What are microcurrents and how do they act on the skin of the face? Microcurrents for the face -
Author of the article Dmitry Savelyev Practicing dermatovenerologist, graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov.
People who experience skin diseases will forever remember the torment - unbearable itching and rashes,
There are many reasons for the appearance of acne and rashes on the hands. As a rule, acne does not appear
Forms of the disease Depending on the time of occurrence and duration of the disease, generalized urticaria is divided into
Skin turgor is a term in cosmetology that means the state of some of the most important characteristics of the skin, and
#10 reasons for the problem The cause of red pimples on a woman’s face may be
Prevalence in nature The fungi that cause the disease are ubiquitous. Favorable conditions for their life are created
Pimples between the eyebrows often indicate health problems. Almost all violations
Argan oil: “liquid gold” for the face Argan oil for the face can be called a miracle cure.