HPV type 66 (HPV) is a type of papilloma virus that can cause dangerous degeneration into a malignant tumor. Decoding
HPV type 16 is the most harmful of all strains of papillomavirus, which develops and
Warts and papillomas on the pubis are benign formations that are caused by the human papillomavirus and are formed
Staphylococcus aureus is an extremely dangerous spherical bacterium that can exist in the environment
What kind of fungus develops between the fingers? Inflammation of the interdigital area of the skin of the hands is caused by dermatophyte fungi or
A boil on the head in the hair is a fairly common occurrence. It is on this part of the head
Today's post will be about painful issues again)) I often observe a disdainful expression on the face when speaking
Papilloma is characterized by a benign formation. The appearance of a tumor in the nose is caused by the human papillomavirus. HPV long
Seborrheic warts - causes of formation The reasons for the formation of seborrheic warts are unknown. But it is certain that
General information Warts are hypertrophied areas of the epithelium, usually resulting from infection with papillomavirus. Present