Effectively remove redness and quickly whiten your face after sunbathing

You can whiten your face after sunbathing at home using products from the category of professional cosmetics. The cost of creams with a powerful whitening effect ranges from 100-2000 rubles; most often they can be used on any type of dermis and give the desired result literally after the first use.

An alternative to creams is home remedies: masks, scrubs, lotions, lotions and others. They contain familiar food products, so there is a high risk of developing allergies to them. You need to be especially careful about recipes that contain lemon and honey - these are allergenic products.

How to whiten your face from tanning: TOP 10 creams

You can whiten your face from tanning using specific cosmetics - there are TOP 10 creams with powerful whitening properties.

Cream name How to use Price
Eveline – active whitening face cream Apply once a day for 2 weeks 150-200 rubles
Kora – against freckles and age spots The course of application is 2-3 weeks, applied to the face 2 times a day 400-450 rubles
Garnier – whitening and protection Apply with massage movements once every 3 days, the course of application should not exceed 5 procedures Within 2000 rubles
Faberlic Expert – concentrate for lightening age spots Used for 1 week, no more than 1 time per day 300-350 rubles
Achromin Apply immediately after tan formation, 1-2 applications are enough 100-130 rubles
Clearvin Solves the problem within 1 day - you need to treat tanned facial skin in the morning and evening 80 rubles
OLAY Natural White Apply once a day, for complete skin whitening the course is 1 week 750 rubles
Natura Siberica Eliminates severe tan within 1 day 200-340 rubles
Melanative The course of application is 15 days 500 rubles
fly agaric Apply to facial skin 3 days in a row, twice a day 170 rubles


A cream from a well-known brand that has a comprehensive effect on skin exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays. The product contains lactic acid, lemon and parsley juice, glycerin and ammonium lactate. Thanks to a competent combination of components, the cream has the following properties:

  • inhibits the production of melanin (pigment);
  • eliminates the grayish and/or yellowish tint of the epidermis;
  • prevents the appearance of signs of early aging;
  • restores water balance in the skin at the cellular level;
  • completely eliminates or makes freckles and age spots as invisible as possible;
  • whitens tan;
  • eliminates areas of peeling.

If you are allergic to citrus fruits, then you should stop using this cream. Immediately after application to the skin, a tingling or slight burning sensation may appear - this is a normal reaction to the effects of acids on the epidermis.


The cream can be used at home, but you need to study its composition and exclude the possibility of developing an allergy to some components: licorice root, verbena extract, lemon juice and sea water. The cream is applied once a day; it is advisable to carry out this manipulation in the evening.

What properties does it have:

  • “works” in the deep layers of the skin and at the cellular level stops the process of natural synthesis of the melanin pigment;
  • qualitatively moisturizes the dermis;
  • restores water-salt balance;
  • eliminates age spots and freckles.

The components belong to the category of hyperallergenic substances, so this cream is categorically not suitable for use on overly sensitive skin and with a history of an inadequate reaction to any irritant.


Cream “Whitening and Protection” belongs to the products of the high price segment, but it also acts on the skin gently and effectively at the same time. It is made on the basis of fruit acids, so it can be used as a scrub. The use of the cream provides:

  • exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • smoothing out fine wrinkles;
  • elimination of minor rashes of non-pathological origin.

Tanning, age spots and even freckles whiten very quickly: even with their maximum severity, a maximum of 5 procedures with a break of 3 days are enough to achieve the desired effect.

Faberlic EXPERT

The basis of the concentrate is vitamins C and E, licorice root extract, a special complex of active substances that ensure maximum enrichment of skin cells with oxygen.

Has the following properties:

  • moisturizes the epidermis;
  • restores and stabilizes the water-salt balance in the deep layers of the dermis;
  • exfoliates epidermal particles;
  • stops the process of melanin synthesis;
  • whitens pigment spots, freckles.

This concentrate, due to the high content of vitamins in its composition, is able to protect facial skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays after use.


The composition contains components, each of which has powerful whitening properties and enhances the effect of each other:

  • glycerol;
  • pink water;
  • lanolin;
  • lactic acid;
  • licorice.

The composition is enriched with a complex of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the dermis, slowing down the aging process.

The use of the cream provides the following results:

  • a thin film is formed on the surface of the facial skin, which protects against external factors;
  • the development of photoaging is prevented;
  • the production of natural pigment by dermal cells is suspended;
  • the dermis receives the necessary nutrients to activate vital processes in cells.

The cream not only whitens tans and age spots, but can also be used as protection against ultraviolet rays in the summer.


It has a natural composition, is able to improve the structure of the skin and whiten it from tanning.

Has a complex effect:

  • accelerates blood microcirculation in the vessels of the dermis;
  • removes tan in a short time;
  • solves the problem of swelling, “bags” under the eyes (unless they are pathological in origin);
  • protects skin from ultraviolet rays;
  • prevents the accumulation of melanin pigment under the skin;
  • eliminates areas of redness, peeling, inflammation.

A “side effect” is considered to be maximum deep hydration of the dermis, resorption of “fresh” scars.

OLAY Natural White

The composition contains only vitamins - tocopherol, B5 and B3, the basis of the cream is glycerin. Thanks to this combination of substances, the cream not only moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but also:

  • evens out the overall tone of the epidermis;
  • makes the tan less pronounced.

Consumer reviews indicate that this product is not highly effective. Experts recommend using cream to solve the problem of “primary” tanning.

It is advisable to treat your facial skin with cream before visiting the beach or going out into direct sunlight - the process of melanin production will be slowed down at the cellular level.

Natura Siberica

This cream contains many whitening components, as well as natural plant extracts, so you can get the desired result in just 1 day of use. In addition to lightening the tan, this product:

  • exfoliates epidermal particles;
  • restores and accelerates regeneration processes;
  • softens the epidermis;
  • saturates the skin with moisture and nutrients;
  • prevents ultraviolet rays from penetrating the skin.

The composition is quite multi-component, so before using the cream you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the ingredients.


This is a medicinal product, therefore it is not sold in cosmetic stores, but only in pharmacies. The composition contains: vitamin E, glycolic acid, alpha-arbutin, isostearic and stearic acids, paraffin and other ingredients.

The cream has a complete therapeutic effect on the skin of the face:

  • eliminates dark spots that remain after mechanical removal of acne;
  • helps smooth the skin after acne, furunculosis;
  • whitens tan.

Particularly effective against age spots, can be used to treat any type of dermis.


This cream extremely rarely causes an allergic reaction and, according to the instructions, is approved for use even during pregnancy. But before using the product, you must conduct an allergy test, because the composition contains fruit/berry acids, rosemary/parsley extracts, lemon juice, melon/almond oils, retinol, tocopherol and fly agaric extract.

To whiten a tan, you need to carry out a 3-day course of application, and in addition the cream will have the following effects on the skin of the face:

  • eliminates inflammation;
  • saturates the dermis with moisture and minerals;
  • will accelerate regeneration processes at the cellular level;
  • serves as a prevention of early aging.

Applying Amanita cream in the morning will protect your skin from ultraviolet rays for the whole day.

How to whiten skin after sunbathing with folk remedies: recipes

You can whiten your skin after sunbathing using folk remedies in one day; recipes for masks with yeast and hydrogen peroxide, fresh cucumber with kefir, Aspirin + soda, lemon juice + egg yolk are suitable for this.

But cosmetologists and dermatologists warn of a high probability of developing a powerful allergic reaction to the composition. It would be reasonable to conduct a preliminary test for susceptibility to the components: the ready-made mass should be applied to the inside of the wrist and wait 10-20 minutes. Even slight redness or any other changes in the epidermis at the site of application are a contraindication to the procedure - skin after tanning is overly sensitive, it is slightly burned and therefore needs gentle care.

Yeast with hydrogen peroxide

First you need to steam your facial skin under a hot shower or with a warm compress.

Then you need to prepare the composition:

  1. combine 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide 3% and 20 g of dry yeast in a ceramic or glass bowl, stir thoroughly;
  2. then a hot wet cloth is applied to the face again for 1-2 minutes, immediately after this you can apply the finished mixture in a thick layer;
  3. Leave the product on for at least 10 minutes, then wash with warm running water and moisturize the skin with your usual cream.

The recipe is suitable for treating any type of dermis, and is especially effective on problematic ones - a mixture of yeast and pharmaceutical preparation not only whitens the tan, but also eliminates acne.

Watch the video on how to prepare a mask from yeast and hydrogen peroxide:

Fresh cucumber with kefir

You need to peel 1 fresh cucumber, chop it in a blender or on a coarse grater and lightly squeeze out the “pulp”. Add 30-35 ml of kefir to the resulting plant raw material, mix and apply the mixture to previously cleansed facial skin in a fairly thick layer. Leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm running water and treat the skin with moisturizer.

Kefir can be replaced with natural yogurt; it is better to choose a product with a high percentage of fat content to prevent the appearance of areas of peeling on the face. The product can be used daily, because it not only whitens the epidermis, but also moisturizes and nourishes all layers of the dermis.

Aspirin tablets with baking soda

3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid (classic Aspirin) should be crushed into powder and combined with 30 g (not a full/heaped tablespoon) of baking soda, stir. You need to add enough warm water to the dry mass so that the result is a paste-like mass.

Apply the product to previously cleansed facial skin with soft massaging movements, then leave it there for 15 minutes and only then rinse with warm running water. The skin must be lubricated with moisturizer.

Lemon juice and egg white

You need to beat 1 egg white with a whisk (until unstable foam), add 30 ml of freshly prepared lemon juice to it and mix everything. The composition is applied in a thick layer and massage movements onto previously cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm water, the skin is lubricated with moisturizer.

It should be noted that lemon juice acts as an irritant, so you should not use this tanning product if there is even minor damage to the surface of the skin. But the combination of lemon and protein is excellent for caring for oily, problematic dermis - pores narrow, and the amount of secretion synthesized by the sebaceous glands decreases.

In addition to the products listed, you can use the following at home to quickly whiten your tan:

  • Cottage cheese + yolk . These two components are combined and ground (you need to take 30 g of cottage cheese), 3 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide is added to them. Apply the prepared mass to the face for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water.
  • Oatmeal + tomato juice . You need to grind 1 tablespoon of oatmeal into fine grains and add 60 ml of tomato juice to it, leave for 10 minutes and apply the resulting mass to the skin of the face with massage movements, leave for 15 minutes. Then everything is washed off in the standard way.
  • Lemon juice + honey . These components are mixed in equal quantities, the finished mixture is applied to cleansed facial skin for a quarter of an hour. The dermis is cleansed by washing with warm water.

Regardless of which recipe was chosen for whitening a tanned face at home, after the procedure you need to treat the skin with a moisturizer. All of the above products solve the problem of tanning in one application, and at the same time lighten age spots and freckles.

Why do people get sunburned?

The sun's rays are divided into infrared and ultraviolet. In turn, ultraviolet rays are divided into A and B.

  • Rays A penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis. Under their influence, unprotected skin may become covered with pigment spots. In addition, the production of collagen and elastin in the skin decreases, which leads to premature wrinkles.
  • B rays negatively affect the upper layer of the epidermis. The skin begins to lose moisture intensively, melanin is intensively produced, and redness appears.

Depending on the duration, intensity, and frequency of exposure to UV radiation, positive and negative effects develop in the human body.

Positive effects: these include the formation of vitamin D, the production of melanin and the formation of a beautiful, even tan, the synthesis of mediators that regulate biorhythms, and the production of an important regulator of the endocrine system - serotonin. The negative effects of ultraviolet exposure include skin burns, damage to collagen fibers, the appearance of cosmetic defects in the form of hyperpigmentation, and the provocation of cancer.

Sunburns vary in the extent of the skin damage. If the skin is slightly sunburned and the percentage of damage is small, nothing bad will happen. The skin at the site of exposure will simply turn red, but after a few days this will pass, and a tan will remind you of the burn.

If you are sunburned, the following problems will arise:

  • skin redness (becomes hot and dry);
  • the occurrence of edema (swelling) and increased sensitivity;
  • itching;
  • blisters form;
  • the temperature rises, the person begins to freeze;
  • headaches appear;
  • with improper care, infection of the skin occurs;
  • the body becomes dehydrated.

The most delicate and unprotected areas of the dermis are affected first: the face and neck. If the legs or arms are burned, and most of the extremities are affected, the victim may feel numbness in these parts of the body due to poor circulation.

How to whiten your face at home after sunbathing with instant wipes

If a tan was acquired using instant wipes (self-tanning), but the process ended in failure, then you can whiten your face at home using the following means:

  • Vinegar + glycerin . In a glass or ceramic container, combine 6% table vinegar and pharmaceutical glycerin in equal quantities. Stir and add lemon juice to the mixture in the same amount. A cloth napkin is dipped into the finished product, which is then lightly wrung out and applied to the face. After 15 minutes, the procedure ends with washing with warm water.
  • Parsley greens . You need to take a bunch of greens (about 50 g), chop it with a blender or knife and “extract” the juice from the vegetable pulp through gauze. Wipe your face with this juice with a cotton pad, apply the product in several layers, and wash your face only after 3 hours.
  • Hydrogen peroxide + grapefruit juice . You need to combine the ingredients in a glass/ceramic bowl, mix and apply it to your face with cotton pads or sponges. The skin is lubricated several times in a row without breaks. You are allowed to wash your face 7 minutes after the last layer has dried.

The listed remedies most often eliminate the consequences of excessive tanning in one application, but if the desired results are not achieved, then the manipulation can be repeated only the next day. After the procedure, it is imperative to treat the skin with a moisturizer, because the ingredients from the compositions have a powerful drying property.

Contraindications for lightening your face after sunbathing

After tanning, it is contraindicated to lighten your face if:

  • excessive sensitivity of the facial skin, characterized by frequent allergic rashes;
  • some dermatological diseases - dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis with symptoms localized on the face;
  • malignant neoplasms of the skin, regardless of location (melanoma);
  • any damage to the skin;
  • infectious diseases with signs on the dermis;
  • the presence of pustular rashes on the face.

Facial skin whitening or treatment?

Before you begin whitening, you need to make sure that this is the procedure that should be carried out. It is relevant for uneven tanning when:

  • there was a mark from the glasses;
  • loose hair prevented an even tan;
  • the headdress covered part of the face, etc.

If painful symptoms occur, treatment should be performed instead of bleaching. A variety of diseases can lead to changes in skin color. Whitening products will not give the desired effect if the reason is bad habits (smoking, ignoring walks in the fresh air, etc.).

How to whiten your hands from tanning

The skin on your hands is denser and not as sensitive as on your face, so you can whiten it with more aggressive home remedies: lemon, fresh cucumber, potatoes and kefir. Masks are prepared from vegetables and fruits, or they are simply applied in circles, and the affected skin is wiped with fermented milk products.

With lemon

The easiest option is to mix baking soda and lemon juice in such quantities as to form a paste. It is applied to the hands with massage movements, you can imitate washing under the tap. Leave the product on the skin for 5-7 minutes, after which everything is washed off with warm running water, the skin is treated with moisturizer.

Baking soda can be replaced with finely ground salt, or you can simply wipe the skin of your brushes with lemon juice. The procedure is carried out no more than 3 times a week until the desired result is achieved.

If the skin of your hands is dry, and age spots stand out especially clearly against the background of a tan, then you can use a different recipe.

To prepare a bleaching agent, you need to grind oatmeal into fine grains, add lemon juice to them in such a volume that the result is a paste.

Before applying to problem areas, 5-10 drops of almond, peach or regular sunflower/olive oil are dripped into the mass. The mask should be on your hands for 5 minutes, after which it is washed off in the usual way.

With vegetables and fruits

Fresh cucumber has powerful whitening properties, so you can simply wipe your hands with it several times a day. Already on the 3rd day, the tan will become less pronounced and pigment spots will fade.

Another vegetable with similar properties is potatoes, but you need to choose varieties that are characterized by white flesh. It is rubbed on a fine grater and applied to the hands, the exposure time is 15-20 minutes, after which you need to rinse everything off with warm water and lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

Cosmetologists recommend wiping your hands with apple peels (of any variety) to prevent sunburn.

With fermented milk products

Kefir has whitening properties - you simply rub your hands with it several times a day. You can use this fermented milk drink to prepare a mask with banana - these components need to be combined in equal quantities, stirred and applied to your hands.

The exposure time is a quarter of an hour, after which you need to rinse everything off with warm water. This combination will not only whiten the tan, but will also make the epidermis of the hands soft, velvety and well-hydrated.

You can use home remedies to whiten your hands from tanning only if the problem was noticed immediately and the fight against it began immediately. If the tan is “old”, then you should give preference to professional cosmetics.

Professional whitening

You can always use the services of professionals by contacting salons. Here they will individually suggest the most suitable procedure based on your skin type and sensitivity. Cosmetic treatment is a more expensive method of skin lightening, but also effective. You won't have to wait long for the desired effect.

The most popular procedures offered by salons are:

  • peeling;
  • laser whitening;
  • photo correction.

The best results can be achieved with comprehensive care for problem areas of the skin. In the salon, the procedures performed will be aimed at exfoliating unwanted cells as much as possible. However, during this period, home care should be taken under control. Only in this case will the skin quickly recover and acquire a healthy appearance.

How to whiten your face after sunbathing quickly using lotions

You can quickly whiten your face after sunbathing using homemade lotions made from cucumbers and calendula. They can be stored in a cool place for a long time.

Cucumber lotion

You need to take 1 medium-sized cucumber and peel it, and chop the pulp. The resulting mass should be placed in a glass container and add 50 ml of vodka or 100 ml of medical alcohol to it, close the lid and leave to infuse for 3 days in a cold place.

At the end of the specified period, you need to strain the vodka/alcohol solution, dilute it with the same amount of warm water and use the resulting lotion for its intended purpose - wipe your face and hands with it to get rid of unfortunate, excessive tanning.

Calendula lotion

You will need a ready-made alcohol infusion of calendula flowers, which is diluted with clean warm water in equal proportions. The lotion should be wiped over problem areas every day, the duration of use is a maximum of 7 days.

You can use lotions 2-3 times a day, be sure to moisturize your facial skin as much as possible these days , because all alcohol products dry it out greatly, which can lead to the formation of areas of peeling.

First aid for sunburn

The first life-saving measures for the skin and body should be started immediately for any degree of burn, especially since the degree of skin damage cannot be initially determined. The general first aid plan is as follows:

  • If your face or other part of your body is sunburned, you should immediately take shelter from direct sunlight. It is ideal if it is a cool room, but if this is not the case, the shade of trees or a canopy will do.
  • Adequately assess your condition. If you feel chills, severe headache and dizziness, nausea and weakness, you should call an ambulance, as these symptoms indicate a severe burn and possible heat stroke (first aid).
  • If your general condition is not affected, you should actively help your skin and body cope with the damaging effects of the sun:

Carefully place sterile gauze or clean pieces of cloth soaked in cool water on the damaged areas of the skin and change them as they warm up after 15-20 minutes. You can wrap yourself in a wet sheet. Actions should be gentle, without pressure and maceration. Such lotions have a double effect - they reduce pain and burning, and also moisturize the skin, preventing further destruction of its layers.

  • If conditions exist, you can take a general cool shower.
  • If the burn is local, you can use a bath of cool water and immerse the damaged part of the body there.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to take a sufficient amount of liquid to prevent dehydration, for example, still mineral water or regular drinking water, but in no case ice water.
  • To relieve pain, you can take a painkiller, for example, analgin, ibuprofen, baralgin or aspirin.

Further actions relate to therapeutic measures and are aimed at preventing infection of damaged skin and its speedy restoration. In some cases, with mild overheating, the above measures are sufficient to improve the condition. But even if in the morning there is not a trace of yesterday’s redness left, there is no need to rush to the beach, since the skin is still under stress and needs protection from the sun.

What else can you do to whiten your tan?

You can also whiten your tan with other home remedies, but they should only be used if you are not allergic to the components.


The most effective against tanning and age spots are two recipes:

  • Lemon soda . Baking soda and freshly prepared lemon juice are mixed in such proportions as to make a paste. It is rubbed into the skin of the face with massage movements for 3-5 minutes, then the mass should remain in place for another 10 minutes, after which everything is washed off with warm water.
  • Honey-soda . This recipe combines 30 g of baking soda, the same amount of honey and 2-3 drops of the usual detergent. Rub the finished mass into the skin with soft circular movements, then leave it on the face for 5 minutes and only then wash it off.

Watch the video on how to prepare a facial scrub:

Scrubs cannot be used on a daily basis, the permissible number of procedures per week is 2. Be sure to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer after the manipulation, and steam the dermis before applying the product.


Lotions can be made from all products that are generally designed to whiten the epidermis. This could be a combination of glycerin with vinegar and lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide with fresh grapefruit juice, and so on. For the lotion you will need a cloth napkin or made from gauze folded in several layers. It should have holes for the nose and eyes. The napkin is moistened in the product, lightly wrung out and applied to the entire surface of the face.

The procedure takes 10-15 minutes, after which everything is removed, the skin is cleansed with warm water and, after drying, treated with a moisturizer.

It is believed that lotions are especially effective if you need to correct a “fresh” tan - the area of ​​influence is maximum, and the necessary whitening components penetrate the skin.


Masks with a whitening effect are used in compliance with the following rules:

  • the skin should be well steamed;
  • the area around the eyes should not be treated with the suggested products;
  • Frequency of use of home remedies – 3 times a week.

The most effective anti-tanning masks will be:

  • Cottage cheese . Combine 1 tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese with 1 egg yolk, mix everything and add 5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is advisable to puree the cottage cheese so that the result is a more homogeneous mass. If you have dry skin, you can add 1 teaspoon of rich sour cream to the mask.
  • From turmeric . 10 g of turmeric powder is added to full-fat sour cream and ground - the amount of fermented milk product is selected individually: the “output” should be a creamy mass. Apply the finished mask to the face and leave on the skin for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Makeup for camouflage

To disguise an unsuccessful tan in the first days, you can use makeup - just make the right choice of decorative cosmetics:

  • the foundation is 1-2 shades paler than the resulting color of the epidermis;
  • loose powder is also light;
  • barely pink blush.

The tan will only be hidden behind a thick layer of foundation, so it needs to be carefully shaded and controlled so that there is no sharp transition, a boundary between makeup and the natural color of the skin on the neck, in the area of ​​the double chin.

Cushion BB cream Newme cosmetics moisturizing

Cosmetologists' opinion

Before bleaching your face from tanning, you should consult a specialist. A cosmetologist will correctly determine your face type and recommend a product. It is worth saying that a special cream produced in factories or homemade recipes will help you quickly get rid of a tan.

In the latter case, special care must be taken. After all, an allergic reaction can occur to many folk remedies. In this case, instead of a beautiful complexion, you will get unevenly whitened skin covered with hives. Let's look at the basic methods that tell you how to whiten your face from tanning.

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