Causes of occurrence A boil on the forehead develops due to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria under the skin. On
Skin rashes often occur not only in the face, but also in other areas
Advantages and disadvantages Jessner peeling, like any other cosmetic procedure, has positive and
Neurodermatitis and diathesis are stages of atopic dermatitis, a chronic skin disease of neuro-allergic origin. IN
Injuries to the mucous membranes are among the most painful. Chemical or thermal burn of the tongue is typical
Interpretation from the Dream Book of the World If you dreamed of a pimple, the interpretation can be found in the Dream Book of the World.
November 3, 2018 Dermatology Vasily Shushakov Our face is a kind of lifestyle indicator
Castor oil (Latin Oleum Ricini) is obtained from the seeds of the castor bean - an ornamental annual with spectacular
Acne on the skin of the face is a very common problem and the most common reason for seeking treatment.
Types of urticaria The type of urticaria depends on external factors and the way the allergen affects the body.