Bay leaf lotions and masks - recipes for any skin type

Many people experience acne from time to time. There are quite a few reasons for this problem. These include dietary disorders, chronic diseases, and hormonal imbalances.

To cope with pathology, you can use bay leaf. This product contains a large amount of vitamins, organic acids and other components that improve skin condition.


Cherry laurel leaves are known to many as a universal spice. However, laurel is in great demand in dermatology and cosmetology due to its rich composition.

  • Retinol – needed for protein synthesis in the body;
  • Vitamin B2 – participates in the production of substances necessary for life;
  • Vitamin B6 – ensures a normal balance of hormones and has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • Folic acid – regulates the activity of the circulatory system, promotes tissue restoration;
  • Ascorbic acid – enhances the body’s protective functions;
  • Vitamin PP – transforms calories into energy, eliminates hormonal disorders;
  • Iron – required to ensure normal hemoglobin levels;
  • Fluoride – strengthens teeth;
  • Magnesium – cleanses blood vessels, increases their elasticity, normalizes blood pressure, has a relaxing effect on nerve endings;
  • Manganese – ensures the functioning of the skeletal system;
  • Zinc – promotes the health of the genital organs, has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • Potassium – necessary for the normal functioning of soft tissues;
  • Calcium – strengthens the skeletal system;
  • Tannins – suppress inflammation, stop the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, cleanse the body of toxic substances, stabilize the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • Essential oils – reduce cosmetic defects, take part in metabolic processes;
  • Salicylates – thin the blood.

Composition and beneficial properties

The product is obtained by drying the leaves of the noble laurel. It contains many organic acids, essential oils and other active ingredients that produce a pronounced healing effect on the human body.

The composition and properties of laurel leaves are given in the table:

Useful componentsProperties
Organic acidsLaurel leaves contain caproic, acetic, formic and other acids. They have an antiseptic effect, eliminate inflammation, cope with fungi and viruses. These components reduce inflammation, destroy bacteria and stimulate tissue regeneration.
CamphorThis component has a strong aroma and has an anti-inflammatory, irritating, analgesic effect. Camphor can help stimulate blood flow, reduce discomfort from acne, and prevent the spread of infection.
TanninsThese ingredients successfully cope with inflammation and have an antiseptic effect. Thanks to their use, it is possible to dry out the dermis.

What are the benefits of bay leaf for skin?

The variety of active ingredients contained in each bay leaf makes the plant extremely beneficial for the skin and has the following effects:

  • Inhibition of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Relief of inflammation;
  • Elimination of pigmentation and lightening of the dermis;
  • Activation of local metabolism;
  • Smoothing wrinkles by strengthening elasticity;
  • Reducing excess oily secretions;
  • Antibiotic action;
  • Inhibition of natural aging processes;
  • Closing pores.

Given this range of effects, it can be argued that bay leaf-based drugs are effective in eliminating inflamed rashes and acne.

Practical use

There are many recipes for healthy hair and facial skin. Below are the most common ones.

It is important to realize that bay leaf may not be suitable for everyone. Some girls (very rarely) have an allergic reaction. Therefore, before applying, you need to test the solution on a small area of ​​skin.

For hair

To get chic and healthy curls, make various masks and rinsing decoctions based on laurel. Here are some of them.


Relieves dandruff, eliminates itching and oily hair:

Take 40 bay leaves and chop them. Brew in 1 liter of boiling water. Place the pan on the stove and boil for 3 minutes. Let it brew. Strain.

Meanwhile, wash your hair with shampoo. And rinse with broth. There is no need to wash it off.

To achieve excellent results, this procedure must be performed 2-3 times a week for one month.


A good remedy for treating damaged curls. Some girls note that bay infusion helps fight split ends:

You need to take 30 bay leaves and pour boiling water over them. Let it brew for 8 hours (it’s better to brew it overnight).

Strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Every day for a month you need to rub laurel infusion over the entire length of your hair. Or rinse your hair with it after washing. Do not rinse off.


Gives hair volume and accelerates its growth. In addition, it fights inflammatory processes on the scalp:

You will need 2 tablespoons of chopped bay leaves. Pour the same amount of boiling water over them.

Let it brew for half an hour. Add 2 tablespoons of linden honey to the tincture. Mix everything thoroughly.

Distribute the resulting mixture evenly over all curls except the ends. It is advisable to wrap your hair in cling film. Keep the mask on for an hour. Then rinse well with warm water.

There are a lot of cosmetics based on bay leaves. You can find them on the Internet.

Contraindications and harm

The main contraindications to the use of bay leaves relate to the use of decoctions internally. It is not recommended to be treated with them:

  • If you are prone to constipation;
  • In the presence of peptic ulcer;
  • For liver diseases;
  • Heart patients and people with vascular pathologies;
  • During lactation and pregnancy;
  • With a tendency to bleeding of any etiology;
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus.

Externally, bay leaf can be used with virtually no restrictions. The exception is individual intolerance to cherry laurel.


Crushed bay leaf is safe to consume orally up to 3 g per day for 30 days. It is not safe to swallow bay leaf whole; it is not absorbed and can cause suffocation by getting stuck in the laryngopharynx or disrupt the integrity of the intestinal mucosa.

Read also: Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles

Children, pregnant and lactating women should avoid consuming the spice to avoid unwanted reactions to this spice.

Side effects from taking bay leaf include:

  • shortness of breath, feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • facial skin eczema.

People with type 2 diabetes should avoid consuming bay leaves because the active ingredients in the spice lower blood glucose levels.

Patients should exclude bay leaves from their diet approximately 2 weeks before surgery, as it reduces the activity of the central nervous system, which can have a number of unpleasant side effects in combination with medications administered during anesthesia.

Bay leaf against acne: how to use?

Various recipes with cherry laurel are used to treat acne. They must be prepared according to strictly controlled dosages.

When localizing formations on the face and neck, it is enough to resort to rubbing and masks; the spread of inflammation throughout the body is treated with baths.

Cleaning products

The first thing that comes to mind when treating acne is a variety of tonics and tinctures for wiping the affected areas. Among such drugs, the acne lotion made from bay leaves, which is prepared as follows, has gained particular popularity:

  • Place 5 sheets in a small saucepan;
  • Pour 250 ml of mineral water without gas;
  • Bring to a boil over low heat;
  • Cook until the liquid is reduced by 3 times the original volume;
  • If your face is oily, add a few drops of vodka;
  • Wipe yourself daily in the morning and evening until the problems disappear.

Also recommended for treating affected areas:

  • Vodka tincture. The presence of an alcohol component makes the product suitable for oily skin. To prepare the tincture, you need to fill a 200 ml glass jar to the top with crushed bay leaves. Fill with vodka to the brim, seal the container, and put it in a dark room for 2 weeks. Shake several times. Strictly lubricate acne;
  • Water infusion. Fill a 10 ml container with leaves and add hot water. Wrap in a blanket and leave for 4 hours. Pass through cheesecloth and put in the refrigerator. Treat skin 5 times a day. To enhance the effect, add any component of your choice to the liquid: 2 drops of tea tree essential oil, a spoonful of lemon juice, a little honey, 15 ml of olive oil;
  • Tonic. The base is alcohol tincture. Dilute 2 teaspoons of alcohol-based liquid in a glass of water at room temperature. Use in the evening instead of tonic for 14 days.


The benefit that distinguishes a decoction of bay leaves from acne lies in the possibility of using it externally and internally. There are several ways to prepare it:

  • Decoction for steaming the face. Fill 4 sheets with liters of water and boil. Cool, pour into a bowl and hold your face over the steam for 10-15 minutes;
  • Healing drink. Brew 10 leaves with a liter of boiling water. The daily norm is 1 glass. It must be divided into 4-5 servings;
  • Cleanser. Pour 5 leaves into a glass of water and cook until the liquid has boiled by a third. Remove from heat, cool and strain. Use as water for washing or local treatment of acne;
  • For wiping. Boil 250 ml of water, add ½ pack of bay leaves. Keep on fire for 20 minutes. Wait until cool, pass through a clean cloth. Wipe painful areas after waking up and before going to bed.


Masks, as a means of deep care, are important for the fight against acne. Depending on the selected components, the effect varies, so you can choose the ideal remedy for a specific problem. Recipes:

  • To combat excess fat. Prepare bay decoction in any way. Dilute white or blue clay with it to a paste. Remove the composition after 20 minutes;
  • For drying out acne. Beat in the egg white, mince the peeled tomato, chop 2 tablespoons of bay leaves. Mix the ingredients and add 15 g of yeast. Apply the composition for a quarter of an hour, after removing the mixture, rinse with green tea;
  • Whitening potion. Grind cherry laurel leaves in a coffee grinder. Dilute a tablespoon of raw material with hot water to a paste. Mix in 15 ml of sour cream and leave for 10 minutes. Apply the product to the skin and wash after a quarter of an hour.

Reviews about the product

Bay leaf is one of the most effective remedies, tested through our own bitter experience! I didn’t use alcohol lotion (my skin is very dry), but I did make a mask - grind bay leaves in a coffee grinder, add a little hot water (until a thick paste forms), and then cold sour cream. I insisted for 8-10 minutes and applied it to my face for 15 minutes.

Starkova bay - leaf - for - acne /

I've been using it for a long time and now I'm starting again. I just pour about 10 leaves with hot water and wipe my face with a cotton pad. I can see the effect immediately! The face becomes very soft and well-groomed, and the pores are almost invisible. I recommend!


I am already over 20 years old, and a period has come when my face began to become covered with acne. No matter what I did with them, applied Zenerite and expensive creams, they appeared again and again. One of my helpers was an ordinary bay leaf. It turns out that it can be used not only for making borscht. My mother found the recipe for me. You just needed to boil 5-6 leaves in a saucepan. I cooled the broth and poured it into a spray bottle. I sprayed this decoction on my face throughout the day when I wanted to freshen up. As a result, the skin acquired a beautiful color, became elastic, and within a month of constant use, all acne disappeared and redness disappeared. Pores are noticeably smaller.


The home pharmacy is rich in simple, inexpensive recipes. Bay leaf preparations are quickly prepared and their use does not require special equipment or skills. Using proven recipes, you can be sure that improvement occurs after one and a half to two weeks. Rashes do not recur, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, oily shine disappears, skin color improves, money is saved, since you can refuse cosmetic preparations for facial care.

Correct use of bay leaves will allow you to get results, forgetting about the grief of the appearance of rashes and blackheads.

  • Author: Elena Popovich

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Bay leaves have long been used not only in cooking.

At first, the beneficial properties of this plant were adopted by traditional medicine.

A little later, cosmetology agreed that products based on the fragrant leaves of this evergreen bush have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS !
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but to make an appointment with a specialist !
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

But is it true that bay leaf is a good helper in the fight against acne?

And how to use it for this purpose - externally or internally?

Will it always help?

Acne develops in stages. First, the sebaceous ducts expand, after which the production of sebum increases. This fact contributes to increased oiliness of the skin, on which dust and dirt particles also settle. They clog pores and ducts, the secretion does not have the opportunity to come to the surface, forming a favorable environment for the formation of blackheads, and then the proliferation of bacteria. This activity causes inflammation, during which pus collects in the pimple cavity.

Cherry laurel has a certain range of effects on the skin; accordingly, bay leaf against acne on the face helps in the first stages of acne. The plant effectively copes with open and closed comedones due to its ability to optimize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Also, laurel-based products can be used at the initial stage of inflammation, but with purulent pathological processes, potent drugs are required.

What raw materials to use?

Laurus nobilis grows in the south of Russia, it can be found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. It is grown from seeds as a potted crop.

Bay leaf contains essential oils that have antiseptic properties

This shrub is used at home as a natural air freshener.

Its leaves contain phytosterol, essential oil, camphor and organic acids, thanks to which the plant is used for medicinal purposes.

If possible, use fresh leaves to prepare the decoction, collecting them from the branches as needed. Many people buy this spice at the market at the end of autumn, when the aromatic spice is being collected.

The raw materials are stored in a tightly closed glass jar to preserve essential compounds. It retains its beneficial properties in dry form for 3 years. The surface of the bay leaf should have an even yellow-green color.

To treat pustular skin lesions, you can buy a large pack of dried bay leaves at the grocery store, in the spice section, to prepare a healing decoction from them.

Leaves that are stained due to bacterial damage should not be used. Several forms are prepared from raw materials. It can be a decoction, oil or ointment.


Men and women who have used herbal medicine share their experiences and information about the effects that bay leaves have had on acne on forums. Reviews even inform that baths with the plant are useful for eliminating skin rashes in infants.

It is also reported that the prompt use of a decoction at the initial stage of the appearance of a pimple suppresses its development, and in hot weather, tonics and lotions reduce the secretion of fat and dry out small rashes.

Principle of action on the skin

The high content of antioxidants makes bay leaf in cosmetology an effective remedy against various dermatological problems. People often call laurel a natural antibiotic, because it contains the appropriate elements and phytoncides, which have many positive effects on problem skin:

  • kill bacteria;
  • relieve redness, soothe irritation;
  • disinfect;
  • rejuvenate;
  • eliminate areas of acne and existing inflammation;
  • tone;
  • activate metabolic processes and respiration inside cells;
  • stimulate cellular renewal;
  • reduce swelling;
  • increase the level of collagen produced.

How the drugs are prepared

An oil extract can be prepared from the leaves of bay laurel. To do this, you need to take 300 g of dry crushed raw materials and pour a glass of warm vegetable oil over it.

The product is infused for a week, leaving the vessel in a dark, warm place. Before use, the mixture containing essential oils is filtered and used for its intended purpose.

To treat pustular skin lesions, you can prepare a healing decoction

Essential oil is used to lubricate the pustular rash. This form helps fight demodicosis, which often causes severe damage to the facial skin in adolescents.

To prepare the ointment, take the powder from the leaves finely ground in a coffee grinder and mix it with an equal amount of butter.

This form can be used one day after preparation, applied at night to well-cleansed skin.

This remedy allows you to resolve painful pimples, the formation of which is accompanied by severe swelling of the tissues.

To disinfect the skin, you can prepare a decoction of bay leaves. To do this, take 80 leaves, pour 1000 ml of water into them, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. A decoction of bay leaves for acne is filtered and used several times a day for washing or compresses.

The resulting concentrated infusion can be used to wipe the areas of the body affected by the pustular rash. The complex of microelements contained in bay leaves allows the decoction to be used to combat acne.

For spot cauterization of acne, you can prepare an alcohol tincture from bay leaves.

This form relieves pain and eliminates the inflammatory process that often accompanies the appearance of purulent acne on the skin.

Active use of this decoction improves skin condition, removes oily shine and tightens enlarged pores.

If acne is caused by staphylococcus and the skin lesions are extensive, then bay leaf for purulent acne, the recipe for which is given above, can be used for baths, adding the prepared concentrate to the water.

For spot cauterization of acne, you can prepare an alcohol tincture from bay leaves. To prepare it, you need to take 200 ml of vodka, into which you should add 10 crushed leaves of the plant. After a week, the product can be used regularly. It will take several days for the inflammation to go away, the pores to narrow, and the skin to clear.


Pronounced anti-aging properties, as well as restoration of the skin and an antioxidant effect in addition - all this is a bay leaf for the face. Perhaps someone refuses to use the spice in cooking because of the pungent odor, but refusing to use the product in home cosmetology is real stupidity. Masks and lotions based on it are akin to expensive professional products.

Regular use tightens pores and smoothes the skin, tones it and makes it elastic, regenerates and stimulates metabolic processes, disinfects and helps in the fight against a variety of skin ailments. The benefits of bay leaves for the skin of the face and neck are difficult to describe; they need to be felt.

Mask for the face

Grind 8 g bay leaf. Pour into a dry container, pour in 100 ml of cold-pressed olive oil and add 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal without any additives. Close the container and shake it well.

Once the flakes have swollen, apply the bay leaf mask to clean skin on your face and neck. Wait half an hour and wash off. It is better to use a freshly prepared mixture each time. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

Decoction for problem skin types

Boil 100 ml of water. Add 10 g of chopped bay leaf and simmer for 2 minutes. Leave the bay leaf infusion to steep until completely cooled. Then strain and use the liquid instead of a facial toner once a day for a week.

After the product is completely absorbed, rinse your face and apply the cream, and then your usual makeup. This decoction should be stored in the refrigerator.

Lotion for oily types

To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate swelling, chop 5 bay leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for two hours, strain and add 2 tbsp. l. alcohol and lemon juice. Wipe your face with lotion morning and evening.

Once again I am surprised at what unexpected side the most familiar product can reveal. Bay leaf for the face will help make your skin healthy and slow down the aging process. Share tips with your friends and save on visiting a cosmetologist together.

Bay leaf for swelling. Bay leaf and the process of losing weight

The main effect of bay leaf decoction is associated with its diuretic properties, or the ability to remove excess fluid from the body, relieving swelling.

This property depends on the constituent components. They help with unsuccessful diets when the weight “stands still.”

Modern diet is rich in salts, which causes imbalance and accumulation of excess fluid. Due to fluid retention, swelling, cellulite, and weight gain are observed.

In such a situation, even with a diet, getting rid of extra pounds is not easy. Only diuretics are effective, among which bay leaf is not the least important.

Medicinal properties of bay leaf: what are its benefits Bay leaf, a regular in any kitchen, can be useful not only in cooking. Medicinal properties of bay...

The presence of concentrated substances in the decoction of spice leaves makes it possible to remove up to 4 kg of liquid and toxic compounds from the body in a short period of time.

It is advisable to cleanse before switching to a dietary or balanced diet in order to free the body from the burden of excess weight in the form of ballast, unnecessary substances. After this, the fight against subcutaneous fat will be more effective.

Tip: Only freshly dried leaves are useful for weight loss. Stale packages usually contain incomplete leaves that have already lost most of the necessary components.

A product for losing weight based on the spicy leaf has a number of beneficial properties:

  • relieves swelling;
  • normalizes digestion processes;
  • increases appetite;
  • keeps the body in good shape;
  • is a good antiseptic;
  • supports the functioning of the immune system;
  • exhibits anti-stress effect;
  • is a “sculptor” of fresh skin without acne and pigmentation.

For weight loss, a combination of bay leaf drinks with a low-calorie diet and sports activities is beneficial.

It is difficult to eat bland dishes, but when you add spices and bay leaves to them, the taste becomes more pleasant and the aroma becomes richer. It is important not only to reduce the caloric content of food, but also to reduce portions.

Important! The tincture is used once in the form of fasting days. This is the first stage of cleansing, after which you should eat moderately and rationally.

Bay leaf for alopecia. Bay leaf for hair growth and hair loss

Bay leaf is popularly known as Tej Patta in Hindi. The aromatic plant is an indispensable ingredient in the kitchen and is also used to make perfume. Despite the pungent taste, bay leaf has many benefits that make it very popular in cosmetology.

Chemical composition of bay leaf

In appearance, the plant is a leaf with three veins. Their shape can be elliptical, smooth or pointed, and the taste and aroma are vaguely reminiscent of cinnamon. The numerous beneficial components in bay leaves make it very popular.

  1. Laurel is rich in essential oils: cineole (50%), alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, myrcene, limonene, linalool, methyl chavicol, neral, alpha-terpineol, geranyl acetate and eugenol. Research shows that these natural aromatic oils have antifungal and antiseptic properties. Eugenol has been shown to destroy Listeria monocytogenes, a bacterium that causes meningitis in newborns. Combined with a high zinc content (33%), the oils provide great support for the immune system.
  2. Myrcene (also found in lemongrass) and eugenol (found in cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg) have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, so they are widely used in therapy and dentistry.
  3. Eugenol has anti-cancer effects by destroying several types of colon cancer cells. Limonene has been shown to be effective against certain types of brain cancer. According to research, Lauroside, a mixture extracted from bay leaves, promotes the proliferation of skin cancer cells.
  4. Bay bay is also rich in powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C, copper, manganese, which scavenge free radicals, preventing cell and DNA damage.
  5. Linalool and myrcene have a mild sedative effect, thereby relieving stress. Regular massage with bay oil helps improve blood circulation and induces a pleasant state of calm. It is also used to massage the temples to relieve headaches.
  6. Providing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effects (due to its high vitamin C content), the plant is an effective natural remedy for the treatment of bacterial and viral respiratory tract infections. However, you should consult your doctor before use.
  7. Laurel is a rich source of vitamins A and C, as well as zinc - substances necessary for immunity. Vitamin A (206%) ensures the health of mucous membranes directly exposed to bacteria and viruses. Vitamin C (77.5%) is the most powerful antibacterial and antiviral agent that strengthens the immune system and supports its functions.
  8. Due to its high calcium content (83%), bay leaf helps strengthen bones and teeth, preventing bone loss. Iron is great for anemia. And copper and manganese prevent the appearance of premature gray hair, changes in the color of the iris, and support the production of thyroid hormones.
  9. Bay oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory and skin softener. It can be used to treat scalp conditions. In addition, due to its strong antibacterial properties, it helps with cuts, rashes or insect bites. The product is also great for dry, dull hair, restoring its shine and strength. Traditionally, the oil is used to treat dandruff, combat hair loss or remove lice.
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