Removal of keratomas by laser, radio wave method and liquid nitrogen

The top layer of skin - the epidermis - consists of several rows of cells. In the lower one - it is called the germ cell - “new” cells are formed. Gradually, each of them moves to the upper layers, changes, until it turns into a horny scale and dies.

Our expert in this field:

Vertieva Ekaterina Yurievna

Oncologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

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The cells of the epidermis are called keratinocytes - from the Greek word keratos, which translates as “horn”. Accordingly, a keratoma is a neoplasm that forms from the upper layer of the skin. This is not a malignant tumor, it does not grow into neighboring tissues, does not metastasize and is not life-threatening. Most often, the tumor does not cause pain or discomfort, and sometimes disappears on its own. There are different types of keratomas, most often they resemble a dark, bumpy raisin pressed into the skin.

The main causes of keratomas: prolonged exposure of the skin to sunlight, age (usually occur after 40–50 years), hereditary predisposition, decreased immunity, hormonal and metabolic disorders, skin damage from toxic substances, long-term, improper use of certain medications medications, lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body.

What is a keratoma?

Keratosis is an age-related disease that affects people after 40-45 years. It is often called senile warts.

During the aging process, the human body ceases to produce and receive sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements. Internal and external changes in the skin occur. Due to improper division of epidermal cells, dark brown spots begin to appear on the skin, which over time begin to thicken and become covered with hardened, flaky crusts. Senile keratoma can be single, or can be combined into groups. At the initial stage of the disease, the skin keratoma is small in size, but as the disease progresses, its size increases to 1-2 cm.


  1. metabolic disorders in the body lead to a lack of essential microelements and vitamins;
  2. hormonal imbalance and diseases of the endocrine system;
  3. long-term use of medications;
  4. negative effects on the skin of chemicals and solutions;
  5. constant friction of clothing elements of the same area of ​​skin;
  6. long-term effects on unprotected skin from sunlight.

Question answer

I have a small keratoma on my neck. On the advice of friends, I tried to cauterize it with a tincture of vinegar. The keratoma went away, but now there is a red spot in that place and the skin hurts, what should I do?

You just burned your skin with vinegar, that's a chemical burn. Use anti-burn healing ointments - “Levomekol”, “Panthenol”.

I was preparing for the wedding, visiting the solarium for two months, as expected, first for a short time, then increasing the duration of the procedure. The tan turned out beautiful, but two keratomas appeared on my back. Why did this happen and what to do now? The wedding is in a week.

Ultraviolet radiation, which is used to create a tan in a solarium, provokes the appearance of keratomas. So an intensive course of solarium could provoke the appearance of tumors. They can be removed surgically by a surgeon, using a laser or cryodestruction by a cosmetologist, or use special pharmaceutical preparations for removal - “Verrukacid” or “Ferezol”. Folk remedies for getting rid of keratomas correctly require long-term use and do not guarantee getting rid of growths.

You can also try using celandine to treat keratomas; it is more suitable for removing warts, but can also be applied to keratomas.

I have a large keratoma on my arm. They use folk recipes, mainly based on vegetable oils. I’ve been applying it for six months now, but the keratoma is not shrinking. What am I doing wrong?

Oil-based home remedies are used to relieve the discomfort associated with keratoma and soften the flaky surface. It is believed that oils stop the growth of keratoma, but they are not able to remove it. Consult a dermatologist, or use pharmaceutical preparations for removing keratomas - “Papilek”, “Ferezol”.

I had a keratoma on my leg for a long time. But a few months ago it started to grow. I burned it with vinegar and wiped it with alcohol. Now the keratoma has brightened, began to grow even more and bleed, what’s the matter?

Sometimes other tumors can be mistaken for a keratoma; this is probably your case. Contact your doctor, surgeon or oncologist immediately. You can treat keratomas yourself only after a medical diagnosis, with full confidence that it is a keratoma and not any other tumor or skin lesion.

How to get rid of senile keratomas?

There are various modern methods of combating the disease: laser therapy, radiosurgery, surgery. These methods are used in advanced and severe stages of the disease. To prevent growths from turning into cancerous tumors, products purchased at the pharmacy are used. With this therapy, antibiotics and cytostatics are used, which are injected directly into the formation. Antiseborrheic medicine (Solcoderm) and antitumor ointment (Colhamin ointment) are widely used.

It is possible to remove keratoma at home not only with pharmaceutical ointments, but also with regular iodine. To do this, it is enough to apply iodine pointwise to the growths 2 times a day for 14 days. Low-budget and highly effective at the initial stage of the disease is the treatment of keratosis with folk remedies. The use of natural herbal ingredients will help reduce exanthema, cure keratosis irritation, relieve itching and normalize the general condition of a person.

It is recommended to consult a dermatologist before treating actinic keratoses with folk remedies.

For self-therapy of keratoma, you can use pharmaceutical preparations or make medicinal products manually.


Like all substances, soda can negatively affect the body and has the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to sodium bicarbonate;
  • hypersensitive skin;
  • skin diseases - allergies, eczema, ulcers;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (if ingested) – duodenitis, gastritis, ulcers;
  • when using medications;
  • wounds, scratches, abrasions are a reason to postpone the use of soda until they heal.

In order to avoid the negative effects of soda on the body, it is recommended to consult a specialist before starting treatment.

Doctors warn that using folk remedies it is necessary to get tested on time. And along with unconventional methods, it is recommended not to forget about drug treatment and take antiviral drugs.

The effectiveness of folk remedies

The unattractive appearance of the skin with keratosis forces the use of all commonly available home remedies. Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of natural herbal tinctures, balms, and rubs. Homemade creams are also used. The natural composition of at-home recipes allows you to safely treat formations on any part of the skin for older people. Removing keratoma at home is a long-term procedure; methods of control depend on the degree of the disease. When using natural ingredients, the causes and individual characteristics of the body are taken into account. Medicines for senile warts do not require expensive and rare components in their formulation, but have highly effective medicinal properties.

An effective herbal ointment, nut cream and balm

Recipes for some of the available remedies are shown in the table:

ComponentRecipeAmount of days
AgrimonyFor a medicinal tincture, take: 100 g of chopped burdock rhizomes, 1 liter of water and 20 g of bee honey. Boil the roots in water for 30 minutes, then strain the broth and add honey. Drink 3 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. 15
Walnut balmThe early fruits are divided into 4 parts and filled with sunflower oil heated to 50 degrees. The proportion is taken 1:6. Let the balm brew for 3 days in the dark. Use the product 2 times a day. 14
Bay leafTake 5-6 crushed laurel leaves, 2-3 juniper leaves and add butter (1:12). Before use, add 15 drops of lavender or fir oil. Apply to keratomas twice a day. 15
Nut creamWalnut pericarps are ground into powder. Then mix with regular hand or body cream (1:5) and rub into the formation 2 times a day. Bleeding keratopapilloma is successfully treated with this remedy. 30

Celandine juice can be used to treat keratomas on the skin until they completely disappear.

Removal methods

Currently, there is only one treatment option - removal. Of course, this is not necessary; you can do just fine without intervention. If the tumor causes physical or cosmetic discomfort, then it is better to get rid of it.

There are many methods for eliminating the disease. Although laser keratoma removal has pushed other methods into the background, it is still worth considering the options in more detail.

  1. Cryodestruction. New growths are eliminated by cooling with liquid nitrogen. The method is used only for seborrheic and solar keratomas. Disadvantage: harm to healthy areas of the skin.
  2. Surgical. Used to remove formations from nearby tissues. Used if malignancy is suspected. In other cases, the method is redundant.
  3. Electrocoagulation. Suitable for eliminating multiple tumors. An electrosurgical scalpel is used as an instrument. Unlike the surgical option, it is used without removing adjacent tissue.
  4. Radiosurgery. If a benign formation is located on open areas of the skin, for example, the face, then the method is suitable. It does not leave post-operative marks, and therefore works well for cosmetic purposes. A serious disadvantage is that it requires irradiation. Accordingly, when using radiosurgery, the patient receives a dose of radiation.
  5. Laser method. Despite the abundance of means to eliminate a tumor, laser is most often used to eliminate the formation. The good thing about this method is that it allows you to completely kill the altered cells without leaving any serious marks. The likelihood of relapses and complications is minimal.

How to use celandine?

Celandine juice is a good effective remedy to remove age-related keratomas. Careful and correct use of products with celandine heals ulcers and wounds on the body, the skin is cleansed of dry crusts. The method of using this plant is simple and accessible:

  • put fresh celandine in a bowl and squeeze out the juice;
  • filter through a sieve;
  • add a couple of drops of olive oil;
  • treat the skin at the affected area every day (30 days).

You can mix baby nourishing cream with celandine juice. You need to rub the resulting product 3 times a day.

Advice for patients

If you have at least one keratoma, then you are at risk for developing skin cancer . Therefore, precautions must be taken:

  1. Keratomas cannot be hidden under decorative cosmetics. Exposure to foundation and other concealers can aggravate the situation and provoke the growth of keratoma.
  2. Since keratosis is a consequence of skin aging, it is necessary to maintain its youth as long as possible. To do this, take vitamins P, A, E, eat more legumes, fresh vegetables and yellow fruits (they slow down aging).
  3. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight is best. Even if one keratoma is removed, new tumors will appear with frequent ultraviolet irradiation.

The safest way to get rid of keratoma is with a laser. This procedure is painless, and after it the skin takes on a healthy appearance.

Baths and rubbing for keratomas

An effective, health-improving and preventive remedy for preventing skin aging and the appearance of keratomas on it are baths with decoctions of medicinal plants. It is recommended to take baths with the addition of herbal decoctions containing vitamin P: celery, lovage, parsley, dill, caraway, parsnip, St. John's wort. Baths with the addition of roots and leaves of blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries significantly slow down the aging process of the skin. Regular use of natural floristic components for washing affects not only the beauty and health of the skin, but also eliminates the reasons for the transformation of a tumor into cancer.

From medicinal herbs you can make products for therapeutic wiping of the keratoma.

Recipes for cleaning at home

Treatment of keratoma using home recipes has various variations. Homemade rubs are quick and easy to prepare. The table summarizes effective recipes for combating the disease:

ComponentRecipeAmount of days
Castor oilHeat castor oil in a water bath. Apply castor oil to the affected area 3 times a day. To enhance the effect, wrap the affected area with a woolen scarf. 30
ChamomilePour boiling water over dry chamomile and let steep for 30 minutes. Wipe the skin with a cotton swab every 25-30 minutes. 15
DandelionDandelion juice is applied to the skin and covered with a band-aid. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. 14
Baking sodaMix castor oil, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in equal proportions. Stir to a paste consistency and apply to the growths with a cotton swab. 14
GarlicMix 1 teaspoon of chopped garlic with 3 teaspoons of bee honey. Lubricate the hardened surface 3 times a day. 15

Therapeutic baths

Since many doctors consider keratomas to be signs of skin aging, some of them themselves turn to traditional medicine, where there are many means to stop or significantly slow down such aging. To do this, you won’t need to take a bunch of vitamins or whole handfuls of antibiotics, it will be enough to just take baths - these methods are simple.

Baths with plant decoctions that contain vitamin P, that is, bioflavonoids, can have a remarkable effect on skin health. Use umbrella plants, legumes, rosaceae and buckwheat for water procedures - they are the most effective.

How to fight the disease?

  1. when exposed to the sun for a long time, use sunscreen lotions and sprays;
  2. buy clothes made from natural fabrics;
  3. Do not rip off, scratch or remove formations yourself;
  4. do not mask the formation with foundation;
  5. Avoid contact with chemicals and poisonous plants.

To prevent keratoma, attention should be paid to immunity, hygiene, vital activity and diet.
During the course of the disease, it is recommended to consume more foods rich in vitamin P. Berries, grapes, plums, spinach, and cauliflower contain large amounts of vitamin P. An increased amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements is found in citrus fruits, parsley, legumes, buckwheat and green tea. If the growths have grown and begun to cause discomfort and pain, you should consult a dermatologist.


Regardless of the chosen option, the first thing to prepare is:

  1. The site for the procedure is being prepared.
  2. The tissues that will be removed are carefully treated with an antiseptic.
  3. If necessary, local anesthesia is used. Anesthesia is used extremely rarely, only if the tumors occupy large areas of the skin.

After the preparatory procedures, they proceed directly to surgical intervention. The essence of the methods is the same - to get rid of the altered tissue, but the most common method now is laser removal of keratoma. Although radiosurgery leaves fewer traces and is better for cosmetic purposes, it has a serious drawback - ionizing radiation. Therefore, the laser method is preferable. This is a good method for the following reasons:

  • causes less damage to adjacent tissues, which speeds up healing;
  • does not leave pronounced marks;
  • takes less time than other methods;
  • the process does not cause severe pain.

Accordingly, the use of a laser is advisable, because after this type of operation there are the least complications, the minimum number of traces of intervention. Moreover, the price of this method is now affordable. Even a surgical method, simple from a technical point of view, can be more expensive, because it will require more time and effort from doctors.

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