The most effective remedies for toenail fungus

Fungal infection of the nail plates is treated using various means - creams, sprays, traditional methods. Let's consider another option for the therapeutic treatment of nail plates affected by mycoses. Solutions for nail fungus used for mycoses are suitable for treating mild or severe forms of the disease in combination.

Fungal infection of the nail plates is a common dermatological problem that occurs at any age. There are always several reasons for the occurrence of fungus - from banal neglect of personal hygiene to disruption of the immune system.

Composition and properties of antifungal sprays

An antifungal spray is an external remedy packaged in a spray bottle. Thanks to this, the drug is very easy to apply. The liquid itself is usually transparent and colorless. The product has a fungicidal, fungistatic, antibacterial, antipruritic and drying effect.

Most fungal sprays contain terbinafine. This substance has a wide spectrum of action. Preparations based on it effectively fight fungi, dermatophytes and yeasts that cause diseases of the skin, nails, and hair.

The most popular and effective sprays for nail fungus

In the pharmacy chain you can find many different drugs for nail fungus in the form of a spray. But the leading positions on the market are occupied by the following drugs:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Lamisil;
  • Mycostop;
  • Terbix;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Lamitel;
  • Thermikon;
  • Bifosin.

Most of the above remedies are safe and can be used even during pregnancy and childhood. But you should still read the instructions and consult with your doctor before using them.


Spray for nail fungus on the hands and feet Clotrimazole is used in the initial and advanced stages of the disease. With regular use, the product completely destroys the infection, preventing it from spreading. The components of the product easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, providing a fungistatic, fungicidal effect.

The drug is sprayed onto the infected areas several times a day. The solution is quickly absorbed. It doesn't need to be rubbed in. You should not put on socks and shoes immediately after applying the product; you need to wait a while. It is not recommended to use it in combination with other anti-fungal medications. Treatment is continued until symptoms are completely eliminated and for another 2 weeks after that.

Lamisil spray

Lamisil is one of the most popular fungal remedies. Its main advantage is its quick effect. The drug is used once a day. It should be applied to clean, dry skin and nails. In this case, not only affected but also healthy tissues are captured. The course of treatment is a week. A noticeable improvement occurs after 1-2 uses. Nails stop peeling, itching and burning disappear. If after 7 days there is no improvement, then you should change the drug.

Spray against fungus Mycostop

Mycostop is an excellent preventative against nail fungus. The spray is used after visiting public places with high humidity, such as baths, saunas, gyms and swimming pools. The product is sprayed after you have had to use someone else’s shoes or clothes.

It is equally important to treat your shoes with an antifungal agent. Sneakers and winter shoes can become a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria due to the moisture retained in them. The spray is sprayed onto the inner surface overnight. The procedure is carried out up to 5 times.

Terbix spray

The synthetic antimycotic drug Terbix based on terbinafine helps fight all types of fungus. For mycoses, the drug is used once a day, and for onychomycosis - 1-2 times a day, by spraying onto cleansed skin or nails. After application, Terbix forms a film on the surface of the skin. The course of treatment lasts at least 1 week, sometimes 2. Its action is based on damage to the structure of the cell walls of pathogenic microorganisms, which causes their death.

If allergic reactions occur, the drug is discontinued. The product is not recommended for use during pregnancy, lactation, in children under 10-12 years of age, as well as in the presence of pathologies of the kidneys, liver, or hematopoietic system.

Terbinafine for fungus

The drug is intended for intensive treatment of onychomycosis. Active substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, neutralizing the infection. The product is suitable for the prevention of mycoses. It is used once a day.

Patients with kidney pathologies can use the drug only after prior consultation with a doctor.


The main active substance of Lamitel spray is terbinafine, which has a detrimental effect on all types of fungi. The drug is safe and can be used by children over 12 years of age. It is applied once a day for a week.

The drug has a pronounced fungicidal effect. It can be used on any part of the body, but only if there is no allergy to the components of the product. Since the composition contains alcohol, it is not recommended to apply the drug to damaged areas of the skin.

Thermikon spray

Thermikon is a spray for toenail fungus that eliminates the disease at any stage. Its main active ingredient is terbinafine. The product is used at any age. It is applied to the affected area once a day. The product can provoke allergic reactions in the form of itching, burning, redness, rash and swelling.

The course of treatment should last at least a week. Under no circumstances should it be interrupted to avoid a relapse. If all instructions are followed, improvement occurs within a couple of days after the start of treatment. If a side effect is detected, the drug will have to be discontinued.

Spray Bifosin

Bifosin has a wide spectrum of action and is used against almost all types of fungi. The main active ingredient is bifonazole. It has fungicidal and fungistatic effects and has bactericidal properties. The drug is used mainly for the treatment of feet. Its action is aimed at damaging the cell membrane of the fungus.

The affected limbs are first washed with soap and wiped dry. The product is sprayed onto the infected areas in a thin layer. The drug helps to cope with the fungus even in its advanced form. For onychomycosis, as well as mycoses of the feet and hands, Bifosin is used for a month.

Is it possible to cure fungus with tablets?

Treatment with tablets alone will be effective only in the early stages of the disease. In addition, such drugs are recommended for use in complex mycoses, when fungi affect the throat, intestines, and lungs. In all other cases, specialists additionally prescribe other remedies - nail polishes against onychomycosis, ointments, creams, drops, emulsions and solutions.

Read: Terbinafine is the best remedy for fungus

Therapy does not always bring positive results.

There are several reasons for this:

  • lack of an integrated approach to treatment;
  • refusal to comply with doctor's instructions, irregular intake of medications;
  • weakened immunity (poor environment, prior use of antibiotics, age, bad habits, heredity);
  • constant adaptation of fungi to drugs.

The tablets are taken until the fungus on the nails recedes and the plate grows back completely. Usually this process takes up to 6 months on the hands and 9-12 in the case of onychomycosis on the legs.

Sprays for disinfection and treatment of shoes

Pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply in dark and damp places. Winter shoes can become such a breeding ground for infection. To avoid this, shoes must be regularly treated with antifungal drugs. You need to take this especially seriously if you have already had problems with the fungus. This will reduce the risk of re-infection.

Sprays are convenient to use to disinfect shoes. Among them, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Mycostop and Formidron are especially popular. If you are allergic to the active ingredients in these drugs, it is recommended to choose Odorgone. This is a hypoallergenic, natural-based product containing plant components and essential oils. It effectively eliminates odors and destroys fungal spores. The drug is approved for use at any age. The spray is applied to the entire inner surface of the shoes and insoles.

Antifungal nail polishes

  • Biocover mycosis (580-680 rubles) Active ingredients: Cyclopirox and clotrimazole.
  • Batrafen varnish (price 2200-2500) - antifungal nail varnish with the active ingredient ciclopiroxolamine.
  • Loceryl varnish (price 2.5 ml - 1300 rubles, 5 ml - 2100 rubles), active ingredient Amorolfine. Analogues: Onyhelp 1000-1500 rub. Broken down 900 rubles. Exoronfilac 980 rub.
  • Demicten varnish (price 280 rubles) is a cosmetic disinfectant for nail fungus.
  • Mikozan (600-800 rub.) Active ingredient: hydroxyethylcellulose, rye enzyme filtrate, dimethyl isosorbide, pentylene glycol.

Where to buy, cost

All of the listed sprays for foot and nail fungus can be easily found at the pharmacy. Their cost is approximately this:

  • Lamisil 1%, 30 ml – 793 rub.;
  • Thermikon 1%, 30 ml – 391 rub., 15 ml – 267 rub.;
  • Miramistin 0.01%, 150 ml – 420 rubles;
  • Clotrimazole solution 1%, 15 ml – 240 rubles;
  • Mycostop 150 ml – 203 rub.;
  • Terbix 1%, 30 g – 172 rub.;
  • Lamitel 1%, 20 ml – 144 rubles;
  • Bifosin 1%, 20 ml – 113 rubles;
  • Terbinafine 1%, 20 g – 151 rub.

Prices may vary depending on the region of purchase.

Systemic antifungal antibiotics

Today there is a wide selection of various antifungal antibiotics that are used for severe, chronic fungal diseases, in combination with local remedies. These are tablets for nail fungus, toe fungus, foot fungus, skin fungus, mucous membranes, and lichen.

The effectiveness of antifungal drugs for feet and nails depends on the sensitivity of the mycosis pathogen to a specific antifungal agent. Below are several of the most popular groups of drugs, classified according to the active substance they contain:

  • Ketoconazole - analogues Mycozoral (330 rubles), Oronazole, Fungavis (160 rubles), Nizoral (550 rubles), - a synthetic derivative of imidazoledioxolane.
  • Itraconazole - analogues of Irunin for fungus (14 pcs. 560-620 rub.), Itrazol (14 pcs. 620-800 rub.) Kanditral, Orungal (14 pcs. 2660-2800 rub.) Rumicosis (14 pcs. 580-600 rub. .), Orunite.
  • Terbinafine - analogues Terbinox (580 rubles for 14 pcs.), Terbizil (14 pcs. 1000 rubles), Exitern, Bramisil, Lamisil (1800 rubles for 14 pcs.), Terbinafine (480-560 rubles for 14 pcs. )
  • Griseofulvin (RUB 240 for 20 pcs.)

Any antifungal tablets should not be taken without the prescription and supervision of a qualified physician. A necessary condition for successful treatment of mycoses is long-term use of antifungal antibiotics and in sufficiently large doses. These drugs have the most effective effect when using the pulse therapy method - taking loading doses in a short course followed by a long break. The treatment regimen in each specific case is determined by a specialist.

Advantages and disadvantages of nail fungus spray

In closed areas, it is best to use antifungal sprays. The fatty components contained in ointments and creams can clog pores, contributing to the development of the inflammatory process and the spread of infection to healthy tissue. Sprays are convenient to use for preventive purposes in public places.

The main advantages of sprays are as follows:

  • non-contact spraying;
  • allows you to quickly treat skin folds and large areas;
  • does not clog pores;
  • ease of use;
  • sterile and safe packaging;
  • does not stain things;
  • minimal consumption compared to creams and ointments.

The disadvantages of sprays include:

  • the penetrating ability of sprays is less than that of ointments;
  • ineffectiveness in localizing the fungus under the nail plate;
  • weak effect for deep lesions of the nail plate.

Antifungal sprays have much fewer disadvantages than drugs available in the form of ointments and creams.

Causes of mycosis of the nail plates

Mycotic lesions of the nail plate occur due to decreased immunity and infection from the outside.

There are several factors that contribute to the development of a fungal infection:

  1. Endocrine diseases.
  2. Immune system diseases.
  3. Poor nutrition with lack of vitamins and nutrients.
  4. Frequent visits to public saunas, showers, beauty salons.
  5. Lack of antiseptic treatment of hands and manicure tools.
  6. Ingress of fungal spores through cuts or injuries received after a manicure.

These are the main causes of fungal nail infections. The disease itself passes with severe symptoms:

  1. Itching of the skin around the affected nail.
  2. Slight redness of the skin, swelling of the periungual fold.
  3. Dulling of the nail.
  4. Change in color of the nail plate.
  5. The occurrence of deformation.
  6. Crumpling or brittleness of the nail plate.
  7. Complete deformation and detachment of the nail from the bed.

Therapy for fungal nail diseases begins with diagnosis, which is used to determine the type of mycosis that caused the infection.

Based on these data, the following is prescribed:

  • antiseptics;
  • ointments, creams, solutions for mycosis;
  • varnish products;
  • drugs in the form of tablets, injections.

The effectiveness and duration of treatment depends on the timely initiation of therapy based on diagnostic indications and the patience of the infected person.

Contraindications and side effects

Many antifungal sprays have a common ingredient - terbinafine. Contraindications to its use are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • oncological diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

Some drugs are not used for edema of the lower extremities and alcoholism.

When using anti-fungal sprays, side effects are possible, such as:

  • dyspepsia;
  • anaphylactoid reactions;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • stomach ache;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • dizziness;
  • change in taste;
  • liver failure;
  • burning, tingling in the area of ​​application;
  • headache;
  • rash.

Before using this or that product, be sure to read the instructions.

Features of choosing a drug

In order not to waste your money, but to purchase an effective product, you must:

  • undergo a medical examination;
  • find out the species of the fungus;
  • determine the degree of neglect of the lesion;
  • weigh all the pros and cons regarding a particular brand of spray.

Prevention of fungal diseases

The basic rules for preventing nail fungus are as follows:

  1. It is not recommended to walk barefoot in public places.
  2. You need to choose your shoes carefully. It should not rub or press. Don't get carried away with rubber boots. Shoes should be made from natural materials.
  3. You should temporarily stop visiting the pool, bathhouse, sauna and gym if cracks appear on your feet.
  4. After visiting the pool, bathhouse or gym, you must take a shower and treat your limbs with antifungal drugs.
  5. You should wear socks made of synthetic fabrics less often, giving preference to cotton products.

Following these basic rules will help you avoid contracting a fungal infection.

Reviews about the use of nail fungus spray

When choosing a drug, you can rely on reviews about it:

  1. My husband developed an unpleasant odor from his feet. I went to the doctor and it turned out that it was a fungus. They prescribed many medications, but they did not help. The pharmacist advised me to try anti-fungus spray . My husband treated not only his affected feet with it, but also his shoes. Within a day the smell disappeared. The treatment took 5 days. Now my husband uses the drug for prevention once every 3 months. Yana Smolina, St. Petersburg.
  2. I first became infected with a fungus while visiting a bathhouse. The dermatologist prescribed me Lamisil. I purchased both the cream and the spray. I liked the drug in aerosol form more. It was easier to apply. Lamisil helped me pretty quickly. But after a couple of years there was a relapse. This time the medicine turned out to be useless. Perhaps there was an addiction. Arina Nekrasova, Vologda.
  3. The doctor prescribed me a solution of Clotrimazole against nail fungus. I have an advanced stage of onychomycosis. Therefore, I was not sure that the drug would help me. But after 4 weeks of regular use, the fungus disappeared. A year passed and there was no relapse. Anna Petrova, Moscow.

Spray against toenail fungus is the best and most inexpensive alternative to creams and ointments. But if there is no positive dynamics during treatment with it for a week or more, then you should consult a specialist. The same must be done if undesirable consequences occur. The doctor will prescribe another drug. You should not stop treatment at the first improvement and disappearance of symptoms. Complete healing and recovery may take a month or more.

Watch a video about treating nail fungus:

In what cases is it necessary to use a spray?

Before using a spray against fungus on your feet, you should carefully consider the important features of this form of antifungal agents. To begin with, it is recommended to find out for what indications these medications are prescribed.

The main indications for antifungal sprays include the following conditions:

  • if there is a fungal infection on the nail plate, as well as on the adjacent skin. Especially if the infection is concentrated in the spaces between the fingers, in the folds of the skin;
  • in the presence of wet areas with fungus;
  • should be used for extensive foci of fungal infection;
  • if fungal infection of the nails and feet is accompanied by increased sweating of the feet.

Note! Antifungal sprays are recommended for treating feet and nails before going to beaches, swimming pools, saunas, baths. This also needs to be done after complete recovery from mycosis.

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