Activated carbon mask for acne and blackheads

Problematic skin is a hot topic right now, but a charcoal mask will help immediately. Terrible environment, irrational and poor-quality nutrition, poor cosmetics - all this negatively affects the skin. Acne occurs in 90% of adolescents and 50% of adults.

If in adolescence their appearance can be attributed to physiological hormonal changes, then at a later age it is already a disease that needs to be treated immediately. Are you wondering where to find money for expensive cosmetologists and cosmetics that would help get rid of acne? There's no need to spend more. You can prepare everything yourself at home. And even more so if you are against products from the store.

All products prepared independently are of the highest quality.

Activated charcoal will help solve the problem of acne. The mask for acne and blackheads is a very fast-acting remedy. There are numerous recipes. We offer you the highest quality mask options.

First, let's figure out how activated carbon acts on the skin?

Tips for use

  1. An anti-acne mask with activated carbon should be used in a course for at least 1.5 months.
  2. The product is used no more than twice a week.
  3. After completing the course, you must take a break for 30 days.
  4. Apply masks to previously cleansed facial skin using herbal baths.
  5. Medicinal products are prepared exclusively in glass and porcelain containers, since a metal container can lead to oxidation of the ingredients and a decrease in effectiveness.
  6. The mask is applied only to problem areas of the skin.

Properties of activated carbon

This drug is very effective not only for internal but also external use. Helps with almost all facial cosmetic problems. This is an enterosorbent that contains burnt poplar, pine, birch and other trees. The medicine is suitable for people with highly oily skin. So, when using this product in the form of face masks, you will receive:

  1. Reducing oily shine on the face.
  2. Disappearance of acne.
  3. Fewer blackheads.
  4. Smoothing roughness on the face.
  5. Improved skin color.
  6. Deep cleansing of pores.
  7. Preventive action and reduction of inflammation.

Activated carbon is the safest, and the effectiveness is higher than that of expensive branded lotions. The main thing is to do the procedures constantly, then the effect will not take long to arrive.

Remember that tablets can also be taken orally. For two weeks, 3 pieces, 3 times a day, after which the skin will look healthy. The action will come from within.

If you want the desired result, then take note of a few tips.

Mask recipes


Crushed activated carbon tablets are mixed in equal proportions with purified water. The mixture is applied to a steamed, clean face. Leave for a quarter of an hour to take effect. After use, be sure to apply moisturizer.

With gelatin

A large spoon of gelatin is mixed with one crushed tablet of activated carbon. The mixture is poured with less than a tablespoon of milk and everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting product is heated for 10-15 seconds in the microwave. A mask is applied to a previously cleansed and steamed face. Leave it for about 10 to 20 minutes. The product is allowed to dry completely. When a film forms, you can carefully remove it, wash and apply a moisturizing, non-greasy cream. A mask made of gelatin and activated carbon is very effective in the presence of blackheads and acne.

With clay

One tablet of the main component is thoroughly crushed and mixed with a tablespoon of any clay, except yellow. Add a large spoonful of gelatin and milk at room temperature to the mixture. The product must be heated for a few seconds in the microwave so that the gelatin powder can dissolve. The mixture is applied to clean skin and left until completely dry. The formed film is washed off and the above-described manipulations are repeated.

With yogurt

Six crushed tablets are mixed with a large spoon of yogurt and a few drops of lemon juice are added. The product perfectly fights inflammatory processes and cleanses the skin well. Leave for about a quarter of an hour to take effect. It is not recommended to make a mask more often than once a week.

With aloe

Two tablets ground into powder are mixed with a small spoon of aloe juice and sea salt. The product is applied to problem areas and washed off after a quarter of an hour. This mask effectively fights acne.

With tea tree oil

Two crushed tablets of activated carbon are mixed with aloe juice (1 tsp) and a few drops of tea tree oil are added. The mixture is applied to a cleansed, steamed face and left for a quarter of an hour. After washing, apply a light moisturizing cream. The product relieves inflammation well and gets rid of acne.

With rose water

Six crushed tablets are mixed with two large spoons of rose water. Add a few drops of tea tree to the mixture. Apply to clean skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. The mask has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

With mineral water

A crushed coal tablet is mixed with a tablespoon of gelatin powder and mineral water. The mixture is heated in a water bath for five minutes or heated in a microwave oven for a few seconds. For exposure, leave until completely dry. The resulting film is carefully removed, washed with water and a moisturizer is applied.

With sour cream

The product is suitable for people with normal or dry skin types. Three powdered tablets are mixed with a tablespoon of light sour cream. Leave on the face for a quarter of an hour. After this, rinse off and apply moisturizer.

With ascorbic acid

Six crushed tablets are mixed with a bag of ascorbic acid (2.5 g), a spoonful of cosmetic clay is added and mixed with a tablespoon of water. The mask effectively fights blackheads, relieves inflammation and eliminates acne with regular use.

With honey

Two tablets, ground into powder, are mixed with a small spoon of honey and aloe juice. The mixture is applied to a previously steamed face and left for ten minutes. The mask not only gently cleanses, but also nourishes the skin. After some time, with regular use, the skin tone becomes even, problem areas are eliminated, and the face takes on a radiant and healthy appearance.

With cucumber

Finely grated cucumber is mixed with activated carbon powder. Apply to clean skin and leave for 20 minutes. The mask copes well with inflammation and gets rid of acne in a short time. The skin becomes smooth and silky to the touch, the skin color is evened out.

Activated charcoal for acne: reviews

Our data is, of course, good, but no theoretical information can replace impressions from real users. In fact, this is the only way to understand how the product actually works and what pitfalls to expect from it. Therefore, we will publish several reviews about activated carbon for acne, which we found the most informative. In them, people talked about their impressions and gave some useful advice.

When these Black Masks were at the peak of popularity, I somehow missed all of this. I wasn't interested, and it didn't bother me at all

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