Flat warts on the face of a child: causes, types, treatment methods, prevention

In adolescence, many are plagued by the phenomenon of acne. Gradually the problem goes away, but the skin does not look the same as before. Few people turn to a doctor for specialized help, but cope with the problem using mechanical action. As a result of squeezing, holes appear in the skin. That’s why cosmetologists say that it’s better to spend time going to the office than to leave a serious defect for the rest of your life.

Decoding the concept

Before looking for options on how to get rid of post-acne, you need to understand what is included in this concept. It refers to the marks that remain after seborrhea or acne. Most often, holes in the skin appear as a result of attempts to mechanically open acne.

But this is not the only thing that doctors attribute to the manifestations of post-acne. There are a number of signs by which a cosmetologist can say with confidence that the patient suffered from rashes on the skin of the face:

  • Expansion of capillaries, mesh on the skin.
  • Scarring.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Uneven skin texture.

Local chemotherapy

The specialist applies a solution of 8-methoxypsoralen to the flat wart. After 25 minutes, the doctor applies a special sensor for 2 minutes. After just 1 session, the wart becomes lighter. To completely get rid of the tumor, it is necessary to carry out about 7 procedures. After 14 days, not a trace of the wart will remain. During the treatment process, it is important to strengthen the child’s body. Under such conditions, therapy is much more effective. This treatment method will quickly eliminate warts on a child’s face. In this case, the skin is not damaged and no scars or wounds remain. The procedure is carried out in the physiotherapy department of a children's clinic under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Intensity of manifestations

The most difficult defects are holes in the skin. Essentially, these are damaged skin pores. Firstly, expansion occurs due to the inflammatory process, the accumulation of pus and sebum. Secondly, mechanical squeezing of the eel when it is not yet fully ripe leads to ruptures. If inflammation occurs in one place many times in a row, then the elasticity resources of the skin are exhausted. As a result, stretched pores remain large. This is how holes form in the skin.

The intensity of these processes depends not only on how severely the skin was affected. If acne develops in a young person and he seeks help in a timely manner, then usually the pores are not too deformed. In addition, the skin is still very elastic and easily restored. It’s another matter if skin rashes began in adulthood, and acne removal was done independently, by mechanical squeezing. In this case, skin damage will be much more serious.

Under what circumstances is it important to immediately consult your doctor?

If warts appear on the skin, you need to consult a dermatologist. A specialist will be able to accurately determine their character. You should go to the hospital immediately if:

  • The person injured the wart, so it became very inflamed.
  • If small warts on a child’s face merge into one whole formation.
  • If the neoplasms change their shade and actively increase in size.

Under such conditions, self-medication is prohibited.

How to treat post-acne

To a certain extent, this phenomenon can be corrected. Therefore, if you still have holes in your skin, you need to seek help from a specialist. There are a lot of treatment methods, but the attending physician must choose the most suitable one. At this stage, there is no longer inflammation; it is necessary to choose suitable methods to increase skin elasticity, simulate cleansing and narrowing of pores. To do this, you have to use a whole range of measures, the main ones of which we will present for your information.

How to prevent the recurrence of warts?

To prevent the tumor from reappearing on the skin, you must follow the following recommendations from doctors:

  • Observe basic hygiene rules.
  • Do not tear the wound.
  • Have regular medical examinations.
  • If any kind of rash appears, you should consult a dermatologist. The specialist will determine the type of warts on the child’s face and prevent the spread of infection.
  • Proper and balanced nutrition plays a special role. It is important to exclude spicy and fatty foods, carbonated drinks and foods that contain harmful additives and preservatives.

You need to take vitamins. In this way, you can increase the protective function of the body and prevent the appearance of warts.

Corrective measures

Now let's move on directly to how to get rid of post-acne. The first task is to put the sebaceous glands in order. This could be retinol or retinoic acid. These drugs have several important functions:

  • Skin softening.
  • Thinning of the stratum corneum, which means renewal.

But we must take into account that the problem did not appear yesterday. And whatever your attitude, acne is a disease. Holes in the skin are consequences. But treatment is not a matter of one month. Be patient.


It is known that through the pores the skin receives moisture and is saturated with beneficial nutrients and oxygen. When the sebaceous glands overproduce, they expand, causing visible rippling of the skin, oily shine and an uneven surface. In some cases, the problem of enlarged pores is caused by:

- insufficient care, that is, insufficient cleansing of the skin; - improper diet; - hormonal imbalances in the body; - genetic predisposition combined with stress.

This problem cannot be solved on its own. There are some effective recommendations and procedures that can help.

Acid peels

This is the most popular tool for cosmetologists. In some cases, if a patient turns to them after severe acne, you can notice holes in a person’s skin with the naked eye. You can start working on correcting skin defects by correcting hyperkeratosis. This condition is successfully corrected with the help of fruit peelings. They can be used at home, which means serious savings in time and money. The compositions can be purchased at any professional cosmetics store.

But procedures with acids should not be abused. It may be addictive. It is recommended to take breaks after 3 months. Usually this is 1-2 months, after which treatment can be continued.

What is important for parents to know about warts?

Doctors categorically prohibit the use of any methods of traditional medicine if it is necessary to remove viral warts on children’s faces, since the skin of children is very vulnerable to any medications and infusions. Delicate skin can become damaged and inflamed if you use products at your own discretion. It is very important to carry out restorative treatment:

  • Take multivitamin complexes.
  • Change the child's diet.
  • Harden the baby.
  • Often walk with your child in the fresh air, combining this with active play.

Following these recommendations leads to the fact that flat warts on the face disappear spontaneously. If this does not happen, you need to visit a dermatologist. External chemotherapy is often used to treat warts in children. It is forbidden to use the ointment yourself, as it may cause burns. Cryodestruction and laser resurfacing are performed at older ages. These methods are not used for children.

Skin color correction

Often, if a person has many holes in his skin, then it has a blue tint. It's difficult to disguise even with a concealer. The problem is that when pimples are squeezed out, hematomas appear and the functioning of small capillaries is disrupted. This is especially intense during the cold season.

In this case, preparations based on ichthyol, nicotinic acid and camphor, as well as menthol and isopropyl alcohol are used. These drugs improve blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin. The result will be a narrowing of the capillary vessels. The elasticity of their walls increases, the inflammatory process disappears.

This treatment gives excellent results when used together with chemical peels. This results in a vascular strengthening and protective effect. All procedures together have a good effect and allow you to quickly get excellent results.


The most important thing for the skin is cleansing. This is especially true for people with enlarged pores. Wash twice a day with products that tighten pores. Or after washing with regular soap, rinse your face with water and lemon juice (1 teaspoon per 500 ml of water). After cleansing, wipe your face with salicylic acid lotion.

Make a clay mask. Add a little essential oil to the clay and apply this product to the skin for 10-15 minutes. Any oil will do, but a special effect is observed when using tea tree oil. After the mask, rinse your face with water and lemon juice and apply a moisturizing (not nourishing) cream.

The following product also helps to narrow pores. Mix honey and ground cinnamon in equal parts, apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave to act for 7-10 minutes. Rinse your skin thoroughly, and to enhance the effect, you can make a mask of fresh cucumbers.

If your pores are quite enlarged, purchase a cream for the treatment of colloidal scars at any pharmacy. Apply it daily before bed. Gradually, the pores will begin to narrow, the skin will even out, and the complexion will improve. But don’t forget about other cleansing procedures.

Use scrubs regularly to cleanse your pores. Apply the product to damp, cleansed skin and massage thoroughly. You can also replace the use of a scrub with microdermabrasion. The microdermabrasion product contains acids and specially shaped abrasive particles. But this procedure can only be done during periods when the sun is inactive (in winter and early spring), otherwise age spots may form.

When nothing helps, and you just dream of smooth skin, visit a cosmetology office. The specialist will examine the general condition of the skin and choose the optimal resurfacing option - this is the most effective and fastest way to achieve the desired result.


Holes that have formed long ago on the skin of the face are much more difficult to treat than fresh ones. Therefore, do not delay in contacting a specialist. The following procedures will be effective for treating post-acne:

  • Massage.
  • Cryotherapy.
  • Phototherapy.
  • Ultrasound therapy.

Today there are already practical developments in the use of intradermal injections. This is a relatively young direction, the essence of which is to introduce directly into the affected area a therapeutic and restorative cocktail, which includes vitamins and collagen, as well as a number of other substances. However, none of them gives a 100% guarantee of getting rid of this defect. Therefore, cosmetologists use a set of measures at once.

How to deal with uneven terrain?

We recommend that you contact professional specialists in the field of eliminating cosmetic defects, who will select the optimal course of treatment. At the moment, there are several cosmetic methods that successfully cope with uneven facial skin texture of varying degrees of severity. In particular, cosmetologists can offer:

  • Chemical peeling.
  • Laser resurfacing.
  • Microdermabrasion.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning.

Each of the above methods has its own indications, contraindications, advantages and application features.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling has become widespread in cosmetology. Often, the following types of acids are used for superficial and mid-level facial skin cleansing:

  • Trichloroacetic.
  • Fruit (lactic, pyruvic, glycolic, lemon, apple, etc.).
  • Retinoic.
  • Salicylovaya and others.

The principle of action is to exfoliate the outer layer of the epidermis. The depth of effect on the skin depends on the type of substance used. Expected results from chemical peeling:

  • Removal of cosmetic defects (pigment spots, bumps, scars, scars, effects of acne, etc.).
  • Pore ​​cleansing.
  • Skin rejuvenation.
  • Fight against premature signs of aging.
  • Restoring healthy color, firmness, elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

For superficial chemical peeling, glycolic, pyruvic or retinoic acids are used. The procedure is quite safe, effective and well tolerated by patients. Median cleaning is carried out using trichloroacetic acid or combination drugs. The epidermal level of the skin is exposed and deep wrinkles or scar changes are eliminated. If necessary, it can be prescribed at a young age. The most radical is considered deep peeling, which removes the entire layer of the epidermis down to the basement membrane.

The procedure must be performed by a qualified specialist in a cosmetology salon. After preliminary cleansing of the skin, the main external preparation containing an exfoliating agent is applied. The duration of the procedure can range from several minutes (glycolic peeling) to 5-7 hours (retinoic cleansing). During the session, the patient feels a burning sensation of varying degrees of intensity, which depends on the strength of the active agent.

If a superficial chemical peel is performed, the recovery period takes a couple of days, during which it is necessary to apply sunscreen and moisturizers. After mid-facial cleansing, rehabilitation continues for 7-14 days. It is recommended to take delicate skin care, to postpone physical activity, going to the solarium, bathhouse, or swimming pool. Makeup is allowed after peeling is complete. Recovery from deep exposure usually lasts up to three months.

However, not all patients can benefit from chemical peels. According to clinical guidelines, this procedure is contraindicated if:

  • Allergies to applied external agents.
  • High sensitivity of the skin.
  • Acne in the acute stage.
  • Severe somatic diseases.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If you want the peeling to be successful without complications or serious consequences, entrust this cosmetic procedure to a qualified specialist. Also, to avoid the development of age spots on the skin of the face, refrain from dry cleansing in the summer.


Diamond microdermabrasion is a modern cosmetic procedure that involves micro-resurfacing the skin using the finest crystals that have a highly abrasive effect. Suitable for any skin type and successfully used to smooth out the relief of the skin. It can also qualitatively eliminate stretch marks, scars, scars and thickening of the outer layer of the epidermis.

The microcrystals used are safe, hypoallergenic, and do not cause dangerous damage or irritation to the skin. During the procedure, pain does not occur, since the effect is limited to the surface layer of the epidermis. Gentle exfoliation of keratinized particles occurs. In addition, after the procedure, activation of new cell growth and complete skin renewal are noted in the treated area.

In the following situations or pathological conditions, diamond microdermabrasion is contraindicated:

  • Infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin of a bacterial, viral or fungal nature.
  • Chronic skin diseases during exacerbation.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Tendency to form scar tissue.
  • Multiple moles, spider veins.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Severe systemic pathologies.
  • Acute inflammatory diseases.

The clinical effect begins to appear after the first diamond microdermabrasion. There is an improvement in complexion, the skin becomes soft and smooth. To achieve optimal results, 4 to 6 procedures should be performed. The break between sessions should be 9-14 days. The duration of diamond microdermabrasion is about half an hour.

Before the procedure, you should consult with a cosmetologist. The optimal course and permissible depth of exposure are determined taking into account the severity of pathological changes on the skin. After diamond grinding, the skin becomes very sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, you should spend less time in the sun and be sure to use sunscreen with a high SPF level.

It is also recommended to refrain from physical activity, visiting the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool for the first two weeks. During this time, you cannot use cosmetics with lactic and glycolic acids, scrubs, foundation, or perform other cosmetic procedures. During the recovery period, treat the skin with a rich moisturizer.

In some cases, it is recommended to use combined treatment for uneven, bumpy facial skin using several therapeutic and cosmetic methods.

Laser cleaning

An excellent effect in restoring skin texture is provided by laser peeling (cleaning, resurfacing), which allows targeted action on tissue, providing a more gentle cosmetic resurfacing. Nowadays, most specialists are switching to the use of erbium laser, which has a number of advantages. We list the main ones:

  • High rate of efficiency and effectiveness.
  • It effectively copes with the narrowing of pores, the elimination of unevenness, the effects of acne, pigmentation, etc.
  • One procedure is enough to see the clinical effect.
  • Correction is carried out only on those areas of the skin that need to be corrected.
  • The procedure is painless.
  • Unlike chemical peeling, it is considered a safer method.
  • Minimal risk of complications and side effects.

Deep peelings

All consequences of acne can be successfully treated with medium or deep peeling. Essentially, this is burning the top layer. After two or three days, the redness goes away and a crust forms at the burn site. You cannot remove it yourself; you must wait until the skin heals and it falls off on its own.

Of course, one procedure will not solve anything, but the skin will look much better. It will return to its homogeneous structure, but this is clearly not enough. Experts recommend at least three procedures, with an interval of three months. Do not attempt the TCA procedure at home, it is too dangerous. The procedure causes severe pain in the patient, so anesthesia is often prescribed first, and ice is applied after the procedure. And take a couple of weeks off because your skin won't look its best.

Other therapies

There are several options for getting rid of warts on the skin:

  1. Warts can be removed using cryodestruction. It is not recommended to use this method for babies, as their skin is especially vulnerable. Using liquid nitrogen, the specialist freezes the plaque. After a few hours, a bubble may appear on the affected area, which must not be removed. After a few weeks, the crust may fall off, which is normal. A pinkish color will remain at the site of the wart, which over time will become equal to the main shade of the skin.
  2. In rare cases, doctors prescribe retinoids to patients. These are effective drugs that help remove warts quickly and effectively. It is important to note that this medicine may cause serious side effects.
  3. Using a pulsed laser, the process of blood supply to formations is affected. After the procedure, there may be some minor bruising that will go away after a few weeks. Patients tolerate this procedure easily.

These treatments can be used to remove warts in a specialized medical clinic or professional beauty salon. Any manipulation must be carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor. It is forbidden to go to questionable hospitals, since the procedure must be performed by a certified specialist.

Why do acne appear?

All the reasons for the appearance of post-acne come down to a failure in the process of regeneration of skin cells. In simple words, small pits and holes on the face from acne after the release of purulent contents cannot always be restored and covered with healthy skin tissue. Such a violation is a consequence of non-compliance with the rules recommended by cosmetologists.

    Thus, we can highlight the main reasons for the formation of post-acne:
  • neglect of basic daily hygiene procedures;
  • infection of an open acne ulcer with pathogenic bacteria, which inhibits the process of cell restoration;
  • squeezing and puncturing a pimple during its maturation process;
  • poor quality and incomplete removal of the purulent contents of the pustule, which caused new inflammation;
  • neglect of the problem - an advanced form of facial disease rarely has a chance of complete 100% restoration of the skin;
  • People with sensitive skin have a greater risk of scarring;
  • independent attempts to squeeze out an internal pimple.

Avoiding such mistakes reduces the risk of skin problems, and proper nutrition (eating legumes, cereals, carrots, vitamins A, E), maintaining a healthy lifestyle (quitting smoking, moderate alcohol consumption, sports) will also help in the fight for ideal skin. selected skin care.

Just getting rid of acne scars on your face is not enough. Removing red spots

The first thing we offer after working with scars is a course of biorevitalization with 3% hyaluronic acid. This procedure very well lightens stagnant spots and evens out skin tone.

Finally, after six months or even a year, the time for the laser comes. The fact that we raised the bottom of the scar almost to the level of healthy skin will save it from aggressive resurfacing. Surface or medium grinding will be sufficient.

Please note that it is not the scar that is polished, but the skin surrounding it: as a result, it partially lowers to the level of the scar. The skin is evened out.

What will help narrow unruly “cavities”

  1. Cleansing enlarged pores on the face by washing with foams and gels in tandem with steaming.
  2. Exfoliation through scrubs and peels.
  3. Clay masks help absorb excess sebum and tighten pores.
  4. Anti-aging products - a good cream with collagen will help not only maintain skin elasticity, but also narrow enlarged tubules.
  5. Microdermabrasion and laser surgery – these cosmetic procedures are performed only in a specialist’s office.
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