How to use cedar oil for the face? — Recipes and reviews

The oil product has a multi-component composition and is used to rejuvenate the skin, fight wrinkles, and the essential product perfectly relieves inflammation and acne.

Cedar oil for the face has an equally good effect on different types of epidermis and has no age restrictions. Regular care with cedar oil ensures that your facial skin remains youthful and clean at a high level. And the almost complete safety of use even for particularly sensitive people ensures the popularity of the oil product in the care of the skin of the face, body and hair.

Cedar oil: important features and value

The main valuable products of cedar are bark, resin, needles and nut kernels. Today there are many medicines and cosmetics that contain pine nut oil. Using cedar oil on the face not only rejuvenates it, but also provides a long-lasting healing effect. Cedar oil is also produced as an independent product for use for a variety of purposes.

As is known, there are no analogues to cedar oil in nature in terms of the content of amino acids, microelements, and beneficial cosmetic and healing properties. The oil is made from nut kernels by primary cold pressing. Various groups of products are made from certain parts of the tree:

  • balms (resin with essential oil);
  • essential oil (wood extract product);
  • cedar oil (nut kernels);
  • products with extracts of cedar products for various purposes.

Cedar oil for the face is of great value in cosmetology. All components of the oil are indispensable for ensuring proper regenerative processes in the skin structure, restoration at the cellular level, adequate nutrition and rejuvenation. The amber color of the oil is due to the high content of nitrogenous components (about 10%), which belong to the main amino acids:

  • linoleic acid (almost 58%);
  • linolenic acid (about 20%);
  • oleic (up to 14%).

There are no analogues to cedar oil in nature in terms of the content of amino acids, microelements, beneficial cosmetic and healing properties.
In addition to amino acids, the oil is enriched with phosphorus, calcium, manganese, vitamins A, B, D. Another feature of the facial oil is the optimal ratio of all components in the composition . In dermatology and medical cosmetology, the antibacterial properties of cedar oil are highly valued. Thanks to this, it is possible to alleviate the patient’s condition with chronic skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis), heal acne, pimples, scratches, allergies and inflammation.

Advice! The use of pine nut oil for the face can be combined with aromatherapy. The aroma of cedar resin and esters restores the emotional background, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves severe stress and any emotional tension.

How do you get it?

Pure cedar oil is obtained directly from the kernels of the Siberian cedar pine. Pre-cleaned nut kernels are well dried and divided into fractions. It is important to correctly sort the kernels by color and quality. Next, the most optimal method of obtaining oil is selected: thermal or cold. When using the second method, a larger number of useful microelements remain unchanged. Despite the high cost of cold pressing, it is most often used.

With the thermal method, most of the beneficial properties are lost. The oil obtained in this way is used in cooking, but is in no way used for cosmetic purposes.

Effect on facial skin

The use of cedar oil in facial cosmetology is suitable for women of any age, with any skin type and structure. When used correctly at home, cedar oil has a special effect on the skin:

  • activates cellular regeneration processes;
  • heals small cracks and wounds;
  • nourishes and saturates with necessary moisture;
  • relieves itching, allergies, redness;
  • treats pimples and acne;
  • Removes makeup well.

The use of cedar oil in facial cosmetology is suitable for women of any age, with any skin type and structure
. In addition to its advantages, the oil has its contraindications and disadvantages. The product is not recommended if the skin is sensitive to any components of the product, infectious skin diseases, or during pregnancy and lactation.

Important! You should monitor the quality of cedar oil, because if its structure is destroyed due to improper storage, expiration date or violation of manufacturing techniques, it can cause harm to the skin on the face. At best, a low-quality product will not bring any benefit.

Application in cosmetology

Squeezing cedar kernels can solve a number of cosmetic problems. The application features may differ in each case, but this will allow for a targeted effect on existing imperfections. Experts recommend using products with nut oil for cosmetic purposes:

  • Local application. Cedar extracts of any composition can be used as a daily face cream. Treatment of minor skin problems allows for spot treatment of the lesions.
  • Dermatological treatment. To prepare a medicinal mixture, you need to combine cedar etherol (about 4 drops) with wheat germ oil (about 10 drops). The composition is ideal for eliminating rashes of any nature, eczema, atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases. The number of applications per day is about 3–4 times. The course duration ranges from 7 to 10 days.
  • Enrichment. Cedar extracts in any pharmacological form can enrich the skin with a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. To do this, just add 3-5 drops to the base product (lotion, night or day cream, tonic solutions).

Cedar extracts of any composition can be used as a daily face cream

  • Cleansing and antibacterial protection. For maximum effectiveness, the etherol needs to be slightly warmed before application. You can cleanse your facial skin using massage movements using cotton wool. Pine nut oil is ideal for caring for eyelids and the area around the eyes. For antibacterial protection, it is recommended to apply a little essential oil to cleansed skin. Usually the procedure is performed before bedtime.
  • Smoothing the skin. Age-related skin changes and facial wrinkles are always a cause of concern for many women. The trend towards naturalness and naturalness in everything has drawn the attention of modern women to oils, esters and other recipes against skin aging. Walnut oil is ideal for incipient wrinkles. To eliminate them, just apply a little etherol to the folds (“crow’s feet” around the eyes, horizontal wrinkles on the forehead) and leave for about an hour.
  • Protective action. Applying a squeeze of cedar kernels ideally protects against burns from direct sunlight. Before tanning, apply a thin layer of cedar essence to the skin of the body and face. The tan will lie evenly and will not leave burns or stains.
  • Prevention and nutrition. Nutrition is necessary to prevent the early appearance of age-related changes, to normalize the general condition of facial skin, and increase its elasticity. Skin aging is well prevented by applying warm etherol and applying compresses. This compress should be kept for about 40 minutes. The course of procedures is not limited in duration. To achieve the effect, it is enough to carry out warm applications about 3 times a week.

Walnut oil is ideal for incipient wrinkles

Important! The effectiveness of procedures directly depends on human discipline. If you use the oil systematically and regularly, the results will not take long to arrive. Beautiful and young skin will remain for many years. After one application and a two-week break, of course, you should not expect any noticeable effect.

Masks based on cedar oil

Facial care in the form of masks is considered preferable, since there is a long-term effect of a certain composition on the deep structures of the skin. Homemade masks can be called compresses, applications and other terms, since the principle of the effect of the medicinal composition on the skin is almost the same. There are many masks made from cedar oil, but the following are considered especially effective.

Cedar resin for acne

The mask perfectly eliminates acne and any skin imperfections associated with rashes. To prepare the mask you will need:

  • cedar ether (up to 4 drops);
  • nut oil (about 12 drops);
  • yeast (about 10 g);
  • decoction of nettle (20 ml is enough).

Facial care in the form of masks is considered preferable, since there is a long-term effect of a certain composition on the deep structures of the skin.
Yeast is poured with a heated nettle decoction, after which it is combined with the other components in the specified proportions. The finished composition is applied to previously steamed and cleansed skin. It is important to take care of the protection of the eyelids and mucous membranes of the face. Keep the mask for 20 minutes, after which you wash with clean cool water. You can add lemon or lime juice to the water. Then dry the skin with a paper towel and treat acne with an antibacterial drug (you can use an antiseptic).

Mask “Cedar rejuvenation”

The mask can be used both as a prevention against the first signs of aging, and as a remedy against the beginning of wrinkles. Against the background of regular use of cedar oil for the face against wrinkles, even facial irregularities are smoothed out, the skin is saturated with vitamins and organic acids. To prepare the composition for application you will need:

  • starch (about 15 g);
  • lemon balm essential oil (4–5 drops);
  • cedar oil (up to 15 drops).

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and infused for about 15 minutes. During this time, you can prepare the skin by steaming and cleansing it of makeup and impurities. The mask should be applied for 20 minutes. Then rinse off, after adding a few drops of grape ether and lemon juice to the water.

Mask for aging skin

Homemade masks can be called compresses, applications and other terms, since the principle of the effect of the medicinal composition on the skin is almost the same.
In adulthood, the main task of anti-aging products is to accelerate regenerative processes in the skin, saturate all layers of the epidermis with oxygen, increase elasticity and maintain normal pigment. Cedar oil fully meets the requirements of mature skin. To prepare the mask composition you will need:

  • cedar oil (about 6–10 drops);
  • rice flour (up to 20 g);
  • quail egg (2 pieces are enough);
  • Shea tree esters (3-4 drops).

All components must be thoroughly mixed. If it is difficult to obtain rice flour, you can grind regular rice cereal to a powder. The shea butter should be melted slightly before adding. Before application, the skin must be steamed and cleaned with a scrub (oatmeal will do). It is better to apply the mask with a cosmetic spatula in the upward direction along the cheekbones. It is recommended to keep the mask on for 20 minutes to half an hour. It is better to wash off with a warm decoction of rose hips.

Intense hydration

Facial skin with a normal moisture ratio in all structural layers looks healthy, well-groomed, and rarely shows signs of peeling or various rashes. Cedar oil promotes maximum moisture retention in the epidermal layers. Before applying the mask, you must prepare the following composition:

  • cedar oil (about 15–20 drops);
  • aloe juice (about 15 ml);
  • full-fat sour cream (10–15 g is enough).

Cedar oil promotes maximum moisture retention in the epidermal layers.
After combining all the components, you can apply the composition to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and eyelids. The mask should be held for up to half an hour, then removed with a foam sponge. Wash your face with cool water and additionally moisturize with coconut oil.

What users say

Elena, 26 years old

Since adolescence, I have been struggling with my problem skin: oily T-zone, all sorts of pimples, comedones, enlarged pores. Well, you understand, the whole set is included

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