Vitamins for hand skin: how to nourish the skin to protect against peeling

Dry skin on the body is one of the signs of a lack of a number of vitamins and minerals. There are certain drugs of this type that are designed to compensate for the deficiency of components in the body and deliver the necessary substances inside with maximum digestibility. Moreover, a characteristic feature of such preparations is the label “for skin and hair,” that is, they contain to the greatest extent those elements that the body requires to maintain the health and beauty of these areas. But how effective vitamin A retinol acetate is and how to use it is detailed here.

Causes of dry skin

The human body is exposed to the adverse effects of the environment. Against this background, the skin dries, peels, and becomes covered with wrinkles. There are a number of negative factors:

  • Exposure to wind, sunlight, cold. Work that requires you to be outside in any weather is bad for your skin.
  • Lack of ascorbic acid, vitamin A, nicotinic acid, tocopherol, vitamin D, biotin.
  • Vitamin deficiency occurs due to improper nutrition. Dry skin is a common problem for women who are constantly dieting.
  • Heredity. In this case, the skin will be dry even under favorable conditions and a sufficient amount of vitamins.
  • Lack of moisture is observed with psoriasis, eczema, and atopic dermatitis. Dryness is a symptom of diseases of the stomach and thyroid gland.

It is impossible to determine the cause by eye. You need to be examined by a doctor. The problem may be not only outside, but also inside. In this case, more serious treatment will be required.

The skin is the first to react to diseases of the internal organs.

The main causes of cracks in hands

The cause of pathological changes may be connective tissue disease, diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, and the like. Of the skin diseases that cause cracking of the epidermis, the most attention should be paid to eczema and psoriasis. With eczema, focal redness and peeling of the epidermis appear, which are accompanied by severe itching. With psoriasis, certain areas of the skin become thick and pink, and silvery scales are visible on the surface.

Cracking of the epidermis between the fingers can be caused by fungal infections. Often these diseases worry patients with excessive sweating of their hands. In this case, the epidermis peels off and itching is felt. If the fungus has infected the nails, their shade changes, a white mass accumulates under the nail plates, and the nail peels off from the bed.

Cracks on the fingers of the upper extremities can appear due to contact dermatitis associated with allergies to household chemicals. In childhood, atopic dermatitis with similar symptoms can occur.

How to choose vitamin preparations

When purchasing multivitamins, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Determine the cause of the problem.
  2. Get examined by a dermatologist.
  3. Donate blood for vitamins.
  4. Study the composition of drugs in the pharmacy.
  5. Choose a complex with suitable dosages.
  6. Study contraindications for use.

Multivitamins for the prevention and treatment of dry skin differ in the dosage of substances. For medicinal purposes, drugs with a higher dose but a short course are used.

You can take vitamins for prevention for a long time, since their dosages are minimal.

How to take vitamins if the skin on your fingers is peeling

Vitamins when the skin on the fingers peels off are intended for oral and external use. Experts recommend combining different methods of using beneficial substances, which increases their effectiveness.

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Oral intake of vitamin complexes is carried out according to the instructions. It is important to follow the recommended dosage to exclude hypervitaminosis. It is advisable to take vitamins after meals. This reduces the risk of irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Vitamin preparations can be used externally. Add a few drops of an oil solution of tocopherol or retinol to hand creams. The affected areas can be lubricated with an oily mixture.

Reference! The pharmaceutical industry produces ointments containing vitamin D to treat dry hands.

The best vitamins for body skin

Lack of moisture immediately affects the skin. This is especially noticeable in the summer, when a person is often exposed to sunlight. Optimal preparations for moisturizing contain tocopherol, retinol, plant extracts:

  • Revalid;
  • Supradin;
  • Complements the radiance.

They increase the body's protection from ultraviolet radiation and infections. After the course of treatment, skin rejuvenation is noticeable. The drugs improve skin restoration and damages heal faster.


Contains thiamine and pyridoxine, millet extract, yeast. Replenishes the lack of amino acids and microelements, improves nutrition, and prevents hair loss. To achieve a lasting effect, the drug must be taken for 2-3 months. Available in the form of capsules, the cost of packaging is 900 rubles. Contraindicated for allergies and fungal skin diseases. Rumbling in the stomach is rarely noted as a side effect.


Contains retinol, tocopherol, folic acid. Provides oxygen, moisturizes dry skin, increases its elasticity. Zinc helps normalize immunity. The optimal course of treatment is 1-2 months. Presented as effervescent or film-coated tablets. The cost of packing 30 pieces is 500 rubles. Contraindicated in case of allergies to substances in the composition, kidney disease, or under the age of 12 years. Side effects - nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, headache.

Complements the radiance

The drug contains a full complex of B vitamins, which improve skin nutrition. Zinc and iron increase immune defense. Complivit begins to act after 10 days of use; to consolidate the effect, you drink it for a month. A pack of 30 tablets costs 200 rubles. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Causes an allergic reaction in people with intolerance to the components.

To moisturize facial skin

Exposed areas of the body are most susceptible to the influence of negative external factors. The skin of the face is not only not protected by clothing, it is also the most sensitive and thin.

With a lack of moisture, crow's feet appear around the eyes, lips crack, and pallor appears.

To restore water balance, you need to take vitamins for dry skin in tablets containing oil vitamins, pyridoxine, and zinc. These requirements are met:

  • Aevit;
  • Perfect;
  • Vitasharm.

Their composition is selected in such a way that it retains moisture in the deep layers of the skin, increases its elasticity, and protects against drying out. Metabolism improves, the face looks healthy and young. Wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes disappear.


Contains retinol and tocopherol. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, moisturizes, and delivers oxygen. To get the effect you need to take 15-30 days. Available in capsules with a gelatin shell. The cost of 10 capsules is 20-30 rubles. Contraindicated in pregnancy, diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys. No side effects are noted.


Contains retinol, tocopherol and ascorbic acid. Protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, preventing it from drying out. Cyanocobalamin and pyridoxine in the composition accelerate cell recovery and promote the healing of scratches. The course of admission is 1 month. Available in the form of gelatin capsules, the cost of a package of 30 pieces is 400 rubles. Contraindicated in case of allergies to constituent substances.

Articles on the topic

  • Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp - treatment with pharmaceutical, cosmetic and folk remedies
  • Heel cream for cracks - a list of effective medicines for softening the skin of the feet
  • Atopic dermatitis in adults - treatment of skin disease


Retinol and natural plant extracts improve regeneration and retain moisture in the skin. Nicotinamide and calcium stimulate blood circulation and improve nutrition. The visible effect appears after 10 days. The drug is produced in tablets, the cost of a package of 30 pieces is 300 rubles. The total duration of treatment is 30 days. Pregnant women, people with gallstones, or inflammation of the pancreas should not drink.

Nourishing and moisturizing creams: key characteristics

There are many factors that contribute to dry skin, which can be divided into external and internal. External factors include errors in care, weathering, chlorinated water, and lack of fluid in the body. Also, the condition of the hands is largely influenced by seasonality. Dryness often appears at the end of winter or early spring, when the skin suffers from a lack of vitamins and sun.

Among the internal causes of dryness are the following:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Slow metabolism
  • Skin diseases

Regardless of the reasons for the problem, it is worth reconsidering your care and usual lifestyle.

For peeling hand skin

Care is of primary importance - creams, masks, protective gloves. But you need to nourish your hands from the inside. For this purpose, drugs containing tocopherol, calciferol, and folic acid are used:

  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Alphabet of cosmetics;
  • Revinona.

The complexes stimulate the formation of collagen in the dry skin of the hands.

Due to this, the elasticity of the skin increases, it becomes soft, peeling and cracks disappear. The discomfort caused by dry hands stops.

Vitrum Beauty

The main components are tocopherol, vitamin C, folic acid. Amino acids promote the formation of collagen and increase the elasticity of dry hand skin. You can notice the effect after a week of taking it, to consolidate it, take the drug for 1-2 months. Take 2 tablets after meals. The cost of packaging is 600 rubles. Contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Alphabet of cosmetics

Contains calciferol, B vitamins that protect hands from harmful environmental influences. Biotin retains water, increases elasticity due to the formation of collagen, and removes age spots. A noticeable effect occurs after 2 weeks of use. The optimal course of treatment is 3 months. A pack of 30 tablets costs 300 rubles. Not suitable for persons under 18 years of age or pregnant women. May cause allergies in people with intolerance to the components.


Contains group B complex, which improves nutrition of dry skin. Thanks to the content of retinol and tocopherol, tone and elasticity increase. The action begins after 2 weeks of treatment, you need to take it for a month. A pack of 30 capsules costs 400 rubles. It has no contraindications. Gives urine a bright yellow color due to its carotene content.

Using vitamins externally

The skin of the face needs additional care, but the skin of the rest of the body should also receive a sufficient amount of vitamins from the outside. Dissolve a few capsules of vitamins A and E in your favorite body cream and use it after taking a bath - the feeling of skin tightness will no longer bother you.

Dry skin, which bothers the owner with peeling, irritation and increased sensitivity, is not a global problem, but a reason to once again pay attention to your body, saturate it with missing microelements, vitamins and minerals. Remember that everything can be fixed and use the tips above to keep your skin in perfect condition!

A feeling of flaking and tightness on the face and body is a sign of a lack of nutrients. Vitamins and microelements are responsible for the beauty and elasticity of the skin. They must enter the human body with food, but there are very few of them in modern products. To compensate for the deficiency, vitamins are prescribed to moisturize the skin from the inside.

Oil vitamin solutions

Tocopherol and retinol are fat-soluble substances. To be effective, they are produced in the form of oil solutions. These drugs are used externally. They have virtually no side effects or contraindications.

Lubricating dehydrated skin with a rich vitamin solution provides it with simultaneous hydration and nutrition.

Such products are suitable for severe peeling and cracking. The oil is quickly absorbed at the cellular level, making dry skin soft.


The main components are retinol and tocopherol. Improves nutrition of dry skin, softens it. Menadione speeds up metabolism and increases the speed of healing. The action begins on the 3-5th day of use. A 100 ml bottle costs 120 rubles. There are no contraindications. Sensitive people may experience redness of the skin.

Retinol acetate

An oil solution of vitamin A rejuvenates dry skin, strengthens it, and increases its protective properties. When used externally, it is quickly absorbed. The effect is noticeable on the seventh day of use. The duration of use depends on the degree of dryness, minimum - 2 weeks. The solution is available in 10 ml bottles and costs 70 rubles. There are no contraindications or side effects for external use.

Alpha Tocopherol Acetate

An oil solution of vitamin E protects dry skin from damage, makes it soft and elastic, and removes expression wrinkles. The effect is noticeable after 3-4 applications. The minimum duration of use is 10 days. A 15 ml bottle of solution costs 100 rubles. There are no contraindications or side effects.

Additional care tips

If you are prone to dryness, it is worth considering some points for proper skin care. Apply skin care creams daily and try to adhere to the following rules:

  • Regularly exfoliate the layer of dead skin cells - to do this, use special scrubs based on sea salt or ground coffee about once a week.
  • Do wet cleaning and wash dishes only with protective gloves to protect your skin from the action of aggressive components in household chemicals.
  • Do not rub your skin with a towel; try to gently dry your hands after each wash.
  • Wear warm gloves to protect your skin from cold temperatures and wind.
  • Avoid tanning and excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and apply sunscreen regularly.

Hand skin care should include vitamins and other active ingredients. Such components prevent the appearance of dryness, intensively nourish, moisturize and protect the skin. As a result, hands become smoother and more well-groomed, and the feeling of tightness and flaking disappears.

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