Anskin Premium Lemongrass Modeling Mask Refill

A beautiful face is a silent recommendation.
Bacon F Maintaining and preserving beauty is the dream of all women. What has not been tried - donkey milk, clay, herbs and roots, fruits and vegetables. It seems that everything was already discovered in ancient times and modern developments are new chemical compounds, from which it is still unclear what more - the promised benefits or side effects that may appear in a few years.

But our planet is so rich, and the treasures of the ocean are so little studied, that discoveries of useful natural substances are still happening and will continue to happen for a long time. One of the interesting discoveries for cosmetology occurred in 1981, when the English biochemist Moore Stanford studied algae for iodine production. However, along with iodine, a by-product was formed, which was called alginate.

What is an alginate mask?

The main component of alginate masks is a rubber-like compound (initially in the product in powder form), which is obtained from brown algae. These plants are rich in:

  • alginic acid, which is capable of retaining moisture;
  • diatomite, which has an absorption effect;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • various microelements and vitamins.

All these substances ensure the results from the use of alginate masks: the skin is cleansed and moisturized, pores will be smaller, and fine wrinkles will be smoothed out. In addition, after using a cosmetic product, a protective film is formed on the skin, which prevents the negative effects of various environmental factors.

Where can I buy?

You can buy alginate masks in pharmacies, retail stores or online sites (,, “green pharmacy”, wildberies,, OZON, Lamoda, iHerb, etc.).

To summarize, it is important to note that in order to obtain the desired result from using such cosmetic products, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body (allergies, sensitivity to individual components, etc.), properly prepare for applying the composition, and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Compliance with all conditions will help preserve beauty, youth and see the desired result in the shortest possible time.

The benefits of alginate masks for facial skin

There are a huge number of types of alginate masks, differing in simple or more complex composition.

Alginate mask

Depending on the substances included in the formula of the product, the following effects can be achieved from its use:

  • cleansing the skin and narrowing pores;
  • smoothing out shallow wrinkles;
  • skin elasticity and tone increases;
  • elimination of swelling and inflammation;
  • lifting effect;
  • getting rid of age spots;
  • increasing the protective properties of the skin;
  • removal of toxins and normalization of local metabolism;
  • elimination of redness and irritation;
  • easy correction of the oval face.


Shilajit is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets or as a balm. This is a unique product containing more than thirty useful elements, which is responsible for the beneficial effect of mumiyo on the skin. Shilajit has an antimicrobial effect, lightens red spots after acne, makes scars less noticeable, relieves inflammation, tightens pores, cleanses of toxins and impurities. Shilajit is known as a good anti-aging product because it promotes the production of collagen and elastin by skin cells. To prepare the mask, mummy tablets are crushed and mixed with water, milk, honey, rose or jojoba essential oils, lemon juice and other ingredients. This remedy is used once every ten days. The full course of treatment is ten procedures.

For pimples you can use the following recipe:

Dissolve two crushed mummy tablets in calendula decoction. The consistency of the gruel should be thick. It can be used locally, on inflamed areas of the skin, or applied to the entire face.

The following composition helps to eliminate acne marks:

Dilute two grams of mumiyo and a few drops of jojoba oil in a teaspoon of water and combine with baby cream. This is a very effective way to get rid of scars, all reviews about it are positive.

Types of alginate masks

Types of alginate masks

Classic alginate mask

This type of cosmetic is the most common and can be used to combat a huge range of skin problems. Thus, a basic alginate-based mask can cope with enlarged pores or help those with oily skin types. To prepare such a mask, alginate powder is mixed with a special serum or any mineral water. A classic alginate mask will help moisturize the skin, increase its tone and improve its overall appearance.

Alginate mask with a rejuvenating effect

The masks with a pronounced anti-aging effect include collagen. It is this component that can increase the elasticity of the skin, make it more elastic and smooth out small wrinkles. Rejuvenating alginate masks slow down the process of skin aging, make it “fresh”, and also provide a lifting effect.

Moisturizing mask with chitosan

Products with the addition of chitosan will be especially useful for dry skin. The substance is an amino sugar that is obtained from the shells of crustaceans. The mask will help even with severe peeling of the skin and increased dryness. In addition to the pronounced moisturizing effect, additional effects will be the correction of facial contours, décolleté and neck areas.

Alginate mask with ascorbic acid

This mask will help with pigmentation and improve the color of the skin, making it more even and lighter.

Herbal alginate masks

The composition of such masks includes extracts of various plants, depending on the desired effect of using the product. For example, by adding chamomile or aloe, you can eliminate the problem of skin inflammation. Masks with mint, ginger or green tea also have a good effect.


Not all homemade face masks are anti-inflammatory. In order for them to acquire such a beneficial property, 1 or even 2 components with an antibacterial and disinfectant effect are added to them. Therefore, it is so carefully necessary to select them to combat rashes, looking specifically at the composition. The most pronounced anti-inflammatory effects have the following ingredients:

  • medications: aspirin and analgin;
  • honey;
  • lemon;
  • copper sulfate;
  • talc;
  • tea tree essential oil;
  • starch;
  • herbs: chamomile and aloe.

If you see these ingredients in homemade masks, you can rest assured that they are anti-inflammatory and will effectively fight rashes on your skin. It is very important here to check each chosen product for allergies and follow exactly the proportions specified in the recipes.

Rules for using alginate masks

On sale you can find ready-to-use masks with a gel-like consistency. Such masks have a short shelf life and require immediate application after opening, otherwise after five minutes the mass will become rubbery and you will no longer be able to spread it on your face.

  • Procedures with alginate masks should be carried out no more than twice a week. To obtain maximum benefit from this product, masks are used in courses of 6 to 20 procedures, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • When carrying out procedures at home, you should purchase a special cup and spatula for the convenience of mixing the mask and applying it.
  • Before preparing the mixture for application, make sure your skin is clean and ready to apply the mask. Spending extra time preparing it can result in the mask hardening right in the mixing container.

How to properly apply an alginate mask

Facial cleansing

The first stage of the procedure is preparing the skin for application of the product. It is important to cleanse your face of makeup and impurities using your usual cosmetic products. To improve the beneficial effects of the mask, the skin must first be steamed and a special emulsion or serum applied.

Applying a mask

Wait until the serum is completely absorbed into the skin before mixing the mask. Mix alginate powder and whey (if you don’t have it, use mineral water) included in the kit. The finished mass should be applied using a special spatula while lying down and relaxing as much as possible.

Applying an alginate mask

Removing the alginate mask

After about 5-7 minutes, the mask will become hard and rubber-like, and the skin may feel tight. Half an hour after application, the mask can be removed by grabbing its edge near the chin and jerking upwards. Removing the mask may cause slight discomfort.

Removing the alginate mask

Treatment of the skin before applying the algae mask

After removing the alginate product from your face, apply a thin layer of your usual cream to the skin. This way the skin will calm down, and the effect of the manipulations will become more noticeable.

Analgin for acne

I constantly get very painful and long-ripening pimples on my chin (especially before my period). So, I accidentally noticed one pattern: if you take an analgin tablet at night, the pimple matures much faster and then immediately dries up and goes away. Maybe it’s just the peculiarities of my body or analgin affects many people, I don’t know, of course, but just in case I decided to share the recipe with the world

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