Inflamed acne on the face: TOP 18 ways and means to get rid of them

Ways to get rid of acne

Inflamed formations on the face are an unpleasant phenomenon that is noticeable to others. There is no way to hide it with clothes, a headscarf, a scarf, or even carelessly styled hair. Fortunately, there are many ways to help deal with acne much easier. In addition, to carry out this process, improvised means are used, which are found in every home.

Under no circumstances should such a formation be squeezed out, as this will worsen the situation.

As a result, inflammation may occur, which will take a very long time to resolve. But the situation is much more serious when, as a result of squeezing, the infection enters the wound, which often leads to blood poisoning.

Opening an abscess can only be performed by a doctor who uses sterile instruments.

To get rid of pimples, there are the following simple and effective ways:

  1. A solution of salicylic acid is highly effective in combating annoying acne. It is inexpensive and can be purchased at any pharmacy. It not only effectively dries, but also fights pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation. A one or two percent solution of salicylic acid is applied to the epidermis. The procedure is carried out no more than twice a day.
  2. Bodyagi powder effectively cleanses pores and dries out irritations. It is diluted with boiled water and applied to the face for literally fifteen minutes. After this time, it is necessary to wash off the solution. The skin may suddenly turn red, so the product cannot be used in case of an emergency fight against annoying acne. Bodyaga not only effectively removes inflammation, but also exfoliates and cleanses the skin.
  3. Subcutaneous pimples on the forehead, cheeks or chin require a special approach, so to get rid of them it is more advisable to undergo a course of treatment procedures. For example, this could be darsonvalization, which uses a device that generates high-frequency impulses.
  4. Chamomile infusion, which is used to apply compresses to problem areas of the face, has a gentle effect on the skin. The procedure is carried out only with a heated agent. It is more advisable to treat the entire face, since the plant has an antiseptic effect, which will prevent the spread of the inflammatory process. Its safety has long been proven, so such compresses are allowed to be applied to the face several times a day.
  5. Clay-based masks are also beneficial, as they not only relieve inflammation, but also dry out pimples. This will remove redness, making it much easier to disguise acne with cosmetics. Clay is able to draw out impurities that caused inflammation. For this purpose, you should not purchase expensive masks; ordinary cosmetic clay packaged in bags is enough. It is diluted with warm water until it becomes sour cream. Once the product is ready, it should be immediately applied to the face and left for fifteen minutes. It is advisable to wait until it dries, and then simply wash off the cosmetic clay with warm water.
  6. Ozone therapy will help get rid of multiple subcutaneous acne. The procedure not only speeds up recovery, but also does not leave scars at the site of treatment.

The methods really work, but in order not to torment yourself with the question of how to urgently eliminate pimples, it will be more effective to engage in prevention. To this end, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, give preference to a healthy diet and care for delicate and sensitive skin every day.

Remedy No. 2 – essential oils

Essential oils are great for drying out inflammation. The most effective among them is tea tree oil. It can be added to the skincare products you use daily, or used in its pure form.

Before treating pimples (you need to treat them point by point), drop the oil on your finger and rub it with a second finger, which will warm it up to your body temperature.

Warm oil acts instantly - it relieves redness and swelling, and also dries out the skin defect.

How to eliminate acne in an hour

Situations often arise when urgent help is required, for example, if an appointment is scheduled in an hour, but there is no time to look for medications. To get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face at home quickly and effectively, you can try the following remedies:

  1. Regular toothpaste, which is applied to acne areas and left for an hour. If time allows, the product can remain on the skin longer. After this, simply wash off with warm water. The effect is due to the fact that blood flow to the site of inflammation is activated, which leads to a reduction in the size of acne. You should not use toothpaste too often, as it can cause burns.
  2. An ice cube is applied to the pimple, which effectively removes redness, making it easier to cover up the acne. The cold is not able to get rid of the problem, but at the first manifestations the procedure will be effective.
  3. Aspirin, which is crushed and mixed with water, also works great. The product is applied pointwise and allowed to dry.
  4. Honey is a natural antiseptic that fights infection and promotes healing. To do this, rub it into the problem area and leave for thirty minutes. After this time, wash off with warm boiled water.
  5. Honey can be mixed with cinnamon or lemon, which enhances the effect of a natural antiseptic.

But all these methods fight the manifestation, not the root cause, so more often than not, effective treatment will be required.

Remedy No. 6 - tar soap

Birch tar soap perfectly dries out any skin defects and promotes self-cleaning of blackheads and closed comedones. If you need to quickly dry out one pimple or several blemishes, just apply soap foam to them point by point.

Keep the foam on your face for no more than 10 minutes, and then wash with warm water. It is not recommended to apply the cream after the procedure. Gradually you will begin to feel tightness in your skin. This sensation indicates that the pimples are beginning to dry out.

Getting rid of subcutaneous pimples overnight

If there is enough time for treatment, then achieving a positive effect from it will not be difficult. But, when the result is needed in the morning, you can use the recipes listed below. They will help get rid of subcutaneous pimples overnight.

This is interesting! Some women use lavender oil to combat acne, which not only eliminates inflammation, but also helps restore the condition of the skin. To do this, apply a drop of the natural product to the pimple and leave it overnight.

Despite the fact that alcohol has a bad effect on the condition of the epidermis, there is a method that is very popular - alcohol tincture of iodine. You can use it if there is not much acne. Apply the composition pointwise and leave overnight. As a rule, iodine is quickly absorbed and no traces of its use remain in the morning.

If funds allow, you can use not only traditional methods, but also cosmetic preparations. For this purpose, you should not purchase medications containing alcohol, as it dries the skin, causing additional negative symptoms.

The safest remedy is zinc ointment, which eliminates redness and destroys pathogenic bacteria, while drying the epidermis. If you apply it only to the affected areas, the bumps in the morning transform into small spots that can be easily dealt with by foundation or powder. Vishnevsky’s ointment is also highly effective, with which the lump is lubricated and covered with a sterile bandage, folded several times, and secured on top with an adhesive plaster.

If there is pus in a pimple on the chin or on another part of the face, this is the first sign of a bacterial infection.

To solve the problem, you will need to use topical antibiotics, for example:

  • Tetracycline ointment.
  • Metrogil.
  • Zenerite.
  • Erythromycin ointment.
  • Levomekol.
  • Levomycetin.

They easily cope with microorganisms, preventing their reproduction.

Attention! Despite the fact that the products quickly alleviate the skin condition, literally after the first use, to completely destroy pathogenic microbes it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, which usually lasts for at least a week.

Remedy No. 10 - salicylic-zinc ointment

If you are too lazy to prepare preparations for drying out inflammation yourself, then purchase a ready-made one at the pharmacy. Salicylic-zinc ointment is a highly effective antiseptic with drying and wound-healing properties.

After applying the ointment to the skin defect, within 2 hours you will notice how it shrinks and decreases in size. With this drug you can cure any pimple in 1 day.

Here is a recipe for an effective lotion against acne and oily skin.

Here is the entire list of the most effective methods for drying skin defects. If you have a question: how to dry out acne, then this article will serve as the most informative answer to it.

Take advice from a dermatologist for your health! Don't forget to subscribe to site updates and tell us about it on social media. networks to your friends. All the best!

Author of the article: Elena Smirnova (dermatologist)

Publication date:08-05-2016

Condylomas Papillomas Warts Eczema Psoriasis Lichen Pimples Dermatitis Wrinkles Urticaria Chickenpox Scabies Allergy Skin fungus Skin cancer Burns Other diseases Vitiligo Herpes Cellulite Pediculosis Dandruff

How to prevent acne from appearing

Acne, especially subcutaneous acne, is easier to prevent than to try to eliminate it later. This requires regular skin care, which includes the following:

  • washing twice a day with boiled water;
  • Before applying makeup, hands should be thoroughly washed;
  • If possible, change bed linen and pillowcases more often;
  • any cosmetics should be removed before going to bed;
  • avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays on delicate facial skin;
  • get rid of additional bacterial infections by wiping your phones with antibacterial wipes daily;
  • once a week, use a peeling or scrub that exfoliates the epithelium;
  • after cleansing procedures, the skin must be moisturized with special products;
  • do not abuse alcoholic beverages.

The main rule of any dermatologist: do not touch your face with dirty hands, as this leads to infection, and do not squeeze pimples.

A similar situation is with blackheads, which most often appear on the chin.

It is better to cope with excess oily skin using mattifying wipes rather than powder.

Diet and the foods themselves play a special role in the frequency of pimples. If you constantly experience unpleasant acne on your face, you should think about periodically cleansing the body with products such as Activated Charcoal or Lactofiltrum.

Subcutaneous acne worries not only teenagers, but also adults, and dealing with them is not so easy. You can use safe folk methods, but if an urgent solution to the problem is required, it is better to resort to more radical means.

Remedy No. 8 – mint lotion

This remedy can be prepared at home, or you can purchase it ready-made at the pharmacy. For home cooking you will need:

  • dry mint 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • boric alcohol 1 teaspoon;
  • calendula tincture similar quantity.

Brew mint with boiling water (a glass), let it brew for at least an hour, then add the rest of the ingredients. Strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Wipe problem areas of your face with lotion as often as possible.



Traditional medicine recipes

As for the use of alternative medicine, it is best to treat internal pimple with irrigation and inhalation. To do this, you can prepare decoctions based on the following ingredients:

  • Yarrow and St. John's wort.
  • Flowers of linden, marshmallow and chamomile.
  • Coltsfoot and sage leaves.
  • Bark of oak, viburnum and willow.

To prepare one of these preparations, you need to pour 200 g of the mixture of the above-mentioned plants into one glass of boiling water. The product is used in the form of a decoction or infusion. For treatment, 5 procedures will be sufficient, the duration of which should be about 5 minutes.

However, before using folk remedies, you should pay attention to the fact that some people may have an individual intolerance to some components included in the infusion

Cream for oily and problem skin

I was thinking about what cream to offer you for oily and problem skin. I think the recipe for this cream is most suitable for this type of skin. Read it and try it, I think it will only be beneficial.


  • you will need several overripe cucumbers
  • one part cucumbers, two parts alcohol or vodka

Grind the cucumbers in a meat grinder and mix with alcohol or vodka. Then put it in a glass jar. Place it in the sun for three weeks. During this time, the jar will be filled to the top with cucumber seed oil.

Pour the resulting liquid into bottles and store in a cool place. Every morning, wipe your face with the resulting cucumber cream. That's what my friend calls it, but I would call it more of a cucumber lotion.

Yes, this is not so important, the main thing is the effect that we get using this cosmetic product. Every woman wants to look young and beautiful. This unique flower will provide your skin with invaluable

The best cream for oily skin

This is truly the best cream for oily skin. Before offering it to you, I tried it on my face. Suits my skin very well. The skin became so smooth and soft!

How to prepare this cream:

  • two egg yolks
  • one tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • one teaspoon of liquid honey
  • one tablespoon glycerin
  • one and a half glasses of water

Grind the yolks with vegetable oil and add all the other ingredients. Then pour the entire composition into the bottle and shake well. Then add two teaspoons of camphor alcohol and shake the liquid again. The cream is ready.

Oily skin on the face must be dried so it will be clean and smooth. So you found out how you can dry out oily skin. How to prepare cream for oily and problem skin and the recipe for the best cream for oily skin.

Be healthy and happy.

Unusual uses of familiar products

When there is a little more time left until day “X” than one day, they resort to drying masks. The recipe is very simple: add 2 drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon of liquid honey and apply this mixture to areas of the skin prone to rashes.

There are often situations when you want to look good, but several pimples appear on your face. Don't panic, squeeze out acne, and then try to disguise their traces with foundation. The main thing to do in this situation is to take prompt measures to reduce inflammation and redness.

Or a mask is made from finely ground turmeric. The powder is diluted with boiled water to a paste-like state, after which a thin layer is applied to the acne. Do this half an hour before bedtime so that the layer of paste has time to dry on the skin.

A reliable way to dry out acne is a mask of liquid honey and cinnamon powder. It can not only improve the condition of the skin in a few days, but also even out its color. Add a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon to a tablespoon of honey, mix well and apply the mixture to the pimples, rinse off after 20 minutes.

What can you buy at the pharmacy?

If you want to know how you can cauterize a pimple, then you should familiarize yourself with the medicinal properties of some medications recommended by dermatologists:

  1. Ichthyol ointment is used for purulent rashes. The product must be applied pointwise.
  2. Tetracycline ointment is an antibiotic, therefore it has a bactericidal effect, which helps relieve inflammation.
  3. Calendula tincture has proven itself to be excellent. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in this product, and then apply it to the area of ​​​​inflammation for 5 minutes.
  4. Salicylic alcohol has a drying effect. This product is widely used in adolescence.
  5. Boric alcohol disinfects the affected area of ​​the skin, but it acts gently: there is no feeling of dry skin.
  6. Zenerite is a time-tested anti-acne remedy. Clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of the therapeutic effects of this drug. The drug is original and has no analogues.

Acne is a temporary problem when it comes to, for example, premenstrual syndrome. Nervous exhaustion can also cause skin inflammation. But often we are talking about diseases of internal organs. Therefore, it is important to undergo all the necessary tests so that the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. The above remedies help reduce external manifestations, but do not fight the problem on an organic level.


In order to protect your face from acne, you must follow some prevention rules. For example, you should reduce the amount of fatty, fried and smoked foods in your diet, since such foods increase the activity of the sebaceous glands. You also need to protect your body from hypothermia and sudden changes in ambient temperature. Don't forget about facial and hand hygiene. You need to wash your hands as often as possible and wash your face twice a day using light cleansers. A variety of masks and creams with antiseptic properties will help protect against acne.

It should be remembered that you can get rid of acne on your own only with mild inflammation and a small number of them. If the rashes are permanent and affect a significant part of the skin, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist, because such a symptom may indicate the presence of serious diseases.

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