Malavit for acne. Malavit - a safe remedy against acne


For the treatment of acne and warts, as well as solving other unpleasant problems that affect the skin of the face, Malavit, produced in the form of a solution or cream-gel, is suitable. Medicines in this series consist entirely of environmentally friendly, herbal ingredients and do not contain harmful chemicals, alcohols or preservatives.

The solution contains:

  • malachite;
  • mumiyo;
  • cedar resin;
  • larch gum;
  • oak bark;
  • fir bark;
  • silver complex;
  • copper complex;
  • pine buds;
  • lactic acid;
  • lactic acid salts;
  • Birch buds;
  • essential oils;
  • extracts of yarrow, sage, peppermint, echinacea, wild rosemary, immortelle, peony, calendula, chamomile, marsh calamus, wormwood, plantain, celandine, thyme;
  • spring ionized water from the Altai mountains;

, the cream-gel also contains:

  • glycerin – helps soften and moisturize the skin;
  • neutral gel, which is the basis of the cream-gel and promotes the effective penetration of medicinal components into the skin;
  • grape seed oil, which eliminates flaking, smoothes, softens and moisturizes;
  • menthol;
  • distilled water;

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of the facial skin care product are manifested in the fact that Malavit:

  • is a natural antiseptic;
  • has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects;
  • has an antifungal effect;
  • deodorizes;
  • effectively fights facial swelling and skin itching;
  • helps with herpes, furunculosis, purulent rash;
  • effectively fights lichen, eczema, psoriasis, warts, condylomas;
  • relieves inflammation, redness;
  • improves blood circulation in the skin;
  • has a wound-healing effect, helps with insect bites, ulcers, wounds, cuts, burns and frostbite;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • moisturizes, prevents early aging of the skin;
  • evens out skin color;
  • tightens enlarged pores;
  • helps in the fight against acne, pimples, rashes;
  • whitens the skin and has a drying effect.

Instructions for use

The solution is used both in dissolved and undissolved form. The effectiveness of the solution is enhanced when used in combination with the cream-gel of this series.

For acne , warts, pimples, purulent rashes, boils, the skin is treated with an undiluted solution at least 3 times daily, or applications with gel are made to the damaged areas the same number of times.

To get rid of herpes, apply a diluted solution to the affected areas (10 drops of medicine per 100 milliliters of water) or apply cream to problem areas at the first signs of herpes 3-4 times daily until completely absorbed; for a better effect, do not wash off the cream-gel .

The cream is used as a daily facial skin care product. To reduce oily skin, narrow pores, get rid of blackheads, pimples, prevent the appearance of inflammatory processes, moisturize the skin, eliminate flaking, apply it to a previously cleansed face in the morning and evening every day.

To heal wounds, ulcers, burns, cuts, damaged areas are treated with a solution previously diluted in water 1:10 several times a day (at least 2 times, and preferably 4-5).

If inflammation and itching from insect bites (mosquitoes, bees, midges) occur , a compress of gauze pre-moistened with an undiluted medicinal solution is applied to the bites for 15 minutes; this procedure must be carried out at least 3 times every day until the effect appears.

Indications for use

Due to its antimicrobial effect, Malavit is often prescribed for colds (otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis). The drug is often used in dentistry. For stomatitis, ulcers are treated with an aqueous solution.

Sometimes the solution is used in gynecology. The medicine is used during pregnancy to eliminate foci of bacterial infections on the genitals. Most doctors prescribe Malavit to eliminate inflammation in joint diseases and eye inflammation.

The product effectively eliminates pathogenic flora of urological infections and skin diseases (furunculosis and acne). Cream for children helps eliminate skin irritation after using diapers. Some veterinarians recommend Malavit ointment for bacterial infections in cats or dogs.

Precautionary measures

When using Malavit gel or solution, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before purchasing and using it directly, be sure to consult a doctor.
  2. Do not apply the cream-gel or solution together with other medicinal or cosmetic products; observe the interval between the application of various medicinal and cosmetic products. Only a combination of cream-gel and Malavit solution is allowed, since in this case their effect is enhanced.
  3. Follow the dosage prescribed in the instructions.
  4. Do not use the product internally; the cream and solution are intended for external use only. If a large amount of Malavit enters the stomach, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and consult a doctor immediately!
  5. Store Malavit out of the reach of children and animals.
  6. The bottle must be shaken before using the solution. The solution may become cloudy over time, and sediment may appear at the bottom of the bottle - this is acceptable for the medicine.
  7. Dilution of the solution is only permissible with boiled water at room temperature or slightly cooled. The diluted solution is stored for no more than a day.
  8. Observe the storage conditions of the medicinal product. The shelf life of the solution is 2 years from the date indicated on the package. The solution is stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding +25° C. The cream is also stored in a place protected from direct sunlight, suitable for use for 18 months.


Reviews about malavit gel are mixed. However, we are not talking about a medicine, so you can’t expect any dramatic improvements in the patients’ condition. According to statistics, the medication provides a “selective” effect - for some patients it really helps to cope with painful symptoms, but for others it turns out to be completely useless.

Masha, 36 years old, Stavropol

They bought Malavit cream for joints for my father, because over the years they bother him more and more. We gave preference to this product because we fell for the naturalness of its components. In fact, there is no improvement in the condition. The pain in the joints did not go away. As a result, we had to go to the doctor, we were prescribed a real ointment, the effectiveness of which is also premature to judge.

Alina, 24 years old, Pyatigorsk

I used the gel cream when my son came running after football with 2 large abrasions. They smeared it in the evening and in the morning. The wounds themselves were wrapped in a bandage so that the gel would not “wipe off” on clothing. The pain went away on the 2nd day, treatment was completed by the beginning of the 5th day. In principle, a good product, but the price is somewhat overpriced.

How to properly use Salicylic acid in fungal powder?

In everyday life, there is often a need to cleanse the skin of acne, comedones, and other impurities without the use of expensive products. Salicylic acid powder can help with this, which can also be effectively used to get rid of calluses, fungus and other defects of the human skin.


The product, which is produced in powder, contains only fine white crystals of odorless orthohydroxybenzoic acid, which are the main active ingredient of the drug. The powder dissolves easily in various liquids - water, alcohol, and most oils.

A derivative of this drug is acetylsalicylic acid.

Pharmacological action

The acid is a powerful antiseptic and has keratolytic, keratoplastic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects on the skin. Due to its properties, it is able to soften the upper layer of the epidermis, so it is often used for skin peeling. The product is popular among dermatologists and cosmetologists.

It has the ability to suppress the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Indications for use

The product is widely used for treating wound surfaces for burns of various etiologies.

The drug helps regulate the activity of the skin's sebaceous glands, so it is often used to treat oily facial skin, as well as seborrhea with increased greasiness in the hair.

The powder is effective in the fight against chronic eczema and psoriasis.

The product can treat various inflammatory manifestations on the skin - acne, rosacea, comedones.

This powder is irreplaceable when getting rid of corns and calluses. In addition, it eliminates the unpleasant odor caused by sweating of the lower extremities.

Dermatologists recommend using this acid to get rid of warts and age spots, including age spots.


There are several contraindications to the use of the drug. These are individual intolerance to components, age under 1 year, severe kidney pathologies, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Directions for use and dosage regimen

It is believed that a safe daily dose of powder diluted in any liquid should not exceed: for adults - 10 ml, and for children - 1 ml.

Before application, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of impurities.

In order not to dry out healthy areas of the skin, it is necessary to use the solution only pointwise, for example, using a cotton swab.

This product should not be applied to birthmarks.

For fungal diseases

For fungus, the affected area of ​​the skin is treated with 5-10% salicylic ointment, which is applied to the affected surface with a cotton swab or swab several times a day. The average course of treatment is at least 1 week.

When treating nail fungus, use a 3-5% acid solution, which is applied to the nail plate several times a day. The course of treatment can be 1-6 months.

For acne

Problem skin often has increased oiliness, which leads to an oily sheen, especially on the forehead, nose and chin. It is in these places that pimples and blackheads—comedones—appear. They must be carefully dried by applying an alcoholic acid solution to them. The exposure time is no more than 15 minutes, then the product must be removed from the face by simply washing.

If there are clusters of pimples on the face, it is recommended to carefully wipe these areas with a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution. It is advisable to use a small concentration so as not to dry out the skin.

To enhance the effect, boric acid can be added to the main powder. Treat your face with this mixture extremely carefully.

From blackheads

To treat and prevent the appearance of comedones, it is recommended to wipe problem areas with an alcohol solution of powder several times a week. Afterwards, you need to apply a product with a moisturizing effect to your face.

For calluses

Old formations (calluses and corns) are generously moistened with an alcohol or aqueous solution of the drug; after some time, the callus is carefully cleaned off using pumice or a special brush. The procedure must be repeated until the callus completely disappears. If necessary, in order to soften the old stratum corneum, you can apply compresses with the drug to these places.

If the callus is weeping, it is treated with powder diluted in water to the consistency of a paste. Apply to the problem area and secure with adhesive tape.

Can I take salicylic acid?

You should not drink this remedy, as it can cause serious harm to the mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach and intestines. Such a chemical burn is difficult to treat.

If the product is accidentally ingested, you should immediately rinse your stomach and drink a large amount of milk. In case of severe poisoning, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Side effects

When using the drug externally, the following reactions are possible:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • redness and irritation on the skin;
  • burning, itching at the site of application.

In this case, you must stop using the drug, and in case of an allergic reaction, consult a doctor.

With an overdose and too frequent use, the skin may become excessively dry.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Since this powder is used only externally, it has no effect on the ability to drive a car. It can also be used by people whose activities require quick reactions.

Salicylic Acid Powder Drug Interactions

It is not recommended to use this product together with resorcinol and zinc oxide.

Features of the use of salicylic acid powder

If you are prone to allergic reactions, use salicylic acid with caution.

How to treat allergies on the face?

About 1/3 of the population of our planet suffers from allergies. And they very often have the question of how to treat an allergy on the face, because its manifestation prevents them from leading their usual lifestyle, since they have to hide from everyone at home or spend a lot of money on purchasing cosmetics in order to disguise such a significant cosmetic flaw.

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Facial allergies can manifest themselves in different ways. For some it is in the form of a small rash (urticaria), and for others it is in the form of slight redness and peeling of the skin. It is also possible that allergies may manifest themselves in the form of swelling and take on an edematous form.

As a rule, an allergic reaction on the face is accompanied by itching, dryness and flaking of the skin, as well as a feeling of tightness. Rarely, the mucous membranes of the eyes are affected; this may manifest itself as excessive tearing or, conversely, dryness, burning and a feeling of discomfort. The most “favorite” places on the face for allergies are the chin, cheeks and bridge of the nose.

In this article we will try to answer your main question, but first let's understand the causes of allergies.


Before you begin to treat an allergy, its causes should be established, and it is advisable to eliminate them. If this is not done, then, of course, you can try to eliminate the external manifestations, but even with a successful outcome, it will still manifest itself again after some time.

Therefore, for treatment to be effective, the cause must still be established. You can do this yourself or seek help from a specialist who will not only help you find the root of the problem, but will also tell you how and how to fix it.

Well, there are a lot of reasons for allergic reactions on the face. This:

  • the foods you eat (in this case, one product or a component that it contains may cause such a reaction in the body);
  • bites of various insects;
  • dust;
  • contact with animals, as well as products made from natural fur;
  • plants, especially during the flowering period;
  • direct sunlight;
  • low ambient temperature;
  • taking medications and much more.

But most often, allergies on the face appear after using cosmetics or other skin care products, as well as after various procedures for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin.

How to treat?

So, treatment of facial allergies, as mentioned above, should begin with identifying and eliminating the cause of its occurrence. Further, it should be treated with the help of various medications and ointments for external use, which are prescribed individually by the doctor.

But it happens that the manifestation of allergies on the face occurs suddenly, at the most inopportune moment, and in order to start treating it, you need to go to the doctor, but you don’t have time for this. What to do in such a situation? The main thing is not to panic. You can start treatment on your own at home, which will allow you to “mute” the manifestation of the allergy on your face and prevent it from spreading further throughout your body before going to the doctor.

Facial cleansing

As soon as you discover that you are experiencing an allergic reaction on your face, you should cleanse your skin. First you need to wash off all cosmetics; for this you can use regular soap (better) or cosmetic milk. Next, you need to soothe your skin. To do this, you can use any fermented milk products that you have at home.

Kefir or fermented baked milk is suitable for these purposes. If you have sour cream, you can also use it, but first you need to dilute it with chilled boiled water 1:1.

Next, take cotton pads, soak them in kefir or diluted sour cream and wipe your face several times. To remove remnants of fermented milk products, wash your face with ordinary boiled water without soap or any cosmetics.


After cleansing your face, treating allergies at home involves using compresses or lotions. To do this you will need gauze cloth or cotton pads. But first you need to make a solution in which they will be wetted.

You can use regular pharmacy chamomile or sage. You need to prepare a decoction from them. How to do this should be written on the packaging of the product. You can use boric acid, which must be diluted in distilled water.

But if you don’t have a single remedy on hand to treat allergies at home, you can use regular black tea, only weak and without sugar.

The main thing in this procedure is to moisten a new gauze or cotton pad in the prepared solution every 2-3 minutes and apply it to the areas of allergy. This should be done for 10 minutes.

Drying facial skin

Treatment of facial allergies at home ends with the next step – drying the skin. For these purposes, you can use a regular clean towel. But under no circumstances should you rub your face. To soothe the skin, you can use rice or potato starch to treat irritated areas of the skin, or lubricate them with chamomile cream.

Allergy ointments

After all the manipulations described above, in order to treat allergies more effectively, you should use special ointments that are sold in every pharmacy. However, their choice should be approached with all responsibility. They come in several types:

  • hormonal (can eliminate only a few allergy symptoms);
  • non-hormonal (aimed at eliminating certain symptoms of allergic reactions);
  • combined (used for complex forms of allergies).

The healing properties of the drug "Malavit" in the treatment of acne

A solid evidence base has made it possible to judge the medicine “Malavit” as a method that helps quickly and without associated complications get rid of rashes on the face. Clinical studies have established that the naturopathic remedy: • Has a pronounced antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. • Characterized by a powerful antimycotic effect. • Eliminates facial swelling. • Dries wet wounds of various sizes. • Heals wounds of various sizes - the components of the medicinal consistency allow the formation of a crust on the wound surface. After the scabs are rejected, no scars remain, which is especially important given the aesthetic side of the issue. • Eliminates skin itching, regardless of the degree of its manifestation. • Reduces residual effects after acne has healed. • Lightens the skin, eliminating the effects of acne. • Normalizes pigmentation disturbed during bacterial infection. • Qualitatively relieves the manifestations of herpetic infection on the face - “Malavit” helps to dry out herpetic blisters. • Has a positive effect on the skin for all types of purulent rash. • Effectively eliminates lichen on the face, as well as psoriatic crusts, warts, and condylomas. When using the drug "Malavit" there is no development of resistance of pathological microflora. Considering all the listed advantages of the drug, doctors often prescribe it as part of complex therapy for inflammatory processes. Since “Malavit” has a pronounced ability to enhance the healing effect of basic drugs intended to eliminate aerobic and anaerobic infections.


Galavit Rating: 3 7 reviews Gold Star Balm Rating: 5 5 reviews Mahanarayana Oil Bliss Style Mahanarayana Thailam Rating: 5 1 review Uroprofit Rating: 4.9 42 reviews Trombo ACC Rating: 5 29 reviews Nalgesin Rating: 4.8 36 reviews Aloe First Spray Rating: 5 1 review Solgar Resveratrol Rating: 5 1 review Ingavirin Rating: 3.6 323 reviews Bactroban Rating: 5 3 reviews Also anti-inflammatory

Malavit prices in pharmacies


  • 158 rub. Malavit, solution for external use, 30 ml, 1 pc.
  • 189 rub. Malavit cream for joints, cream for external use, 100 ml, 1 pc.
  • 190 rub. Malavit cream-gel, cream for external use, 75 ml, 1 pc.
  • 240 rub. Malavit hygiene product, solution for external use, 50 ml, 1 pc.
  • Internet pharmacy “MedTorg”

      49 rub. Malavit baby cream bunny 75ml
  • 51 rub. Malavit baby cream bear 75ml
  • 56 rub. Malavit nourishing hand cream 75ml
  • 57 rub. Malavit hand cream for sensitive skin 75ml
  • 57 rub. Malavit protective hand cream 75ml
  • 57 rub. Malavit softening hand cream 75ml
  • 57 rub. Malavit hand cream moisturizing 75ml
  • 58 rub. Malavit hand and nail cream 75ml
  • 59 rub. Malavit hand cream spa care 75ml
  • 73 rub. Malavit lifting mask plasticizing alginate 10.0 n1
  • 77 rub. Malavit refreshing shower gel for men ocean energy 200ml
  • 82 rub. Malavit nourishing hand cream for men 75ml
  • 84 rub. Malavit baby bath foam strawberry 200ml
  • 85 rub. Malavit baby bath foam watermelon 200ml
  • 86 rub. Malavit baby bath foam sun 200ml
  • 89 rub. Malavit lifting mask alginate anti-rosacea 15.0 n1
  • 89 rub. Malavit lifting mask alginate with Botox 15.0 n1
  • 89 rub. Malavit lifting mask alginate with collagen 15.0 n1
  • 91 rub. Malavit lifting mask alginate with hyaluronic acid 15.0 n1
  • 92 rub. Malavit lifting mask alginate deep cleansing 15.0 n1
  • 93 rub. Malavit shampoo for men 2in1 200ml
  • 105 rub. Malavit baby soap watermelon 80.0
  • 105 rub. Malavit baby soap white 80.0
  • 105 rub. Malavit baby soap sea buckthorn 80.0
  • 109 rub. Malavit shampoo baby sun 200ml
  • 111 rub. Malavit cream-gel for face nutrition and hydration for men 75ml
  • 112 rub. Malavit shampoo for children bunny 200ml
  • 112 rub. Malavit shampoo for children teddy bear 200ml
  • 118 rub. Malavit cream for children 75ml
  • 124 rub. Malavit aftershave cream 75ml
  • 130 rub. Malavit shampoo for all hair types 200ml
  • 132 rub. Malavit toilet soap duo 70.0
  • 134 rub. Malavit nourishing hand cream for dry and mature skin 75ml
  • 148 rub. Malavit face scrub 100ml
  • 158 rub. Malavit cream-gel for face nutrition and hydration50ml
  • 165 rub. Malavit cream-gel 50ml
  • 168 rub. Malavit liquid baby soap sun 280ml
  • 170 rub. Malavit liquid baby soap bunny 280ml
  • 172 rub. Malavit liquid baby soap bear 280ml
  • 184 rub. Malavit hygiene product 30ml bottle
  • 189 rub. Malavit shampoo with white lupine peptides 250ml
  • 191 rub. Malavit balm-rinse with white lupine peptides 250ml
  • 220 rub. Malavit bioactive shampoo-conditioner for hair growth 250ml
  • 226 rub. Malavit cream-gel 75ml
  • 228 rub. Malavit bioactive balm-mask for hair growth 250ml
  • 230 rub. Malavit cream for joints 100ml
  • 255 rub. Malavit gel soap for intimate hygiene 280ml
  • 294 rub. Malavit lifting mask plasticizing alginate 30.0 n2
  • 296 rub. Malavit hygiene product 50ml bottle
  • 317 rub. Malavit disinfectant (skin antiseptic) 50ml
  • Analogues and prices

    The cost of Malavit products directly depends on the pharmacy chain. For example, the price for a 100 ml joint cream in this series in “Don't hurt” pharmacies is 210 rubles. In online pharmacies this product will cost 10-20 rubles less.

    Malavit is an affordable drug for all social groups of patients. However, there are times when this medicine is not available in the pharmacy. You can replace Malavit with other means.

    The most popular analogues of Malavit are:

    • flexid;
    • but-salt;
    • nimid;
    • umkalor;
    • baneocin.

    The decision to replace the drug is made by the attending physician. You cannot use the above analogs on your own.

    Features of using the solution

    Instructions for use of Malavit in the form of a solution indicate that:

      The drug must be applied to the affected areas using a sponge or cotton swab.
    • After applying the medicine, it is quite possible to cover the problem area with plastic wrap and secure it with a bandage, this will help increase the effectiveness of the medicine. The optimal duration of such a compress is about twenty minutes. Treatment of burn injuries and serious injuries may involve applying a bandage soaked in Malavit to the problem area for several hours up to three times a day.
    • When treating acne, you can put a sponge with medicine on the problem area and leave it for ten minutes. The same should be done when treating various bites.
    • To achieve a deodorizing effect, it is necessary to wipe areas with increased sweating with the solution. For foot hyperhidrosis, it is worth taking baths with this medicine, diluting 10 ml. funds in 5 l. water with some sea salt added.
    • To achieve an antiseptic effect on the whole body, it is worth adding the solution to a warm bath (10 ml of medicine per 200 liters).

    If Malavit is used as part of a complex therapy, it is necessary to maintain an interval between its use and the application of other medications.

    Special recommendations for effective treatment

    Recovery will come faster if you do not ignore the features that the use of the drug in question suggests: 1. If a person with dry skin is to treat the rash, it is advisable to refrain from applying the concentrated solution. It can dry out the skin, which is undesirable in the treatment of acne. To achieve a safe concentration, add 100 ml of distilled or boiled water to the bottle with the product. Each time after use, place the bottle with the remaining solution in the refrigerator to maintain consistency. 2. It is necessary to maintain an interval between application of the product of at least 2 hours. 3. Avoid applying directly to open wounds. 4. Refrain from use if allergic reactions develop during treatment (redness, worsening of the wound, appearance of new inflammatory elements). It is also important to apply the drug to previously cleansed skin - regular washing is sufficient, but always with soap.

    Limitations and useful tips

    Thanks to the natural composition of Malavit, its use almost does not cause allergic reactions, it can be used even on the most delicate and sensitive skin. However, this does not eliminate the need to conduct a simple test to identify a possible reaction. A small amount of the product is applied to the wrist; ideally, there should be no reaction. It should be noted that the light emerald-colored drug has the ability to slightly stain the skin.

    If you have extremely dry skin and are afraid of aggravating this situation, dilute the concentrated composition with boiled warm water. To obtain the required product, follow the proportions: a tablespoon of Malavit per 100 ml of liquid. The rules of use do not change. It is recommended to store the resulting tincture in the refrigerator for one day.

    To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should not combine the drug with other external acne treatments. Among other things, it is recommended:

    • observe breaks between treatments of at least two hours;
    • do not apply Malavit to open wounds;
    • Do not use if you are allergic to any of the components in the composition.

    Malavit is used to treat acne for any skin type. This product is natural, safe and very effective. If you follow all the rules of use and precautions, you can achieve the desired result, significantly improving the overall condition of the skin and solving existing problems.

    What does it help with?

    Liquid Malavit or the drug in gel form can only be used for external application - on the skin or mucous membranes. The solution is often recommended for treating ENT organs; it is also widely used in dental practice. Sometimes gynecologists prescribe this medicine to their patients.

    Malavit cream-gel and a medicine with the same name in the form of a solution are widely used in dermatological practice:

    • For the treatment of burn skin lesions, frostbite, as well as all kinds of wounds and bedsores.
    • For the treatment of hematomas, insect bites and even snake bites.
    • To eliminate acne and boils.
    • In the complex treatment of herpetic rash, fungal infections, eczema, trophic ulcers, warts, psoriasis, pyoderma, etc.
    • To combat excessive sweating of the feet, armpits and even the entire body.

    In addition, liquid Malavit can be used as a hygiene product when it is necessary to care for the skin of the entire body.

    Malavit extremely rarely causes negative reactions in the body, so it can be used with virtually no restrictions. The only contraindication to the use of this medication is the presence of individual intolerance (allergy).

    Description of the drug

    Malavit is an environmentally friendly and safe naturopathic remedy. Widely used in the treatment of ENT organs, treatment of skin pathologies and gynecological diseases. The dietary supplement is produced in the form of a concentrate. It is applied to the surface of the skin or the urogenital tract, in some cases to the surface of the nasal mucosa.

    The main active components of the hygiene cream in question are plant extracts, organic compounds and extracts from natural oils.

    Due to its pronounced antiseptic properties, it is actively used for treating open wounds (scratches, shallow cuts, cracks and abrasions). Malavit gel is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of indolent bacterial infections and ulcerative lesions. The product quickly relieves pain and swelling due to soft tissue bruises.

    Release form and composition

    Malavit is a concentrate intended exclusively for external use. Available in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 30 and 50 ml. The cream gel is also available in 75 ml plastic tubes. Visually, it is a transparent, medium-thick consistency with a characteristic dark brown tint. A distinctive feature is a pronounced herbal aroma.

    The composition for the face and mucous membranes consists of the following ingredients:

    • rock oil;
    • medical water;
    • birch and pine buds;
    • marsh calamus;
    • larch gum;
    • Siberian cedar extract;
    • lactic acid;
    • mushroom extracts;
    • mumiyo;
    • plant extracts of thyme, calendula officinalis, dandelion, immortelle, coltsfoot, millennial, etc.;
    • homeococktail;
    • copper (carbon-containing);
    • glycerol;
    • extract from oak bark.

    The percentage of each of the listed components is not disclosed, nor is it precisely indicated. Malavit is a unique active base, on the basis of which several hygiene products are created (Malavit gel lubricant, 50 ml, anti-cellulite cream of the same name).

    Each product is supplied in a separate tube or glass jar, or cardboard packaging. Regardless of the release form, it is completed with detailed annotations and instructions for use.

    Storage conditions and periods

    In accordance with the official recommendations of the manufacturer, it is safer to store the concentrated solution of malavit in a room protected from light and moisture, and it is extremely important not to violate the temperature regime (from +5 to +25 ° C). Similar conditions apply to the form of the balm. In a sealed package, the shelf life is up to 24 months, and the cream-gel is 18. The properties of both forms listed above are reduced if the seal of the package is broken.

    How does it work?

    In both forms of release the drug has the same effect:

    • cleanses the skin of bacteria;
    • relieves inflammation both on the surface of the skin and deep in the cells of the epidermis;
    • draws the contents of purulent pimples out, dries out inflammation;
    • resumes blood circulation, thereby improving skin regeneration, eliminating the sensations accompanying acne - pain, burning, itching;
    • relieves swelling of the skin;
    • promotes rapid healing of residual signs after acne;
    • brightens the skin and gets rid of age spots;
    • tightens the pores, which prevents them from clogging in the future, thus preventing the formation of comedones in the future.

    These properties of the drug allow you to cope with acne in a short time and prevent their subsequent occurrence. The drug Malavtilin in the form of a cream has a similar effect to this drug. It also effectively has a healing and disinfecting effect, and relieves inflammation.

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