The skin on the palms is peeling: what does this mean, and how to deal with the problem?

Causes of peeling skin

There are various negative factors that lead to disruption of the regeneration process of the epidermis and disruption of its integrity. During the natural process of skin renewal within a month, its top layer is completely replaced, and dead cells are almost imperceptibly removed from the surface of the epidermis.

Violation of the integrity of the upper layer of skin indicates pathological processes occurring in the body or the influence of negative factors.

The main reasons why the epidermis on the palms peels off:

  • Insufficient hydration of the skin of the hands.
  • Incorrectly selected cosmetic products.
  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  • Dry air during the hot season or heating season.
  • The bad habit of scratching your palms, which leads to the penetration of infections into the tissues.
  • Allergic reactions caused by the negative effects of various chemicals, including detergents, hygiene products, cosmetics and medicines. In this case, a dermatologist most often diagnoses “contact dermatitis.”
  • Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis).
  • Regular use of antibacterial soap leads to the fact that the skin loses its natural protection, and therefore becomes more susceptible to damage by various pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
  • Secondary infections that occur when pathogenic microorganisms penetrate through microcracks in the epidermis.
  • Lack of vitamins A, E, D, C, B in the body, which are directly involved in the processes of epidermal regeneration.
  • Impaired drinking balance, leading to dehydration.
  • Peeling of a child's palms is often caused by hormonal imbalance or a weakening of the child's immune system. It is also often observed when the baby’s skin is hypersensitive.

Paraffin hand masks leave skin smooth and hydrated

How to treat dry and flaky skin on your hands

There are many ways to treat dryness that turns into peeling skin on the fingers. The reasons for the appearance of visible changes on the hands will help you choose the right and effective method.

Sometimes a simple cosmetic product is enough, after which the peeling disappears.

However, if dryness is acquired when working with chemicals or during internal disruptions of the body, drug treatment may be necessary.

Cosmetology and traditional medicine also have a lot of procedures and recipes for this disease.


In any case, when the skin on the palms peels off, it requires careful care. After each hand washing, shower or bath, gently blot your palms with a soft towel, avoiding vigorous rubbing. By drying your hands in this way, a person prevents irritation of the epidermis.

The complex of therapy to eliminate peeling skin of the palms must include the following measures:

  • Using moisturizing soap that does not dry out the epidermis.
  • Transition to a balanced diet, rich not only in vegetables and fruits, but also in products containing vitamins A, E, B, C and microelements (zinc, selenium), fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the condition and regeneration of the skin. This diet should contain a sufficient amount of eggs, butter, fatty fish, whole grain products (bread, cereal), and also include liver and veal. Herbal products such as peaches, melons, dill, celery, and asparagus have a very beneficial effect on the skin of the hands.
  • In case of severe pathology, it is necessary to take a course of complex medications containing the entire set of vitamins and microelements a person needs.
  • When the skin of the palms peels off, we can immediately talk about poor drinking balance, which leads to severe drying of the epidermis. An adult should drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily. During the hot season, this amount can almost double.
  • When contact dermatitis appears due to the action of some chemicals, it is necessary to exclude skin contact with the suspected source of skin pathology. Dermatitis should be treated immediately as it is accompanied by severe itching. As a result of scratching the epidermis, various pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the tissue, provoking the occurrence of a secondary infection that requires long-term and expensive treatment.
  • If a fungal infection of the epidermis is detected, the dermatologist prescribes external medications, such as Nizoral, Mifungar, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Lamisil, Diflucan, Exoderil creams.
  • For persistent itching, antihistamines (Loratidine, Suprastin, Diazolin) are prescribed.
  • When allergens get inside the body, take sobrents that promote their rapid elimination (activated or white carbon, Enterosgel).
  • Steroid drugs (Prednisolone) are used to treat various skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis). Anti-inflammatory drugs (Elokol, Bepanten, Fenistil) and corticosteroid ointments (Lokoid, Advantan) are applied topically to the skin.

Regular hand baths help improve skin condition

Preventive measures

To prevent the skin on your hands from peeling or peeling, you need to eat right. The diet should include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits . You should eat green peas, tomatoes, sprouted wheat, cabbage, pumpkin, cheese, boiled eggs and cereals. You should also drink vegetable juices. A little vegetable oil must be added to them, since vitamins E and A are fat-soluble.

When using household chemicals, you should always wear rubber gloves to help protect the delicate skin of your fingers and palms. With the onset of cold weather, it is worth wearing gloves .

The skin on your hands can peel for many reasons. Most often, this problem occurs due to allergens contained in household chemicals and a lack of vitamins. If you take proper care of your hands and the problem persists, be sure to visit an experienced dermatologist.

Home Remedies

The following home remedies are used to eliminate peeling palms:

More to read:Masks for dry skin of hands

  • Lubricate the skin daily with olive or sea buckthorn oil (2 times a day).
  • Hand baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile, nettle) and a few drops of vitamins A and E, taken every other day, will make the skin smooth and healthy in just a few sessions.
  • Apply a mixture of finely grated raw potatoes and oatmeal swollen in water (1:1) to the palms. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes. It is carried out daily until a noticeable improvement occurs.
  • Regularly lubricating your palms with freshly squeezed aloe or cucumber juice promotes rapid regeneration of the epidermis.
  • Using paraffin hand masks 1-2 times a week will quickly eliminate peeling of the epidermis, make it moisturized and smoothed. This procedure is very popular in beauty salons, but it can also be performed at home. To do this, melt cosmetic paraffin in a steam bath, add a few drops of vitamin A or E to it and dip your palms into it several times. After a fairly thick layer of paraffin has hardened, warm mittens and plastic bags are put on your hands. The procedure lasts 20 minutes. After this, the paraffin is removed, hands are rinsed with warm water and lubricated with moisturizer.

Causes of peeling hands in children

An important cause of peeling hands in children is vitamin deficiency. Children grow quickly and lack of vitamins is common. However, not only vitamin deficiency can cause dryness, which will develop into peeling skin on the fingers.

An important cause of peeling hands in children is vitamin deficiency.

The reasons are varied:

  • Long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Allergy.
  • Nervous breakdown.
  • Dermatosis, fungus or infection.
  • Worms.

Often, peeling on the hands of children can appear in winter or spring; this is due to a lack of vitamins. It is necessary to provide children with fruits, juices and vitamin complexes all year round.

If peeling occurs due to some disease, a specialized specialist will help you deal with it.


To prevent peeling of the epidermis of the palms, preventive measures should be followed, which include:

  • Maintaining proper diet.
  • Regular intake of vitamin and mineral complex preparations.
  • Periodic use of warm baths for the palms. Aqueous solutions of decoctions of medicinal herbs give very good results.
  • Regular application of moisturizing and nourishing masks and compresses to the skin.
  • Periodic use of paraffin hand masks.
  • Washing dishes, cleaning and laundry using modern detergents and wearing protective equipment such as gloves.

The skin on the palms peels off quite often, but this does not mean that one can turn a blind eye to such a pathological phenomenon. In any case, when peeling epidermis appears, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, who will not only determine the cause of its appearance, but also recommend treatment methods.

Fighting peeling with medications

Drug treatment usually involves topical application of gels and ointments. The “Power of the Forest” cream has proven itself well. It is nourishing, moisturizing, accelerates tissue regeneration, and has a rapid healing ability. Its analogue is Zorka cream, it is sold in veterinary pharmacies and has a low cost.

Bepanten, Pantoderm, D - Panthenol, Panthenol - the most common ointments and creams for various dermatitis, dryness and peeling of the skin. Accelerates tissue regeneration, protects against environmental influences. Possible use for children from infancy.

An analogue of “Forest Power” is “Zorka” cream, it is sold in veterinary pharmacies and has a low cost.

Ointments and creams for dryness are hormonal and non-hormonal. In any case, independent use of drugs is strictly prohibited.

Only an experienced specialist can prescribe medication for both adults and children.

There are other ways to get rid of dry and flaky skin on your fingers. Due to vitamin deficiency, chapping, dehydration or allergic reactions of the skin, there is a sufficient arsenal of recipes in folk medicine.

Folk remedies for skin treatment

Home remedies are designed to use natural ingredients that give noticeable results. That's why they are considered the most common method for peeling off the skin on your fingers.

The most effective baths are:

  1. Using starch. It needs to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 spoon/1 liter. The whole procedure will take about fifteen minutes. Then the skin should be softened with any moisturizer.
  2. With boiled potatoes. Boil potatoes, peel them and mash them. Next, 400 ml is poured onto it. warm water and 200 ml. milk. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Then the skin is moisturized with cream.
  3. With edible gelatin. A small spoon of gelatin should be dissolved in warm water (200 ml) and left to swell for 40 minutes. Next you need to pour the gelatin into a small saucepan and put it on medium heat. As soon as the contents boil, remove the saucepan. When the temperature is normal, you need to put your hands in the container.

Homemade ointments will also help cope with this problem:

  • Based on celandine. The ointment will soften the skin and promote the healing of small cracks or wounds. How to prepare: place the leaves of the plant in an enamel container; fill them with 200 ml. oils (better than vegetable oil); place the pan on low heat; after boiling, add a spoonful of wax; Continue heating until the wax is completely dissolved.
  • Based on honey. To prepare this ointment you will need honey, flour and a little animal fat. All ingredients must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which can be compared to a thick dough. Before applying the ointment, hands should be thoroughly washed and dried. Then the ointment is applied to the fingers, wrapped in cotton cloth and wrapped in a woolen scarf.

Salon treatments

You can cope with peeling and cracks by visiting beauty salons, where you will be offered one of the procedures: paraffin therapy, hot manicure and special spa treatments for hands. All these procedures are available.

Before performing paraffin therapy, the specialist will definitely prepare the skin with a soft scrub, and after it will apply a moisturizing, nourishing or vitamin cream. Next is the actual procedure. Hand skin care ends with moisturizing cream. The number of such procedures can range from 5 to 10.

To perform a hot manicure, the cosmetologist suggests immersing your hands in warm cosmetic oil. Heat helps accelerate metabolic processes in tissues, improves blood circulation, and opens pores. This helps to better nourish the skin of your hands with nutrients. At the end of the session, moisturizer is applied to your hands.

SPA manicure is a complex procedure that is aimed at nutrition, skin rejuvenation, and regeneration of cellular structures. The complex includes peeling, baths, masks and hand massage.

How to care for the skin of your hands

To cope with the problem of peeling, cracking and itching of the skin, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Maintain good hand hygiene. After visiting public places, wash your hands thoroughly under running water. This will help get rid of infection and dirt.
  2. Wash your hands in warm water. Too hot water makes the skin dry, and cold water cannot sufficiently cope with pathogenic flora.
  3. For hygiene procedures, use soap with natural ingredients that have a moisturizing and nourishing effect.
  4. After cleansing your hands, dry them thoroughly. This will help remove excess moisture from the skin, which will prevent the growth of fungal infections.
  5. After washing your hands, apply moisturizer. Before going to bed, we recommend using vitamin creams that will not only moisturize the dermis, but also nourish it with useful substances, which will help improve local immunity and cope with vitamin deficiencies.
  6. If allergic reactions occur, eliminate the cause.
  7. Use rubber gloves when working with chemicals and water.
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