Homemade spirulina face masks: the best recipes

Everyone knows about spirulina as a dietary supplement. But few people know that spirulina face masks nourish the skin with various vitamins, amino acids, and help fight wrinkles. Spirulina as a cosmetic component is used in spas as masks and wraps. Just today I applied this microalgae to my face, and in this article I’ll tell you more about its beneficial properties and share recipes for masks.

What is spirulina: a miracle plant?

The fact that spirulina existed on Earth for more than 3 billion years explains where about 2,000 vital microelements were “collected” from it. Many biologists believe that it even participated in the process of oxygen formation on the planet.

The algae is quite capricious and grows only in certain climatic conditions, namely in the environment of several fresh lakes in China and Chad. Further beyond the Middle Kingdom and Central Africa, it is also bred, but in artificial conditions as similar as possible to its “native” ones. Despite the fact that algae is the same age as life on Earth, it was discovered only in the 50s of the last century.

Externally, spirulina is a rich emerald color with a blue tint. It has a spiral shape, which is where it gets its name. In terms of its composition, it is a real “treasury” of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It’s easier to say where it is of no use than to list the endless benefits for the body: after all, it affects it as a whole. Folic acid - for the coordinated functioning of the nervous system, keratin - for clear vision, phycocyanin - for strong immunity, cystine - for removing toxins.

The plant contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, as well as iodine and a whole group of B vitamins. Protein here makes up about 70% of the total composition. Scientists continue to puzzle over how this plant contains so many benefits. In addition to its use in medicine and dietetics, algae is in great demand in cosmetology.

Spirulina in cosmetology: beneficial properties and contraindications

Vitamins, minerals and amino acids have made spirulina a unique and indispensable product in cosmetic procedures: after getting into the epidermis, it gives the skin everything it needs. The plant is famous for its nourishing and rejuvenating effect due to its content of fatty acids, the main task of which is to prevent cell dehydration, and therefore nourish dry skin.

Amino acids are involved in the removal of toxins and the construction of new cells, which indicates restorative properties. Protein – synthesizes collagen, necessary to maintain youth. Thus, the plant is widely used for the following disadvantages:

  • age-related skin aging;
  • wrinkles of all types;
  • dryness or excessive oiliness;
  • rosacea, acne and inflammation;
  • pigmentation.

Spirulina is used not only in the treatment and restoration of facial skin, but also in procedures to strengthen hair, nourish nails, and also rejuvenate the body using wraps.

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Great news: today you can take advantage of these “gifts of nature” without visiting a beauty salon, because they can be found in any pharmacy - in tablets or powder at an affordable price. In combination with various natural ingredients, you can prepare a folk remedy for any skin type and its problems.

These freshwater inhabitants can be praised for a long time, but you should not let your guard down. Quite rare, but there are still cases when a certain microelement is not tolerated by the body, and instead of beauty it presents skin rashes and itching. If you notice such manifestations, you should stop using spirulina and even visit a dermatologist. However, you need to understand that a cosmetic mask usually contains several components, and any of them can also cause an allergy.

Benefits for the skin

Spirulina is beneficial for the face due to its unique chemical composition. This is a real elixir of youth for the skin. With its help you can eliminate many shortcomings and improve your appearance.

The following substances contained in spirulina have beneficial effects:

  1. Protein. Stimulates the synthesis of new collagen fibers in cells. Improves elasticity and firmness.
  2. Linoleic, arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic and stearidonic acid. Has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect on oily and problematic skin. Eliminates oiliness, tightens pores and dries out comedones.
  3. B vitamins. Improve cellular respiration, destroy acne, and inhibit the aging process of cells.
  4. Retinol. The most powerful rejuvenating agent. Included in anti-aging cosmetics. Retinol smoothes the skin, increases its elasticity, stimulates the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, lightens pigmentation and promotes epithelial renewal. In addition, it is used to treat the most severe forms of acne.
  5. Vitamin E. Slows down the aging process, relieves flaking, normalizes lipid balance.
  6. Folic acid. Excellent against acne.
  7. Vitamin C. Actively fights free radicals, improves complexion.
  8. Phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium, calcium and other trace elements. Prevents premature aging.
  9. Pigments. Improves complexion.

All of the listed substances, even individually, are beneficial for the skin. And together they can truly transform it. That is why cosmetologists recommend supplementing skin care with procedures with spirulina. Face masks at home will help get rid of problems with the dermis and prolong its youth.

Homemade spirulina face masks: recipes for all skin types

Spirulina is a universal plant, because it suits all skin types and interacts well with other natural products. The domestic market offers algae in the form of powder, tablets, gelatin capsules and even tinctures. If you purchase them as a dietary supplement, the ideal form would be tablets and capsules, but for cosmetic procedures it is better to choose powder. However, if you have already brought home spirulina tablets, you need to crush them before each procedure. How to choose the remaining components for the mask to make it as useful and effective as possible? Let's look further.

Masks for dry skin

It is not difficult to determine whether you have dry skin, because it differs from other types in the reduced secretion of moisture and subcutaneous fat. This type exfoliates excessively and develops wrinkles early. In this case, the effect of cosmetic procedures should be aimed at nutrition and hydration.

  • Using a fine grater or blender, grind the fresh cucumber into a paste-like consistency. Two tablespoons of puree is enough.
  • Mix cucumber pulp with 1 tbsp. l. spirulina powder. The resulting mixture should be used to cover not only the face, but also the neck and décolleté.
  • Keep for about 20 minutes.

Recipes for oily skin

This type of skin dooms its owners to “eternal torment,” because a constant oily sheen has never made anyone more attractive. Therefore, the entire fight against shiny skin is aimed at reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands.

  • Pour in 1 tsp. green leaf tea with a mug of cool water and leave to steep for 50–60 minutes.
  • After an hour, strain the infusion: the tea will not be useful, but the tea leaves need to be ground into a paste.
  • Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l. kefir and 1 tbsp. l. algae powder.
  • Leave on face for 20 minutes.

Feedback from our readers:

I belong to the category of those unfortunate girls whose forehead, nose and chin shine. Over time, I began to realize that the bulk of cosmetics are nothing more than a marketing ploy. Luckily, I recently discovered a spirulina mask made with kefir and tea leaves. Firstly, it is imperceptible to the wallet, and secondly, after the procedure, the skin remains matte and fresh for a long time. Today this is the best I've tried.

Olga, 27 years old

Masks for problem skin

The recipe is ideal for those who are plagued by acne, redness and small rashes, because the chamomile in the mask has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. powder with a small amount of chamomile infusion until a thick consistency is formed.
  • Once you have the paste, add a small pinch of baking soda and mix.
  • It is most effective to apply the mixture using massage movements.

Spirulina for pigmentation

Pigmentation on the face does not add aesthetics and attractiveness to anyone, so many ladies are actively trying to remove “evil” spots. The best folk remedy for stains is fruit acid: for example, from fresh lemon. Women with sensitive skin, rosacea or wounds should avoid this procedure in order to avoid burning and redness.

  • Stir 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice with powder to a pasty consistency.
  • Keep it on for no more than 10 minutes to avoid skin irritation and peeling. This time is enough for visible results to appear.

Recipes for aging skin

Spirulina is also very effective in combating skin aging. It improves skin blood circulation and oxygen exchange, making it elastic and toned. Rejuvenation is promoted by a large amount of protein in the plant, which effectively synthesizes collagen.

  • Mix 1 tsp. sour cream (preferably homemade), 1 tsp. oatmeal and literally a few grams of spirulina powder.
  • It is enough to walk around with the product applied to your face for 20–25 minutes.
  • Sour sour cream is also suitable for rejuvenation.

Spirulina in cosmetology for wrinkles

The plant's ability to enrich cells with oxygen and nutrients helps prevent new wrinkles and smoothes existing ones.

The next miracle mask copes with this with a bang.

  • Grind 4 tablets of algae powder and 2 tablets of brewer's yeast using a rolling pin, spoon or coffee grinder.
  • Add 15–20 g of Cahors and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  • After this, add 2-3 drops of coconut oil and mix thoroughly.
  • Leave the finished mixture for at least 45 minutes.

Mask for nasolabial folds

Like spirulina, gelatin has a similar property of stimulating collagen production. Therefore, using them in one mask, you can achieve amazing results in eliminating crow's feet. You will need gelatin directly, squeezed lemon juice and liquid vitamin A.

  • Pour gelatin over a quarter cup of warm water for about 30 minutes. As soon as it swells, it should be heated a little in a water bath.
  • Mix separately 4 tablets of spirulina powder with 2 tbsp. l. water, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2-3 drops of vitamin A.
  • Keep the resulting mass on the nasolabial fold for 15 minutes.

Alginic acid

Do you know what this component is? I'm sure many women are hearing this for the first time. Only seaweed contains it; it is not found in ordinary plants growing on earth. When it comes into contact with the epidermis, alginic acid immediately begins its rejuvenating effect:

  • Removes acne;
  • significantly tightens pores;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • removes swelling and bags under the eyes.

Preparing an alginate mixture is very simple if you follow a number of rules. It’s good if the first procedure is carried out by a cosmetologist.

Features of using masks with alginates

First, you buy the powder and dilute it with water strictly according to the instructions.

Then you wash your face, lubricate your eyebrows with cream, and cover your entire face with a fairly thick layer of the resulting substance, including your lips and eyes, leaving only your nose to breathe.

After 5 minutes, the epidermis contracts. Lie down for 30 minutes. You need to remove it with a sharp movement, starting up from the chin.

After the procedure, wipe the skin with tonic. Are you wondering how often to carry out such a procedure? Twice a week, about 1 month, but after the first time the effect will be amazing.

Spirulina face masks: recipes for all occasions

Kefir based

Kefir is a cheap but incredibly healthy product. It saturates the skin with vitamins, refreshes, whitens, relieves redness and slows down aging. For this, more than one generation of women fell in love with it, and when paired with algae, the benefits are multiple. The following kefir mask recipe is great for enlarged pores.

  • Finely crumble the black bread and mix with a small amount of kefir, forming a paste.
  • Add just 1 tsp. algae powder.
  • Apply the resulting “elixir of youth” generously and wait 20 minutes.

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Read about other healing kefir compositions in home cosmetology in our review of kefir face masks for all facial skin types

Spirulina and honey face mask

There are legends about the magic of honey, and this applies not only to the treatment of colds. Thanks to the presence of vitamins B, C, as well as zinc and polyphenols, honey has acquired cleansing, antiseptic, moisturizing and tonic properties. It is ideal for preparing remedies for dry face.

  • Mix kelp powder, any honey, cottage cheese and olive oil in equal proportions. 1 tsp of each ingredient is enough.
  • Leave to absorb for 15–20 minutes. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to pre-steam and cleanse the skin.

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See also a step-by-step master class on preparing a face mask from spirulina and honey

Clay based recipe

The following composition is designed specifically for those for whom acne will not leave alone, and the oily sheen does not disappear day or night. To prepare this mask, any cosmetic clay is suitable - white, blue, green, etc. If you are not lazy and perform rituals 2-3 times a week, the result will definitely cause real delight.

  • Take 1 crushed seaweed tablet or half a teaspoon of ready-made powder.
  • Prepare a paste-like liquid by mixing the powder, 1 tsp. clay and a little warm water.
  • Add 2-3 drops of essential oil - fir, cedar or coriander. You can use several oils at the same time.
  • Leave for 20 minutes until completely dry.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the benefits of the oils used, because the above options are the best natural remedies for inflammatory processes, swelling and peeling.

Expert opinion

Useful advice from the editor

Read about the benefits of white clay for facial skin in our review: White clay face masks - youthful and radiant skin at home

Aloe vera based

This mask is good for a face that needs hydration and nutrition. Aloe vera or agave is a favorite of folk medicine and cosmetology, because its juice penetrates the epidermis four times faster than water, which sufficiently moisturizes it. The plant relieves irritation and redness, regenerates cells, and slows down wilting.

Add to it all the benefits of spirulina and you will understand the value of this care product.

  • Prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. seaweed powder, half 1 tsp. Agave gel and half wine 1 tsp. jojoba oil.
  • Apply thoroughly to cleansed face and leave for 20 minutes.

Preliminary peeling in this case plays an important role, because it eliminates the dead layer of cells, which helps beneficial components get into the epidermis faster.

Expert opinion

Useful advice from the editor

We talked more about the benefits of agave in home cosmetology in our exclusive review of homemade face masks with aloe

Recipe with spirulina and vitamin A

The vitamin helps cope with acne and minor rashes, thanks to its superpowers to relieve inflammation. It is an indispensable medicine for profuse teenage acne.

  • Mix equal amounts of spirulina powder, cottage cheese and homemade sour cream. For one cosmetic procedure, 1 tbsp is enough. l.
  • Add a couple of drops of oily vitamin A.
  • Do not wash off for 15 minutes.

Reviews of spirulina masks

Spirulina algae is my all-time favorite. Trying to stick to a healthy diet, I take them in the form of tablets, drink cocktails based on them, and last month I became interested in using them externally. I make homemade masks based on cucumber or avocado. My dry skin looks elastic and hydrated, and most importantly, all the flaking has disappeared.

Karina, 29 years old

Spirulina and olive oil mask

A simple, quick to prepare, but effective mask, popular primarily among those with sensitive skin types. And it is no coincidence, because olive oil is devoid of any allergens. It will get rid of wrinkles, add elasticity and a youthful appearance.

You can even prepare a “rejuvenation potion” from a fresh plant, if you have one at home.

  • Prepare 1 tbsp. l. spirulina - in powder or fresh, finely chopped form.
  • Gently mix with 1 tsp. olive oil.
  • Leave it to absorb on your face for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse off with cool water.

Expert opinion

Useful advice from the editor

Read more about the benefits of olive oil for facial skin

Based on rice flour

A mixture based on rice flour is popular among those who seek to preserve their beauty and youth. This is not only a composition of budget ingredients, but also an easy-to-prepare product for skin rejuvenation. Spirulina powder will promote rejuvenation, and flour will give whiteness and an attractive even tone.

  • Mix 4 seaweed tablets thoroughly with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  • Add beaten whites of 2-3 eggs to the mixture if your skin is oily and combination, or an egg yolk if you have dry skin.
  • Add 2 tbsp to the resulting composition. l. flour.
  • Apply for 15 minutes.

Sour cream in the composition will also add whiteness, softness and elasticity.

Protein based mask

This recipe came to us from the East, where the secrets of beauty and youth are legendary. Its composition helps to carefully cleanse pores, even out facial tone, and get rid of light and deep wrinkles.

  • Combine 1 tbsp. l. algae powder, rice flour and sage infusion.
  • Add 1 beaten egg white.
  • Use for 20 minutes every 10 days.

Expert opinion

Useful advice from the editor

Other oriental recipes for flawless skin are described in the article for face masks made from colorless henna

Mask with gelatin and spirulina

Gelatin - like algae - is a powerful source of collagen, therefore, using the two components together is a productive fight against facial wrinkles and nasolabial folds.

  • 3 tsp. Fill the gelatin with water and leave for 15–20 minutes until it swells, then heat in a water bath until completely dissolved.
  • Combine with 1 tbsp. l. chopped seaweed and 1 tsp. oils of your choice - grape seeds, wheat germ, etc.
  • Have time to apply the mixture warm before the gelatin “hardens”. Otherwise, reheat.
  • Leave for 20 minutes.

Treatment of problem skin

A spirulina face mask will help cleanse your skin and get rid of comedones forever. Reviews confirm its effectiveness. The result is noticeable after several procedures.

For the procedure you will need:

  • 4 spirulina tablets;
  • a tablespoon of rice flour;
  • beaten white of one egg;
  • a tablespoon of sage decoction.

All ingredients are mixed. The mask is applied to the face. It is recommended to wash it off with cool water after 15 minutes.

My face turned red after a mask with spirulina - what should I do?

As cosmetology practice shows, spirulina is a harmless and harmless plant if there is no individual intolerance. Once you are sure that you are not one of these allergy sufferers, you should not be afraid of redness. Often it appears due to a rush of blood formed due to the warming effect of the mask. Redness in this case goes away quickly and without a trace.

How to use it correctly

Since the finished mass, when cooled, turns into a dense lump, which is very difficult or impossible to apply in an even layer, it is necessary to have time to use the product before this moment. To do this, just wait until the mixture becomes warm, but does not completely cool to room temperature.

If you accidentally missed this moment and the mask has hardened too much, then return it to the water bath or heat it in the microwave. So the mass will again become more liquid and plastic.

When applying, use a special brush. This way you will make this process easier for yourself, and the product will lie in an even layer. After 20 minutes, remove the composition from your face, removing the resulting film in one motion. If it is difficult to remove and breaks, then rinse it thoroughly with warm water without soap, and then apply a moisturizer to the skin.

It is worth paying special attention that this facial product is made for one use and cannot be stored.

Reviews from cosmetologists

  1. If you set out to find these algae in your city, go to one of the decent pharmacies. In stores and kiosks there is a chance to purchase a low-quality product at an inflated price, because you cannot be sure that you have the necessary certificates.
  2. Start the procedure by cleansing your face, because then the “beauty ritual” will bring more visible results. Don’t be lazy after each cosmetic procedure to use moisturizing creams, because the plant contains many acids that can cause peeling.

Unique algae

Cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, better known as spirulina, have a unique composition. Due to this, they are actively used as a food additive, as well as as an independent product. They are available in the form of powder, tablets and flakes.

Spirulina lives exclusively in fresh water bodies. Most often found in subtropical and tropical lakes. Able to survive even at temperatures of 60 degrees.

The cyanobacterium contains complete protein. In the dried product its content can reach 70%. Spirulina protein contains all the essential amino acids. This makes blue-green algae an indispensable product for vegans.

Cyanobacterium is rich in B vitamins, including valuable B12. This supplement is recommended for pregnant women, children, vegans, and anyone suffering from anemia. Spirulina is one of the best sources of iron. By regularly consuming this unique product, you can forget about vitamin deficiencies forever.

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