HPV screening is a sure way to identify and localize the problem

HPV types

The content of the article

Medical experts identify more than 100 types of HPV. However, not all types of HPV are dangerous to humans.

The development of cancerous tumors can be expected when the following types are detected: 16, 52, 18, 68, 45, 31, 58, 33, 35, 39, 59. Types 18 and 16 are considered especially dangerous among them. It is in the presence of such that high mortality is observed. Each carcinogenic type of virus can lead to cancer:

  • cervix;
  • penis;
  • anus;
  • vulva;
  • larynx;
  • mouth

Low chances of getting cancer if types are detected: 11, 43, 42, 6, 44. Not a single case of cancer has been identified so far in case of infection with types: 1, 3, 5, 2, 4.

The peculiarities of the human papillomavirus are such that infection with one type does not mean that a person will be protected from others.


The colposcopic method has a fairly high percentage of effectiveness

A diagnostic method for examining the vagina using binocular optics - a colposcope. It is also used to perform vulvoscopy – examination of the genital mucosa. The study identifies and determines the nature of pathological changes in the cervix. Modern colposcopes magnify the image by 7.5 - 30 times. Using the device you can see mucosal defects, erosions, cysts, polyps, condylomas, endometriosis, inflammatory, precancerous diseases, formations in the vulva, vagina and cervix, cervical cancer.

There are no contraindications; no special preparation is required. Colposcopy is performed on any day of the menstrual cycle (except for menstruation). The study is carried out on a gynecological chair. Due to the non-contact and painless method, anesthesia during the procedure is not indicated.

The effectiveness of the colposcopic method is over 80%. Based on the research results, the doctor decides on the need for a histological examination using a biopsy.

Causes of papilloma virus infection

The main reason for the spread of the virus is unprotected intimate relationships. At the same time, representatives of the fair sex, as statistics show, are more susceptible to infection. Thus, the probability of infection in men through sexual contact is 25-70%. The risk of infection in women reaches 80-90%.

In addition, the virus can be transmitted in the following cases:

  • blood transfusions;
  • at birth - from mother to child;
  • through household items - personal hygiene products;
  • as a result of cuts, wounds and the like.

Where can I identify

The main material for detecting human papillomavirus is epithelium. In women it is taken from the cervical canal, in men - from the urethra. In addition to epithelial cells, urine, blood, vaginal and urethral discharge are also used for PCR.

When determining the virus by histological method, a small piece of tissue is used, cut out during a speculum examination of the cervix.

Screening - general examination

Many women are interested in what HPV screening is. First of all, it should be pointed out that this is a qualitative analysis that allows you to detect cervical cancer in the early stages, as well as find out about the presence of dangerous types of viruses in the body of a particular person.

In women, HPV screening is done directly during a gynecological examination. In this case, the doctor takes a smear, which is subsequently tested in a laboratory. If a human papillomavirus infection is detected as a result, the woman should undergo a more thorough examination, including to identify pathological changes in tissue.

Several other methods are actively used today to establish the diagnosis of IF.

  1. PCR. Its purpose is to identify the DNA of the pathogen in biological material: blood, urine, secretions. Therefore, it is possible to find out which stamp is present.
  2. Genotyping. Helps determine whether the infection has an initial form or a chronic one.
  3. Digen test. Quantitative method indicates the amount of virus.

It is up to the doctor to decide which test to use and when exactly to screen for HPV.

Interpretation of screening test results

After receiving the diagnostic results, you should visit your doctor. The diagnosis is not made only by the results of the analysis. The doctor must evaluate the full picture (clinical manifestations, research data).

If the screening shows a positive result, then the patient is infected with HPV. There are several options for treatment tactics, which depend on the manifestation of the disease:

  1. The first option is that the HPV result is positive, but there are no symptoms of infection. The doctor prescribes antiviral, immunomodulatory drugs in a short course to strengthen the immune system and reduce the concentration of papillomavirus. The patient must lead a healthy lifestyle, eat quality foods, and promptly treat exacerbations of chronic diseases. Compliance with the recommendations prevents infection and complications.
  2. The second option is that the result is positive, there are warts on the person’s body. The doctor prescribes a long course of antiviral, immunomodulating agents, and vitamin preparations. The patient must avoid factors that provoke the disease and monitor the course of the pathology through annual screening. The doctor, together with the patient, decides on the method of removing warts: conservative or hardware methods.

If the test is negative, then the patient’s health is not in danger. In order to prevent infection with human papillomavirus infection, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, maintain a work and rest schedule, and avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse.

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What does advanced screening show?

For a more complete examination and diagnosis, as well as in case of suspicion of several types of HPV at once, it is appropriate to ask for extended HPV screening. This one contains information about 15 types of viruses. Essentially, this is a quantitative method that makes it possible to detect DNA. The main feature that distinguishes HPV HCR screening is its 100% specificity of determination.

Having received the results of the polymerase chain reaction PCR, the doctor has the opportunity to more successfully select a treatment regimen.

Extended testing, cervical screening is deciphered using a special parameter - control of material collection.

Diseases caused by a virus

The human papilloma virus can cause not only oncology and pre-cancer diseases, but also benign diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. But due to the virus entering the body, some other equally dangerous diseases can arise.

When examined and tested, their cause becomes known. When the virus enters the body, it does not manifest itself immediately, being in a latent state. If it continues to remain silent, no treatment is required.

Is screening reliable?

Today it is difficult to find a more reliable and affordable way to detect the HPV virus than screening. It only takes a few days for specialists to point out the presence of potentially dangerous factors.

Modern private clinics have all the necessary equipment, indicators and tools that allow the test to be carried out with the highest quality possible. For ease of use of the PCR method and ease of interpretation of the results, recalculation into Digene units occurs. Therefore, the probability of error is very low.

Interpretation of PCR results

As a result, the number of detected DNA viruses per 100 thousand cells is recorded. If there is no virus, the form indicates that no virus was detected. If it is present in the body, its exact concentration is indicated:

  • Lg < 3 – extremely small amount;
  • Lg 3-5 – average viral load;
  • Lg >5 – virus in high concentration.

There is a risk of a false positive result. In such a situation, laboratory testing detects the virus in the blood when it actually is not present.

Why diagnose a disease?

Timely detection of the virus in women or men makes it possible to save a person from death. It is very difficult to identify the presence of carcinogenic types, because the problem may not manifest itself from the outside for a long time.

Having received accurate results, the doctor can find out whether condylomas pose a threat, whether they lead to the appearance of degenerated tumors, and whether they should be removed at all.

Timely diagnosis helps prevent the development of cancer, and if it is present, select the most effective control regimen.

Who should be screened?

All women over 30 years of age should be tested for HPV. If no carcinogenic types are found in them, then it is worth repeating such an analysis at least once every 2-3 years.

You also need to donate blood to determine the virus:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with severely reduced immunity;
  • if a person is struggling with signs of having HPV;
  • after unprotected contacts, blood transfusion.

Also, all people who have already been diagnosed with the disease should undergo such an analysis from time to time.

Indications for screening test

Cervical cancer organizations recommend regular screening, which women should undergo at least once every two to three years. CHD screening is a procedure that can simply be a qualitative test that can show all highly oncogenic viruses. But these types of infections are found in less than 2/3 of all representatives of the fair half of the population, so there is no need to undergo expensive tests first.

If similar types of viruses are found, then it is necessary to undergo more specific tests that identify the types, namely the strains and their concentration.

Papilloma virus, when a person is a carrier of the most common STI. Despite the fact that it has no external manifestations, the incubation period is quite long.

Additionally, the indication for the study is weakened immunity to identify a risk group. Because it is when the defense of the immune system decreases that the virus enters the body and begins to develop. In addition, tests are carried out to monitor the treatment performed.

What will the doctor tell you before the test?

By contacting a specialist, the client receives the most complete consultation regarding screening and the specifics of its implementation. The patient will receive comprehensive information on how to undergo HPV screening. In women, material is collected in a hospital setting. The gynecologist makes a scraping from the cervical canal.

For male patients, PCR analysis is performed in the same way.

Some other methods of diagnosing the virus involve simply taking a blood test.

What do you need to do to complete the study?

Each patient should prepare before the test: before going to the doctor, you need to carry out normal hygiene procedures, but do not use too much detergent or antibacterial agents or lotions.

We will not have a successful analysis if the patient uses medications during the last three days before collecting the material.

Men are prohibited from urinating for 2 hours before the collection of material.

Advantages of HPV VCR screening

  1. High degree of diagnostics.
  2. Availability of the method.

To date, there are no effective methods for combating and treating human papillomavirus infection. With any treatment, relapse is possible. Therefore, it is advisable for those who are at risk to carry out regular preventive measures. If there are any signs of the presence of HPV, you must contact specialists to receive timely and reliable information. Early detection of the virus is the key to successful treatment without subsequent relapses. One thing is clear: if you have a virus, you cannot relax and you should constantly monitor the condition of your body.

How to evaluate the results of an HPV test

The first fact that the doctor pays attention to is the presence or absence of viral DNA in human biological materials. Normally, its DNA should be completely absent. At the same time, the test results are used to determine the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Thus, indicators up to the number 103 indicate a transient, that is, low-hazard current. In this case, over the course of one year, the person retakes the screening several more times. Confirmation of transientness is a decrease in indicators several times.

If the results indicate a figure of more than 103, the doctor can conclude that the disease is chronic. The likelihood of developing cancer is then very significant.

Indicators of more than 105 indicate the onset of cervical cancer development.

What studies are carried out as part of HPV screening?

Every woman over the age of 30 must undergo a set of laboratory and instrumental tests every 3 years to identify HPV HPV. If any symptoms (papillomas on the genitals, epithelial dysplasia) are detected before the age of 30, then a comprehensive examination should be carried out earlier. HPV HPV screening includes several tests:

  • polymerase chain reaction,
  • cytological analysis of a smear from the cervical canal,
  • histological examination of tissue obtained by biopsy,
  • colposcopy.

Cytological examination

This research method is carried out during a standard examination of each woman when visiting a gynecologist. During an examination using gynecological speculum, the doctor uses a special brush to scrape the cervix and apply the resulting material to a glass slide. The preparation is then examined using a microscope.

As a result, with existing dysplasia, a precancerous condition of the cervix, pathologically altered atypical cells are detected, even if these conditions have not yet manifested themselves clinically.

The disadvantages of cytological analysis include:

  • not the specificity of the study, that is, it does not reveal the cause of dysplasia, but only the fact of its presence,
  • the need for special preparation, which consists of avoiding sexual intercourse and using vaginal suppositories a couple of days before visiting the gynecologist.

A liquid Pap test is a type of cytological test. Its advantage is that the scraping of epithelial cells is placed in a liquid environment in which the material is preserved for a long time. There remains the possibility of repeating the analysis if the first result is not informative.


This is a method of instrumental examination of the vagina and cervix during a gynecological examination. After inserting the gynecological speculum, the doctor, using a special apparatus - a colposcope - examines in detail the epithelial membranes of the woman’s genital organs. The examination allows us to identify altered areas of the mucous membranes:

  • erosion,
  • foci of endometriosis,
  • cysts,
  • papillomas, condylomas,
  • malignant neoplasms.

If necessary, Lugol's solution is applied to suspicious areas of the epithelium to tint them and better visualize them.

Histological examination

During colposcopy, it becomes possible to perform a biopsy of pieces of mucous epithelium for subsequent histological examination. Tissue is taken from suspicious areas of the cervix and vagina for analysis.

The histology result is prepared within about a week. It confirms or refutes the presence of atypical cervical epithelial cells.


The polymerase chain reaction method allows you to detect the presence of any type of viral DNA in biological material (pathogen genotyping method). This is a fairly sensitive and informative analysis that detects not antibodies, but the causative agent of the disease. The material for the study is scraping from the damaged epithelium of the cervix, discharge from the genital organs, and blood .

Advantages of PCR:

  • speed of analysis - the result is ready in a few hours,
  • identification of all types of HPV present in a specific biological sample,
  • the ability to identify pathogens of other infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, HIV),
  • accessibility of the study - it is carried out in any laboratory, it is inexpensive,
  • there is no need for preliminary preparation.

Immunological studies are also sometimes carried out to determine the titer of antibodies to a specific type of microorganism.

Is human papillomavirus infection curable?

There is no need to use strong drugs to fight HPV types that do not carry a cancer risk. Doctors may recommend removal (mostly surgery) of warts and papillomas and the use of immune-based drugs and techniques.

To stop the infection, doctors suggest:

  • antiviral drugs;
  • immunostimulating.

Those who have been diagnosed with type 18 or 16 should be under the supervision of doctors and systematically get tested. It is important to understand that today there is simply no single scheme for the treatment of human papillomavirus diseases.


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Indications for delivery

HPV screening is performed regardless of the presence of symptoms or any disease. But there are a number of pathologies that should alert the doctor and the patient. If these conditions are present, the attending physician should immediately refer the patient for HPV testing:

  • the presence of condylomas on the genitals, around the anus, around the mouth;
  • personal desire of the patient after unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • discharge from the genitals, the cause of which is not clear.
  • Getting tested for preventive purposes is also very important. This makes it possible to constantly monitor the condition of the genital organs. For carriers, the examination is carried out once a year.

    Primary detection of HPV during preventive diagnostics allows early treatment to be prescribed. This increases the likelihood of successful recovery in shorter periods of therapy.

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