Viral acne on the body, its characteristics and treatment

Colds can take you by surprise. And neither the good weather nor the delicious favorite dish pleases you anymore. After all, a cold is very often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as a stuffy nose, sore throat, and often acne appears on the face.

And just recently I was faced with such a problem and decided not to put off treatment. I started by asking all my friends how to get rid of cold acne on the face.

I received a lot of information, so I am happy to share the most valuable with you.


The difference between colds and regular acne is that they do not have a clear focus of ripening.

Such formations are quite complex in nature. They arise gradually. And the first signs of their formation are not visible on the face.

This happens because first a compaction is formed in the dermis. Which breaks and becomes inflamed for several days. Only after full maturation at the initial level does a red bump appear on the skin.

The skin around this tubercle swells and leads to severe inflammation on the face. Due to the formation of cold-like elements on the face, other rashes may occur that become infected from the primary element. This is another factor why cold acne is dangerous for the normal condition of the skin.

Another problem with colds is that the pus takes a long time to mature. This process takes from 5 to 14 days. In difficult cases, this can last up to a month. During this period, it is almost impossible to squeeze it out.

Pus accumulates inside and has no outlet. An element that arose due to drafts and cold does not have a pore that will be open and through which pus can escape. For this reason, the course of treatment must include measures aimed at drawing pus out.


To prevent the spread of infection, you should not try to squeeze out cold acne, especially on the face. This cannot be done, but it is quite likely to provoke the spread of pus around the periphery. In addition, squeezing out acne often leads to the formation of scars, which cannot be removed without the help of a cosmetologist.

Unlike comedones, inflammatory colds cannot be steamed, hot compresses applied, or peeling and scrubbing procedures performed.

Reasons for appearance

The main and main reason for the appearance of colds is a decrease in immunity.

This condition of the human body occurs in various situations, some of which affect the skin.

  • External factors. Draft, strong wind and frost are among the main causes of inflammation.
  • Acute respiratory diseases and other diseases of the ENT organs (flu, sore throat, bronchitis).
  • Inflammation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis).
  • Hormonal disorders (mostly affect the female body, but can also affect men).
  • Diseases of the female reproductive system.
  • Exacerbations of diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Stress, nervous changes, depression and other strong emotional changes that affect all organs of the human body, including the skin.

In addition to the immediate causes of their appearance, there is a scheme for their occurrence. That is, the face is not covered with cold boils in a free manner.

Each element has its own explanation. And it lies in the connection between the place of its localization and the system of the internal organ, which also aggravated and indicated the manifestation of its restless state with this abscess.

This means that the boil that appeared on the nose or cheek did not just appear in this place. It is worth paying attention to the functioning of a particular organ.

On the face

When boils appear all over the face in a scattered pattern, this means that the body has been subjected to severe hypothermia.

In this case, it is recommended to increase immunity by taking special medications orally and at the same time begin treating rashes on the face.

On the lips

They are among the most painful elements. They are also caused by hypothermia and the habit of licking lips.

The second obvious problem that can arise in the body and which can have such an impact on the face is an infectious disease. It can occur latently and have no signs of manifestation in the general condition.

On the forehead

Rashes in this area indicate problems with the intestines, or rather, intoxication of the body. It is also worth resorting to cleansing the body of toxins. This can be done in several ways.

One of the good and healthy options is to cleanse the body with freshly squeezed juices. This way you will remove toxins and improve your overall health.

On the chin

Boils on the chin indicate obvious problems with the intestines. You may have poor digestion or frequent constipation. Try to normalize your diet. Introduce healthy fiber and complex carbohydrates into it.

On the head

The main reason for the appearance of boils on the scalp is hypothermia. It may also be a sign of hormonal imbalance.

It is he who can cause abundant secretion of sebum. It, in turn, becomes clogged in the hair follicles and, in combination with cold, can cause colds.

On the nose

The nose is the leader in the number of sweat glands. Colds disrupt the microflora of the ENT organs and affect the condition of the skin. Along with calming inflammation, begin treating respiratory diseases.

On the body

Acne often appears on the body in the back area. It has a large number of sebaceous glands, which work abundantly during an active lifestyle. A light blow of wind can provoke the appearance of a boil.

On the neck

The first signs of acne on the neck are hormonal imbalances. This may also indicate a malfunction of the endocrine system or infectious diseases.

On shoulders

Cold rashes on the body can occur quite locally. Such areas can also be the shoulders.

The root cause here is an infection that worsened due to hypothermia. It is also worth paying attention to hormonal levels.

On the chest

Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system and disruptions in the hormonal system are the main root causes of inflammation in the chest. Such problems should be carefully considered.

Read whether birth control helps with acne. What cream to choose for acne on the face at the pharmacy? The answer is in the article.

How does a cold appear on the face?

A person gets a cold on the face (see photo 2) a little less often than on the lip. Before acne appears, the skin of the face becomes swollen, begins to itch and itch, and turns red. After a short period of time, the surface of the face is affected by small pimples with liquid contents inside. The edges of the pimples are round in shape, but have uneven borders. Typically, the tissue around the herpes rash becomes inflamed, causing the pimples to appear pink.

When pressing on the affected area, severe pain is felt. A cold on the chin can also be accompanied by an allergic reaction. The skin becomes dense and hot to the touch. At the stage of the onset of a cold, it is very important not to disturb the integrity of the pimples, so as not to spread the infection.

With an active inflammatory process, herpes begins to progress, the cold on the skin rises above its surface, and after a while the pimples burst and a cloudy liquid flows out of them. After this, a sore remains, which becomes covered with a dried crust and begins to heal. A cold on the face of a child can last longer than in adults, and moreover, it is more likely to cause complications.

How to treat cold acne

Inflammations that arise as a result of hypothermia of the body require a different approach than ordinary rashes.

The face on which boils appear should not be constantly dried, since this will not relieve the inflammation itself, but will only dry out the skin.

Treatment of such elements must be special and comprehensive. Do not forget about parallel healing of internal problems in the body.

Vishnevsky ointment

The most popular method that our grandmothers used. Vishnevsky ointment, the active ingredients of which are campfire oil and birch tar, draws pus to the top layer of the skin.

The procedure is carried out overnight. Apply a thick layer of ointment to the boil, cover it with gauze and secure it with an adhesive plaster. After several procedures, pus will form and the pimple will open easily.


Antiseptics work well in the first stage of a pimple. If there is noticeable pain on the skin, you should anoint the area with iodine, salicylic or boric alcohol.

Such actions will reduce the source of inflammation and prevent other infections from occurring. This will also have an additional antibacterial effect for the skin that surrounds the inflammatory focus.

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol contains only natural ingredients: ichthyol and petroleum jelly. This ointment cannot speed up the process of ripening of a pimple, but it can speed up the release of pus out. Therefore, ichthyol ointment should only be applied to a mature pimple.

The procedure is performed in the same way as with Vishnevsky. Apply a compress with ointment at night. In a few days it will be possible to observe a mature boil. Also, the lubricant will speed up the healing process after opening the pimple.


An ointment with an antibacterial effect that promotes cleansing of the skin and rapid healing of wounds.

At the initial stage, you can apply a thin layer of ointment 2 times a day, and after opening the pimple - regularly throughout the day until the wound heals. Levomekol will also draw out the remaining pus from the wound.

Syntomycin ointment

Cold pimples are characterized by severe pain. Syntomycin ointment will help relieve pain.

It contains antibiotics that gently relieve pain and cleanse the skin of harmful bacteria. Apply the ointment twice a day: morning and evening, no more often.

What does a cold on the lips look like?

The patient develops a cold on the lips (photo 1) after typical warning signs of the disease. The lips begin to burn, itching appears, the site of future rashes turns red, becomes painful and swollen. The skin on the lip becomes thinner, and a bump appears on its surface - this is the location of herpetic vesicles.

If a patient has a sore on his lip, this does not mean that the disease will be limited to this place. A cold also appears under the lip if herpetic blisters have found a weak spot there. But a cold above the lip can lead to the spread of the pathological process to the wings of the nose.

The appearance of a rash is the most painful process. A cold on the lip looks like small purulent foci, which can be located either crowded or scattered. Pimples contain fluid that is highly contagious. If you damage the pimples ahead of time, the cold around the lip will spread even more.

Untouched pimples ripen on their own, the liquid in them becomes cloudy, and they burst on their own, and wounds form in their place. The crusts on the wounds dry out, and after restoration of the skin, they disappear without problems on average in seven to ten days. Cold sores on a child's lips may last longer.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to pharmaceutical medications, such severe rashes can be dealt with at home.

The main thing is to understand the algorithm for dealing with them: first, you should pull out the pus to the outer level of the skin, then carefully open and squeeze everything out, then begin healing the wound.


Inflammatory elements can be wiped with herbal decoctions that have an antibacterial effect.

You can prepare an infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort, and mint. You can also prepare strong brewed green tea and use cotton swabs soaked in this decoction to wipe the rash.


Vegetable compresses will help reduce inflammation. One of the effective ones is a compress with grated potatoes and honey. It will reduce redness and relieve pain. You can make compresses with grated cucumber or apple. They will have a beneficial effect on the skin.


A decoction of valerian and mint has good immune properties. It will improve the immune system and reduce inflammation.

The decoction is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of mint and valerian root is poured with half a liter of boiling water and allowed to brew. Then filter and take 50 ml twice a day. You can make a compress on your face with this decoction.


A white clay mask can relieve inflammation. To do this, pour water into the clay until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. You can make this mask 2 times a week, not more often. So as not to dry out the skin.

Caring for problem skin

Incorrectly selected care increases treatment time. What suits your friend may not suit you or cause allergies due to individual intolerance. I bought creams on the advice of friends and advertisements, but my face only got worse.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend using medicinal or professional cosmetics. Medicinal cosmetics are sold in pharmacies and undergo international clinical trials; higher safety requirements are applied to them. These cosmetics are produced in our own laboratories, which have advanced technologies and a research base. Examples of brands: La Roche-Posay, Avene, Uriage, Bioderma, Vichy.

A cosmetologist-dermatologist can select professional skin care products. Examples of brands: Holy Land, Christina, Sweet Skin, SkinCeuticals.

I asked a cosmetologist what to do with post-acne.

There are different types of post-acne: scars, spots, pigment. And everyone needs their own approach. You can deal with them at home using professional cosmetics, which the doctor will select, or through carbon peeling, plasma lifting, photo- and neodymium rejuvenation, laser resurfacing in the clinic.


All preventive methods are aimed at preventing the causes of boils. Accordingly, it is worth protecting the body from hypothermia, strong winds and frequent exposure to extreme cold.

It is also worth regularly undergoing medical examination of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. It is recommended to avoid stressful situations and protect the nervous system. It is worth watching your diet and introducing more plant foods into your diet.

Photo: Nature of the rashes

Any problem can be dealt with. But everything takes time.
Cold pimples require a little more than regular pimples. See the causes of acne. How does baziron anti-acne cream for teenagers work? Find out here.

What is a blood pimple? Details below.

Of course, it is better to prevent any situation than to deal with the consequences. Take care of your health: do not freeze and avoid drafts. Such a negative effect can affect the body to a greater extent than acne.

Which doctors should I contact?

The first and main specialist you need to go to with acne is a dermatologist. During the consultation, he prescribes care and refers the patient to undergo tests and check the body to other doctors.

I asked a dermatologist which doctors he refers patients with acne to.

DoctorWhat could be wrong
ENTChronic tonsillitis, sinusitis; staphylococcus, streptococcus
Gynecologist-endocrinologistEndocrine pathology
PsychotherapistNeuroses, chronic stress
DentistPeriodontitis, periodontitis, cysts, granulomas
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