toenail fungus - treatment, effect and reviews

The healing properties of iodine

Before you start treating toenail fungus with iodine, you need to study its healing properties. The product has:

  • disinfectant;
  • antimicrobial;
  • absorbable;
  • antiseptic;
  • fungicidal;
  • drying property.

They cauterize wounds and destroy infections of various origins.

How does iodine act on fungus?

Fungal microorganisms are made of protein and feed on keratin. The pharmaceutical product folds the protein, destroying the mycelium at the cellular level and depriving it of a nutrient medium. As a result, iodine not only destroys the pathogen itself, but also has a detrimental effect on its spores, preventing further spread. In addition, iodine heals damaged skin structures and disinfects healthy tissue adjacent to the problem nail.

The absolute indications for the use of iodine for toenail fungus are:

  • allergy to antimycotic pharmaceuticals;
  • the impossibility of carrying out systemic therapy due to the presence of contraindications associated with the unsatisfactory state of human health.

Is it possible to treat nail fungus with iodine? A dermatologist will tell you after examination and diagnosis.

Recipes and methods of using iodine for nail fungus

Iodine against toenail fungus and fingernail fungus can be used alone or in combination with other remedies. The most effective are:

  • solution;
  • ointment composition;
  • baths;
  • compresses based on it.

It is advisable to alternate or combine different methods of iodine therapy to get the most positive result.

Use in its pure form

Regularly lubricating the nail plates is the easiest method of using iodine. The procedure is carried out two to three times a day according to the following scheme: the nails are polished, trimmed and the pointed edges are filed. Apply a thin layer of the solution to damaged nails. Healthy plates are also subject to treatment. They are lubricated without touching the adjacent skin. After the medication is absorbed, put on clean socks.

You can apply the product in its pure form in several ways:

  1. With a cotton swab. It is enough to dip it into the preparation and lubricate the surface of the nail plate. Do not forget that you should use a separate stick for each finger. Also, you should not re-dip it into the bottle after contact with an infected nail.
  2. With a pipette. One drop is enough for one nail. You must use the antiseptic carefully so as not to burn healthy tissue. To avoid unwanted contact with the product, you can lubricate the skin around the nail with cream. During the procedure, a slight burning sensation is possible. This is normal, but if the discomfort increases, it is better to carry out manipulations every other day.
  3. Lotions. A piece of cotton wool corresponding to the size of the nail plate is moistened in an iodine solution and applied to the problem area. Fix with a plaster or bandage. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour. to use iodine to treat nail fungus on the feet and hands once a day. At the same time, we must not forget about protecting the skin. They are treated with rich cream.

Iodine bath

Warm water softens the skin and speeds up the absorption of the antiseptic. The manipulation is carried out three times a week according to the following plan:

  • 20 drops of iodine are added to three liters of water heated to 45 C. Feet or hands are dipped into the solution and wait 15-20 minutes;
  • at the end of steaming, the skin is thoroughly wiped and wiped with hydrogen peroxide;
  • The nail plates are trimmed, polished and lubricated with an antifungal pharmaceutical agent.

It is advisable to do baths as part of a complex treatment. They are suitable for the treatment of onychomycosis (nail fungus) at any stage of development.

Therapy with iodine and vinegar solution

Treatment of toenail fungus with iodine and vinegar, a video of which can be found on the Internet, is considered the most effective. Both ingredients have pronounced fungicidal and disinfecting properties, which allows you to achieve a therapeutic effect in the shortest possible time. For the healing solution you need:

  • mix iodine and 9% apple cider vinegar in equal quantities. Their effect can be enhanced by adding 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide;
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for ten minutes;
  • Pour the medicine into a glass container and store in the cold.

Apply the solution to problem nails once a day, applying a drop to each finger. This composition is added to foot baths at the rate of 1 ml of product per liter of water. Compresses are made with iodine and vinegar once or twice a week. For this:

  • mix 1 ml of iodine, 1 ml of vinegar and 10 ml of chlorhexidine;
  • soak cotton wool with the resulting composition and apply it to previously steamed and dried nail plates;
  • the compress is wrapped in polyethylene, fixed with adhesive tape and a clean sock is put on;
  • the application is removed after an hour.

Salt with iodine

Iodine and salt from nail fungus help extinguish the pathological process Heat three liters of water and stir in 20 drops of iodine , two large spoons of sea salt and soda, pour in 40 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The legs/arms are immersed in the prepared solution and waited for 15-20 minutes. After steaming, the edges of the nails are cut and filed. The skin is thoroughly dried and treated with fungicidal cream. In addition to the procedure, the nail plates can be lubricated with iodine solution.

Ointments with iodine against fungus

Iodine for nail fungus on the hands and feet can be used in ointment compositions prepared independently. Ointment based on celandine is considered especially effective. To prepare you will need:

  • Grind 20-25 g of dry celandine into powder using a mortar;
  • add a little iodine to it to make a creamy substance;
  • Apply the composition to the surface of the nails and feet twice a day in a thin layer.

For the product to work, it must remain in contact with the skin for as long as possible. To do this, the treated leg is wrapped in polyethylene and a sock is put on top. After the cream has dried, it is washed off with warm water, and the leg is treated with an antifungal pharmaceutical drug prescribed by a dermatologist.

Celandine extract and iodine against nail fungus

For advanced onychomycosis, you can use the following method of treating toenail fungus with iodine :

  • Apply a compress to the affected area. Cotton swabs are soaked in celandine oil and secured with a band-aid;
  • In the evening, the application is removed, and the problem area is treated with iodine solution.

A greater effect can be achieved by warm baths, which should be carried out before applying a compress in the morning.

A quick way to get rid of fungus with iodine

Is it possible to quickly remove nail fungus with iodine ? Many patients are interested. In order for the therapy to give the expected result, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Lemon juice is mixed with iodine in equal quantities. Dip a cotton sponge into the mixture and apply it to the nail plate. Leave until dry. The procedure is repeated daily in the evening.
  2. A small spoon of boric acid is dissolved in 50 ml of water. 50 ml of iodine and 7-10 drops of tea tree oil are dripped there. The composition is mixed and applied to the nails with a cotton swab twice a day.
  3. At night, apply the following remedy to the cleaned nail plates: stir 5-7 drops of iodine in warm castor oil (1 large spoon) and rub the resulting composition into the surface of the nail with a toothbrush. Then put on socks.

There is another way to get rid of onychomycosis, which is suitable for busy people. Its advantage is that you do not need to spend a lot of time on regular procedures and long-term treatment of the nail surface. The course of treatment is six weeks. To do this you will need 9% apple cider vinegar and Fukortsin solution for external use. For two weeks, the infected areas are lubricated with iodine solution, then for two weeks with apple cider vinegar, and for another two weeks with pharmaceutical Fukortsin. This treatment of toenail fungus with iodine has earned positive reviews from patients due to the high fungicidal effectiveness of the components used.

Treatment methods

To cure a fungus, it is not at all necessary to use an alcohol solution of iodine in its pure form. The effectiveness of therapy can be improved by using a combination of an antiseptic drug and other home remedies.

  • Baths

To carry out the procedure, you need to take a container and pour 2 liters of warm water with 20 drops of antiseptic into it. The liquid temperature should be 450C. If a person suffers from vascular disease, then the water should not be hotter than 350C. Limbs should be kept in the bath for 15 minutes. Then the feet are removed, dried and the affected areas are wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. After baths with iodine, apply a compress to the nail plates.

  • Compresses

To prepare a compress, you will need to take 1 teaspoon each of nitrofungin, iodine and vinegar. The medicine must be mixed thoroughly. The resulting mass is applied to a bandage. Then, using a plaster, the compress is fixed to the nails. To achieve maximum effect, the bandage is applied in the evening and removed in the morning.

Baths for the treatment of nail fungus

Contraindications, side effects

Iodine solution is a halogen and often causes an allergic reaction. You can lubricate fungal-damaged areas with it only after testing it on the skin. To do this, apply a couple of drops of the product to the bend of the elbow and wait 24 hours. If during this time there is no burning, itching, redness, or swelling of the tissues, then using iodine against toenail fungus is quite acceptable . Treatment at home should be carried out competently. Avoid contact of the product with healthy skin tissue and adhere to the dosage.

Despite the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical drug and its effectiveness in the fight against pathogens, it should not be used for hypothyroidism and other hormonal disorders. Excess iodine in the bloodstream provokes the activity of the thyroid gland, which can worsen chronic diseases. Also, therapy should not be carried out if you have sensitive skin or are individually intolerant to the product.

Important! Abuse of iodine can negatively affect the condition of the nail plates and skin. Applying a large amount of the drug will not speed up recovery, but, on the contrary, will delay it. The effectiveness of iodine therapy lies in the regular implementation of procedures, and not in copious application to damaged areas.

Mask with iodine and lemon

To prepare such a remedy you will need to take heated sunflower oil (20 ml), lemon juice and three drops of iodine. Using a cotton swab, apply the resulting composition to the plate of the nail affected by the fungus. The solution should be thoroughly rubbed into the nail. After about 20 minutes, the product will be absorbed, its excess is removed with a paper napkin.

Despite the fact that nail fungus is considered to be a pathological process that is extremely difficult to treat, it can still be cured, and treatment in this case will require a lot of money to purchase expensive medications.

It is enough to use simple iodine, be able to wait and follow all recommendations. Speaking about whether fungus can be cured, due attention must be paid to personal hygiene products.

Pros and cons of treating nail fungus with iodine

Many people consider iodine to be quite effective against nail fungus. But iodine therapy has both advantages and significant disadvantages. The advantages include the following:

  • it relieves severe symptoms of fungus: itching, burning, inflammation of the skin after the first application, which cannot be said about most traditional medicine. After a week, dryness and cracking between the fingers disappears, peeling stops;
  • whether iodine will help against nail fungus on the toes and hands after one or two weeks of regular use. By this time, significant improvements should have occurred;
  • the drug acts on damaged tissue quite quickly. A month later, the nail affected by the fungus begins to peel off, and in its place an absolutely clean and healthy nail plate grows;
  • External use of iodine in moderate quantities is allowed for patients of the pediatric age category (only under the supervision of a doctor);
  • the solution not only treats onycomychosis, but is also an excellent prophylactic agent;
  • the medicine is available to every patient and is available in any pharmacy chain without a prescription.

The negative aspects of treating nail fungus with iodine include the following:

  • The disinfectant solution effectively copes with onychomycosis at the initial stage of development, when no more than a third of the nail plate is affected. Advanced forms of pathology require long-term and complex treatment, where iodine acts as an additional remedy;
  • external use of iodine is contraindicated in case of hormonal imbalance and problems with the thyroid gland;
  • prolonged application of the solution can cause serious adverse reactions;
  • the medicine leaves stains on the nails and spoils the appearance of the feet, so it is difficult to use for treatment in the summer, when you have to wear open shoes.

Signs of infection

The fungus at the initial stage of the disease does not cause any particular concern and does not cause discomfort. On the skin of the feet it looks like a normal irritation of the epidermis, calluses. The proliferation of the fungal colony occurs at a rapid pace; after a week, a clinical picture with characteristic signs of mycosis appears.

Signs of mycosis of the foot:

  1. redness of the epidermis;
  2. presence of blisters with liquid inside;
  3. sores;
  4. cracks of different depths;
  5. severe itching, burning;
  6. peeling;
  7. unpleasant smell.

Signs of nail infection:

  • the appearance of yellow, gray, white spots in any part of the thumb or little finger nail;
  • redness of the skin around;
  • cracks in nails, increased fragility;
  • deformation, peeling or growth of the plate;
  • itching, burning;
  • pain when putting on shoes.

Over time, the fungus of one nail spreads to all plates of both limbs. Affects the skin of the foot.

The use of iodine for advanced fungus

Many people are able to cure nail fungus with iodine quite quickly. In the early stages of onychomycosis, you can completely get rid of severe symptoms in three to four weeks. In advanced cases, together with antifungal drugs, this takes about two months. How long it takes to cure the disease depends on the regularity of the procedures, the person’s immunity and the degree of damage to the nail plate.

Important! At the beginning of onychomycosis, iodine can relieve the pathological process without additional drugs. If a large part of the nail plate is infected, it will enhance the effect of antifungal agents and significantly speed up recovery.


To get rid of onychomycosis forever, you should regularly perform treatment procedures and in the future, to avoid relapse, follow the following precautions:

  • Do not try on someone else's shoes;
  • If possible, eliminate foot sweating (use powder, special creams);
  • When visiting public places in warm, humid climates, always have personal rubber flip-flops;
  • Without delay, treat all wounds, even the slightest, with an antiseptic;
  • After a shower, thoroughly dry the skin of your feet (never wear shoes if your feet are wet);
  • An important aspect is regular hygiene and daily change of socks;
  • After suffering from onychomycosis, it is recommended to take preventive foot baths with soda, iodine, salt, celandine or other means twice a week;
  • Tools cannot be used to remove damaged nail plates on healthy nails.

Regardless of the method of treating fungus, you need to treat your shoes, linen, floors, skin and nail care items, room and bathroom rugs, etc. This can be done by boiling, vinegar, ironing. You can put formaldehyde in your shoes, after placing it in a bag.

Prevention of nail fungus

If iodine was used for onychomycosis , and the nail fungus receded, this does not mean a complete victory over pathogens. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the tendency to relapse. To prevent fungi from attacking the body again, it is necessary to carry out prevention:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash your feet and change your socks daily;
  • wear only high-quality, comfortable, breathable shoes;
  • do not forget about replacement shoes when visiting the pool, sauna, bathhouse, beach;
  • wipe your feet and hands dry after water procedures;
  • combat excessive skin sweating in a timely manner;
  • use individual manicure accessories, towels, hosiery;
  • regularly apply antifungal varnish, and dry the shoes and treat the inside with antiseptic solutions.

Preparation for the procedure

Before starting the procedure, first steam your legs. Hot water or solutions with medicinal properties will do. For example, add sea salt, antifungal herbs, laundry soap, or something else to a container of water. Soak your feet in such a bath for 20 minutes. It is also important before the procedure:

  1. Remove the top keratinized layer of the nail with a nail file. This will speed up the delivery of the necessary medications to the site of infection. If you don't do this, there will be no result.
  2. Dry your feet and nails damaged by fungus.

Reviews about the treatment of nail fungus with iodine

  1. I regularly use iodine to prevent nail fungus. This is a simple but very effective remedy that significantly strengthens the nail plates. True, it is poorly absorbed, but beauty and health require sacrifice! Anastasia, 23 years old.
  2. whether nail fungus can be cured with iodine , but I know for sure that after it the nails become terribly ugly and yellow. I think it’s better to use proven products, since you can’t joke with fungus. Veronica, 28 years old.
  3. My husband treated nail fungus with iodine. reviews about it on the Internet. I made baths with sea salt and applied compresses. Since the fungus was not very advanced, he dealt with it quickly. Arina, 36 years old.
  4. Now I am treating nail fungus at home. The fastest way is to cover cleaned and polished nails with iodine. And so on every other day. I'm looking forward to your recovery. Maryana, 42 years old.
  5. I smeared the old fungus with iodine, but not with the kind sold in pharmacies, but with a higher concentration. It is specially prepared in homeopathic departments. Did not help. Valentin, 56 years old.

Iodine for nail fungus on the toes and hands has positive reviews from most patients, although there are also negative statements. Obviously, iodine therapy only helps at the beginning of the disease. But we should not forget about the recommended dosages and available contraindications. Improper use of the product can cause chemical burns, peeling, itching, and dry skin. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Watch a video about treating nail fungus with iodine:

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