Autohemotherapy - injection of one's own blood: indications for use, scheme, pros and cons

Contraindications to autohemotherapy

Autohemotherapy is a procedure during which a certain amount of blood is taken from a person’s vein and then injected into a muscle or under the skin.

However, subcutaneous injection of blood is not a very popular technique, since after it is performed, a hematoma occurs at the injection site, and there is also a possibility of inflammation developing. In this case, the patient experiences pain, the skin swells a little, and the state of health may be impaired. When the injection is administered into the gluteal muscle, applying a warm compress is enough to get rid of the discomfort.

Autohemotherapy has virtually no contraindications. Previously, only children, pregnant women and nursing mothers were advised to abstain from the procedure.

Modern medicine prohibits injecting your own blood in the following cases:

  • Acute myocardial infarction.
  • Severe arrhythmias.
  • Cancerous tumors in the body. A person who has learned about his diagnosis can decide on any treatment method. However, it is worth noting that in terms of getting rid of cancer, autohemotherapy is not effective and can even be harmful.
  • Epileptic seizures, neuroses and other mental disorders.

It is not recommended to undergo a blood transfusion for those people who are highly emotionally sensitive, cannot stand the sight of blood, etc.

Before deciding on autohemotherapy, you should definitely consult with your doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.

Possible side effects

The most common side effect is the appearance of painful lumps at the injection sites. This is explained by the fact that the density of blood is several times higher than the density of any medical drug, so it dissolves very slowly. The appearance of compactions causes some discomfort. When a portion of blood exceeding six milliliters is administered, severe pain is sure to occur. A warm compress helps relieve it. To implement this, experts recommend applying a heating pad to the injection site and holding it for ten to fifteen minutes, and then making an alcohol compress or iodine mesh at night.

In very rare cases, a more dangerous complication appears - a purulent abscess. It appears not due to the negligence of medical personnel, but due to a negative autoimmune reaction of the patient’s body.

In order to reduce the risk of unwanted complications, it is necessary to adhere to all doctor’s recommendations during the course of transfusion. It is useful not to overload the body with heavy foods that can enhance the work of the sebaceous glands, and to continue proper skin care.

Indications for autohemotherapy

Autohemotherapy is a procedure that has a number of therapeutic effects. Sometimes you can see information that this method cures human papillomavirus, herpes, cytomegalovirus, helps with menopause, promotes the resorption of adhesions in the pelvic area, and even treats infertility. In fact, you should not expect miracles from autohemotherapy.

This method is aimed at stimulating the body's immune forces, as well as launching metabolic processes. Therefore, it is often used to get rid of pustular rashes on the skin. In this case, autohemotherapy really works.

In addition, autohemotherapy can be used as an auxiliary treatment method for the following disorders:

  • Inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs that have a chronic course.
  • Inflammation in the female genital area.
  • Skin inflammatory reactions.
  • Decreased immunity due to trauma, after surgery, after exposure to radiation, etc.
  • Juvenile acne, skin ulcers, skin rashes caused by hormonal changes.
  • Trophic ulcers due to diabetes mellitus.
  • Herpetic infection.
  • Increased immunity during menopause.

Autohemotherapy is a kind of immunocorrector that allows you to increase the body's defenses. However, it is not always possible to predict exactly how the immune system will react to such stimulation. To assess the likely effect of the procedure, it is necessary to conduct an immunological study in advance, and only after that decide on autohemotherapy.

History of the origin and development of the procedure

The history of autohemotherapy goes back a long way. The application of the method begins at the same time when medicine arose. Scientists have always strived to study blood. There is evidence from the Bible that it was used as a medicine. There are also records on Egyptian papyrus that indicate that the pharaohs took baths with blood. It was also used as medicine.

There are also historical records that in the Vatican, Pope Innocent 8 drank the blood of babies for health.

It is known that in the Middle Ages, animal blood was transfused in order to rejuvenate the body. The healing properties of this method have not been established. But it was believed that such a procedure gives a person supernatural abilities. But these experiments led to deaths. Therefore, bans on such procedures appeared in several European countries. Despite this, humanity has not abandoned the idea of ​​the healing properties of blood.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Bündel performed the world's first blood transfusion from person to person. This is how the scientist saved a woman after giving birth. Before performing this transfusion, he conducted many experiments with animals. He also described symptoms when the transfusion should be stopped.

Further, many scientists began to study this method. Initially, this procedure was performed on women who had lost a lot of it during childbirth. Then they began to use blood transfusions on the battlefields. The German scientist Beer made a great contribution to the development of autohemotherapy. He created artificial hematomas using blood to treat fractures.

During the Russo-Japanese War at the beginning of the 20th century, Russian surgeon Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky used autohemotherapy. The purpose of application is the treatment of soldiers. In his work “Essays on Purulent Surgery,” he described methods of therapy. He used autohemotherapy as an adjuvant in the treatment of various indolent human diseases. This method was widely used before the advent of antibiotics.

All scientists who studied autohemotherapy noted an increase in the body’s performance, tone, the appearance of vitality and, most importantly, the human immune system was strengthened.

How does the procedure work?

During the first procedure, no more than 1 ml of a person’s own blood is injected under the skin. Gradually, its amount is increased, bringing the volume to 10 ml, and then these volumes gradually begin to decrease. However, subcutaneous injection of blood is associated with the risk of developing an inflammatory reaction, in which body temperature increases, chills and muscle pain appear.

2 ml of blood can be injected into the gluteal muscle, which is taken from a human vein. The injection is placed in the upper-outer quadrant of the buttock.

The procedure is repeated after 1-2 days, but the amount of blood is increased to 4 ml. During the third injection, which is also performed 1-2 days later, the blood volume is adjusted to 6 ml.

The following diagram of the procedure:

  • The fourth injection is 8 ml of blood.
  • Fifth injection – 10 ml of blood.
  • The sixth injection is 10 ml of blood.
  • The seventh injection is 8 ml of blood and so on, to decrease according to the proposed scheme.

During the procedure, all sterility conditions must be observed. Autohemotherapy involves performing two injections - one intravenous, when blood is taken, and the second intramuscular, when it is injected into the human body. Therefore, if the procedure is carried out not in a hospital, but at home, which is extremely undesirable, it is important to pay sufficient attention to compliance with all sterility standards.

Example of treatment results: before and after autohemotherapy against acne:


This procedure does not always give the expected effect, since it may not always affect the cause of acne. The method will be effective in cases where pustules on the skin are a consequence of the body’s reduced ability to resist infection.

The causative agent of acne can be pathogenic and opportunistic flora, and mites of the genus Demodex, the reproduction of which is normally limited by the immune system.

If there are disturbances in the functioning of the digestive or endocrine system, then drug treatment may be needed aimed at the cause that provokes the appearance of acne and acne.

In each specific case, it is advisable to select, in addition to autohemotherapy, agents for local and systemic use, and select a diet and cosmetics for constant use.

Unfortunately, not all clients of a dermatologist are ready to sacrifice a chocolate bar in the name of beauty or give up decorative cosmetics, use a talkative for a long time and follow other doctor’s prescriptions.

Hence, in most cases, dissatisfaction with the result and negative reviews about the course of autohemotherapy on the Internet.

Video: Autohemotherapy with ozone

Types of autohemotherapy

Autohemotherapy, like any treatment method, is constantly developing and improving.

Modern medicine offers such options as:

  • Hemopuncture.

    In this case, the patient's blood is taken from a vein and small doses are injected into pain points throughout the body. For this purpose, both pure blood and blood enriched with homeopathic remedies can be used. This treatment method was developed by Belgian homeopath Jan Kerschotou.

  • Stepped autohemotherapy.

    This method involves the introduction of blood, which is enriched with homeopathic remedies. They also previously tried to inject antibiotics into the venous blood, but this procedure was quickly abandoned. Stepped autohemotherapy was developed by homeopath Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg. He was a hereditary homeopath and took over his father's work. Hans-Heinrich also had experience communicating with the founder of autohemotherapy, August Bier, with whom he improved his knowledge.

  • Use of autologous blood for treatment.

    This method involves performing certain manipulations with the blood before reintroducing it to the patient. Blood can be frozen, ozonated, and treated with ultraviolet and x-rays. However, in order to perform such a procedure, not only special equipment is required, but also medical knowledge.

  • Combination of autohemotherapy with ozone therapy.

    In this case, the procedure is carried out according to the classical scheme, but ozone - O3 (triatomic oxygen) is added to the blood. This procedure is called minor ozone autohemotherapy. There is also a large ozone autohemotherapy. In this case, 150 ml of blood is taken from a vein, enriched with ozone and injected back into the vein. It is believed that this procedure allows you to quickly get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • Combination of autohemotherapy and hirudotherapy.

    In this case, the patient is placed on problem areas of the body with leeches, and then his own venous blood is injected there.

All of the above procedures cannot be performed at home. They have a wider list of indications and contraindications compared to classical autohemotherapy. You also need to take into account that autohemotherapy is an alternative treatment method that has not been studied in detail and tested by official medicine. Therefore, before deciding on it, you should get medical advice.

Advantages of autohemotherapy treatment at NEARMEDIC

The clinics employ doctors of the first and highest categories, doctors and candidates of medical sciences, professors. Thanks to the multidisciplinary medical institutions, our patients receive effective medical care for various diseases.

The medical staff of NEARMEDIC centers is constantly improving the quality of medical services, mastering new directions in world medicine. During treatment, exclusively certified, clinically proven medical products of foreign and domestic production are used.

The procedure is carried out by experienced specialists. They carefully and accurately insert the needle into the vein, making it virtually painless for the patient. The treatment rooms are equipped with all necessary equipment and meet modern requirements for asepsis and antiseptics. This ensures the sterility and safety of the procedure.

Autohemotherapy price

The cost of the procedure varies depending on where exactly it will be performed. Thus, in modern Moscow medical centers the price can reach 28 thousand rubles for a course of autohemotherapy consisting of 10 procedures. Far from the capital of Russia, in “simpler” institutions, the cost of a course of treatment can reach 6-7 thousand rubles. A single injection of your own blood costs from 400 to 1000 rubles per injection.

Author of the article:

Shutov Maxim Evgenievich |
Hematologist Education: Graduated from Kursk State Medical University in 2013 and received a diploma in General Medicine. After 2 years, he completed his residency in the specialty “Oncology”. In 2020, she completed postgraduate studies at the National Medical and Surgical Center named after N. I. Pirogov. Our authors

Blood transfusion for chiries

A boil is a boil, as it is called in medicine, and is a purulent inflammation of the scalp. As a rule, it is located thicker than the skin. While several boils appear on the skin at once, this disease is called furunculosis. All this occurs due to the presence of inflammation that appears on an infectious basis.

Bacterial infection most often occurs when the level of immunity is low, which is not able to fight various irritants and infections. Therefore, in this case, a wide variety of treatments can be used, including blood transfusions, since this method is based precisely on increasing immunity and maintaining the body in normal working condition.

The main symptoms of chiries

As a rule, this disease can develop in several stages and each of them lasts approximately several days. This is due to the fact that the infection penetrates further and further, thereby affecting more of the skin.

There are cases when furunculosis goes away on its own, with local treatment. But it is no exception that the treatment of chiria is quite complex and lengthy. The most common symptoms include:

  • skin itching and redness at the site of infection;
  • small red bumps appear on the skin, which are dense and painful to the touch;
  • in the very center of the tubercle a white dot appears, the so-called abscess, which in no case should be pressed;
  • After 10 days, the skin begins to recover and redness subsides.

It is also worth noting that such furunculosis occurs not only on the skin, but also on the nasal area and in the ear. In this case, different treatments are prescribed so as not to harm any of these organs. Especially when it comes to the nasal mucosa. Sometimes the presence of boils is observed in the nose itself, so in this case local therapy should be more than careful.

Initially, we can say that blood transfusion from a vein into muscle tissue is a fairly common, restorative and effective method. With the help of it today, many people are saved as alternative medicine. Fortunately, this method has already been more than studied, so we can say with certainty that it does no harm. This is explained purely by the fact that the composition of human blood is not constant and sometimes needs to be updated. For this purpose there is so-called autohemotherapy. The treatment time with this therapy takes approximately 15-20 days, after which a positive change should occur.

The most important indicator of autohemotherapy is strengthening the immune system, which is the basis of the reasons for the appearance of chiries. It is during the weakening of the immune system that the body begins to spontaneously allow various infections to occur. Therefore, such blood transfusions are quite often prescribed in the form of alternative medicine, not only for the treatment of the corresponding disease, but also for the general maintenance of body tone.

Autohemotherapy scheme

For many years, only one scheme has been used, which is aimed at introducing an increasing and then decreasing amount of blood. It is recommended to start with 1 mg. Thus, blood is taken from a vein using a regular syringe and injected immediately into the buttock as a regular injection.

It is worth noting that injection into muscle tissue should be carried out slowly. Since blood is a fairly dense substance, it is accordingly absorbed into the tissues slowly. To avoid lumps or bruises after the injection, you need to massage the injection site well, but do not press too hard. After this, the next day we increase the blood dose by another 1 mg and that’s 2 mg. And so every day the amount should increase to 10 mg of blood, after which we go back to decreasing. The last day of the regimen should end with 1 mg of the substance, as initially. The maximum dose of treatment may be 12 mg of blood, but no more.

This course can be carried out once or twice a year as a preventive measure. As for the direct treatment of chiri, the time should not be set independently.

Consult your doctor. As a rule, you will be prescribed additional local therapy, because destroying the infection directly on the skin is also equally important.

Prognosis of autohemotherapy for furunculosis

In medical practice, the use of autohemotherapy is used only when all methods have already been tried. This kind of alternative medicine does not pose any danger, but it is also 100% guaranteed. Quite often, transfusions are prescribed for various forms of skin diseases, including teenage rashes on the face. Since this therapy is not quick-acting, the treatment will be long-term and patient.

When the immune system and general condition of the body are restored, the appearance of the skin also changes. We can even say that the skin is sometimes the very first to react to internal changes, especially delicate and sensitive ones. This way, you will not only maintain your overall health, but also directly treat your chiria. You should also not think that inflammatory suppuration should go away by the end of the autohemotherapy regimen, but this should happen over time. In general, doctors recommend starting treatment with traditional medicine - various local and internal drugs.

If nothing helps, then you can directly apply for other methods. For example, a method such as blood transfusion has been used since ancient times, when the variety of medical treatments was not so widespread and open. Therefore, you can apply for different treatments and choose an individual one for yourself.

Is it possible to do a transfusion for chiria at home?

In this case, the main thing is to adhere only to professionalism. If you know how to properly handle veins and know how to give intravenous injections, then this procedure will be easy for you. You will need to take the correct blood from a vein, and then inject it into the buttock. If you have not previously dealt with such medical skills, then it is better not to take on this, but to trust a person who is knowledgeable in this matter. In any case, you should not take risks so as not to harm the patient.

Treatment of chiries with blood transfusion

A boil, or boil, is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. The boil is located in the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. There are different ways to treat chiria, including blood transfusions for chiria. The method is based on the body’s ability to cause a rejection reaction to the introduction of substances containing a protein that is unusual for the body, foreign to it, including that present in the blood. The body mobilizes all its strength to fight the oncoming infection, and diseases such as boils are easily cured.

Sometimes, several boils appear on the surface of the skin. This phenomenon is called furunculosis. The appearance of a boil indicates an inflammatory process of an infectious nature. If the immune system is weakened and the body becomes vulnerable to bacterial and viral infections, then inflammation develops as a result of the action of microbes that are always present in the body.


The boil disease process goes through several phases, each of which lasts several days. If nothing interferes with the infection, it penetrates deeper into the thickness of the skin, capturing more and more new tissues. The boil can go away on its own, without any treatment. Sometimes local treatment with external bactericidal drugs helps.

Cases of long-term and complex treatment of chiria have been described. During the process of formation, the boil first causes itching and hyperemia at the site of infection. Then one or more small red bumps appear, firm to the touch and painful. Then an abscess in the form of a white dot forms in the center of the mound. Sooner or later, most often within a decade, the abscess breaks, the pus drains, the swelling of the skin stops and recovery occurs.

An attempt to squeeze out an unformed abscess on the body can only cause harm: pus can get into a blood vessel injured by compression and cause blood sepsis.

Danger of squeezing out an abscess

The severity of the disease depends on the location of the chiria. The most dangerous are furunculosis of the nasolabial triangle, located in close proximity to vital organs. A boil in the ear promises a lot of trouble. Treatment of chiries in such cases should be carried out quickly and carefully so as not to cause serious complications.


Autohemotherapy, or blood transfusion from chiries, is nothing more than an injection of blood taken from a vein into the muscle tissue, with a few exceptions, the gluteal. Hemotherapy is a traditional, widespread method of treating such diseases.

This method of treating chiries has been tested many times, and with the known qualifications of the medical worker performing the procedure, it is completely safe. The effect of the hemotherapy procedure develops within two to three weeks.

Blood injected into the muscle coagulates. A hematoma forms. To resolve the hematoma, the body mobilizes all its reserves. When a hematoma dissolves, many biologically active substances are formed, providing the body with a kind of shock.

Intramuscular injection of blood boosts your own immunity. A general strengthening of the body occurs and many trivial ailments, such as chiries, go away on their own. Sometimes, an accidental injury, such as a bruise on the body, can help cure such a disease. After all, a bruise is a hematoma.

Activation of the body's defenses

Autohemotherapy procedure

The procedure for blood transfusion from chirii consists of daily injections of an increasing, and upon reaching the maximum dosage, a decreasing amount of venous blood into the gluteal muscle.

Blood is drawn from a vein using a syringe and immediately injected into the buttock muscle, without adding any additional medications. It is important to have the skills to draw blood from a vein. The vein should be large enough and easily detectable. A tourniquet is applied to the arm, the vein fills with blood and becomes clearly visible.

And then, everything is simple. It is important to follow the rules of asepsis both when collecting and administering blood. The treatment regimen involves the selection and administration of 2 ml of vein contents on the first day. On the second day, 2 ml more, and so on until you reach 10 ml. And then, every day, reduce the dosage by 2 ml per day. Introducing a full dose on the first day can lead to a violent response of the body to the introduction of a protein-containing liquid, which is unsafe. There is a modification of autohemotherapy - treatment using autologous blood subjected to freezing, laser, ultraviolet or x-rays, or ozonation.

It should be taken into account that blood should be injected slowly so as not to injure the muscle. To optimize the process of hematoma resorption, it is useful to apply massage and heat to the injection site. In parallel with hemotherapy, local treatment with anti-inflammatory external agents is continued.

Treatment prognosis

Hemotherapy for furunculosis is used only if other methods of treating boils on the body do not bring the desired result. This unconventional method of treatment is safe, but it does not provide a 100% guarantee of cure.

Autohemotherapy is indicated in the treatment of teenage furunculosis. The treatment process is quite long. The healing process is associated with an increase in immunity; a marker of the beginning of a positive restructuring in the body is a change in skin color.

You should not expect that by the end of the course of hemotherapy, chiria will completely disappear. The desired result can be obtained after some time. We should not forget that in parallel with autohemotherapy, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment with external agents.

Autohemotherapy at home

The procedure for taking blood from a vein and intramuscular injection requires professional skill. There is no doubt that anyone can learn such a craft.

But you shouldn’t take risks; it’s much safer to entrust the matter to a professional, in this case, a nurse. A qualified medical professional can perform autohemotherapy at home.

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