Clean face without acne: home treatments

Fighting red spots

Redness and pimples appear on the skin most often from poor-quality cosmetics and improper makeup, or from aggressive external causes, such as cold wind or heat.
If you do not provide first aid to the skin in a timely manner, its condition will significantly worsen. Even aloe does a good job of treating inflammation and pimples. This product is multifunctional and cleanses not only the face, but also the body. To do this, you need to tear off a yarrow leaf, strain it through gauze and spread the resulting juice on the skin. It is better to apply at night so that the juice is well absorbed into the dermis, and should be washed off the face in the morning.

A similar method using medicinal mud. Several advantages of this option:

  • there is no need to apply moisturizing or nourishing cream;
  • you do not need to make the mixture yourself; it is sold in ready-made packages;
  • The mud works not only as a cleanser for acne, but also cures wen.

It is important for owners of oily skin to remember that their face needs cleansing constantly. Therefore, be sure to tone your dermis in the morning. Use lemon toner. To do this, mix a spoonful of salicylic acid and two tablespoons of water in any bowl, add lemon juice and wipe your face with this mixture every morning before applying makeup base.

Do cleansing masks 2 or 3 times a week. For example, with rolled oats flakes and honey. Steam the oatmeal, add a spoonful of honey and apply to your face for 15 minutes. This method perfectly cleanses the face of acne and red spots.

How to get clear skin

What rules need to be followed and what needs to be done to keep your face fresh, clean and refreshed. How to properly care for different types of facial skin.

Tip #1. Determine your skin type

Your exact skin type can be determined by a specialist: a dermatologist or cosmetologist. But your friend’s advice is clearly contraindicated for you - what suits one person may not suit you at all. Even if it seems to you that you and your girlfriend are very similar. Therefore, determine your type yourself.

Firm skin, without large pores, not shiny - you have normal skin.

Dry skin - thin, flabby, pale, flaky.

Oily skin is characterized by large, acne-prone pores; the skin itself is rough, often looks dirty, and shiny.

Mixed skin type - the skin is shiny on the forehead and sides of the nose, but dry on the cheeks. Such skin is easily irritated by washing.

Tip #2. For normal skin - soft towel and clean water

Most cosmetic products do not irritate such skin, since the skin itself counteracts harmful external influences. Therefore, you should not burden your face with unnecessary care - warm water and non-alkaline soap are enough. The towel should be soft. When drying your face, you only need to lightly apply the towel to the skin. You shouldn't rub it too hard.

Owners of this skin type do not need creams. You will only need them if you are cold or “burnt.” Then you need to use moisturizers. And under no circumstances feeding.

Tip #3. For oily skin - cleansing

To wash your face, use cool water, it will tighten the pores; you can add vinegar or lemon juice to the water. Wash your face with soap or a special washing gel. Soap also has a drying effect. To cleanse the skin once a week you need to make masks and arrange steam baths. It is useful to wipe the skin of the face with ice from a decoction of herbs: calendula, plantain, coltsfoot, St. John's wort. You can also wipe your face with tonic or lotion after washing.

Tip #4. For dry skin - moisturizing

Dry skin is often irritated. This can occur under the influence of both external factors - sun, frost, incorrect cream, and internal ones - bad food, allergies, nervous disorders.

It is better to wash such skin not with soap, but with a special lotion or milk. Lotions should not contain alcohol - it will dry out the skin even more.

Too spicy dishes, strong tea and coffee should be excluded from food.

If you have combination skin, different areas of your skin need to be cared for differently. Oily ones - cleanse, dry ones - moisturize.

Tip #5. Masks

Masks are used to cleanse, nourish and improve blood circulation. This is an additional facial skin care product and cannot replace the main one.

At your age, it is enough to do a mask once a month.

Before applying the mask, the face is cleansed and warmed. Therefore, it is good to apply the mask after a shower. If you are not going to take a shower, then just wash your face with hot water. Before applying the mask, hair is pulled back.

❧ Masks made from natural products are more beneficial for your skin, but if you want to use ready-made cosmetic masks, then choose a line of products designed for your age. Information about this is contained either on the packaging of the cosmetic product or in the instructions. Don’t forget to check the expiration date, it should also be indicated on the packaging.

To clean all types of skin, especially dry skin, you can use oil masks prepared yourself. Apply one teaspoon of any warm vegetable oil to your face with a cotton swab. After 3 minutes, remove with cotton wool soaked in tea or salted water.

For normal skin - a mask of oatmeal. A handful of oatmeal is poured with milk overnight. In the morning, add vegetable oil and yolk. Apply for 15-20 minutes.

For oily skin - yeast mask. 20 g of dry yeast are diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply directly until completely dry. Wash off with warm water.

Tip #6. Steam baths

Steam baths are especially useful for oily skin, they cleanse pores and improve blood circulation. Boil chamomile or linden flowers (a tablespoon per half liter of water). Bend your cleanly washed face over the hot broth, cover with a towel. Sit like this for 10-15 minutes, then wipe your face dry. If blackheads appear on the surface of the skin, they must be carefully removed with a cotton swab moistened with a 5% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Remember that it is better not to go outside after a steam bath: your skin is cleansed and unprotected, in addition, redness may appear on it.

Tip #7. Fighting acne

❧ The cause of acne is stress, poor environment, weakened immunity, heredity, metabolic disorders, poor nutrition.

Acne is the result of age-related changes in the body. You can’t handle them yourself; it’s better to go to a specialist at a beauty salon. While you are saving money for a visit to the doctor, wipe your face either with a special lotion bought in a store or with a calendula tincture that you can prepare yourself. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried calendula flowers into 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for an hour, then strain, add 2 tablespoons of cologne. Wipe your face morning and evening.

❧ Watch what you eat. Fast food, highly peppered and salty foods, chips, soda, sweet and fatty foods disrupt the functioning of the stomach. And he, in turn, will respond with acne on his face.

Wash your face with mild soap with chamomile or calendula - it relieves irritation.

The telephone handset often becomes a breeding ground for infection. Sometimes it is worth wiping it with alcohol. And touch your face with your hands less. And if you’ve decided to check by touch the presence of all the components of your face, then wash your hands thoroughly before doing so.

Sometimes acne is a reaction to the sun. In this case, you need to use protective agents and scrubs.

Pimples appear when climate and water change. There's no need to worry. When you come home, everything will be over in a couple of weeks.

The main culprit behind acne is stress. Moreover, this may not only be preparing for exams or speaking in front of a large audience. Fans of heavy music that causes strong emotional shock are more likely to suffer from acne than everyone else.

Tip #8. Keeping your face clean

Walks are good in rainy and foggy weather. Humid air gives the skin exceptional freshness and purity.

Use foundation, powder and concealer pencil only as a last resort, if you need to go to a special event or to the theater. Creams and powders often cause irritation. Incorrectly applied powder rolls into lumps and the skin begins to shine, so if you have good skin, it is better to do without it. If you want to disguise pores and unevenness on your face, choose powder for your age and skin type. Now there are many lines of decorative cosmetics created specifically for you and your peers.

Moisturizing creams must be used, but not overused. The cream should be changed from time to time, as the skin quickly gets used to it, and it does not give the desired effect.

Day cream creates a protective layer on the face from all harmful influences. It is used as a base for powder so that it does not clog pores and cause acne.

To prevent early wrinkles from appearing, you need to sleep on your back, not on your side. The pillow should be rectangular - let only your head fit on it.

Down with feather beds and spring mattresses! A moderately hard bed is both useful and comfortable.

You should protect your face from frost, wind and strong sun - do not lie on the beach for a long time, do not stand in drafts and do not freeze your nose and cheeks.

Watch your posture. When your shoulders straighten and your chin rises, you will look noticeably better.

Tip #9. Eat foods for beautiful skin

For healthy and beautiful skin, your menu must include:

► fish, especially salmon, tuna and mackerel. This is a source of fatty acids, they are good for the heart and blood vessels. And if the blood vessels are in order, then the blood circulation will be good;

► lemon. Two slices of lemon will replenish the body's need for vitamin C, which helps restore skin. Lemon has a whitening effect - so it’s worth adding a couple of drops of this juice to lotions;

► carrots. Carrot masks noticeably refresh the skin (to do this, grate carrots, add milk or vegetable oil and place on the face). Eating carrots with sour cream eliminates dry skin, promotes quick tanning and prevents acne from appearing;

► milk. It is rich in calcium. Therefore, if you drink half a liter of milk daily, you will not only improve your complexion, but also strengthen your bones and nails;

► liver. The beneficial substances in this product treat many skin diseases and support protective functions.

Tip #10. Hiding flaws

Few people like his reflection in the mirror, except for super popular fashion models. We, mere mortals, have a potato nose, protruding cheekbones, thin lips, and protruding ears.

You can’t fix anything now - you don’t have money for a cosmetic surgeon yet, and plastic surgery can only be done after the age of eighteen.

Therefore, we will turn disadvantages into advantages.

❧ Any feature that distinguishes one person from another can create his inimitable charm and charm.

Protruding ears can be easily hidden under long hair. A short haircut at ear level will also help hide this flaw.

Don't put a lot of powder on your face. The nose will begin to shine, which will make it stand out even more. “Hide” your nose with your hair. To visually enlarge your nose, make a parting so that it is a continuation of your nose. If the nose needs to be visually smaller, then the parting is done on the side. Lush, curly hair goes to a small nose. Long nose - grow long hair. If the shape of your nose is not very beautiful, you should not emphasize your lips, then people will involuntarily pay attention to them and to your nose.

It is better to visually highlight the upper part of the face. To do this, you need to carefully draw out your eyebrows, apply makeup and comb your eyelashes, and make sure that your eyes are clear and expressive.

Tip #11. Use less cosmetics

❧ Cosmetics are not magic. Expensive products will not help if they are used incorrectly.

Basic laws of skin care:

♥ cleansing before bed, no cream should remain on the skin. Before going to bed, apply it in a thick layer and after twenty minutes remove it with lotion or tonic, rinse your face with cold water and go to bed;

♥ cleansing in the morning. The face is washed first with warm and then with cold water. The skin is wiped with a tightening tonic lotion. If you decide to put on a mask, don’t forget to wash it off, otherwise your skin may become irritated or break out in pimples;

♥ maintaining cleanliness throughout the day. When the skin gets dirty, you should wipe it with lotion or tonic. To do this, always carry wet wipes with you, they will replace lotion and tonic for you outside the home.

At your age, you shouldn't wear too much makeup. Your skin may take offense at you and break out in years of acne.

To make your eyes more expressive, tint your eyelashes. If you use shadows, then only pastel colors - your natural complexion is still bright enough to hide it. Blush and lipstick can be put aside for now. For your lips, you only need gloss and hygienic lipstick.

Tip #12. What should always be in a lady's handbag?

A mirror, a comb, a nail file, a small bottle of tonic, a couple of cotton balls in a package, perfume or eau de toilette, chapstick, lip gloss, a small chocolate to lift your spirits.

Tip #13. We wear glasses

You should wear glasses in bright sunshine and with impaired vision.

If your doctor prescribed glasses for you, but you don’t wear them, you may have a headache because your eyes are under constant strain. And constant squinting will lead you to early wrinkles.

Tip #14. About the good

Regular self-care will bring long-awaited results. For starters, it will raise your self-esteem, improve your appearance, and make you more confident.

Well, if the fight against acne has been going on for a long time, but does not bring the desired result, I will say one thing as consolation - oily facial skin looks young longer. You don't have to worry about wrinkles for now.

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Remedies for acne and ulcers

Natural oil relieves irritation very quickly. Use tea tree extract to treat acne. But it is important to scrub after applying such oils to the skin.

Acne appears regardless of our desires. When your period comes, after overeating sweets or from raging hormones - for any reason there is the right solution: ordinary blue clay masks. How the mud works: clogged pores are released, the skin is soothed and pimples go away on their own.

For aging skin, daily masks with essential oils, such as ubtan dissolved in coconut milk, almond oil with goat milk, and sandalwood, will be a salvation.

Youth and beauty: diet for facial skin rejuvenation

The diet for facial skin rejuvenation is significantly different from the diet recommended for acne and rashes. The diet of women who want to look young and beautiful should include products from the following list:

Fatty fish. A diet for youthful and beautiful skin should be based on seafood such as salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel. This fatty sea fish is a source of vitamin A and D, omega-3 fatty acids, which eliminate inflammation on the face. Regular intake of these substances into the body ensures good blood circulation, resulting in clean, glowing skin.

Pomegranate. The substances that are part of this fruit actively fight the process of withering and aging of the skin. They prolong the life of fibroblasts - the substances responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. When fibroblasts are deficient, collagen and elastin fibers become brittle, resulting in the formation of wrinkles on the face. By consuming pomegranate, you can slow down the aging process and prolong youth.

Olive oil. This product of plant origin must be included in the diet to improve the condition of facial skin with the onset of age-related changes. Cosmetologists especially recommend introducing this product into their diet for women with dry skin, as the aging process occurs faster.

Cottage cheese. This fermented milk product contains components such as selenium and vitamin E - powerful natural antioxidants. Their use prevents facial skin from aging prematurely.

Elimination of enlarged pores

The problem of enlarged pores is much more serious than ordinary acne, because in order to cope with it, cleansing and masks are not enough. Now the skin requires constant peeling and scrubbing procedures.

An abrasive mixture mixed with milk, soda and honey is quite effective in cleansing problem skin. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions, after which they are rubbed into the skin with light massage movements. Next, everything is washed off well and the cream is applied. But do not use this method to treat inflamed areas. It is much safer in such a situation to seek help from pharmacy methods. For example, an aspirin-based scrub will quickly remove redness and at the same time help cleanse the skin.

For sensitive skin, we recommend a peeling mask made from streptocide tablets, with which the skin will become softer to the touch and blackheads will disappear for a long time. To prepare the mask, you will need 2 streptocide tablets, crushed into powder. To this you need to add milk and wipe your face with the prepared pulp. After a week of using these masks, your face will become clean and the ulcers will evaporate. But it’s still better to be very careful with recipes that use medications. Especially if you haven't read the recommendations.

A herbal peeling mask works well at home. It is necessary to mix lemon juice with a decoction of celandine, add bodyagi for consistency. After this, apply to the skin and hold for 5 minutes. This method helps not only get rid of blemishes and enlarged pores, but also perfectly whitens the face from freckles.

What foods should you exclude from your diet for good skin?

A diet for good facial skin requires avoiding the consumption of certain foods that can worsen the condition of the skin, cause contamination, wilting and aging. Nutritionists recommend completely eliminating the following foods from your diet:

Coffee. It is believed that this drink is beneficial for the skin, as it contains antioxidants. This is true, but only on the condition that the skin is not subject to inflammatory processes. If you have problematic skin that is prone to pimples and blackheads, you must completely avoid drinking coffee, as this product can seriously worsen the problem.

Products that are sources of difficult-to-digest fats. This group of products includes smoked foods, fried foods, fast food, semi-finished products, and cooking fats. They have a harmful effect on the liver, impair its functioning, which leads to clogging of the body with harmful substances, and as a result - poor condition of the skin.

Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks cause dilation of blood vessels in the face. As a result of drinking alcohol, spider veins or acne can form.

Getting rid of blackheads

In medicine, blackheads are called comedones. Inside the so-called points there are sebaceous plugs, the top of which turns black due to dust, cosmetics and dirt. Girls with oily skin and abundant sebum secretion most often suffer from comedones. Black dots usually appear in the nose area. To the great regret of all women, it is impossible to clear the skin of comedones forever. But if you constantly cleanse and tighten the pores, the color and appearance of your face will improve.

To use at home, it is recommended to make a scrub based on honey, eggs and salt, which perfectly cleanses the face. Mix all the ingredients, use sea salt instead of kitchen salt and apply the mixture onto the dermis using a cotton pad, rubbing for two minutes, and then rinse with water without soap.

The bath is also a great help in getting rid of blackheads. Especially if you steam it and leave a couple of drops of spruce oil in the bath before starting. For this procedure, it is necessary, during steaming, when the skin begins to free itself from waste and toxins, to wipe the face with a hard terry towel, the task of which will be to collect ulcers. After this, you need to thoroughly wash your face with chamomile extract and moisturize your skin with cream. For those who do not have a bathhouse at home, inhalations under a towel are perfect.

Tar soap is good for treating acne and rashes.

The simplest method is to wash your face twice a day with tonic and tar soap foam. To prepare a tonic with tar, you will need soap and salicylic acid. Foam the soap, mix with acid and apply to the skin with a cotton pad. Such procedures refresh the skin and help exfoliate exfoliated epidermis.

Diet for clearing facial skin from acne: products

Nutritionists have identified five basic foods that affect the condition of the skin, its healing and prevent the development of acne.

  1. Pure water - to keep your skin beautiful and clean, you need to drink at least 2 liters of purified water per day. This will help renew skin cells and will be an excellent solution in the fight against acne.
  2. Green tea is a supplier of catechin, relieves skin from rashes and removes free radicals, which cause great harm to the skin. In the summer, you can brew tea, cool it and freeze it in ice cube trays. The resulting cubes should be lubricated on the face to relieve inflammatory processes.
  3. Fish products and meat supply the body with protein, which prevents various diseases and keeps the skin toned.
  4. Wheat grains and nuts – The selenium contained in these foods plays an important role in the nutrition and development of healthy skin cells.
  5. Olive oil contains vitamin E, which prolongs youth, and vitamin A, which makes the skin elastic and moisturizes it well.

From this set of products you can prepare delicious and healthy dishes that will provide complete and proper nutrition for your facial skin.

Unfortunately, only with the help of a proper diet you cannot make your skin clear and healthy, so you should additionally take vitamin supplements. The basic rule is that their composition should be as natural as possible and not contain artificial colors.

Rejuvenating diet menu for facial skin

An anti-aging effective diet for beautiful facial skin can be as follows:

Breakfast: 150 g of grilled salmon, half a bowl of oatmeal, fresh berries, a glass of water.

Lunch: 250 g grilled salmon, green lettuce, 1 kiwi or a piece of melon and berries, a glass of water.

Afternoon snack: apple, 50 g turkey fillet, glass of natural yoghurt, handful of nuts.

Dinner: 150 g grilled salmon, green salad, steamed vegetables - asparagus, broccoli, spinach, melon and berries, a glass of water.

This diet menu for facial skin should not contain starchy vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets.

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