Hand disinfectant “AntiVIR” (spray 120 ml.)

According to a survey conducted by ROSSTAT “Comprehensive monitoring of living conditions of the population 2018”, infectious diseases are the third reason for the independent use of medications as part of self-medication and self-prevention [1]. In such a situation, the pharmaceutical worker is actually the only qualified interlocutor of the buyer who is faced with a choice. Therefore, today, competent pharmaceutical consulting is gaining more and more importance.

The nasal mucosa is a typical “entry gate” for respiratory viruses, therefore, the temporary guidelines of the Russian Ministry of Health for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019) dated March 27, 2020 indicate that for nonspecific prevention of coronavirus infection it is recommended to use drugs for topical use with barrier functions. Such drugs and medical devices form a physical barrier on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, preventing the adhesion of the virus. The compounds that form the barrier are gradually eliminated due to the work of the mucociliary apparatus. Theoretically, the protective layer will help slow the progression of the disease, since there will be fewer cells available to attack by viruses.

Types of antiviral ointments

Ointments have several advantages over systemic antiviral agents, that is, over those taken orally. First of all, they act locally and precisely. That is, the antiviral effect occurs directly in the place where the drug is applied.

The main substance does not enter the bloodstream, which means it does not have a general effect on the entire body. Due to this, some of them are approved for use in young children and women during pregnancy. In addition, antiviral ointments are easy to use, because some of them only need to be applied once a day.

However, these funds also have a significant drawback. Gels and ointments fight the virus locally, at the point of application. They are unable to destroy the virus in the entire body. Therefore, in case of severe infections, they can only be used as one of the components of complex treatment.

Such ointments only work against viruses. If inflammation on the skin is caused by a bacteria or fungus, antiviral drugs will be powerless in this case. Ointments are used externally only. That is, they can be applied to the skin, mucous membranes or placed in the nose.

Depending on the main component, all antiviral ointments can be divided into three large groups.

Based on interferon and its inducers

Interferon is a substance that is normally produced in the human body in response to the penetration of a pathogen. This usually occurs on the third or fifth day from the onset of the disease. Moreover, the higher your temperature, the faster interferon will be produced and the infection will pass. Therefore, in case of infections, doctors do not advise lowering the high temperature.

Interferon in an ointment or gel acts in exactly the same way as your own. They do not affect the virus itself in any way, but actively interfere with the mechanism of reproduction of new viral particles and thereby prevent the microbe from multiplying.

Additionally, interferon stimulates other immune defense cells, such as macrophages, which kill the virus. Such antiviral nasal ointments are often used for colds or flu.

Today, there are several drugs with both ready-made interferon and substances that accelerate its production in the body:

  • Cycloferon - liniment, which contains meglumine acridone acetate, stimulates the body's production of early alpha interferon. It has an additional anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Viferon - available in the form of ointment and gel, both forms contain interferon. The ointment has a thicker, softer structure. Both drugs can be used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza, as well as herpes. Prescribed during pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in children over one year old. It is often used as an antiviral remedy for the common cold.
  • Infagel - just like Viferon, contains ready-made interferon. Effective in the treatment of herpes simplex, as well as herpes zoster, recurrent herpes on the face, herpetic gingivitis and stomatitis. Thanks to the light gel structure, this product is easy to put into the nose when mucous membranes are affected.

Interferon is a very active substance. One of its molecules is capable of completely protecting a cell from the penetration of the virus, as well as reducing the rate of its reproduction by 50%. It is best to use drugs with interferon after consulting a doctor.

Based on acyclovir

Acyclovir and its derivatives have the ability to penetrate the DNA of the virus and integrate into its structure. In this case, the correct sequence of the chain is disrupted and the virus loses its ability to reproduce. Acyclovir has another useful ability. It selectively accumulates in cells affected by the virus and has virtually no effect on healthy ones.

This substance exists in several versions:

  • Zovirax and Zovirax Duo Active are a cream that, in addition to acyclovir, also contains an anti-inflammatory component - hydrocortisone.
  • Herperax, Virolex and Gerpevir - contain pure acyclovir without any auxiliary additives.
  • Fenistil Pencivir differs in that it contains an acyclovir derivative - penciclovir, which has more pronounced activity that can last up to 12 hours.

Acyclovir is a very effective antiviral agent. But unfortunately, it is only active against a few viruses. It is used for lesions of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the herpes simplex virus, for herpes zoster and chicken pox.

Based on amantadine derivatives

Amantadine itself was originally used as a means of protection against the Asian flu. Later, many antiviral drugs were created on its basis, for example, the widely known Remantadine and Arbidol.

Despite the fact that the substance was discovered in 1996, its mechanism of action has not been fully studied. It is believed that it has the ability to block the penetration of viruses into living cells and thereby prevent their spread in the body.

Today, this is the largest group of antiviral ointments, the main representatives of which are:

  • Bonafton is an ointment that, in addition to herpes viruses, is also effective against some adenoviruses. It is used for many viral lesions of the mucous membranes and skin, such as herpes zoster, herpetic gingivitis and stomatitis, as well as for genital warts. Contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Oxolin is perhaps the most famous antiviral ointment, which is often used to prevent or treat ARVI. However, in addition to this, Oxolinic ointment helps with various viral diseases of the skin and eyes, for example, warts of viral origin, Dühring's dermatitis and herpes zoster. Available in two versions: for nasal application for ARVI - 0.25%, and for the treatment of viral skin lesions - 3%.
  • Tebrofen - in addition to general indications for the entire group, is additionally used in the treatment of lichen planus and chickenpox.

Ointments based on amantadine derivatives are quite active substances. Most of them can be used during pregnancy, lactation and children only as prescribed by a doctor.

Who needs the vaccine

Every person needs vaccination, even those with the strongest immunity and who are practically never sick. Even if the cold is mild or completely asymptomatic, the person will be a carrier of the infection and will be able to infect other people with weak immune systems. Therefore, vaccination will protect not only yourself, but also those around you.

The following categories of people especially need to prevent influenza through vaccination:

  • women in position regardless of trimester;
  • children from six months to 5 years;
  • aged people;
  • adults with chronic pathologies;
  • people suffering from obesity or diabetes;
  • people with diseases of the nervous system;
  • doctors and medical personnel in contact with patients;
  • people whose profession involves contact with numerous people.

There is a chance of becoming infected by taking hormonal-based anti-inflammatory drugs.

Other antivirals

Not only synthetic substances, but also products of plant and animal origin can have antiviral activity. The most well-known of this group of antiviral agents are:

  • Allomedin is a product that contains unique allostatin peptides, created on the basis of natural alloferons isolated from the immune system of insects. The drug is effective against many herpes viruses, and also helps with human papillomavirus.
  • Panavir is a gel for external use, the main substance of which is obtained from potato shoots. The drug inhibits the proliferation of herpes simplex viruses.
  • Alpizarin - obtained from technical mangiferin, which is produced from Indian mango leaves. In addition to herpes viruses, chickenpox and shingles, it is effective against cytomegalovirus.
  • Helepin is an ointment, the main substance of which is obtained from the herb Desmodium canadensis. In addition to a simple herpetic infection, it can be used for Kaposi's eczema, herpetic stomatitis and chicken pox.

Despite the fact that the main components of such ointments are substances of natural origin, they should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Especially during pregnancy, breastfeeding or children.

The dangers of seasonal flu

Every year, about 4 million people across the planet fall ill with the flu. Children get sick much more often than adults. 10% of those infected die due to complications. The danger is not the virus itself, but the possible consequences. Coronavirus can develop into severe pneumonia.

Viral pneumonia develops at a rapid pace, completely affecting the bronchi. Since the disease affects two lungs at once, the patient experiences severe respiratory failure. The following complications are possible with influenza: bronchitis, tracheitis, otitis media, myocarditis, neuralgia.

Despite the likelihood of complications, in many cases the disease is mild. Complications are possible with weak immunity, which is unable to overcome the infection. With the flu, chronic pathologies most often worsen.

Rules of application

Like any other product, antiviral ointments have their own application characteristics. For skin diseases, it should be applied in accordance with the instructions or as recommended by a doctor. On average, the frequency of application of the ointment is 2–4 times a day, and the duration of treatment is from 5 to 10 days.

During treatment, the following rules must be observed:

  • Do not touch infected areas with your hands, otherwise you can spread viruses to healthy skin. The ointment should be applied with a cotton swab or swab.
  • If small blisters or rashes form on the skin, as often happens with herpes, do not scratch or try to squeeze them out.
  • During treatment, you must use a separate towel so as not to infect your family with the virus.
  • The ointment should be placed in the nose after rinsing with a saline solution or preparations based on sea water, for example, such as Aqua Lor or Aqua Maris.

The pharmacological industry today produces many antiviral ointments. However, only a doctor can choose the right remedy for you. After all, first of all, the composition of the drug, dosage and course of treatment will depend on the correct diagnosis.

Antiseptic drugs

As you know, all inflammatory processes that appear during ARVI, colds or flu need to be removed. There are a number of special cheap means for this.


The ointment has an excellent antimicrobial effect, accelerates metabolic processes and relieves inflammation. As a result, you can recover from nasal congestion quite quickly.

Contraindications to the use of Levomekol:

  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with caution during pregnancy and lactation;
  • predisposition to allergies.

In order for the cream to work, cotton swabs are soaked in it and inserted into the nose for a few minutes.

Vishnevsky ointment

Many people know that Vishnevsky ointment is prescribed for skin problems (wounds, burns, acne). But few people realize that it can be used to lubricate the nasal passages.

This is another antiseptic that contains the following substances:

  • Birch tar;
  • xeroform;
  • campfire oil.

The drug softens and restores the nasal mucosa, increasing blood flow to it and having an antiseptic effect.
It is recommended to use the drug for no more than a week, otherwise there is a high probability of allergic reactions.

Contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • age up to six years;
  • kidney diseases.

Cheap analogues of expensive drugs

Being sick is expensive: you have to spend money on medicine instead of working, and the prices for some pills are horrendous. Most of the popular antiviral drugs will not cure ARVI and flu, but if you feel safer taking your usual pills, then at least don’t overpay.

Ekaterina Tabatchikova

doesn't overpay

We have prepared a table of analogues of expensive drugs: most of them have the same active ingredient, the only difference is in the manufacturer and auxiliary


It is worth noting some popular homeopathic ointments that appeared on the market in the 80s. Due to the use of natural ingredients, they may cause an allergic reaction and are not recommended for infants and hypersensitive patients.

  1. “Zvezdochka” is an ointment familiar from the times of the Soviet Union. Used to relieve the symptoms of colds and viral diseases, applied directly to the wings of the nose, cheekbones, and earlobes. For external use only, do not apply to mucous membranes, as it can cause severe burns. The course is designed for a week.
  2. Doctor Mom contains natural eucalyptus and nutmeg oils and is also used externally on the nose, chin and temples. It is an analgesic and antiseptic, applied three times a day for ten days. It has a number of contraindications.
  3. Thuja ointment consists of extracts of thuja, chamomile, flax, propolis, as well as glycerin, alcohol extract and palm oil. Effective in the treatment of prolonged runny nose and sinusitis diseases. Applied externally for 7 days, applied to the nose three times a day.
  4. Fleming's ointment can be used both on the external and internal parts of the body. Contains menthol, anethole and cineole, has an antibacterial effect. Strengthens blood flow and immune system function. Apply three times a day for 10 days. It is best to apply cotton compresses to certain areas of the body for 10–15 minutes.
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