Laundry soap for papillomas, reviews of a folk remedy

Despite the fact that the modern pharmacological industry offers a huge number of all kinds of drugs for the treatment of warts (papillomas), most people still prefer to use old grandmother’s recipes.

However, does everyone know that you can get rid of papilloma by using ordinary laundry soap? It is worth talking about this in more detail in order to understand the principle of the effect of soap on tumors, as well as to study the rules for using this product, which will allow you to avoid adverse consequences.

Composition of laundry soap and properties

Due to its antibacterial effect, this remedy has been used in folk medicine for a long time. In difficult conditions, surgeons used laundry soap as gloves. To do this, they thoroughly soaped their hands and allowed the foam to dry. Acting as an antiseptic, the resulting layer guaranteed sterility.

Laundry soap is produced in the form of a brown bar with percentages, weight and GOST stamped on it. It consists of the following components:

  • palmitic, stearic and lauric acids;
  • soda ash;
  • sodium carbonate;
  • caustic sodium.

It is the acids that have an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect , and help get rid of papillomas, acne, fungi, and bacteria. The higher the percentage indicated on the bar, the more aggressive the product. To remove papillomas, you need to use 65% laundry soap.

Currently, adhesives, chemical dyes and various fragrances can be added to laundry soap. They are not recommended for the treatment of papillomas. Therefore, before purchasing a product, you should make sure that its composition is natural by reading the technical data sheet.

What is laundry soap

Laundry soap, familiar to almost everyone since Soviet times, is a product of hydrolysis processing of vegetable oils. This recipe was developed in the Middle Ages in France. Hence the second, much less common, name for this cleaning product - Marseille soap. The main criterion for the quality of laundry soap is the percentage of fatty acids, which can be 64% (third grade), 69% (second grade) and 72% (first grade). Usually the percentage is applied to the surface of the briquette.

In addition to salts of fatty acids, which actually provide the detergent effect of soap, its commercial variety also contains a significant amount of alkaline substances. All this provides the typical properties of this product - a drying effect on the skin, an inhibitory effect on a number of bacteria. For this reason, laundry soap has long been used not only to wash clothes, but also to fight with it.

How to treat papillomas with laundry soap

Under no circumstances should various skin growths, and especially papillomas, be torn off or cut off. They should be treated with mild means , one of which includes laundry soap.

Upon contact with water, the product used decomposes into acids and alkalis, so the soap is wetted before use. To treat papillomas, every evening after a shower you need to:

  1. Gently lather the areas where tumors accumulate. This must be done so as not to accidentally tear off or damage the papillomas.
  2. After soaping, a thick layer will appear on the skin, which should be allowed to dry and left overnight.
  3. In the morning, everything must be thoroughly and carefully washed off with warm water and dipped in a towel.
  4. The procedure should be carried out every evening until the affected area becomes inflamed and begins to turn red. This usually happens on the 3rd or 4th day.

After stopping the use of the treatment, the inflamed tumors will gradually dry out and then fall off.

Recipe for preparing an ointment to remove papillomas

To prepare the ointment, you will need half a bar of soap and one onion. The prepared bar of soap is grated, and the onion is crushed in a blender. To obtain a homogeneous ointment, all ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and placed in the refrigerator.

The smell of the ointment will not be very pleasant, so it is recommended to make compresses with it at night. The papillomas are lubricated with the resulting mixture for seven days. In the morning, the skin is rinsed and dried with a clean towel.

During treatment with such an ointment, the tumors should gradually begin to darken and then fall off.

Laundry soap with herbal ingredients

To enhance the healing effect of soap, it can be mixed with medicinal herbs . The more types of herbs are used, the better the properties of the folk remedy will be. Together with laundry soap you can use:

  • immortelle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Birch buds;
  • chamomile


  • Finely grate a 200 gram piece of soap using a grater and add 0.5 liters of water.
  • Add one hundred grams of any prepared herb (you can use a mixture of herbs).
  • Leave for 20 minutes and strain.

Papillomas are thickly lubricated with the resulting composition overnight .

Using other types of soap

Instead of household soap, tar soap is often recommended to remove papilloma. Its main difference from the usual one is the presence of at least 10% birch tar. This enhances the disinfecting and antiseptic properties of the product and gives the soap anti-inflammatory properties. It has a somewhat specific smell, and this scares many people away. But the smell of tar does not settle on the skin and completely disappears after washing with water. Among its beneficial qualities, wound healing and regenerative properties should also be noted.

Birch tar is a product of dry sublimation of birch bark or (less commonly) common birch wood. It is actively used in both folk and traditional medicine as an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. In cosmetology it is rarely used in its pure form, mainly as part of special soaps, shampoos, ointments and masks.

Tar soap dries the skin much less effectively, but this does not reduce its activity against papillomas. Its effect is ensured by a number of active components of tar, which destroy the affected neoplasm cells. This is how it compares favorably with household soap and therefore can be used by people who have dry and thin skin, especially if papillomas are located on the face, neck and intimate areas. Using laundry soap in these areas can cause severe peeling of the skin.

Hand soap, intimate hygiene soap, baby soap - they all contain a significant amount of moisturizing components and therefore are not able to significantly “dry out” the tumor. Antibacterial soaps will also not help get rid of the problem: papilloma is caused by a virus, not bacteria.

Removing papillomas with laundry soap and thread

To treat large voluminous neoplasms, you can use the following recipe: tie the base of the papilloma , smear the affected area with laundry soap soaked in water.

dry out and fall off within two days . When treating tumors with laundry soap or compositions based on it, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. Do not soak the soap too much; it should remain thick.
  2. Do not scratch or injure the treated area, as this may lead to infection.
  3. Apply the soap solution in a thick layer.
  4. Stop treatments immediately after slight redness appears.

Papillomas grow and multiply quickly, so they must be removed immediately after they appear. To do this, you can use folk recipes or special ointments. However, local remedies alone will not be enough to treat. Most often, neoplasms appear against the background of weakened immunity, which should be strengthened.

Some recommendations for using soap against papilloma

In order for therapy at home to be successful, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • To prevent the development of side effects, you should not increase the concentration of alkali yourself;
  • When using products that contain highly allergenic products, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test (apply a little of the prepared composition to the bend of the elbow or the area behind the ear, leave for 25-40 minutes, if there is no discomfort, treatment can be carried out);
  • When using the medicine, it is advisable to cover the treated areas with gauze or fabric bandages (the use of polyethylene or other materials that do not allow air to pass through is unacceptable).


I want to share a simple way to remove papillomas. They started to come out on my neck. At first I thought it was from the chain, but it turned out not. In any case, it is unsightly and very dangerous. When a large wart grew under my arm, I removed it with celandine, but it was very painful. They need to be cauterized very carefully, only one column. If it gets on the body, it will cause a burn.

Later I read that you can dry papillomas with laundry soap. I treated them very simply - I washed them with a washcloth and washed my whole body, especially my neck. After a few days, the papillomas began to dry out and fall off. Now I have some small ones left here and there, but the big ones have dried up and fallen off. I think I'll get rid of them all over time.

Svetlana, Novosibirsk

There were several small papillomas on my neck that I wanted to get rid of. I read on the Internet that they can be removed with laundry soap. I decided to try it. I lubricated it, as it was written, before going to bed. As a result, after two weeks they fell off!

Oksana, St. Petersburg

I had one quite large papilloma on my neck, which I recently removed with laundry soap.
For just two days I smeared it with soapy water and covered it with a band-aid. This time was enough for it to dry out. My neck has been clear for two months now, although I didn’t really believe in the result. Galina, Tomsk

Laundry soap. Mechanism of action

To understand whether treatment of papillomas with laundry soap is really effective, you need to get acquainted with its qualitative characteristics.

Its antiseptic properties have long been known. Cleansing the skin of impurities when soaping is simultaneously accompanied by its disinfection.

This is explained by the inclusion of sodium and potassium salts in the structural formula, as well as the presence of some acids - lauric, stearic, palmic.

Alternative Methods

For those who like to use folk remedies, tar soap is suitable, the principle of using it for papillomas is similar to its household counterpart. Thanks to natural tar, an antiviral effect is provided.

What is usually disturbing is the rather sharp specific aroma of tar if you simply soap skin prone to the development of papillomas with this soap. It can be softened by heating pieces crushed into shavings with the addition of a small volume of water or herbal infusion.

How to use

How to remove papillomas with laundry soap? This question worries many women and not only. It is believed that if used correctly, you can achieve good results due to the beneficial properties of this product.

To destroy the papilloma virus, you must follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. The duration of the procedure is about 3-4 days. During this time, it is possible to remove small warts with regular use of laundry soap.
  2. For convenience and effectiveness, it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, leaving the product on the skin overnight.
  3. In the morning, rinse the treated areas with warm water and dry well.

Removing papillomas using folk remedies is considered very common and has positive results. But besides this, there may be allergic reactions and other intolerance to laundry soap, which is caused by low quality or excessively dry skin. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a medical professional before use.

In the absence of contraindications, you can safely use the product as a treatment. How to remove papillomas with soap? You need to follow some rules:

  1. It is not advisable to use soapy water when treating skin; the product should be thick before applying to the skin.
  2. Do not subject the treated area to mechanical stress or any trauma, as an infection may develop.
  3. Laundry soap should be applied only to the wart area in a thick layer, without rubbing in this area.
  4. If redness or itching appears on the surface of the skin after use, you should immediately stop using it and visit a doctor to avoid causing extensive irritation.

In addition to regular lubrication, papillomas can be removed at home by applying gauze bandages to the area of ​​warts. To do this, you need to hold the soap in warm water, and then wet a napkin in this solution, squeeze it a little and apply it to the affected area. A bandage is used for fixation. It is more convenient to carry out this procedure at night before going to bed. After waking up, the bandage is removed and the skin is washed with water. The duration of treatment is several weeks, depending on the number of warts and their size.

You can also remove papillomas using an ointment based on laundry soap. It is quite effective, easy to prepare and does not require special knowledge. How to get rid of papillomas using such a remedy? To do this, you need to cut a small piece of soap and grate it. Then pour a glass of water and wait 30 minutes. The mixture should be filtered, squeezed out a little and applied to the new growths until foam appears, then rinsed off with warm water. In this case, it is also necessary to avoid injuring the skin so as not to cause an infection.

Papilloma virus, know the enemy by sight

Papillomas, benign skin neoplasms that can appear on the skin and mucous membranes of a person when infected with HPV, the human papillomavirus.

It is quite easy to become infected with this virus, because it is transmitted from person to person through contact with infected skin, either through a simple handshake or through closer contacts.

Methods of infection with HPV:

  • Use of hygiene and household items after a carrier of the virus.
  • Sexual contact with an infected person.
  • During childbirth, if the mother is infected.
  • Any contact that comes into contact with the skin of an infected person.

Many people live as carriers of the virus, not even suspecting, until a certain moment, of the threat to their health and the risk to the people around them.

Papilloma virus, time to sound the alarm

The virus can live in the human body for many years without manifesting itself or revealing its presence. However, there are situations when treatment is necessary.

You should seek the help of a specialist if:

  1. A neoplasm that has been present on the skin for a long period suddenly begins to grow, causing discomfort and pain.
  2. In case of damage to papilloma. Inaction can lead to infection of the tumor, suppuration and even blood poisoning.
  3. The danger of modifying tumors with which a person has spent a significant part of his life is that this can lead to their degeneration into malignant tumors.

Damage to papilloma and its pain, a reason to seek medical help

Other traditional medicines

You can remove papillomas at home not only with laundry soap. There are many traditional medicine recipes for getting rid of such a disease on your own. The most common and highly effective are:

  1. Ammonia is an excellent remedy in the fight against skin growths. Used as cauterization, it helps remove warts in a short period of time without leaving a trace. Ammonia, just like laundry soap, contains bactericidal and antimicrobial properties.

An effective result can be achieved with proper use; due to the high concentration of active substances, alcohol can cause a burn on the skin.

Therefore, before removing papillomas with this method, you need to carefully prepare.

To do this, you need an adhesive plaster to prevent contact with healthy skin and alcohol. A small hole with the size of the growth is cut out in it and attached to the skin. It should be cauterized for 5-6 seconds once a day. In the future, the wart will change color to a darker one and fall off over time.

The main thing when using ammonia is to avoid getting the tumor wet. Otherwise, a positive result will not follow.

  1. Tar soap for papillomas is to some extent similar to laundry soap, the only difference is that it contains natural birch tar - 10% by weight. Thanks to it, the product has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. It perfectly treats dermatological diseases, has a healing property and does not dry out the skin.
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