Effective home remedies for shoulder and back acne

The back is covered with clothes, so it is often difficult to get rid of acne on the back: the ointment is absorbed into the clothes, you can’t apply it for a long time, a care product for wiping the skin of the back is difficult to use for non-flexible people, especially men, and others find it difficult to quickly upset their intentions. Don't stop trying to get rid of acne! We offer several clever ways to cure acne on the back and remove their consequences. You can do procedures that are accessible to everyone on your own at home, using simple means.

What are the types of acne on a teenager's back?

  1. Small pimples on the back may appear as a response to constant wearing of synthetic clothing. In this case, the skin does not receive air, but sweats quite a lot. Such pimples appear immediately over a large area and disappear after proper hygienic care.
  2. If pimples appear along with severe itching, this may be a sign of an allergic reaction, for example, to a cosmetic product used by teenagers. The same allergy can appear to soap, shower gel, or powder that was used to wash clothes.
  3. Large white pimples often appear on the back , which some also call wen. Few people know, but the top layer of skin on the back is quite dense, and there are a large number of sebaceous glands located here. Such glands are literally clogged with subcutaneous fat and because of this, noticeable compactions appear. And if microbes do not get into such a pimple, then it can remain in this state for a very long time.
  4. On the back, like on any other part of the body, open comedones or blackheads may appear.
  5. Red, inflamed pimples often appear here , but with proper treatment you can quickly get rid of them.
  6. If you don’t react to the appearance of pimples, then they can develop into real ulcers . They can reach large sizes and are quite difficult to cure.


On the shoulders, due to the constant friction of clothing and the lack of full “breathing” of the skin, a secondary infection (often bacterial flora) is often added to the existing inflammatory process. The manifestation will be an increase in the size of the rash and the formation of painful sensations.

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  • Inna Viktorovna Zhikhoreva
  • March 29, 2020

In addition to inflammation of the subcutaneous glands (acne), folliculitis occurs on the shoulders - an inflammatory process in the upper parts of the hair follicle. Folliculitis differs from an ordinary rash in the following ways:

  • inflammation occurs directly around the hair;
  • the formation of a crust after a pimple has opened.

The appearance of a rash on the shoulders is caused by various circumstances. Even a healthy person’s shoulders can become covered with single or multiple rashes, triggered by any number of factors.

There is also an increased production of subcutaneous sebum, which does not have time to be released from the pores, which leads to clogging and inflammatory processes. As a result, pimples and acne form. In a situation with a genetic predisposition, a violation of the cleansing function is added.


The main reason for the appearance of acne in adolescents, both on the back and on the face, is called hormonal changes in the body. Moreover, this affects the work of all organs, but especially affects the skin.

The sweat and sebaceous glands work especially actively during this period. And increased sweating, poor hygiene and the addition of microbes lead to the appearance of acne. But what else can cause rashes on the back?

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Incorrectly chosen clothes. It has been noticed that acne on the back most often appears in those who prefer to wear synthetic clothes.
  • Poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of sweets, fast food, and fatty foods leads to the fact that the body tries to get rid of everything unnecessary not only through the kidneys and liver, but also through the skin.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines, glands, kidneys, liver.
  • Stress.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules.

Causes of acne on the back in children under one year old

In children under one year old, pimples on the skin are called prickly heat. This disease appears when hygiene rules are not followed, when the baby sweats excessively, as well as from overheating. The rash can also cause allergies.

If there is any rash on the baby’s skin, it should definitely be shown to a pediatrician. Moreover, few parents know that acne on a child’s body can be symptoms of various serious infections - chickenpox, measles, rubella, scarlet fever.

But purulent acne can cause damage to the body by staphylococcus.

Causes of acne on the back of boys and girls

From the moment puberty begins, real acne appears on the body of many boys and girls. As a rule, they stop bothering you after you reach 20 years of age, although in guys this rash may last longer.

And the main reason for acne is hormonal changes. Since it is impossible to influence this cause, it is only recommended to carefully monitor body hygiene and use preventive cosmetics.

In adults

The causes of back acne in adults are completely different. Moreover, it has been noted that most often this attack occurs in men. And there is an explanation here.

The skin on the back of men is dense, and there are also a large number of hair follicles. The sebaceous and sweat glands work very actively. And it is the hair follicles that can become inflamed due to being clogged with fat.

Other reasons include:

  • Smoking.
  • Drinking large amounts of alcohol.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Stress.

What about women? Yes, acne also appears on their back, but very, very rarely. Women take care of their personal hygiene better than men, eat right and cope better with stressful situations.

But acne can appear due to one or another gynecological disease.

Possible diseases

In addition to the above reasons, acne can be the result of a number of diseases and signal possible problems. Therefore, it is very important to consult a specialist in time to determine the true cause of the rash and begin timely treatment.

The most common disease that causes acne is allergies. Rashes are a reaction to any food product. They appear most often on the bend of the elbow.

Various detergents containing chemical components can also have this unpleasant effect if used without gloves. An allergic reaction can also occur if you take antibiotics and other drugs for a long time. These rashes are usually red in color and have watery contents.

If rashes appear on your hands, you should consult a specialist.

Such pimples are the first symptoms of some infectious diseases. More often they appear in children, but adults are not immune from them either.

Among these ailments are the following: chickenpox, measles, rubella. All of them are accompanied by elevated temperature. The same diseases include scabies, which affects the fingers, after which they turn red and itch.

Fungal diseases are characterized by inflammation that appears on the palms. The rash forms against a background of white or pink spots. Heredity is another factor that affects skin condition. This especially applies to suddenly appearing subcutaneous acne that cannot be treated.

There is also a disease called dyshidrosis - a malfunction of the sweat glands, accompanied by their blockage. As a result, small subcutaneous pimples filled with liquid appear. They may itch, and after the formations open, reddened or white flaky patches of skin appear in their place.

Another cause of rashes may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to digestive problems, food is not completely digested, and harmful bacteria produce toxic substances that enter the bloodstream and accumulate in the skin. In this case, acne occurs on any part of the body.

Treatment of back acne in teenagers

What to do when a teenager has acne all over his back? In this case, it is better not to practice self-medication, since first of all it is necessary to establish what caused the disease.

Therefore, if you want to get rid of acne and other rashes once and for all, you should definitely visit a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

If after consultation no diseases of the internal organs, especially the stomach and intestines, were identified, then you can use the following methods of therapy:

  • Diet.
  • Careful hygienic care.
  • The right choice of cosmetics.
  • Use of medicinal ointments.


Diet therapy plays a huge role in the treatment of acne in adolescents. At this age, you should stop eating unhealthy foods such as smoked meats, spicy foods, fatty foods, chips, soda, sweets, and fast food. In some cases, rashes on the back may appear even after drinking large amounts of cow's milk.

But eating berries, fruits and vegetables is only welcome. Experts also recommend drinking herbal teas and berry fruit drinks. Be sure to drink clean water in an amount of at least 2 liters per day.

Cosmetology products

Antibacterial soaps and gels cause the skin to become dry. This can cause not only discomfort, but also cause the appearance of new acne in even greater quantities.

Types of acne and their treatment

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of such a phenomenon as increased oily skin in adolescents during puberty. However, proper treatment, diet and skin care will help get rid of rashes or significantly reduce their number. But treatment also depends on the type of acne.

From small ones

If a large number of small pimples appear on your back, then it is not advisable to use ointments or masks here.

The best help in this case is a bath with potassium permanganate, sea salt or chamomile decoction.

If desired, you can use salicylic-zinc paste. It can be applied to a large surface of the skin at once.

You can use boric or salicylic acid, calendula, from which the tincture is made, as well as a drug such as chlorhexidine.

From subcutaneous

The most difficult to treat are those pimples and blackheads that are located under the skin and have no way out. Therefore, drugs are used here to absorb and clean pores.

It is best to use a simple compress.

  • A large spoon of honey + a small spoon of lemon juice + 10 drops of tea tree oil.
  • Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Soak a napkin with this mixture.
  • Apply on pimples.
  • The duration of the compress is several hours.

From purulent

Purulent pimples are very, very painful. This is due to the proliferation of bacteria and the development of inflammation. They cannot be squeezed out. But you can speed up their maturation. And also with the help of ointments it is possible to draw out the pus.

To do this, it is best to use ointments such as:

  • Ichthyol.
  • Vishnevsky.

Among the traditional methods, it is recommended to use aloe juice, grate potatoes, and lubricate with iodine.

Folk remedies in the fight against illness

Therapeutic practice with folk remedies is quite extensive. You can make many homemade remedies for back acne.

Calendula infusion is an excellent remedy for acne

Effective folk remedies for acne on the back include the following herbs:

  • celandine,
  • plantain,
  • burdock,
  • calendula,
  • nettle.

Brew the herb according to the instructions on the package and add the infusion to a bath with warm water. After 10–14 days, the result will be noticeable: there will be fewer rashes and redness will go away. Sea salt baths with the addition of essential oils (tea tree, lemon, orange) are also effective.

The beneficial properties of sea salt and cosmetic clay (especially green) will help get rid of acne on your back.

Dissolve salt in a deep bowl with warm water. Mix salted water with clay until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer on your back and lie down for about 20 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water using a sponge. This procedure will dry out the pimples, which will lead to their disappearance.

Live baker's yeast is a natural and inexpensive remedy in the fight against acne on the back. Dilute the yeast in warm boiled water until the consistency of sour cream, adding a little lemon juice. Apply to affected areas of the back and rinse after drying.

The aloe plant has been used in the treatment of acne for a long time. Cut off the leaves, rinse with water and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 10 days. Next, chop and add cold water, at the rate of 1 part aloe – 5 parts water. Infuse the medicine for an hour, then boil for about three minutes and strain. Wipe the affected areas of the back.

In the fight against acne on the back, tar soap works well, as it dries out the pustules and evens out the skin color. One drawback of soap is the unpleasant smell. Birch tar in soap has a disinfectant, absorbent and anesthetic agent, promotes the renewal of epidermal cells and rapid healing of wounds.

Grandmother's remedies for acne on the back do not act as quickly as medications, but are more harmless and do not cause negative factors (in rare cases, an allergic reaction).

What not to do for teenage acne

In pursuit of quick relief from acne, many teenagers make many mistakes. Let's clarify what not to do in the fight against rashes on the back.

  • You should not use antibacterial soap every day. It dries out the skin greatly, resulting in even more acne.
  • You should not squeeze pimples, as the infection can also be spread all over your back. The deeper layers of the skin can also be affected.
  • Do not use hard washcloths, scrubs or peeling. This can cause inflammation to worsen.
  • You cannot use antibiotics without a prescription, as this will lead to the microbes developing resistance over time and it will no longer be possible to overcome them.

Useful video

How to quickly get rid of acne on your shoulders is described in this private video:

There are many ways to eliminate shoulder acne. You can use both pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies. In addition, you should adjust your diet and pay due attention to skin hygiene. Of course, the problem causes certain complexes, especially during the hot season.

But we should not forget that this is temporary and can happen to anyone. After all, a competent approach to treatment will significantly speed up the recovery process.

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Prevention helps avoid the appearance of back acne in teenagers. Moreover, there is no need to take any special measures for this. Everything is very simple:

  • Wear clothes only from natural fabrics.
  • Bedding should also be made only from natural material. It is recommended to wash bed linen once a week.
  • Take a shower 2 times a day. Be sure to use scrubs twice a week. But only if there are no acne.
  • Establish proper nutrition, excluding fatty, fried and spicy foods.

Author - Anna Mikhailova, dermatologist-cosmetologist of the first category, specialist at the Academy of Scientific Beauty. Especially for the site “Treating Acne”.

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