Papilloma is characterized by a benign formation. The appearance of a tumor in the nose is caused by the human papillomavirus. HPV long
Urogenital candidiasis, or yeast fungus in women, is a serious disease that requires mandatory treatment.
Hidradenitis, popularly nicknamed “bitch udder” due to its external signs, is a fairly common disease in humans.
Rosacea is a fairly common progressive dermatological disease, accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the sebaceous glands.
Issues discussed in the material: Causes of crow's feet around the eyes 5 professional procedures to
Pregnancy is a period of colossal restructuring of the body, associated not only with the pleasant anticipation of the birth of the baby,
5039 0 Skin melanoma is a serious cancer disease that manifests itself in the form of malignant neoplasms. She
Powder has firmly entered the life of a modern woman; no makeup can do without it.
What is this phenomenon in pregnant women? Dermatosis is a consequence of severe hormonal imbalance. Given
Pimples on the pubis are an unpleasant cosmetic defect that is equally common.