Urine for acne on the face: composition and beneficial properties

Urine from acne on the face. One type of urine therapy is external therapy, when urine is used to combat skin problems in the form of compresses, wraps, and rinses. Admirers of this branch of alternative medicine claim that urine can get rid of acne and spots caused by acne in a short time. Traditional medicine, due to the fact that urine changes its composition every hour, which depends on a large number of factors, does not recognize it as a medicine, but does not deny the therapeutic effect provided by urea, the main component of urine. Therefore, the question of whether urine helps with acne remains controversial and has both its supporters and opponents.

Urine can get rid of acne and blemishes

Composition and beneficial properties

Urine is a chemical compound that contains various active components:

  1. Structured water helps cleanse the skin.
  2. Ammonia has a softening effect. Under its influence, pores open, and skin cells are saturated with oxygen and nutrients.
  3. Calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium salts have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Hormones and enzymes have a rejuvenating effect.
  5. Vitamins promote skin regeneration.

The acidity of urine matches the pH level of the facial skin, so urine does not cause irritation when used regularly against acne.

The acidity of urine coincides with the pH level of facial skin

It is recommended to use only a medium portion of fresh urine. When stored for a long time, urine loses its medicinal properties. Some people believe that urine can be stored in the refrigerator, but this is a common misconception.

If you want to get rid of acne, then it is important to follow a number of rules that will help you obtain high-quality biomaterial:

  1. Your diet should not include fatty foods. Avoid smoked foods, exclude spicy foods, and limit your consumption of starchy foods and sweets. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Give up coffee and do not abuse alcoholic beverages. Herbal teas and juices have a beneficial effect on the composition of urine.

Smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and systematic stress are not conducive to obtaining high-quality urine for cosmetic procedures at home. Urine therapy implies a responsible attitude towards one's own health and the absence of bad habits.

Children's urine is considered more effective. It does not have such a pronounced pungent odor. The child excretes less minerals in the urine. Therefore, it is allowed to use the urine of your own children to solve problems with skin prone to imperfections.

How is the cosmetic effect achieved?

To achieve external beauty, you need to be clean inside. All kinds of waste accumulate on the walls of the colon. These are both toxic substances and decomposition products.

These deposits poison the body over time, which is reflected on the skin. Acne appears, the structure of the epidermis deteriorates and natural elasticity is lost, as there is a lack of collagen.

To cleanse the intestines, you need to do urine enemas in the morning after bowel movements.

. Urine should be fresh, obtained after waking up.

You will need about 400 grams of urine and a soft rubber enema. To empty the intestines, the procedure is carried out for at least 20 minutes. By combining this manipulation with masks and compresses, you can improve your skin, remove wrinkles and acne.

Mechanism of action

Urine helps not only in the fight against acne, but also has a therapeutic effect in the presence of common health problems:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promotes the healing of minor injuries and microcracks;
  • normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • indispensable for bruises;
  • helps fight external manifestations of food allergies;
  • treats sore throat;
  • heals cracks in hemorrhoids;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • fights early wrinkles and skin pigmentation.

Urine is used to cleanse the body of harmful substances that reduce its protective functions. It is the so-called toxins that contribute to the appearance of acne on the face. Appearance is a reflection of the condition of the internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to address the problem at the cellular level.

Urine is used to cleanse the body of harmful substances

Gray skin color, sagging and many wrinkles on the face indicate an excess of toxins in the body. The hair structure may deteriorate.

Many people know the method of cleansing the body of toxins, but not all people are enthusiastic about the procedure. Using an enema is a simple way to get rid of decay products of pathogenic microorganisms. A week is enough to achieve the desired effect. Procedure for the treatment procedure:

  1. In the morning, be sure to empty your bowels.
  2. Using an enema, inject 200 ml of urine into the rectum.
  3. It is important not to immediately run to the toilet, but to wait at least 15 minutes.
  4. Empty your bowels.

The procedure should be repeated once a day for a week. It is recommended to use morning urine. The method has no side effects, helps cleanse the body of toxins and promotes rejuvenation. The skin of your face will glow with health, become elastic and toned.

Urine for acne treatment: lotions, compresses, urine therapy

Acne is an annoying problem that cannot always be eliminated at home, without consulting a doctor. This is explained by the fact that rashes are not only a defect of the epidermis, but reflect pathological processes occurring inside the body. As long as there is an internal problem, it is impossible to make the skin clear. The mistake of irresponsible people is their reluctance to treat problematic acne-covered skin to a doctor and try to solve this problem on their own. Sometimes, using the most exotic and dubious methods. Among them there are attempts to cure acne with urine. But does this liquid cope with the task?

What causes the positive effect?

Probably many people know this method of disinfecting small wounds, which our grandmothers could offer. And if someone followed this advice, then he is familiar with the burning sensation in the wound that accompanies such a process. This gives the impression that your own urine acts in the same way as brilliant green or iodine. This is only partly true. In fact, urine contains corticosteroid hormones, which in traditional medicine are prescribed to relieve serious inflammatory processes. When applied to minor damage to the skin, the effect is expressed in aseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. And here it is important to note that any pharmaceutical products specifically intended for these purposes undergo certain processing, bottled and packaged in such a way as to prevent the entry of pathogenic microorganisms. What kind of “treatment” does urine undergo before applying to wounds? And the second point that you need to think about is that any damage to the integrity of the skin is an open gate to the circulatory system. Pimples and blackheads are rashes that need drying, disinfection, and relieving inflammation. Urine can have this effect, but it is important to understand which trace elements it contains are absorbed through the skin and whether the body needs them.

The dangers of using urine therapy

The body produces the described hormones in the adrenal cortex and removes the excess along with urine. If he had a need to use them somewhere, it is unlikely that he would not use it. When urinating, the following substances are removed from the body:

  • Corticosteroids. When a doctor prescribes a course of steroids, we usually wonder if a less drastic method could be suggested. And in urine the concentration of these hormones is 10 times higher, therefore calling such therapy gentle is completely unfounded;
  • Bacteria. If pathogenic microorganisms live in the genitourinary tract, they are washed out. Therefore, in the treatment of many infectious diseases of this system, drinking plenty of fluids is indicated.

Taking urine in any form (externally or internally) returns to the body everything that it had previously rejected. This leads to the transition of existing diseases into a chronic form, infection of acne-damaged skin and suppression of adrenal function.

How is it permissible to use urine against acne?

If your belief in urine therapy is strong or it happens that you are completely isolated and do not have the opportunity to get even a bottle of alcohol, then use urine only externally. No doctor will ever suggest taking it orally, and neither will competent adherents of traditional medicine.

If possible, use the urine of a healthy child to achieve your goals. And, on the contrary, do not apply someone else’s silent treatment to your acne-inflamed skin. If you suspect you have any diseases, it is also better to leave your urine out of direct contact with the skin.

This may be a disease that has already been diagnosed and is in “sleep mode”. Inflamed skin is sensitive to pathogenic microorganisms, its immunity is reduced, because those microbes that under normal conditions live inside the body and on the surface of the skin without causing harm can cause serious inflammatory processes.

To relieve minor acne rashes on the skin, this product can be used externally:

  • Exactly. Gently blot acne-affected areas with an ear stick soaked in the product;
  • Rubbing. Using a cotton swab, wipe the areas of the skin of the face and body where rashes appear, and after a quarter of an hour, rinse with water;
  • Applying compresses. For large areas (back, shoulders) where rashes have appeared, it is recommended to apply compresses with urine. Experts in urine therapy suggest, if possible, leaving this remedy on all night;
  • Lotions. For a short time, it is permissible to apply a cosmetic disc soaked in the described product to the inflamed areas. Remove the lotion and remove residues from the skin with warm water without soap;
  • Washing. If the effect of the described manipulations was not achieved, but faith in urine therapy has not disappeared, then try replacing the usual cleansing procedures with washing with urine. This liquid can even remove makeup. Carry out cleansing in two stages. In the first, remove decorative cosmetics, in the second, cleanse the skin of excess oil.

Many “healers” recommend using settled, old urine. Don't do this, apply a fresh product before the little beneficial effect that may have a beneficial effect on damaged skin has evaporated.

Urine therapy is not a method that should be tested on deep and extensive rashes and boils. Such problems should be addressed by a doctor and should not be aggravated by self-medication. You won't be able to remove blackheads with urine either.

Reviews about urine treatment

“I don’t oblige anyone to read my review and agree with me, but I will tell you about my experience. Perhaps it will be useful to someone. I struggled with acne for a long time and to no avail.

I applied creams and squeezed them out, but it didn’t help. Then I saw a book about the beneficial properties of urine and decided, since nothing was helping me anyway, to try it.

And it helped me! My face and shoulders have become clearer and there seem to be fewer new breakouts.”

Katya, 22 years old

“After the birth of the child, I was covered with acne. I didn’t go to the doctor - the child is small, it’s dangerous to hang around in hospitals, and there’s no one to leave with. At home I decided to take advantage of the advice I once heard. I blotted my daughter’s diaper with a cotton swab so that the urine would remain on it, and wiped the pimples. It turned out that after a while they passed and did not appear again.”

Valeria, 27 years old

about the dangers and benefits of urine therapy

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Source: https://oakne.ru/lechenie/mocha-dlya-lecheniya-pryshchej-primochki-kompressy-urinoterapiya.html

Methods of using urine in cosmetology

It is important to familiarize yourself with information on how to use urine to fight acne. Urine contains urea, without which the skin cannot function fully. Urine helps retain moisture in the deep layers of the epidermis.

You should consider how to wash your face with urine:

  1. Only morning urine is used.
  2. Do not under any circumstances dilute the biomaterial with water or other cosmetics if you want to enrich the dermal cells with useful microelements.
  3. Do not wash your eyes to avoid irritation of the mucous membranes.
  4. After washing, you need to rinse your face with cool water, and you can also use a herbal decoction for this purpose. It is allowed to apply moisturizer after completing the main procedure.

It is important to understand what results you will achieve by washing your face with urine every day for a week:

  1. The skin becomes smooth and silky.
  2. Evens out complexion.
  3. Blackheads and acne disappear.
  4. Scars are smoothed out.
  5. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Regular use of urine leads to gradual lightening of the skin. Therefore, tan lovers should not wash their face with urine often.

Lotions and compresses

Lotions have an equally effective therapeutic effect. It is important to familiarize yourself with the procedure:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in morning urine, and then wipe your face with it, thus cleansing the dermis of impurities.
  2. Gauze soaked in urine is applied to the affected areas of the skin. Leave the product for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse your face with cool water. In this case, you should not apply cream.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week until the desired effect occurs.

It is important to use the urine of only a healthy person. Urine from older people is not used in urine therapy. The most useful substances are contained in urine collected around 4 am. Urine during pregnancy (3rd trimester) also has a number of benefits.

It is important to use the urine of only a healthy person

It is worth considering how to make a compress with urine:

  1. Soak gauze or terry towel in urine.
  2. Apply a compress to the forehead and chin for 2 hours.
  3. Rinse your face with water at room temperature.

Compresses help fight the manifestations of eczema on the face. You need to apply the above method every day until improvement occurs. It is important to avoid the area around the eyes.

Compresses with urine can also be done in the neck area, especially if you have acne in this area of ​​the skin. But to carry out the procedure, you will need evaporated urine, because the active components in this case will be in increased concentration.

What are the benefits of urine therapy for facial skin?

Urine for the face helps solve many skin problems. It contains ammonia, which dilates pores well, allowing cells to better receive oxygen and nutrients. As a result, the skin becomes better. But some people believe that urine can have negative effects on the body.

Mechanism of action

Urine contains ammonia, which dilates pores well, facilitating easy penetration of nutrients. Salts have an anti-inflammatory effect. Urine is 97% water, which effectively flushes the skin. To achieve a therapeutic effect, only evaporated and fresh urine is used.

Stale urine loses its beneficial properties when exposed to air and sunlight. To improve your health and appearance, you should regularly cleanse your intestines of accumulated toxins.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • In the morning, the intestines are emptied naturally;
  • using a rubber bulb, 300-400 g of urine is injected;
  • do this 3-4 times, one after the other;
  • After 10 minutes, the intestines are emptied.

As a result of such an enema, the body is healed and the skin is smoothed.

Benefits of urine therapy

Proponents of this method believe that urine eliminates various skin defects, removing acne and getting rid of age spots, and cures a large number of diseases. But many consider it a useless substance. This method is not recognized by traditional medicine, but it does not refute its beneficial properties.

Urine therapy has the following advantages:

  1. The sebaceous glands are cleansed. Pores are often clogged with dead cells, dust and sebum. As a result, acne appears. Urine dilates the pores and removes their contents.
  2. Pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed. Urine has antiseptic properties, helping to get rid of germs.
  3. Regeneration is accelerated. New dermal cells are formed much faster.
  4. The skin is moisturized. Urine therapy greatly benefits dry skin by moisturizing it.
  5. The skin is nourished. Urine saturates the dermis with useful substances. Minerals, vitamins and other elements penetrate well into the skin and are absorbed there.
  6. It turns out to have an anti-inflammatory effect. Urine helps relieve symptoms of skin diseases.

Urine is good for getting rid of wrinkles and acne on the face. The main advantage of urine therapy is the treatment of purulent inflammation. Thanks to various lotions and compresses, the surface of the formations dries and gradually heals.

Another advantage is the presence of nicotinic acid in urine . It helps restore skin integrity when damaged. It has been proven that children's urine contains more useful substances than adults. Vitamins A, C and D were found in it.

Directions for use on the face

Urine is recommended for use most often for external use.


Most often, urine is used to wash the face, using the morning portion for this. Thanks to this method, the skin is well moisturized and cleansed, and also enriched with necessary substances. After washing your face, you need to rinse it with a decoction of herbs or running water or apply any cream.

This procedure brings the following benefits:

  • the dermis becomes smooth and elastic;
  • acne and wrinkles are eliminated;
  • complexion is normalized;
  • skin elasticity increases;
  • scars are smoothed out;
  • pigment spots lighten;
  • the secretion of subcutaneous sebum is reduced, as a result of which the facial skin becomes less oily.

If you regularly wipe your face with urine, it eliminates redness and brightens the skin.


Urine is often used for lotions. To do this, wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in urine. This allows you to cleanse the dermis of fat and dirt. Then a towel soaked in urine is applied to the problem areas. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse with water. After this, you do not need to apply anything to your face. Carry out the procedure three times a week until improvement occurs.


Treatment of facial skin is often carried out using compresses using one’s own urine.

They are prepared as follows: a towel or gauze folded in several layers is moistened in urine, applied to the damaged areas and kept for 1.5-2 hours. Then the face is washed with water.

Thanks to such compresses you can get rid of the manifestations of psoriasis and eczema on the face. Do them daily until your health improves.

Such compresses are often used for the décolleté and neck area. In these places, the skin is delicate and ages quickly. For greater efficiency, evaporated (boiled) urine is used, since in this case it contains an increased concentration of useful substances. As a result, the skin becomes tightened and elastic.


If a cosmetic facial massage is performed, then the use of urine will have a greater effect. To do this, you need to wet your fingers in a small amount of urine and start massaging your face along the massage lines. After the procedure, you need to wash your face with a herbal decoction and apply cream to your face. If you use evaporated urine, you can achieve light scrubbing.

Face masks

It is recommended to do this mask with urine 2-3 times a week. To do this, moisten the bandage in morning urine and wipe the face, removing dirt and grease. Then cotton pads are soaked in urine and applied in such a way as not to touch the area around the eyes. Keep it for 15 minutes, after which the cotton pads are removed and rinse your face with water. You can apply nourishing cream to the skin.


Some creams contain urine. Such cosmetics restore water balance well, fill the skin with necessary moisture and soften it. In addition, with the help of such products, severe dryness of the dermis and peeling are eliminated.

Basic principles of use

If you need to get rid of various problems with the skin of the face, then urine should be consumed internally. But this does not mean that you should drink it. Taking it internally means cleansing the rectum and intestines of undigested food particles that cause pimples, blackheads, and skin redness. To do this, the liquid is injected into the intestine 3-4 times.

For the external method, only morning urine is used. Any cloth is soaked in it and applied to the face.

It is recommended to use only fresh urine, because stale urine loses its beneficial properties. Urine therapy should be used simultaneously with conservative treatment of the skin.

Don't give up using cosmetics. This combination shows good results.


Tatyana, 33 years old, Moscow: “I have bad facial skin - dry, constantly inflamed, dull in appearance, and acne often appears. I read on the Internet that urine is a good remedy for skin imperfections.

I decided to try this method. To do this, in the morning I moistened a cotton swab with my own urine and treated my face. After 15 minutes I washed my face with running water. As a result, the complexion improved and refreshed, and after 2 weeks the peeling disappeared.

Don’t be squeamish, because it’s worth it.”

Oksana, 45 years old, Omsk: “To improve the condition of my facial skin, I decided to resort to urine therapy. To do this, I made masks using morning urine. I didn’t take it inside. Thanks to the external use of urine, the face became brighter, redness and fine wrinkles disappeared. The skin stopped getting irritated in the cold and strong winds.”

Marina, 36 years old, Kaliningrad: “I started using urine on the skin of the face for cosmetic purposes, I did douching. After 2 months the skin improved. For the procedures I used only morning urine.

I massaged my face and neck with urine and noticed how well it was absorbed. I didn’t feel any disgust, and there was no smell. After the procedure, the skin was thoroughly rinsed with water and a nourishing cream was applied.”

Veronica, 55 years old, St. Petersburg: “To get rid of wrinkles and for rejuvenation, I decided to resort to urine therapy. To do this, I made compresses from urine. I used frozen urine. As a result, after several procedures, the complexion evened out, the skin became smooth and elastic. “I began to look younger and even stopped using anti-aging creams.”

Ekaterina, 49 years old, Murmansk: “I’ve long heard that urine helps treat various diseases, including healing the skin. I decided to use this method. To do this, I made urine lotions every day for my face and neck. As a result, the condition of the skin improved, it became soft to the touch, and fine wrinkles disappeared. I'm happy with the result."


Women are interested in what side effects may arise from the use of urine, and whether there are any contraindications. It is important to consider the following information:

  1. The strong smell of urine can trigger vomiting. Pregnant women are not recommended to make compresses with urine to avoid the gag reflex.
  2. Evaporated urine helps cleanse the skin of dead cells, so women with very sensitive skin types should not use this method.
  3. If you suffer from allergies, it is not recommended to treat acne with urine.
  4. Do not leave urine on your skin overnight. Be sure to rinse your face with water after performing one of the above procedures.
  5. It is advisable to use either your urine or your child’s biomaterial.
  6. You should not wash your face with urine every day for 2 or more months. The desired result is usually achieved within 14-20 days, so do not overuse urine therapy. If there are no visible improvements, then you should look for other ways to combat the disease.

In any case, do not neglect consulting a specialist. Only a doctor can determine the advisability of using urine to get rid of acne. Be responsible for your own health.

Recipes for face masks for acne

In order to make a face mask against acne at home, you will need the most common products, but only fresh ones.

Let's start with the simplest recipes that do not require much time to make a mask.

First of all, you will need a regular chicken egg, just one. If possible, prefer homemade eggs, despite the assurances of industrialists that their factory chickens lay identical ones - of course, this is not the case. The preparation method is very simple: separate the protein and beat it with a whisk until foamy - that’s it, the mask is ready. Apply it on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes until it dries. At the same time, you will feel its tightening effect.

You can add other ingredients to the protein to improve the effect, for example, lemon juice and aloe juice (one spoon each). Lemon can be replaced with grapefruit.

By adding oatmeal (or ground rolled oats) to the protein, you can prepare a good anti-acne mask. You can apply the paste using cotton pads, and wash it off immediately after it dries.

The yolk is also not left out of use. It needs to be boiled, ground together with sour milk into a paste and applied to the face for 15 minutes. It is necessary to rinse off first with warm and then with cold water.

Regular baking soda is also great for fighting acne. The simplest recipe: dilute baking soda with a small amount of water and apply to your face for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. The skin will become soft, but only if you do not use baking soda often - 2 times a week will be enough. There is also a contraindication for soda: do not use it in case of large pimples, much less open ones, and only at the first appearance on the skin.

For oily skin, ordinary laundry soap will be a good helper. Before going to bed, you should rub the soap into your skin or, after washing your hands with it, carefully apply the resulting mask to your face. Wash off in the morning with warm water and the same soap. This recipe is not suitable for dry skin, as it will dry out the skin even more.

Masks based on healing clay help very well. You can buy clay at any pharmacy, and to make a mask you just need to mix it with water and a small amount of vegetable oil. As the clay dries, it will tighten the face, cleansing and at the same time tightening the pores of the skin. Such masks are considered one of the most effective in the fight against acne.

Don’t forget about honey, which is an essential component in many healing masks. Prepare an apple pulp and add honey to it. This mask should be kept for 15 minutes and you are guaranteed to get rid of acne quickly. Since such components are natural and harmless, you can make a mask every day.

The following recipes for anti-acne masks will be the most accessible for you and will not require much time to make. Try each recipe to determine the most effective composition for you and be healthy!

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