Eczema belongs to a group of skin diseases. It manifests itself in the form of skin rashes that
Many have had to deal with the fact that seals form under the skin, which soon begin to grow.
Knowing how to treat teenage acne in boys is very important, because this scourge causes a lot of
Creams with retinol: benefits To understand how cosmetics with retinol affect the dermis, you should
Demodex Complex is a modern analogue of veterinary drugs benzyl benzoate, yam ointment, etc., prescribed
Ringworm (dermatomycosis, microsporia, trichophytosis, scab) is a fairly ancient disease. Descriptions of this disease exist
I think that those who have problem skin know the Propeller brand. This brand produces good
Flat warts are formations that form on the skin in different places of the human body.
At the beginning of the last century, Dr. Ferrandis combined Western and Eastern healing methods, which gave
List of modern methods: Keratolytic agents Plasters for corns Pencil for corns Japanese socks Hardware